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[We begin with the Salamandrian Air Fleet traveling through the galaxy. Onto G'Throkka and Mona's ship.]

G'Throkka: It's been too long since we've faced real battle, Y'Gythgba. I hunger for combat!

Mona Lisa: True warriors are rare in any system, Commander G'Throkka.

G'Throkka: General R'Kavaka, to what do I owe this honor?

R'Kavaka: Commander G'Throkka, I bring news: the bounty hunter and escaped convict K'Vathrak lives. Rokka rokka.

G'Throkka: After six Vokk years, he turns up now? How can this be?

R'Kavaka: How is not important. What matters is that he's captured, and I've selected you to lead the hunt.

Mona Lisa: Sir, is this the same criminal who Took my eye and left me to perish by my wounds. Yes. I will find him no matter what the cost.

Mona Lisa: Where is he, General?

R'Kavaka: He is hunting benevolent Utrom in Dimension X, and traveling back and forth to a primitive mud ball the locals call Earth.

Mona Lisa: Earth?

G'Throkka: Then we will set a course for this world. Y'Gythgba, are you ready?

Mona Lisa: Uh, yes. Of course, sir. Ready as always.

G'Throkka: Setting coordinates. Destination: Earth.

[Theme song]

[On earth, a homeless man is sleeping,when he woke up to see three Utroms.]

Niktu: Utrom Klaatu, what are Agent Bishop's current coordinates?

Klaatu: This way, Utrom Niktu. We have little time to warn him of the Salamandrian Rogue.

[Lights flash from the building. The Utroms turned around and noticed a familiar figure behind one of the Utroms, and only to have their head cut off.]

Utrom: It is him. It is the rogue.

[The Utrom was shot down while the other aimed his gun. The Utrom gets knocked down, much to the homeless man's shock. Another Utrom tried to flee only to meet by its end by the familar rouge Salamandrian.]

Newtralizer: Where is he? Where is Bishop?!

[The Utrom screeches]

Ryan: I think I will stay here on Regal 4 because I love you, Shahna.

[A massive alien grabs her and swallowed her]

Ryan: No!

Crankshaw Jr: Captain Ryan, I am so sorry, sir. I know what she meant to you. If there is anything I can-

[Ryan slaps him, causing Crankshaw Jr. to fall and be eaten by the alien.]

Ryan: Oh, well. Port me up, Scronus.

[He disappears]

Raph: Aw, poor guy.

[He turns to see April and Donnie laughing]

Raph: Aren't you guys even watching? Didn't you see Ryan lost the love of his life?

April: Ha! Got you back.

Raph: Eh, whatever. You two are sickening Chompy. I'm out of here.

[He leaves as April puts a popcorn box on Donnie's head,]

Donnie: You say something, Raph?

[Leo is training with Karai.]

Leo: Whoa, Karai, take it easy! That's why it's called training.

Karai: Just because I like you doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you, Leo.

Raph: Yuck! [Going to Mikey's room] Yo, Mikey, you want to play some-

[Mikey is talking to Renet in a hologram]

Mikey: Thanks for the sweet future tech, Renet. Now we can, like, chat through time and space! Does this mean we're in a long-distance relationship?

Raph: Forget it, Chompy. Who needs love? Not this guy. I'm a lone wolf. A rebel! A loner! I'm fine all by my-

[He heard his space helmet bleeping. He looked and he saw Mona Lisa.]

Raph: [amazed] Holy space apples! Mona!

Mona Lisa: Hello, Raphael. So good to see you. We need your help. We are traveling to Earth.

Raph: Earth? You're coming here? When?

Mona Lisa: We're touching down soon, Raphael. I'll send you the coordinates.

Raph: You sit tight, Mona. Help is on the way!

[He goes out only to get bumped on the wall.]

[In the Utrom building.]

Queen: Salamandrians, on their way to Earth. And they are not responding to our hailing frequencies.

Pawn: Sacrebleu! What could they possibly want, s'il vous plait?

Rook: It is hard to say. We already have one crazed Salamandrian on the loose hunting Utrom. We do not need any more. Bishop?

Bishop: I'll travel to Earth and organize an EPF intercept team. If they're hostile, I will deal with them.

[Mona Lisa's ship arrives on earth.]

Raph: Mona! [Runs up and hugs her after a long time}

Mona Lisa: How I have missed you, Raphael.

Karai: Yikes! I can't believe Raph has the hots for a big newt.

Leo: I know, right? He's got weird taste.

G'Throkka: Y'Gythgba felt we could use your help, and, given the threat, perhaps she is right.

Mona Lisa: A criminal Salamandrian has been hunting and destroying Utrom on Earth and in Dimension X.

Mikey: [horrified] Those poor Utrom! What kind of jerk would do that?

Leo: The Newtralizer.

Donnie: Yeah, but we zapped him out of existence when we destroyed his teleporter.

G'Throkka: No. He lives. And he has already vanished from our scanners. I fear he may have found a way to jump between dimensions.

Raph: Don't worry, Sal. We'll find him, no matter where he is. That's a promise.

[In Dimension X. Everything in the planet is peaceful until the Newtralizer shows up.]

Utrom: Oh, no. It's him. Run away. Run away! Wah!

[They run only to get grabbed by the Newtralizer who tore their heads.]

Utrom 2: Halt, mercenary. Raise forelimbs and submit to Utrom Sentry. Capture and contain. Waah

[The alien fired his guns, deestoying the machines.]

Newtralizer: Ha! I'm coming for you, Bishop. Rokka rokka rokka!

Leo: We need to split up if we're gonna find the Newtralizer. Raph, Mona, Mikey, and Sal Commander will try his last location.

G'Throkka: Take this tracker. It's the only way to anticipate his next move.

Leo: Thanks, Sal, and good luck to all of you.

[Later, Raph and his team head to the rooftops.]

Mikey: Any sign of your boy?

G'Throkka: He's not my boy. But he is not far from here. You two will stay here. Keep watch. He may teleport this way. Let us go, Michelangelo.

Mikey: Aye, aye, Commander. Booyakasha!

[MIkey and Sal go on as Raph and Mona stay. Raph leaps down on the water tower]

Raph: So, uh, Mona, what happened since the last time we, um, chilled?

Mona Lisa: Chilled? You mean the ice planet where we met? So many things have transpired, Raphael. After you left, Lord Dregg invaded Salamandria. It was a huge battle the biggest our planet has ever seen.

[It shows Lord Dregg and his armada invading Salamandria going to the battlefield events.]

Raph: [shocked] Lord Dregg!? He survived us Turtles and the Triceratons? Man, it's hard to squash that big space cockroach!

Mona Lisa: We drove him away. But Dregg swore revenge on-

[The blast made her look up and saw a missile being launched followed by a few.]

Mona Lisa: [horrified] Oh, no! We were supposed to keep watch! Commander!

Raph: Michelangelo!

[They find Sal and Mikey, both completely beaten.]

Mona Lisa: Commander!  Where's the Newtralizer?

[Guards appear, surround the aliens and turtles. Both alien newts get captured by a net.]

Raph: Mona! No! Bishop? What the heck is going on, man?

Mikey: Yeah! I thought we were friends, yo!

Bishop: We are friends, yo. But Salamandrians are forbidden in this galaxy.

[Meanwhile, Leo, Donnie, Karai and April descended into a power substation.]

Leo: Whoa, what the heck? Okay, now the tracker says Newtralizer's gone again.

Donnie: Here, let the science guy take a look, maybe. He keeps teleporting.

April: Maybe he's going back and forth, to and from Dimension X.

Karai: Um, guys? He's here.

[Newtralizer walks past the wire bars and pulled out a machine off.]

Newtralizer: [Snarls] Rokka Rokka.

[He puts the wire into his mouth, charging him.]

Karai: Wow.

Donnie: Looks like he acquired some kind of electricity-based power.

Leo: Great. Like being indestructible wasn't enough. Well, let's attack while he's charging up.

[They sneak to him and charge but he teleports and attacks Leo.]

Karai: Leo!

Newtralizer: Turtles, it's been a long time. Rokka Rokka. I owe you for this new power you've given me. Here, let me thank you.

[He throws electric spears at them. Karai dodged and Donnie did as well. April tried to run but Newtralizer appears in front of her.]

Newtralizer: I don't know who you are, girl, but I'll crush you like the rest of them. Rokka Rokka!

[April dodged and used her barrier.]

April: What are you gonna do now, lizard?

[Newtralizer laughs stepping toward her.]

April: Relax. Have a drink!

[She turns on a water vault, spraying water at the newt alien. He cries out and fizzles out.]

Newtralizer: I'll be back for all of you! Rokka Rokka. You'll be next!

[He teleports away. Meanwhile, the guards removed the net off G'Thorkka and Mona.]

Bishop: I did not realize these were the same Salamandrians who helped us battle the Kraang.

Raph: Next time, look before you capture an alien life form, Bishop.

Mona Lisa: We are all friends here. We all seek to stop K'Vathrak.

Mikey: Yeah. The Newtralizer's out of control. What do we do?

G'Throkka: If he decides to destroy all Utrom, bait him here.


Bishop: Take positions out of sight. I'm adjusting my com to an open frequency. Do you hear that, K'Vathrak? Come and get me, coward.

[On the rooftops. Mona sits down with Raph.]

Raph: Listen, Mona, when this is over, I... I want you to stay on Earth with us.

Mona Lisa: Impossible. I am a Salamandrian warrior. My life is dedicated to battle and the honor of my people.

Raph: But there's so much for you here. There's fighting and pizza and Space Heroes: The Next Generation, and-

[Lights go out. Raph and Mona looked as Newtralizer appears behind Bishop.]

Newtralizer: Bishop! I'm going to destroy you. And then your precious Utrom Council's next.

[He throws his spear but Bishop avoids him. He starts to dodge until Newtralizer throws a disk at the wall which explodes.]

Mikey: Cowabunga!

[Mikey leaps onto Newtralizer’s back but he throws him aside. Mona and Raph corner him.]

Raph: Give up, Newt!

[They begin to attack but he overpowers him and gets hit by the tank that fires him. He disappears and throws the man off.]

Newtralizer: Rokka Rokka.

[He fires missiles at the guards]

Raph: Move!

[They ran away and dodged.]

Newtralizer: G'Throkka, my old friend. I think it's time I took your other eye.

G'Throkka: You dirty-aah! [get electrocuted.]

Newtralizer: Fool! [gets knocked by Bishop] I'm gonna eat your brain, Bishop!

Bishop: [Robotic voice] Do you even know why you so badly want Utrom destroyed? Because the Kraang brainwashed you.

[Newtralizer takes the utrom body off.]

Newtralizer: Now you're going in my belly.

[He opens his mouth to eat him but Leo stops him by throwing a ninja star at him.]

Leo: Leave him alone, Newtralizer!

Mikey: Yeah! Why don't you pick on someone with more than just a brain for a body?

Newtralizer: Yes. Now I have all of my enemies in one place.

Mikey: Um, Sal, you didn't bring like some giant robot back-up, right?

[Newtralizer laughs as an energy ball formed from his hands.]

Newtralizer: I'm gonna watch your bodies fry! Rokka rokka!

[Bishop throws a teleporter and activates. Everyone jumped into the portal just as Newtalizer threw the energy ball at them. The rest fell into the Utrom Council.]

Pawn: Sacre bleu! It is the Turtles!

Karai: Where are we?

Donnie: It's the Utrom Council-*Gasp*

[They all started to suffocate struggling for air, also started holding their breath, except for Bishop, G'Throkka and Mona Lisa.]

Queen: Quickly, give them breathers.

[Pawn gave the breathers to them and the rest so that they can breathe.]

Mikey: You the man, Bishop. Thanks! High-three me, Rook.

Rook: High three?

[Bishop returns to his robot body.]

Bishop: Queen, I bring you dire news. The rogue Salamandrian may be too powerful for the likes of all of us, even for the EPF.

Queen: The existence of all ten dimensions is at grave risk, yet we know next to nothing about our foe.

Donnie: Not entirely true. I've measured his voltage, amperage, even his intrinsic field.

Rook: You could be a tremendous help to me, Donatello. I have built an electrical dampening cannon that could end him for good, but I need to program it with your data.

Donnie: Ooh, electrical dampener! Let me check that out.

April: So, we have a weapon. We still need a plan.

Leo: Well, you doused him with water. It really shut him down.

Mona Lisa: But we need the element of surprise. If he attacks first, it's all over.

Queen: Everyone must be wary. K'Vathrak has destroyed many Utrom since he manifested only last- aah!

[Newtralizer appears and electrocutes her robot body. Newtralizer starts to attack her by throwing eletric spears at her.]

Rook: Look out! Queen!

[She tries to protect her but gets destroyed.]

Pawn: Sacrebleu! Aah! Sacrebleu!

[Newtralizer grabbed Pawn out of the robot's body with his mouth.]

Leo: Attack!

[They charge at the alien newt and Bishop throws a teleporter.]

Bishop: Get him through the portal.

[They enter into the portal and back to their real world. Everyone continues teleporting and fighting.]

Mikey: I got him!

Newtralizer: Rokka rokka!

Donnie: Get ready. We need to keep him grounded, or the weapon won't work.

Newtralizer: You're mine, G'Throkka.

Mona Lisa: I'll destroy you myself!

[Mona fires her gun but Newtralizer teleports.]

Leo: Now!

[April uses the water and strikes the Newtralizer. He collapses.]

April: Is that it? Did we get him?

[Newtralizer growls.]

Newtralizer: You can't stop electricity, fools!

[He used a powerful surge that caused all the fires to spark then to their horror, Mikey for himself struck by the blast and disappeared.]

Donnie: Mikey!

Leo: No!

Newtralizer: Now do you see? Do you see what I'm capable of?

Raph: You want to see angry? Turn around! Booyakasha!

[He fires the gun, hitting Newtralizer.]

Raph: It's working! Once I suck out your powers, you're going down.

[All of the lights went out.]

Mona Lisa: Look!

April: What's happening?

Donnie: Electromagnetic interference. But from where?

G'Throkka: Oh, no. No! He's coming! He must have followed us here.

[Up above was a giant wasp ship.]

Mona Lisa: Lord Dregg.

Dregg: Salamandrians, now I shall reap my vengeance on both of you, and the Turtles, and this whole stupid world!

[He starts to fire Vreen all over New York.]

Newtralizer: Dregg, my old ally. Rokka, rokka.
