This version of Zach hates mutants and Krang. The Turtles first discover him while Zach is spray painting the message "Krang Go Home" on the side of the Technodrome.
Zach is caught by a Rock Soldier, but as the soldier is hauling him away, the Turtles intervene and save him. Rather than being grateful, Zach expresses his disgust at the sight of them. As with all of the other citizens of Shredderville, Zach has been brainwashed by Shredder into believing that mutants are evil and are the cause of the general state of disrepair in the city.
Despite his mistrust, Zach helps the Turtles gain entry into the Technodrome as a way to thank them for saving him. When they are fleeing the Rock Soldiers, Zach once more comes to their aid by spray painting the soldiers who are chasing them.
After Zach leaves, he is not seen again, as the entire Shredderville visit proves to have been a shared dream by all four of the Turtles.