[Opening sequence and theme song.]
[Episode opens on a night sky and full moon. Pans to the interior of the Far East Animal Society.]
Obento "Thank you a thousand fold, turtles. Had it not been for your help, my precious dragon would have been destroyed."
Leonardo "Obento, there is another who needs your protection. Usagi Yojimbo, a stranger from another dimension stranded in our world."
Obento "I will gladly care for him until you can find a way of getting him home."
[This is being watched on the view screen inside the Technodrome.]
Shredder "It's that blasted rabbit again."
Krang "Watching reruns of your old failures, Shredder?"
Shredder "Far from it, Krang. I am plotting future victories, and this furry little samurai warrior will help me achieve it."
Krang "Exactly how do you intend doing that?"
Shredder "By turning him into an ally against the turtles."
[A transport module digs up through the floor of an abandoned building. Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady climb out.]
Shredder "Oh, perfect. A completely abandoned warehouse. Oh, for once you two imbeciles did something right.
Ow! Oh, I had to open my big mouth."
[The door falls off and lands on his foot.]
Ow! Oh, I had to open my big mouth."
Rocksteady "It was his fault."
Bebop "It was not!"
Rocksteady "Yeah."
Shredder "Oh, shut up, you two! There's work to be done."
[Meanwhile, inside the Far East Animal Society, Obento is talking to Usagi.]
Obento "Usagi, my son, you will be in charge while I go to the store for some supplies."
Usagi Yojimbo "Hai, Obento-san, I will defend the museum with my life."
Obento "I doubt if that will be necessary."
[Obento leaves the building, unaware he is being spied upon.]
Shredder "There, that's the man we want."
Rocksteady "A man?"
Bebop "But boss, I thought we were going to grab that bunny."
Shredder "Ha ha! You zeros wouldn't stand a chance against that samurai rabbit. On the other hand, if we capture his sensei, he will come to us."
Obento "Birdseed, squeak toys, catnip, and twenty pounds of carrots for Usagi. I hope this will last us all for a week.
[He is tripped.]
Bebop "Hey, pop, did you have a nice trip?"
Obento "Insolent young man, who are you, or rather, what are you?"
Rocksteady "Don't try nothing funny, geezer."
Shredder "Take him to the warehouse, then meet me at the Far East Animal Society."
[Cut to the turtles’ lair. Michelangelo is balancing three pizzas as he enters Donatello’s lab.]
Michelangelo "Take a break, dude. It's pizza time."
Donatello "Not for me. I'm working."
Raphael "Too busy for pizza? Oh, the boy is definitely out of it."
Donatello "I'm too busy to eat. I'm trying to zero in on that dimension Usagi came from."
Michelangelo "Hey, no problemo. Just find the dimension where everyone looks like an animal."
Raphael "Only don't tune in a wrestling match by mistake."
[Portal emits static.]
Donatello "Hold on! I think I'm getting something."
Creature 1 "Eeba matter with yoo?"
Creature 2 "Yah? Wee yooyoo eekin?"
Michelangelo "Whoa! It's the planet of the rubber bands."
Raphael "I think I saw that flick. Hey, see what's on another channel."
Leonardo "Vending machines?"
Raphael "Not quite. The entire planet is junk food."
Michelangelo "Oh, totally radical."
Donatello "Maybe, but it's still not Usagi's home world. Guys, this is not gonna be easy."
[Shift to Usagi, who is feeding a group of caged mice.]
Usagi "Here you are, my little friends. These breadcrumbs will have to do until Master Obento returns with the supplies.
That must be him now. I will open it, Master. You! Are you not the one they call Shredder?"
[There is a knock on the door.]
That must be him now. I will open it, Master. You! Are you not the one they call Shredder?"
Shredder "I have that extreme pleasure."
Usagi "But you are a bad person."
Shredder "I guess that's why I made your master my prisoner."
Usagi "What have you done with him?"
Shredder "He's quite safe, I assure you. And he will remain that way if you carry out a small task for me."
Usagi "What task?"
Shredder "Destroy the teenage mutant ninja turtles."
Usagi "Never! To take four lives in exchange for one is dishonorable."
Shredder "Perhaps I might suggest a more honorable arrangement."
Usagi "Such as?"
Shredder "We will fight a duel. If you win, the old man goes free. But if I win, you will destroy the turtles."
Usagi "I accept, especially since you cannot possibly defeat me."
Shredder "We shall see, rabbit."
[They begin sword fighting. Meanwhile, Rocksteady and Bebop wait just outside.]
Rocksteady "Ooh, ooh, two swords clanking together. That's our cue."
Bebop "Heh, heh. Dirty tricks. It's what I live for."
Shredder "Uhh! Ha ha ha ha. Now, my furry foe, prepare to be humiliated. I should warn you, I have never lost a sword fight."
Usagi "That is because you have never before fought a samurai rabbit."
[He tosses a carpet over Shredder’s head.]
Shredder "Aah! Blasted carpet! You tricked me!"
Usagi "Surrender or taste samurai steel."
[Above him, Bebop holds a watermelon. He throws it.]
Bebop "Bombs away, buddy."
[The watermelon smashes onto Usagi’s head, covering it.]
Usagi "What's this? What manner of beast is trying to devour me?"
Shredder "Aha!"
[Just as Usagi removes the watermelon, Shredder throws a sai and pins Usagi’s sleeve to the door. Usagi pulls the sai loose.]
Usagi "Treacherous coward!"
[Usagi throws the sai, trapping Shredder’s sword on the floor just as he is about to pick it up. Usagi leaps over Shredder and lands behind him.]
Usagi "Hyah!"
[Bebop and Rocksteady stand on the other side of the brick wall. Bebop is aiming a giant magnet at the wall.]
Bebop "This is gonna be good."
[The magnet catches Usagi upraised sword and pulls it from his hand. It sticks in the wall. Usagi struggles to pull it free.]
Usagi "What? Uhh! Uhh!"
Shredder "You have lost, my long-eared friend. Now, you must keep your part of the bargain and destroy the turtles."
Usagi "You are right. I am honor-bound."
[Back at the lair, Donatello has an announcement.]
Donatello "I give up, guys. There's a jillion other dimensions out there. I'm never gonna find Usagi's without him here to help me."
Leonardo "Which means we've gotta go to Obento's and get him."
Michelangelo "Which means disguise time."
Donatello "Uh, these getups are all right for the street, but if anyone spots us down here, we're gonna look a little strange."
Raphael "Relax, Donatello. Who's gonna see us down here?"
[As they walk through the sewers, they don’t see Usagi perched on an overhead pipe.]
Usagi "I cannot do this. They are my good friends who trust me, yet I must. My samurai honor demands it. Hyah!"
Leonardo "What! Usagi!"
Michelangelo "Hey, little dude, we were just coming to visit you."
[He holds out his hand, but Usagi takes a swing at it.]
Raphael "Why do I get the feeling he isn't real glad to see us?"
Michelangelo "Yo, Usagi, it's us, little buddy."
Leonardo "Why are you waving your sword at us like that?"
Usagi "I am sorry, my friends. Please forgive me for what I am about to do."
[He jumps up and cuts open a pipe. Water floods out and the turtles run. The water sweeps over them, washing away their disguises.]
Raphael "Is it just me, or does Usagi seem to have a hate on for us?"
Michelangelo "The dude has fully freaked out."
Leonardo "Yes, but why?"
Donatello "Who knows? We can't get near enough to ask him."
Leonardo "Listen, Usagi, if this is your idea of a joke—"
Usagi "Hyah!"
[He rolls on a barrel towards Leonardo, who jumps out of the way. Leonardo pulls a pipe cover loose and uses it as a shield as Usagi attacks.]
Leonardo "Usagi, what on Earth's gotten into you?"
Usagi "I am sorry. This is a matter of honor."
Raphael "From here, it looks like a matter of survival!"
Leonardo "Quick, after him!"
Raphael "Why? So he can turn us into turtle sashimi?"
Donatello "No, so we can find out why he's acting like this."
[He climbs the ladder, but as Donatello sticks his head out of the manhole, Usagi swings at it.]
Donatello "Yipe!"
Raphael "Yipe!"
Usagi "Hyah!"
[Leonardo uses a sword to lift Donatello’s mask. When Usagi swings at it, he bends his sword. When he jumps back, the turtles leap out of the sewers.]
Leonardo "Usagi, what's come over you?"
[Usagi tosses the sword aside and draws a second one.]
Michelangelo "Yeah, we're your compadres, dude."
Usagi "I must put an end to our relationship. And to you."
Raphael "That might not be as easy as you think!"
[Raphael pushes a garbage bin at him. Usagi leaps back into oncoming traffic and begins dodging cars.]
Leonardo "Watch out, Usagi. Be careful! Look both ways! He's heading into that shopping mall. Come on! After him!"
Raphael "After him? The guy's trying to send us to that big pet shop in the sky!"
Leonardo "Usagi lives by a strict samurai code. I suspect someone is forcing him to do this, and we've got to find out who!"
[They dodge honking cars and run into the mall after Usagi. Cut to Shredder’s hideout.]
Shredder "Is he tied securely?"
Rocksteady "Ooh, this guy ain't going nowheres."
Bebop "Nothing to do now but wait for that rabbit to finish the job."
Shredder "Oh, Bebop. That's why you're such a failure in life. You let others do your work for you!"
Bebop "Well, gee, you really think so, boss?"
Shredder "I know so! Instead of loafing around, you two throwbacks should be out doing things."
Rocksteady "Ooh! Ooh! I got a idea, boss. We'll go look for some fuel."
Bebop "Uh, yeah! Then we can bring the Technodrome up to the surface."
Shredder "Good thinking! Go out there and steal every source of fuel you can lay your unwashed hands on."
Rocksteady "Right, boss. Fuel, fuel, fuel!"
Shredder "Having others do your work for you. Oh! That's what being the boss is all about."
[Shift to the turtles, who are inside the shopping mall.]
Michelangelo "How are we going to scope him out in all this traffic?"
Raphael "Simple. Just look for a group of people who are screaming in terror."
Donatello "There he is. Over there."
[Usagi spots the turtles and begins running up the down escalator.]
Usagi "These stairs, they have a mind of their own."
[The turtles begin to give chase. Usagi slices the steps and jumps up to the second floor. The turtles leap over the sides to avoid the sliced open stairs.]
Leonardo "Going down!"
[An alarm begins ringing at the AWE Hardware building.]
Bebop "I hope this is enough."
Rocksteady "Ooh, well, it ain't. We got to get lots more energy for the boss."
[They appear next at a gas station.]
Rocksteady "Grab them flashlight batteries, Bebop."
Gas Station Worker "Hey, no free samples! You gotta pay for those!"
Bebop "Yeah, sit down and have a drink."
[Bebop fires a laser at the drink fountain and it splatters the worker. Shift back to the mall, where Usagi pushes a display case onto Donatello. He proceeds to push additional stands and cases.]
Donatello "Whoa!"
[A crowd is watching and murmuring in the background.]
Guy at Mall "The Easter Bunny's gone berserk!"
Little Boy at Mall "Will you sign my egg, Mr. Easter Bunny?"
Usagi "Perhaps there is hope for this dimension. Their young are evolving into a higher life form."
[A buzzing sound draws his attention. Nearby, Raphael pilots a remote-control plane.]
Raphael "Look sharp, buds. Dive bomber at three o'clock!"
Usagi "What strange manner of bird are these?"
[He slices one, but others buzz him.]
Donatello "We gotta do something. Usagi's gonna turn this place into a junkyard."
Michelangelo "Yeah. Where's his holiday spirit?"
Leonardo "Maybe Obento knows what's wrong with him."
Raphael "Great, but we're never gonna get to the Far East Animal Society with that freaked out furball on our tails."
Leonardo "We've got to seal him off somehow. I've got an idea!"
[He races to a display fountain and jumps in. Taking out his sword, Leonardo cuts a square out of the fountain bottom. The water starts swirling down.]
Usagi "Now, Raphael, my friend, I must bid you sayonara."
[The televisions in the display window near them flicker and then Michelangelo appears on one of them.]
Michelangelo "Yoo-hoo! Oh, Usagi! I'm over here, dude. Ha ha.
I'm also here. Not to mention here and here, and here! I've always wanted to be on TV."
[One by one other TV’s come on to show Michelangelo’s likeness.]
I'm also here. Not to mention here and here, and here! I've always wanted to be on TV."
Usagi "Aah! Stand still. Stand still. One of you must be real."
[He is busily slicing the televisions and Raphael tackles him while he’s distracted.]
Raphael "Gotcha.
In you go. All right, Donatello, now!"
[He carries Usagi to the fountain and tosses him in the opening that Leonardo created.]
In you go. All right, Donatello, now!"
[Donatello uses his bō staff to tip over the fountain statue and cover the opening.]
Leonardo "He'll be lost in the sewers for hours. Now let's head for the Animal Society."
[Back to Bebop and Rocksteady, who are standing next to a stack of stolen items they’ve piled on a sidewalk.]
Bebop "Uh, you think we swiped enough stuff yet?"
Rocksteady "Hmm. Nope. We still need more."
Bebop "More power than this?"
Rocksteady "Hey, you know the boss. He's power mad."
Bebop "So--
He wants lots of power, does he?"
[He spots a tanker truck driving by.]
He wants lots of power, does he?"
[The truck comes to a screeching halt as Bebop grabs the back bumper. Rocksteady opens the driver’s door and yanks the driver out.]
Rocksteady "Okay, Mac, I'll drive from here on. Okay, fill her up."
[They begin loading the truck with stolen items when a television broadcast by April O’Neil draws their attention.]
April O'Neil "A new breakthrough in the field of energy was revealed today when Dr. Rufus Winterbottom of Acme Research unveiled his newest discovery, a chemical additive which supercharges ordinary fuel."
Rufus "Yes, Miss O'Neil. A single drop of my supercharger added to this can of gasoline will make it powerful enough to fly a jet from here to Paris."
Bebop "Oh, now, that's something the boss would really like."
Rocksteady "Come on, we're going to pay Acme Research a little visit."
[Usagi opens a manhole cover and climbs out of the sewers. He approaches a dog.]
Usagi "Excuse me, but have you seen four turtles?
I keep forgetting. Not every creature in this strange world can speak. No matter. There are other ways to sniff them out."
[The dog whimpers.]
I keep forgetting. Not every creature in this strange world can speak. No matter. There are other ways to sniff them out."
[Bebop and Rocksteady burst through the door of Acme, their blasters drawn.]
Bebop "Eh, what's up, doc? Heh, heh. I always wanted to say that."
Rocksteady "Ooh, hand over that formula."
Rufus "No, I refuse to."
Rocksteady "Okay, wise guy, which one's the supercharger?"
Rufus "I won't tell."
Rocksteady "Okay, then we'll just take all of them."
[He and Bebop pick up the entire bookcase and carry it out. The turtles have arrived at the Animal Society.]
Leonardo "I don't get this. Where's Obento?"
Donatello "And what's gone on in here?"
Michelangelo "Whoa, there's been a humongous battle, that's for sure."
Leonardo "You're right. There are sword marks everywhere as if some sort of a duel had been fought."
Donatello "What do you suppose this is about?"
[He pushes the large magnet into the room.]
Raphael "I doubt if it's someone's good-luck charm."
[Usagi bursts through the doors.]
Usagi "Hyah! Now, my friends, you are finished! Forgive me, my friends, but a rabbit must do what a rabbit must do."
Michelangelo "But like, why does a rabbit have to do it to us?"
Leonardo "We don't want to hurt you, Usagi, but we will stop you."
Usagi "Try if you wish, but you will fail! Hyah!"
[Leonardo picks up an urn to protect himself as Usagi slices at him.]
Leonardo "Uhh! Usagi, what's behind all this?"
[Raphael rushes forward and catches Usagi’s sword on his sai before jerking it out of his hands.]
Raphael "Uhh! Now, tell us."
Usagi "It shames me to say it, but I lost a duel to a Mr. Shredder."
Michelangelo "Shredder? Whoa! Now the pieces are finally starting to fall into place."
Leonardo "We'll tie you up if we have to, until you listen to reason!"
[Usagi pulls a display sword off the wall.]
Usagi "You will not!"
[He lifts the sword and advances on three of the turtles.]
Michelangelo "Whoa!"
[The magnet pulls the sword out of his hands.]
Usagi "Again?"
Donatello "Again? Was that how you lost to Shredder?"
Usagi "Yes, as best as I recall."
Donatello "You've been tricked. See? That huge magnet prevented you from striking."
Usagi "Forgive me. I had hoped to do the honorable thing."
Raphael "You mean like wasting us?"
Usagi "And yet, I realize that to betray one's friends is the most dishonorable act of all. How can I ever redeem myself?"
Leonardo "I have an idea."
[Cut to the abandoned building. The stolen truck is backed up into an opening in the wall.]
Bebop "We've seen this stuff work, boss. And it's like some kind of energy booster."
Shredder "But what good is it if I can't tell which beaker contains the supercharger compound?"
Rocksteady "Hey, boss, I think I found it. Look what this stuff does to my toy robot."
[He places a drop on the toy. It races across the room and breaks through the wall, before breaking through another wall to reenter. It then lifts a stone pillar.]
Shredder "Incredible!"
Rocksteady "Ooh, we better do something before it wrecks the joint."
[Bebop smashes it with a mallet.]
Bebop "There, I did something."
Shredder "Outstanding! With this formula, that truckload of gasoline will be sufficient to repower the entire Technodrome and stamp this planet flat! Quickly! We must load up."
[Usagi enters, dragging all four tied up turtles behind him.]
Usagi "I have carried out your request."
Shredder "Excellent. Take them to the next room. I will deal with them in a moment. Bebop, Rocksteady, bring out the old man."
[Usagi drags the turtles into another room and then cuts them free.]
Usagi "There. What now?"
Leonardo "Just go out there and stall them. The party starts in thirty seconds."
Usagi "Very well."
Michelangelo "Yo, dudes, check it out."
Raphael "Boy, are we lucky or what?"
Donatello "Let's get these crates open."
Usagi "I have kept my bargain."
Shredder "Now release Obento. Rabbit, you have carried out my orders well. So well in fact, that I think I'll keep you in my employ."
Usagi "But that was not our agreement."
Shredder "Usagi Yojimbo, swear eternal loyalty to me, or the old man perishes."
Usagi "What? Never!"
Bebop "Not so fast, carrot breath. I hope this thing works."
[He shoots a giant staple at Usagi. It catches him around the middle and pins him to the wall.]
Shredder "I warn you. Defy me, and you will share this old man's fate."
Usagi "I will never serve you!"
Shredder "Then so be it."
Raphael "Hold it, shred man."
Shredder "The turtles! They're still alive!"
Bebop "H-hey, you said the bunny was gonna finish them off."
Rocksteady "Aah! That means they're g-g-g-ghosts!"
Shredder "Then they won't mind being obliterated again."
Leonardo "That's what you think. Donatello, fire one!"
[A fireworks rocket flashes out of the room and chases after Shredder.]
Michelangelo "Cowabunga, dudes! Now, this is what I call a party!"
[He and Donatello shoot off more fireworks, all aimed at Bebop and Rocksteady.]
Rocksteady "Ooh, it's World War III all over again!"
Shredder "You brainless hulks, this isn't an abandoned warehouse. It's a fireworks factory!"
Raphael "So, Usagi, what do you think of our little town?"
[He frees Usagi.]
Usagi "It is quite-- colorful."
Shredder "We must get the fuel supercharger."
Donatello "Fuel supercharger?
Whoops, ha ha, clumsy me."
[He runs to the table and pushes the samples over.]
Whoops, ha ha, clumsy me."
Shredder "Oh! Turtles, surrender at once, or I'll blast you all to reptilian remnants."
Donatello "I hate to tell you this, Shredder, but this was the right vial."
Shredder "The formula, what did you do with it?"
Donatello "You'll find out just about—
[Michelangelo lights all of the fireworks.]
[Rockets shoot off everywhere. The villains race for the transport module.]
Shredder "Hurry! We'll be blown to bits!"
Usagi "The villains are escaping!"
Raphael "So what else is new?"
Leonardo "We can't bother with them. We must get out of here."
Usagi "Wait! Obento!
Come, Master. This structure is no longer safe."
[He cuts the man free.]
Come, Master. This structure is no longer safe."
[They rush outside. Fireworks are still going off.]
Michelangelo "Whoa-ho! After this, the fourth of July's going to seem awesomely dull."
[The turtles, Obento, and Usagi have returned to the Animal Society.]
Leonardo "Usagi, I hope you've learned never to trust that evil Shredder again."
Usagi "I have, my friends. And I hope you can forgive me."
Obento "Remember, Usagi is still a stranger here, and has much to learn about our world."
[There is a knock on the door.]
Michelangelo "And here comes lesson numero uno.
Thanks, dude. Usagi's about to sample our world's most tubuloso cuisine."
[He pays for a pizza delivery.]
Thanks, dude. Usagi's about to sample our world's most tubuloso cuisine."
Usagi "What manner of thing is this?"
Michelangelo "It's called pizza, dude."
Usagi "Is it safe to eat?"
Raphael "Yeah, but I'm warning you, it's habit-forming."
[Usagi takes a bite and smiles.]
Usagi "Mmm. You know, I think I'm going to like living in this world."
Michelangelo "All right, dude."
Raphael "Ha, ha!"
Donatello "Leave some for me!"
[They are all laughing.]
[End Credits]