Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation episode
Season Code: S01E11
Episode: 11
Original airdate November 21, 1997
Written by
Producers: Haim Saban
Lance H. Robbins
Rosanne Milliken
David Richardson
Photographed by Henry Chan
Production  Collete Aubin
Episode chronology
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"Meet Dr. Quease" "Truce or Consequences"

Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation
September 12, 1997 - May 15, 1998
List of Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation episodes


  1. East Meets West, Part 1
  2. East Meets West, Part 2
  3. East Meets West, Part 3
  4. East Meets West, Part 4
  5. East Meets West, Part 5
  6. The Staff of Bu-Ki
  7. All in the Family
  8. Silver and Gold
  9. Turtles' Night Out
  10. Meet Dr. Quease
  11. Windfall
  12. Truce or Consequences
  13. Unchain My Heart, Part 1
  14. Unchain My Heart, Part 2
  15. Unchain My Heart, Part 3
  16. Unchain My Heart, Part 4
  17. Mutant Reflections
  18. King Wick
  19. Like Brothers
  20. Going Ape
  21. The Guest
  22. Trusting Dr. Quease
  23. The Good Dragon
  24. Sewer Crash
  25. Enemy of My Enemy
  26. Who Needs Her

"Windfall" is the eleventh episode of the live action Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (TV series).


When Michaelangelo finds a winning lottery ticket, he figures his sewer days are over. But before he can even collect his winnings, the other Turtles have dreamt of a million ways to spend it! What they don't know is that the ticket's original owner is that slimy Silver character - and he wants his ticket back!

Appearing in Windfall[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



An old man in his apartment is looking at a winning lottery ticket when Silver and two of his Monkey Thieves enter. Silver tries to steal the ticket, but the old man locks himself in his bathroom. The goons rip the door off of its hinges and enter, but when Silver goes to snatch the ticket from the old man, he drops it through the open bathroom window.

The ticket floats down, hits a sewer grate, and slides through. It lands on the ground in a sewer tunnel just as Michaelangelo is walking through. He steps on it without noticing and it sticks to his foot. Only after he's in the lair does Mikey notice something on his foot. He removes the ticket and tosses it on the kitchen table, on top of a newspaper folded to the winning lottery numbers. When Mikey sits down to eat a bowl of cereal and read the paper, he sees the winning numbers and realizes the lottery ticket is a winner.

Silver and his goons begin searching the sewer tunnels for the ticket. Mikey's shouts of joy about being rich echo through the tunnels and Silver starts following the sound of his voice. Meanwhile, the other Turtles arrive home to see Mikey celebrating and shouting about all of the things he's going to buy. They ask him what is going on, and he says he has a winning lottery ticket worth one hundred and twelve million dollars. The other Turtles, except Venus, start daydreaming about what they could do with all that money. A perimeter alarm interrupts the celebrating, and they discover that there are intruders in the sewers, and they are dangerously close to the lair.

When the Turtles go to investigate, they see Silver and a group of his Monkey Thieves. The Turtles leap out to confront them, and Silver says they are just looking for his lottery ticket, which he stole from an old man. Michaelangelo shouts that he found it fair and square before realizing he shouldn't have said anything. A fight commences, with the ticket being taken by first one group and then another. Eventually the sheer number of Monkey Thieves overpower the Turtles and Silver makes off with the winning ticket.

Beat up and groaning, the Turtles return to the lair to find Splinter waiting for them. He demands to know what happened and they all take turns explaining. Splinter then tells Michaelangelo to forget the ticket because he couldn't have claimed it anyway, as he would expose them all. Michaelangelo tries arguing with him, but Splinter puts his foot down and tells his son that they will discuss it no more.

Dinner preparations begin, but Michaelangelo is too frustrated and angry to focus on the task. He thinks Splinter is wrong. Something Leonardo says gives him to idea to steal the ticket back, and along with Raphael, the pair talk Donatello into getting on his computer to track down Silver's hideout. Venus thinks they should not ignore what Splinter told them, but they ignore her concerns. In the end, she goes along with them. They take Raphael's Motorcycle and the Humvee to Central Park where the hideout can be located.

In the hideout, Silver and his goons are dancing and singing about being rich. Silver suddenly stops, having heard something suspicious. Just as he orders his Monkey Thieves to investigate, a smoke bomb explodes, and the Turtles present themselves. A fight breaks out and this time the Turtles overcome the thugs and manage to retrieve the lottery ticket.

The Turtles are ecstatic as they return to the lair, but the celebration is cut short by Splinter. He berates the group, reminding them that secrecy and the humility of their existence is what binds them. He tells them that the ticket does not belong to them and then Michaelangelo blurts something out about the money being wasted on some old dude. Splinter gives him a look and repeats the word 'old'. Michaelangelo suddenly has an epiphany and apologizes.

Michaelangelo returns the ticket to its rightful owner and as the Turtles are returning from this mission, Silver and his goons confront them in the sewer tunnels. Silver is being wheeled around on a hand cart because there are casts on his legs. An angry Silver tells them to consider him their blood enemy. Leonardo informs him that the ticket has been returned and the old man has gone on a whale watching vacation. Silver is ready to fight again, but Venus tosses a smoke bomb and the Turtles leave. This further aggravates Silver, who says he hates when they do that.

See also[]


  • When Mick takes the lottery ticket from Michaelangelo, he does an impersonation of Groucho Marx.
  • The winning lottery ticket numbers were 33-06-21-23-05-69.