
Xemnar the Magnificent is a street magician and pickpocket in the Panini continuity. Xemnar uses his art of misdirection to steal from his spectators. On one such instance, Leonardo witnesses him swiping the wallet from a spectator that he had performed a disappearing pocket watch trick on. The Ninja Turtles chase after him and think they have him caught, but Raphael ends up pulling off Xemnar's "face" (a mask), revealing him to actually be a mutant rabbit. Xemnar escapes to the rooftops, but leaves his duffel bag and lucky rabbit keychain behind.

Xemnar escapes to his apartment, angry that the Turtles have delayed his trip to Las Vegas and that he lost his lucky keychain. Searching the newspaper, he finds something he deems a suitable replacement.

Back at the lair, the Turtles attempt to deduce where he'll strike next, with all of the evidence pointing to the upper west-side of New York City. Michelangelo, thinking fighting magic with magic is the solution, dresses up as a wizard and pulls a disappearing ball trick. Seeing his simplistic sleight-of-hand has the solution to their problem dawn on Leo.

Xemnar arrives at a jewelry store on the lower east side, swiping the diamond rabbit brooch he saw in the paper. As he goes to steal more jewels, the Turtles arrive, having realized all of the clues they had was misdirection. Xemnar tries to escape through the store's skylight, but is thwarted by Mikey.

The Turtles tie Xemnar up and leave him for the police to find. Mikey tells him he should have worked more on his escape tricks than misdirection.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Mutant rabbit physiology: Xemnar has the leg-strength of a roughly human-sized rabbit, granting him superior speed and leaping power over both rabbits and humans.
  • Misdirection: Xemnar uses misdirection to steal from unsuspecting marks, as well as attempt to throw the Turtles off his trail.

Weapons and squipment[]

  • Mask: Xemnar employs a human-like mask to not give away that he's a mutant rabbit.
  • Duffel bag: Xemnar hides his loot and other belongings in a large white duffel bag.
  • Rabbit keychain: The keychain likely has no real purpose, but Xemnar believes it to be lucky, and feels that it necessitates a replacing when he loses it to the Turtles.

See also[]
