
"Get ready for some winged warfare!"
— Wingnut, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Wingnut (spelled Wing Nut in-game) is an alien bat who appears as a playable character in the Super NES version of Tournament Fighters. He joins the tournament because he thinks it'll be fun and a good way to kill time.

His design in the game is closer to that of his original version in the Archie continuity than his animated version in the 1987 TV series.

Wingnut also appears in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge as the boss of Episode 8: "Panic in the sky!". Here his design is much closer to his cartoon counterpart and is said to come from the planet Flagenon.

Other stats[]

  • Age: 300 Krono Cycles
  • Favorite Activities: Castlevania 2095



Wingnut appears in the Thunder Dome, a heavy metal rock concert hall.

In his ending, Wingnut sits in a pile of his prize money and reminisces that he only entered the combat for the fun of it, but now that he's won he can go on a spending spree.

In story mode, Wingnut is sometimes a member of the Shredder Elite or even the one who kidnapped Splinter. However due to the randomized of the story mode, Wingnut can sometimes be a red herring with no connection to Karai.

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See also[]


  • Wingnut's favorite hobby is playing Castlevania 2095, a nod to the Castlevania franchise; however, the setting of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow was in the year 2036, meaning the game in the real world does not exist.
    • This reference to the Castlevania series is due to Konami being the developers of Castlevania and Tournament Fighters, with Wingnut resembling the oft-recurring boss of the Giant Bat.