Zordon is the mentor figure of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He is the vanguard of their powers and is responsible for sending them on missions to defeat the machinations of Rita Repulsa and later, Lord Zedd.
Zordon was a legendary hero from the planet Eltar. A champion of good, he stood against Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, and many other villains in the universe. During his final battle with Rita, he captured her into a special container on Earth's moon; however, as a last act of vengeance before she was sent away, she banished Zordon to a time warp outside of normal timestream.
Knowing that Rita would one day escape and attempt to attack the Earth from her vantage point on the moon, Zordon reached out and had a Command Center established in what later became known as California. From this Command Center, he was able to communicate with his robotic assistant, Alpha 5, through a special tube installation.
When Rita and her minions are accidentally set free by a pair of astronauts, Zordon instructs Alpha to "recruit teenagers with attitude" to serve as his team of defenders, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.