
[Everyone on the street are horrified when they see the massive ship tower above them.]

Leo: Lord Dregg is here?

[Everyone watched as blue liquid covered half of the city and hatching Vreen. Humans run away screaming. Leo begins to attack but Newtralizer teleports away.]

Raph: First Mikey gets disintegrated, and now Dregg invades.

Donnie: So, uh, what do we do?

[The Vreen grabbed Leo.]

Karai: No! Leo! Oh, no.

[The Vreen surrounded them pinning Karai, knocking Donnie, surrounding April and Bishop being grabbed until Sal began to fire at the Vreen, releasing the group.]

Bishop: We must retreat. Everyone, hurry!

[They leave.]

G'Throkka: Everyone, fall back!

[The Vreen grabbed G'Thorkka.]

Mona Lisa: Commander!

G'Throkka: Fall back!

[The vreen began to take off with G'Thorkka in their grasp.]

Mona Lisa: No!

[Mona tried to save G'Thorkka but Raph held her back.]

Raph: Mona! There's too many!

[They run]

[In Dreggs Ship.]

Dregg: Look at it! Such beautiful chaos.

Newtralizer: Lord Vrinigath Dregg, it's been a long time, Rokka Rokka.

Dregg: Excellent to see you here on this primitive mud ball, my old assassin, and with new powers. I could use your talents once more. I plan to wipe this pitiful planet out and all of my enemies with it.

Newtralizer: Heh. If it destroys every Utrom hiding here, I'm all for it.

Dregg: You are brutal and needlessly sadistic, K'Vathrak. I like that.

[They laugh, Below, people screamed and run away as the robotic machine cause havoc around the city. Vreen started picking people up and flying off with them. Raph and the others find a safe place and baracade the doors.]

Bishop: The Salamandrians' complete incompetence led Dregg to Earth. [Mona and Raphael both get angry at Bishop for insulting him] His Maligna ship can spawn countless Vreen Robugs. All because of your collective stupidity.

Raph: I never really liked you, Bishop. So if you talk to my woman like that again, I'm gonna kick your-

Mona Lisa: I can take care of myself, Raphael. Thank you. If you dare talk to me like that again, I will chew up your Utrom brain and spit it out.

Karai: Guys, we have bigger things to worry about, like ten thousand bugs searching the city for us.

Donnie: Yeah. And if that ship keeps spouting eggs at this rate, there will be enough insects to cover the Earth in less than a week.

[Leo and Sal had been brought to Dregg.]

Dregg: Ah, my esteemed guests.

Leo: Newtralizer! Your tail is mine!

[They break themselves free from the Vreen.]

G'Throkka: We'll do this together, Leonardo.

[Newtralizer electrifies them and purple slime consumes them into the hive cell prison.]

Dregg: K'Vathrak, find me the Salamandrian female and the other Turtles. And be quick about it!

Newtralizer: There are two left. I fried the little one into pulp. [disappears[

[At the office.]

April: If we're gonna stop Dregg, we need a plan.

Raph: Okay, I got it! First, we commandeer a giant Navy battleship. Then we strap a rocket to its deck, turning it into the biggest missile the world has ever seen. Next, we fly it into the air, crash it into Lord Dregg's ship, then blow it up. Any Vreen left standing, we stomp like cockroaches. What do you think?

Mona Lisa: I like it. But, uh, it feels a little too much.

April: You think? That's, like, a Mikey-level bad idea. [realizes her mistake] Oh, sorry. Poor Mikey.

Bishop: I have a plan. One that does not require battleships and rockets.

Raph: Well, let's hear it anyway.

Bishop: However, my plan will need more than just the six of us-

[The vreen burst through the walls and debris.]

April: Look out! They're everywhere!

Bishop: This way! Follow me.

[They retreat to the backrooms. Mona looks back and uses a disc bomb to get away just as the bomb explode. They stop and saw something.]

April: What in the name of-

[It was a massive yellow thing that they never seen on the Channel 6 building.]

Bishop: Hide.

[They watch as the Vreen out all the humans in the strange cocoon.]

Bishop: This way.

[They run into Newtralizer.]

Newtralizer: Fools! Rokka rokka.

[Bishop fires Newtralizer but it had no effect on him]

Newtralizer: Your toy doesn't work on me anymore, Bishop! I've adapted. Utrom scum!

[He punches Bishop into the wall.]

Donnie: I got him.

[Donnie attacks but Newtalizer punches him.]

April: Eat it!

[Newtralizer pins her down knocking Karai and Mona down while Raph kicks him.]

Raph: You're gonna pay for what you did to Mikey!

[Newtralizer disappears and reappears punching Raph.]

Newtralizer: You think you're a match for my powers?

[Suddenly, a blue spark appeared. ]

April: Guys, what's happening?

[And then, with a blast, Mikey was suddenly formed.]

Mikey: Hey Newtralizer, a little power-up move I call my boom shock! This is what I call my super zapper bug striker!

[The Vreen explode into goo. Newtralizer punches Mikey down.]

Donnie: Karai, behind you.

[The Vreen take her.]

Karai: Get off of me!

Donnie: Karai! Let me go!

[Donnie gets teleported by the Newtralizer.]

April: [horrified] Donnie, no!

Mikey: I got him.

[Mikey tried to grab them but they disappeared, causing him to fall to the ground.]

Mikey: Okay, I don't got him.

April: Donnie! No.

Raph: You... you're alive, Mikey! And you got sweet powers!

Mikey: Yeah, being alive is nice and all, but the electrical powers are awesome!

Bishop: [robotic voice] You must be careful, Michelangelo. Eventually, your powers could burn out. And if they do, they'll destroy you as well.

Mikey: Whoa. Like, destroy destroy?

April: Let's go. We've got a fight to gear up for.

[In the lair, April pulls out a map while MIkey places down pieces on it.]

Bishop: Dregg's Maligna ship is here. I will organize an Earth Protection Force strike from this side.

Raph: Then me, Mona, April and Bishop will hit the other side.

Mikey: Leaving me to use my sweet electrical mojo to get inside from the back and save Leo, Donnie, and the gang. Tight.

Mona Lisa: This won't be easy.

April: Like anything we ever do is easy.

[In Dregg's ship, Donnie and Karai were brought to the throne room as they struggle to get out of the Vreen’s grip.]

Donnie: Put us down, you filthy insects!

Karai: When I get out of here, I'm gonna open up a can of bug spray!

Dregg: There's no escape from my webs, fleshlings! [The slime consumes Karai and Donnie and into their hive cells] You see, you've messed with the wrong intergalactic overlord. Soon this primitive mud ball of a planet will belong to me!

Leo: Are you going to eat all those people?

Dregg: No. They're gonna be living egg sacs for my Vreen children!

Newtralizer: You're going to capture every human on this planet? That'll take too much time, Dregg. Just blow this place up so we can move on!

Dregg: I don't remember asking for your opinion, hen-

[An explosion made them look and reinforcements arrived.]

Dregg: Is that the best the humans can do? Pathetic! Vreen, return fire!

[The machine starts to attack, knocking every tank and walker down]

People: Run! Fall back! Retreat!

Dregg: Puny fleshlings. Capture as many as you can. Then stomp the rest! Treat them like they treat my children!

[A missile strikes the spaceship. The camera zooms  to reveal the Turtle Mech]

Raph: Back off, bug! Say hello to the Turtle Mech!

Dregg: Excellent. They put themselves in a tin can. I'll just squeeze them out of it.

[The mech gets onto the ship as small alien-like beings try to attack. The Mech sliced them off into purple goo as it resumed to climb onto its back.]

Bishop: Follow the plan! Push it to the factory!

[Mona releases the trigger and acid bomb landed it on the robot alien face. Then they release poison gas at the ship.]

Dregg: What? Poison!

[The ship goes down, Mikey goes inside..]

Mikey: ElectriMikey with the electric slide! Booyakasha! Bros gotta be around here somewheres. Eww, this ship is gross and sticky and stuff.

[Mikey gets knocked by Newtralizer.]

Newtralizer: Turtle! Your power is weak compared to mine, Rokka, Rokka!

Mikey: What's weak is your face, Rokka, Rokka! There's only room in this town for one awesome electri-dude, dude! Me.

[They begin to charge. The spaceship starts to get back up.]

Raph: The pesticide isn't working. April, hit 'em with fire!

April: How about extra crispy?

[She fires with the flamethrower, causing the robot to roar in pain.]

Mona Lisa: Rokka Rokka. Don't let up. We've got them now.

[They get inside the machine. Once they made it, Mona placed a disk bomb that made a hole. They leap inside.]

April: Leo! Donnie!

Leo: Look out!

[They stopped to see Dregg up on the ceiling. Dregg attacks them but Newtralizer crashes into him.]

Dregg: Newtralizer?

Mikey: ElectriMikey is here! That's so unexpected, it's shocking.

[Mikey uses his power and frees the gang.]

Leo: Mikey!

Donnie: You're alive!

Dregg: Ah! Trespassing fools!

[Leo charged and sliced down the Vreen followed by Raph. G'Thorkka begins to attack but Newtralizer took him down with his electric powers.]

Newtralizer: Your tail is mine, G'Throkka!

[He grabs G'Thorkka until Mikey attacks, setting an explosion down the insides of the robot. They landed inside a power station.]

Mikey: Whoa, it's like an insect rave party.

G'Thorkka: It's the power station. I provides energy for the entire ship.

Mikey: That was gonna be my second guess. Look out!

[Newtralizer attacks.]

Earth Protection Force member: It's weakening. Keep firing.

[They continue to fire the machine. inside, the teens and Bishop continue fighting the Vreen and Dregg.. The Vreen cover Bishop aroudn him untiol he blasted them away, know leaving his android suit.]

Mona Lisa: He can't take the electricity! Find something to use against him.

[Leo pulls out a electric wire and gives it to Raph. Raph charges and electrocutes Dregg. The wasp king collapses onto the wall.]

Leo: Hurry, we need to go help Mikey.

[In the power source, Mikey and Newtralizer kept on fighting]

Mikey: I gots mad zap in my tap, boy!

[Newtralizer chases Mikey, and sparked him out.]

Newtralizer: I'll take you apart, piece by piece.

G'Throkka: Treacherous worm!

[G'Throkka whips Newtrlaizer with his tail, sending him deep in the power cell and causing the ship to rumble. The others had arrived as Newtralizer's body appeared from the force, screaming and glowing orange.]

Mikey: I got this, bros. Everyone, get outta here!

G'Throkka: No, Michelangelo, it will destroy you!

Mikey: Hurry!

[The ship starts to take off.]

Leo: Everybody out!

[They leap off the ship.]

Donnie: Guys, look! Dregg's ship.

April: What about Mikey?

[A blue blast explodes, killing Newtralizer and Dregg. Everyone thought that he's gone but Mikey reappears.]

Leo: Mikey!

Donnie: You made it!

Raph: Little brother! M-M-M-Mikey!

Mikey: Oops. My bad.

April: So um, what are we gonna do about his electrical powers?

Bishop: I have the solution. This weapon did not work on Newtralizer. But it could still work on Michelangelo.

Mikey: No, wait! Wait a second, guys! Wait!

[Bishop begins to use his powers and Mikey is back to normal, but his ninja gear was stripped off.]

Mikey: Aw, man! I feel naked. And I lost all those sweet powers, yo.

Karai: Cheer up, Michelangelo. Today was a win. This calls for a celebration!

Leo: Yes! Pizza's on me!

G'Throkka: I'm afraid we don't have time for celebration. Y'Gythgba and I must head back to Salamandria and report to the General. Rokka, Rokka.

Mona Lisa: But Commander, I- I request permission to remain on Earth. To maintain safety of the planet from insectoid alien threats, sir.

G'Throkka: Permission granted, Lieutenant Y'Gythgba. You may remain on Earth.

Bishop: Negative. That violates protocol 27-9-B, referring to unauthorized aliens remaining on planet-

[Mona gets briefly angry. Raphael beheads Bishop to shut him up. Then the couple embrace. Raph gives her the idea of joining a few friends of theirs.]

Raph: You know, Mona Lisa, we have some pretty cool friends called the Mighty Mutanimals. They're always looking for new recruits.

Mona Lisa: Oh? Well, as long as they are admirable warriors such as you, Raphael. Rokka, rokka!

April: Aww, that's so cute.

[Two part episode ends with Mona and Raph nuzzling each other.]
