Professor Zayton Honeycutt, also known as the Fugitoid, is an D'Hoonnib cyborg who aids and travels with the Ninja Turtles in their journeys through time and space to stop the Triceraton Empire from destroying Earth. He is Splinter's replacement in Season 4.
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Honeycutt prior to becoming the Fugitoid.
Professor Honeycutt is an alien from the planet D'Hoonnib, a planet of humanoid scientists (himself included) obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe. Prior to meeting the Turtles, he was working on an energy generator when he was offered a huge sum of money by Kraang Subprime to buy it from him. Honeycutt gave in and the Kraang took the Heart of Darkness, converting it into the doomsday weapon it now was. In the same time the Kraang departed with the generator, Honeycutt began to regret his decision and vowed not to make any weapons to dangerous criminals like the Kraang. While working on a new form of psionic technology, the Triceratons came looking for him and tried to force Honeycutt to build them weapons.
When Honeycutt refused, due to his previous guilt for making the weapons for Kraang, the Triceratons attacked him, destroying everything in sight, including his body. To save his life, Honeycutt's robot assistant placed Zayton's brain in its own robot body. A man merged with machine, he was reborn as a cyborg. When the Triceratons found out he was still alive, they deemed him a criminal; A Fugitive Android, thus he was called the Fugitoid. In spite of his hardships, Professor Honeycutt eventually found friendly allies in the Utroms, Bishop in particular, who aid him in his efforts against the Triceratons.
Annihilation Earth!, Part 2[]
After Splinter, the Turtles, their allies, and several villains fail to stop the triceratons from unleashing the Heart of Darkness on Earth as a result of the Shredder's arrogance and vengeance, the Fugitoid responds to Bishop's distress call and arrives just in time to save April, Casey and the Turtles from total demise by retreating with them into space with his ship, the Ulixes, just before the Earth is annihilated by a giant black hole. When the heroes are deeply saddened by their loss, Honeycutt introduced himself and gave them hope, telling them that they will be going on a wondrous adventure.
Beyond The Known Universe[]
Fugitoid used the Ulixes as a time machine to travel six months into the past, long before the recent disaster happened. He explained to the Turtles that the Triceratons are spending that time searching the universe for the three fragments of Heart of Darkness after the Utroms broke the machine into three pieces and hid each fragment in the safest parts of the galaxy they could find. Fugitoid tells the Turtles, April, and Casey that they only have one shot to find those fragments before the Triceratons do and save Earth before it is destroyed again, this time forever, as black holes prevent repeated time travel. After the heroes understand what they have to do, Honeycutt gives them a friendly tour of the universe, acting as a tour guide. It ends when the ship is hit hard by something.
Fugitoid offers the Turtles, April and Casey to come with him to assess the damage and takes them to a room filled with Astro Suits, alien language translators, and an arsenal of new weapons, allowing them to freely take whatever they want. Once outside, Fugitoid discovers an asteroid field is very close and immediately gathers everyone and hyperspeeds away from the location. Honeycutt lands on the planet Varanon to refuel and allows the teens to tour the planet in the meantime. 20 minutes later, he is shocked to see the them being chased down by Lord Vringath Dregg and retreats into space with the newly refueled Ulixes. However, he needed time before the Ulixes made the Tachyonic Jump, and Dregg follows them in his Hornitron, sending several Vreen drones to attack them.
Despite Honeycutt's "minor defenses", one of the drones managed to get inside but is destroyed by the teen heroes. Afterward, Fugitoid uses the ship's tachyon warp function to escape before Lord Dregg could catch up to them. Unfortunately, however, they end up right in front of the entire Triceraton Armada.
The Moons of Thalos 3[]
After the Ulixes was sent straight to the Triceraton Armada, Captain Mozar recognized Fugitoid's ship and orders the fleet to blast him out of the sky. Despite Fugitoid's attempt at evasive action, the ship was hit, causing it to crash into a Salamandrian warship containing Commander G'throkka and Lieutenant Y'Gythgba. This subsequently causes both ships to crash land on an ice planet. Both groups simultaneously learn that irrilium, a metal that can be used to repair their ships, is nearby and realize that they must go after it before their Astro Suits run out of heat and oxygen. This leads to a confrontation between them when Y'Gythgba threatens to attack them, believing the outworlders purposely rammed their ship.
Fugitoid tells them that they all are honorable beings assures them that what happened was an accident. He then tries to convince them to cooperate so them can help each other in their desperate plight. His attempt at diplomacy seemed to be working until Leonardo offered his hand for a handshake, which is the Salamandrian gesture for combat. This prompts the Salamandrians to attack them, forcing the Turtles to rebel. Despite being attacked as well, Fugitoid still tried to reason with them and only attacked to prevent further harm once the teen heroes were defeated.
Y'Gythgba responds by throwing an explosive disc into a glacier, causing an avalanche to fall over the heroes. Once the Salamandrians left, Fugitoid escaped, dug the others out and they continued looking for the irillium, with Fugitoid hoping to avoid confronting them again. After Raphael leaves to try reasoning with them again, the others are unfortunately ambushed by a horde of ice dragons and they freeze Donatello. Fugitoid manages to nearly thaw him out but they all become cornered by the ice dragons. They are all nearly frozen by them before they are saved by Raphael and his new allies, Mona Lisa and G'Throkka, who assist them in fighting the dragons.
Once the dragons are destroyed, the two groups become good friends and travel together as one to find the irillium. Donatello found the source of the metal, believing it to be a satellite, but Fugitoid confirms that it is actually a Triceraton space mine. Despite this, Fugitoid said the irillium is perfect if they can deactivate it and even comes with a dark matter regulator. However, they are once again found by more ice dragons. As suggested by Raphael, all of them run away from the creatures toward the Ulixes.
Once Donatello and Casey manage to cause an avalanche that loses the creatures, everyone's heat and oxygen finally starts to run out. As he sees the humans, Turtles, and Salamandrians faint one by one, Fugitoid tries hard not to panic and focuses on repairing the ship. He manages to repair both ships just in time and get them inside, saving all of their lives. Sal Commander and Mona Lisa thank all of them, and hoped to one day return their kindness. After Fugitoid tells the Salamandrians that he has repaired their craft as well, they go their separate ways an Fugitoid sets course for the Triceratons.
The Weird World of Wyrm[]
After a holographic training session with the Turtles, Fugitoid reveals to Leonardo that he had lost the trail of the Triceraton Armada.
The Outlaw Armaggon![]
After a small training session with April in using her psychic powers, Professor Honeycutt tells everyone the story of how he became a cyborg and his past with the Triceratons. Soon after, Armaggon attacked the Ulixes and Fugitoid retreated to an abandoned space station that was once used for manufacturing warbots. He soon discovered that the crew that once worked there were disintegrated. After Fugitoid re-initiated the AI known as Overmind, Overmind started fighting Honeycutt for control over his android body, causing him to hit Raphael and then run away. The heroes went after him and when they found him, Honeycutt told them to stay away from him because he is powered by a fusion core which may cause an explosion if he is unstable.
After being attacked by warbots created by Overmind, Overmind completely took over Fugitoid's body and restarted the robot revolution that began before the old crew shut it down, attempting to eliminate all organic beings in the universe starting with everyone on the space station. He nearly turns the heroes into loyal robot drones, but they are saved by Armaggon on account of Lord Dregg wanting them alive. As Overmind sends more warbots to attack, April uses her psychic powers to reach Professor Honeycutt and free him of Overmind's control, However, Overmind hacks into Fugitoid's ship and attempts to take leave of the space station, but Donatello gives him the idea to use his fusion core to destroy the station before Overmind could leave. Armaggon tried to prevent them from escaping, but Leonardo told them to leave while he handled Armaggon. Fugitoid readies the ship for take off as Leonardo and Raphael barely make it to the ship, and they all barely escape before the entire space station explodes.
Soon afterwards, Professor Honeycutt was pleased to say that the ship's computer has picked up on the Triceraton fleet, and they set course for the Pryvax system. Meanwhile, an angry Armaggon follows them once again.
Riddle of The Ancient Aeons[]
As the Ulixes arrives at the planet of Xaava-Dal, home to the first piece of the Black Hole Generator, the Fugitoid and April are forced to maintain an uneasy peace between the Turtles and Casey as their anger is amplified by the negative effects of the planet's atmosphere, along with fighting off winged demons that attack them on the way to find the first piece of the Heart of Darkness. Once the find an Aeon monolith that directs them to the temple where the piece is, once inside, they end up losing the piece in a battle with Captain Mozar and his men, who then seal the Turtles inside while they return to the Triceraton flagship with the first piece. However, April soon locates the Aeons' Sol Star, and working together, they manage to get the Sol Star to the top of the temple, despite being attacked by the winged demons again. Once April inserts the Sol Star into the top of the temple, the planet is restored to its pristine beauty, and the winged demons are revealed to be the Aeons, having been corrupted by the piece of the Heart of Darkness when they treated it like a holy relic and sealed their Sol Star away. After the Aeons award April with a piece from their Sol Star and depart, the Fugitoid takes everyone back to the Ulixes to attempt to gather information to where they can find the Triceraton flagship to get the first piece of the Heart of Darkness back from Mozar.
Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind[]
Needing information on the schematics of the Triceraton flagship, the Fugitoid takes the Turtles to a cantina where a contact of his, Vrax Belebome, is waiting for them. However, when Mikey makes the mistake of bumping into him, making Belebome spill his meal, Belebome reneges on the deal, demanding twice the original amount he and the Fugitoid agreed on, leading to a shootout that results in the Turtles and Fugitoid leaving with the money, but no information like they wanted. However, they soon discover that Mikey has been infiltrated by the microscopic mercenaries, the Neutrinos, who are trying to gather information on the Black Hole Generator for Belebome to sell to Lord Dregg. Fugitoid and April remain outside to monitor Mikey's brothers as their minds are sent into Mikey's to save him. After they do, and Mikey deals with the Neutrinos personally, the Turtles go back to Belebome and get the schematics for the Triceraton flagship as they originally wanted when Belebome surrenders the blueprints to avoid being beat up by them.
The Arena of Carnage[]
Having caught up to the Triceraton flagship, Honeycutt, April, and Casey remain behind on the Ulixes while the Turtles attempt to enter the flagship using the Ulixes' stealth ship to find the Triceratons' main armory and recover the first piece of the Heart of Darkness. However, the plan falls apart when the Turtles are caught by newly-promoted Admiral Mozar, and then sentenced to the Tri-Arena by the Triceraton Emperor, Zanmoran. With the Turtles now needing to be rescued, and still needing to get the first piece of the Black Hole Generator, Fugitoid, April and Casey infiltrate the flagship and make it past the security forces, but are soon found by Mozar. While April and Casey make a break for the main armory, Fugitoid is captured by Mozar and brought before Zanmoran to watch the Turtles perish at the hands of the Triceraton Champion, Zeno. Zanmoran offers to spare them if Fugitoid finishes the Heart of Darkness for him, but knowing full well he'd doom the Earth forever if he agreed, Honeycutt refuses. Luckily, Zeno proves to be an ally of the Turtles as he was against using the Heart of Darkness, considering it dishonorable and cowardly, and while he holds off Triceraton troops sent to destroy him and the Turtles, the Turtles are able to get to Zanmoran's throne and take him hostage, forcing Mozar to release them and Fugitoid. After colliding with April and Casey, who were busy in escaping after retrieving the first piece of the Black Hole Generator, Fugitoid leads everyone to the airlock, which April opens to suck them out into space, before using her psychic powers and the Aeons' gift to summon the stealth ship so they can retreat to the Ulixes and escape before Mozar could send Raptor Fighters after them. With the first piece secured, Fugitoid now knows they need to begin looking for the other two, and has a good idea where to start, finishing Mikey's attempts to say "Booyakasha" when he could not due to a full mouth.
The War for Dimension X[]
With one piece of the Heart of Darkness in their possession, Fugitoid takes the Turtles to Dimension X to speak to the Utroms regarding where to find the other two pieces. April and Casey have to stay behind on the Ulixes, much to their anger. Once in Dimension X, it is not long before they locate the Utroms' headquarters hidden behind a cloaking dome, and are surrounded by Bishop and Utromdroids. Fugitoid is able to show Bishop their secret handshake, proving that he's their old friend, Prof. Honeycutt, and Bishop takes them inside to meet the rest of the Utrom Council: Pawn, Rook, and Queen. After Fugitoid and the Turtles explain the situation regarding the Heart of Darkness and the Triceratons intent to use it on Earth in less than six months, the Utrom Council agrees to disclose the location of the other two pieces, but before they can, the headquarters is attacked by Kraang Subprime and an army of Kraangdroids and Biotroids, who manage to capture the Queen after disabling her human disguise of Miss Campbell. Bishop, Pawn, and Rook immediately invoke their war policy and with the Fugitoid and the Turtles' help, lay siege to Kraang Subprime's headquarters with loyal Utromdroids. During the fight, as Fugitoid and Rook take cover, Fugitoid asks for the location of the other two pieces of the Heart of Darkness. Rook is about to tell him, only to get her robot body's head blown off before she can, much to his frustration. Thankfully, the Utroms are victorious when the Kraang retreat after losing Kraang Subprime, and the Queen and Bishop provide the information that the Fugitoid and the Turtles need to find the remaining two pieces and destroy them for good.
The Cosmic Ocean[]
After they enter in the Cosmic Ocean of Varuna, Fugitoid mentions Varuna is home of Daagon, one ancient, noble, honorable and amphibious race, who are allies of the Utroms and protect the second fragment of the Black Hole Generator. When the Daagon appear, they attack them as they believe they're intruders until Fugitoid shows the seal of the Utrom and all Daagon start to respect them. They bring Honeycutt, April, Casey and the Turtles to the Daagon's ruler, Hiidrala but she is reluctant to give them the second fragment of the generator but she will do it if they face Cthugga, who will avail if they're honorable enough to gain the fragment, and if they fail, she won't hand it over to them. Fugitoid mentions Cthugga is one of the six greatest Cosmic Monsters of the universe, so the test won't be easy. During the trip, they are attacked by Armagon as he also wants the second fragment of the generator.
After they flee from Cthugga, the Daagon appear to take Armaggon to the Dungeon and Fugitoid reveals he secretly sent a S.O.S to them after Armaggon invaded the Ulixes. They return to Hiidrala, who tells them they not only couldn't defeat Armaggon but also failed the test, and Lord Dregg and his Vreen appear with the former threatening to feast on everyone present, except Armaggon of course, if they don't hand him the fragment, A battle ensues between the heroes and the Daagon against Dregg and his Vreen. After an attempt to injure Hiidrala spoiled by Leonardo, Hiidrala summons Cthugga and the monster eats Dregg and Armaggon, causing the Vreen to retreat because without Dregg, they can't act independently. The Daagon deliver the fragment thanking to the Turtles and Fugitoid for defending their kingdom. Leonardo asks if Fugitoid can destroy the fragments and he responds "I just need to figure out how to do it."
Trans-Dimensional Turtles[]
Raphael asks if they could destroy the fragments of the Black Hole Generator they already have but both Donnie and Fugitoid refused as they confirm if Mozar gets the last piece, he can recreate the technology so all the generator must be destroyed.
Revenge of the Triceratons[]
During an attempt to escape from the Triceratons, who have tracked them down, Fugitoid is decapitated when the Rock Rocket equipped with the Skeevix Virus hits the Ulixes and one of the ship's damaged pieces strikes his head, severing it from his body. The team is able to cloak in a nebula made out of gas but only for a few minutes. Donnie used some of his robotic knowledge to put Fugitoid's head work again but it turns off when Donnie needs him most. After the others defeat the Skeevix and he gains a boost in his own abilities, Donnie is able to rebuild Fugitoid, who uses his laser beam to desintegrate one of the Triceratons that attacked the Ulixes but Mozar and his men gain the Black Hole Generator's first two pieces and prepare to finish off the seven but Fugitoid uses his fusion core to give the ship enough energy to warp from their certain doom. Donatello feels responsible for Mozar's victory but Fugitoid tells Donnie that he should be proud of himself as the Professor says the purple masked turtle got him back in time and the Professor feels better built than ever. Between the two of them, he thinks Donnie will master transdimensional physics in 2000 years.
The team is sure they will get the last piece of the Heart of Darkness before the Triceratons and vow to get the other two pieces back.
The Evil of Dregg[]
Right after the Ulixes is fully repaired, the team resume their hunt for the last fragment of the Heart of Darkness, only to receive a distress call from Raphael's love interest, Mona Lisa, who reveals Sal Commander has been captured by the bounty hunter Armaggon. After Mona is on board of the Ulixes, the team heads straight to Sectoid 1, Lord Dregg's planet, where Sal Commander was taken by Armaggon. While heading to Dregg's lair, the team are confronted with a swarm of Xaxx Bees and one of them stings Donnie, prompting the Fugitoid and April to take him back to the Ulixes for treatment while the others go rescue Sal Commander. However, this was all a trap created by Dregg and Armaggon as they promised not to invade Salamandria, Mona Lisa and Sal Commander's planet, if they brought the Turtles to them but the alien bug double-crosses them, taking them as prisoners as well. Donnie is healed from his sting and turns the anti-venom Honeycutt used on his sting into bug-spray to use against the Vreen.
April causes an argument between Dregg and Armaggon using her psychic powers so she, Donnie and Fugitoid can rescue their friends. After everyone is reunited, Fugitoid uses his laser beam to create a hole in the lair's wall, creating an exit. Armaggon is eaten by the Scorpinoid while Dregg and his Vreen give chase to the turtles and their allies. After Mona is struck down by the Scorpinoid, Raph, full of anger, fury and grief, reaches Dregg and decapitates him, revealing a robot head under his real one but he beats up Dregg's body while Fugitoid reveals a remote control and has the Ulixes pulverize the Scorpinoid and all Vreen. Back on the Ulixes, Mona is healed and she and Sal Commander apologize for almost betraying them.
The Ever-Burning Fire[]
The team is almost arriving to Magdomar, the home of Tokka, one the six deadliest monsters in the whole universe as well as the guardian of the last piece of the Black Hole Generator. Mozar and his men have arrived first as the Captain has sent some Raptors in search of the fragment but the heroes find the fragment first but cannot retrieve it. Lord Dregg confronts them as he wants revenge on the team for destroying his favorite pet, the Scorpinoid. The team defeat Dregg and blast him away but in the process, they crash. Fugitoid has to stay behind so he can repair the Ulixes while the others head back to the fragment's location but Dregg attacks them again and nearly takes Mikey with him while falling to the hot lava, but he survives. The Turtles attempt to carry the fragment but it falls to the lava but Fugitoid catches it with his tracking beam. Dregg steals the fragment and heads toward the Triceratons' Mother ship as he promised Mozar to give him the fragment in trade of 10000000 Zemulacks but Tokka goes after him to get the fragment back. But Mozar fires missiles toward a dwarf star, originating a supernova that presumably kills Tokka but the Triceratons and the team survive. Mozar shows the team the Heart of Darkness complete and tells them the planet they're gonna destroy with it: Earth, much to the horror of the seven.
Earth's Last Stand[]
Mikey, Casey and April seem happy to return to Earth but both the Fugitoid and Leonardo remind them they must stop the Triceratons at all cost as they cannot travel back in time again. April senses that the Professor has something to tell them. Fugitoid reveals that it was him who created the Black Hole Generator, rather than the Kraang, having been paid a large sum by Kraang Subprime to convert the Heart of Darkness from an energy generator into the doomsday weapon it now was. Because of that, the Fugitoid regretted ever doing that since he only did it for the sake of continuing his research. Leo then confronts him angrily about it, and storms off. The Triceratons attack and as Leo faces them in the Scout Ship, the ship explodes from being fatally damaged, sending Leo into space. Leo groans and his helmet shatters, exposing him to space. He soon faints as the Triceratons blast the Ulixes, sending it towards Mars before they can rescue him. The Fugitoid manages to reboot the ship just before they plummet onto the surface of Mars. They then fly back up and use the tractor beam to retrieve Leo. The Turtles reach Earth, where Fugitoid says they will need to stop the Triceratons while he retrieves the Heart of Darkness. After April senses that he is lying and says that, the Turtles disagree with his plan, saying that the Fugitoid is going with them, forcing the Fugitoid to use a trap door that sends them off the ship. As they fall to Earth, he uses a tractor beam to stop them from hitting the ground. Fugitoid then uses his tractor beam to pick up the Heart of Darkness. Donnie then realizes the Fugitoid's plan: The device can only be destroyed by a combination of dark matter and fusion. The Fugitoid is powered by a fusion core and his ship uses dark matter. The Triceratons fire up the flagship's primary weapon, the Devastator, as Fugitoid states his last words and flies into the Devastator as he and his ship explode, destroying the Triceraton fleet, the Heart of Darkness, and, apparently to the Turtles's dismay, the Fugitoid himself, but somewhere in the rubble of the Triceratons's Mothership, Fugitoid's head is seen reactivating.
In spite of his hardships, Fugitoid has a very optimistic outlook on life and appreciates what he has. Professor Honeycutt is an intelligent, charming, helpful, and friendly being who rarely gets angry about anything. He enjoys making new friends and is very protective of them, giving them thoughtful and helpful advice on their missions. He is also very lenient and generous to those who he considers his friends, as he allowed the Turtles, April, and Casey to freely take whatever they please from his storage room. Though he has android body, Honeycutt cherishes his humanity and does not want to be thought of as just a machine.
A self-proclaimed pacifist, he always seeks to achieve peace and diplomacy with whatever creature that crosses his path, and will only attack when he is left with no other option. His intellect is unmatched, even by Donatello, and he enjoys sharing his vast knowledge of the universe with his friends. His greatest fear is losing his humanity and control of his android body; truly becoming a machine, mentally and physically.
As shown in "The Outlaw Armaggon!", Honeycutt's willpower is strong enough for him to fight back after being controlled by the Overmind.
Professor Honeycutt has a superhuman level intellect and often uses it to his advantage. As a super genius inventor, he has created impressive technology such as alien language translators, his own robot body, and his space ship, the Ulixes, which is capable of time travel and tachyonic warping. He also has developed psychic powers through his isolated humanoid brain.

The Fugitoid's deadly fusion core.
Despite Fugitoid's body not intended for violence (or being intended as his own body), it carries incredibly destructive power that makes him very useful in a fight. His robot body is powered by a fusion core, meaning that he can cause a massive explosion if the core becomes unstable. Honeycutt is capable of using the core to create a nuclear blast strong enough to vaporize creatures even as dense and seemingly indestructible as the Triceratons. Another use for the fusion core is to overload corrupted computer systems and AI such as Overmind. His body can plug into other devices allowing his mind to digitally transfer information and even allows him to hack into things such as massive space stations. Fugitoid's hands are capable of telekinesis, and also have moderate blasters installed to defend himself when needed.
Inventions and equipment[]
- The Ulixes
- The Heart of Darkness
- His Fugitoid body (originally his robot assistant)
- Advanced astro suits equipped with oxygen converters, gravity boosters, and alien language translators.
- Technologically advanced Katana blades
- Technologically advanced Sais
- Technologically advanced Staff capable of scanning, analyzing, illuminating, and tasering
- Technologically advanced Tonfā
- Rotating Astro Blades
- Plasma Blasters (blue, red, purple, orange, and camera disguised)
- Photon Pucks
- Jet Packs
- Hover Skates
- Holo Trainer
- "Think of Food" Machine
- Donatello - Out of all the Turtles, Fugitoid seems to be closest to Donatello (for several reasons). Both of them have genius-level IQs and love to tinker with all kinds of gadgets. Donnie often serves as Fugitoid's lab assistant ("Revenge of the Triceratons"), but often feels inferior in comparison to Fugitoid's presumably higher level of intelligence. Unlike Donatello's other intellectual counterparts, they both get along really well. They also understand each other to a point where Donatello sadly figured out the real reason why Fugitoid threw him out of his ship: sacrificing himself in order to destroy the Black Hole Generator once and for all ("Earth's Last Stand").
- Michelangelo - Fugitoid doesn't interact with Michelangelo as much as he does with Donatello, but he still considers him an ally and soon afterwards, a close friend (practically family). Fugitoid often displays concerns about Mikey's mental well-being ("Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind"), especially when it's being overrun by intruders, such as the Neutrinos (subatomic-sized alien creatures). On the other hand, Michelangelo trusts Fugitoid and is visibly horrified once he decides to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the Black Hole Generator for good ("Earth's Last Stand").
- Leonardo - Fugitoid and Leo's friendship is complicated. Of all the Turtles, Leonardo appears to distrust Fugitoid the most. In "Earth's Last Stand", Leonardo becomes furious when he finds out Fugitoid has lied to them this whole time about who actually invented the Black Hole Generator.
- Raphael - He and Raphael rarely interact, but they seem to get along fairly well. Raph has his doubts about Fugitoid's intentions, but overall, he trusts him and follows his lead.
- April O'Neil - At first, April suspects that Fugitoid has ulterior motives for saving their lives, but then she starts to trust him once he begins training her to control her psychic powers ("The Outlaw Armaggon!").
- Casey Jones - Like Leo and Raph, Casey doesn't view Fugitoid as someone who's trustworthy, but as time goes by, he reconsiders his opinion. In "Earth's Last Stand", he doesn't forgive Fugitoid that easily. Only when he sacrifices himself, Casey feels sad that he presumably died, yet grateful for everything Fugitoid did for them.
- Bishop
- Sal Commander
- Mona Lisa
- Utroms
Prior to his reincarnation, Honeycutt looked identical to that of a human, which is standard for D'hoonibians. He specifically looked like an older, middle aged man.
As the Fugitoid, he has the appearance of a slender-built technologically advanced android. For the most part, he has a simple body structure, with a rounded head and armored arms and legs. His current body is made primarily of an opalescent white "plastic-like" material. His eyes are glassy light-board dark with orange lights. his eyes and mouth are made of lighted bulb pixels, which change shape to animate his implied facial expressions.
- Although his concept art describe him as a doctor, in the SDCC exclusive preview the Fugitoid himself corrected Brandon Auman when he called him a "doctor", stating that he is a professor not a doctor.
- In this series, the Fugitoid is voiced by David Tennant, the tenth doctor in Doctor Who.
- This fourth-wall breaking was a meta joke: The voice talent behind the Fugitoid, David Tennant, previously played the Tenth Doctor and would go on to play the Fourteenth Doctor on the long-running science fiction series Doctor Who.

- A "Futur-toid" store can be seen in New York City in various episodes as a reference to the fugitive android. The store's name also appears in the Midtown Ice Rink as a sponsor.
- Honeycutt's appearance prior to becoming the Fugitoid seems to be identical to that of Albert Einstein
- It is revealed in "The Moons of Thalos 3", that he is a pacifist.