

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

In the IDW continuity, Zom was the commander of the Triceratons, a role she inherited from the previous commander General Zog. She is one of the Triceraton clones, individuals cloned from the lost First Herd. Her role as leader of the Triceratons was inherited by her daughter, Seri, who was designated their Regenta.

In From the Heart, For the Herd, it was shown that Zom had formed a close personal bond with Zog, the only Triceraton still alive who wasn't a clone. Later, it was Zom who would make an unsettling discovery in the Utrom database about Zog's birth parents that would trigger both Zog and Zom to launch their rebellion against the Utrom Empire.

After the fall of the Utrom Empire, in The Trial of Krang, Triceraton forces led by Zom played a crucial role in defending their temporary allies, the Neutrinos, from Maligna's invasion, for which the Neutrino king Zenter rewarded the Triceratons by directing Zom's fleet to their race's original homeworld, Earth.

In Invasion of the Triceratons, upon arriving on Earth, Zom personally made first official contact face-to-face with the paranoid and deeply racist Agent Bishop, who quickly tried to kill her entire landing party. Zom fought back, but both she and Bishop were themselves ambushed and ensnared by Splinter's Foot Clan. Angered by the treachery, she broke free and regrouped underground with the other Triceratons. From there, she ordered a full-on invasion of New York, which was unaffected by the arrival of the Turtles.

Splinter attempted to kill her while Bishop was engaging the main force of the Triceratons, but the Turtles intervened and attempted to defend Zom from their father. Eventually she was teleported away from the Foot Clan's reach, where the Turtles proposed coexistence with the Utroms on Burnow Island, which would keep the Triceratons out of the reach of both Bishop and Splinter. Zom agreed, and was teleported to Burnow Island along with the other Triceraton soldiers. Once there, she took part in negotiations for the two species' coexistence.

Some months after their settlement on Burnow, Zom began feeling sick off and on over the course of several months. She visited a resident Triceraton doctor, Zura, to make a determination of the causes. Zura found that somehow, Zom had become pregnant. After laying the egg, it hatched and thus Zom's daughter Seri was born - the first natural birth of a Triceraton since Zog. TMNT #125

Ch'rell somehow decided that Seri's existence was a threat to his people and tried to have her executed. Zom fought against Ch'rell to save her daughter, while Ma'reil placed Seri into a maturation pod and sent her off in a rocket with the coordinates for the only friends she felt could help, the Turtles. Ch'rell smashes Zom and kills her as she desperately fights him off TMNT #127

Ch'rell later hollowed out Zom's corpse to use as his exo-suit TMNT #136

See also[]
