

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Yo-ho-ho! And a Bottle of Mutagen! is a story in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Special issue 5, published in the summer of 1993 by Archie Comics.

Appearing in Yo-ho-ho! And a Bottle of Mutagen![]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]

  • Jim (debut)



Leonardo and Raphael spar, with a wager of the loser buying pizza. Raph taunts Leo into flying at him to attack, and ducks in time to send Leo crashing into a wall. Splinter interrupts the two and says that Raph is being too aggressive and egotistical and lacks humility. Raph apologizes to Leo but still insists he buys the pizza. Splinter instructs Leo to follow through on their wager, but also tells Raph he must perform kata in front of the mirror until he returns. Meanwhile, Splinter, Donatello, and Michelangelo watch the news.

April runs a story on New York City shipping up its toxic waste to be sold to Brazil, where it will be burnt up in an incinerator. Environmental groups are protesting the sale due to the air pollution the waste will produce when burnt, as well as the danger of it being shipped out by sea.

Leo decides that since it will take half an hour before the pizza is ready, he'll take a bit of a walk. He comes across some pirates at Pier 18 stealing the toxic waste. Leo bests all of the pirates equipped with sabers, but one with a club sneaks up behind him and knocks him out.

At this point, Raph has been practicing for almost an hour and is finally given permission to stop. Splinter and the other Turtles worry about what's taking Leo so long, and Splinter meditates for about an hour more and comes to the conclusion that he felt something evil is afoot at the docks.

Meanwhile, a tied-up Leo is approached by a pig mutant....

Mikey uses a pay phone at the docks to call Vito's Pizza, who confirms that Leo never even picked up the pizza. Investigating Pier 18, Don finds an earring. They suddenly hear some noise and rush inside the warehouse, to find a security guard and dog tied up. Since the Turtles look like the "other fellow" who fought the pirates, the guard tells them what happened as they untie him.

The pig mutant hugs Leo and introduces himself as Pig-Foot, formerly a human sailor named Ben who was on a ship carrying toxic waste, when it was ambushed by Captain Blythe and his pirates. He hid among the drums, but was caught and sent to the mad scientist Blythe is working for, Dr. Ruthven. Ruthven experimented on Ben and mutated him into a pig man.

Splinter astrally projects himself to find Leo and Pig-Foot on Blythe's submarine, the Sea Cow, but passes out when he strains himself too hard.

As Leo and Pig-Foot try to escape, they are confronted by Blythe and his dog pirate mutant henchman, Sea-Dog. Sea-Dog kicks Leo into Pig-Foot and knocks them both out. Blythe chews out Pig-Foot for "betraying" him, and the crew proceeds to attack Barge 17 to steal more toxic waste.

Splinter regains consciousness and tells the others what he saw. He suggests contacting Man-Ray for help to get to Leo, and he, along with Mike and Raph, astral project to him, while Don goes to call April.

Blythe calls Ruthven and shows off Leo, telling him as a full mutant, he is prime gene-splicing material for the doctor. Leo protests, saying that he's a ninja turtle and can't be like used like that. Blythe tells him that since he's a "warrior", he should square off in a sports fight against Sea-Dog. Leo and Pig-Foot are once again thrown in the brig.

Raph, Don, and Splinter manage to contact Man-Ray and enlist his help, and Don brings April back to the lair.

Leo goes up against a boxing glove-clad Sea-Dog and knowing he can't overpower the beast, he dodges his blows, setting him up to hit other crew members and wear himself out. He's thrown back into the brig for his efforts.

Man-Ray and the others catch up with the Sea Cow on Ruthven Island. As Leo is about to be dissected by Dr. Ruthven, Pig-Foot unlocks the cells to other mutants Ruthven has been holding. He runs into Leo's friends and tells them that they have to stop Ruthven from dissecting Leo. Blythe commands that his men attack and a brawl ensues. Blythe and his parrot try escaping on a rowboat, and Mike and Raph kick Sea-Dog into Ruthven, knocking them both out of a window and into Blythe's boat, sinking it.

Leo is finally rescued, and the pirates tied up. Pig-Foot and Ruthven's other mutants decide to stay on Ruthven's island and dispose properly of the toxic waste, and plan to call the coast guard to pick up the pirates. Splinter suggests that since they're close enough to Scotland, they should visit, and the Turtles are disgusted when he says he wants to try haggis.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • For one panel, Don's bandana is colored red.
  • April is shown working for Channel 7, as opposed to Channel 6 or WTRL (Channel 3) as she has been employed in this continuity.

See also[]
