Turtle Lair-TMNTcomic strips

The Turtle Lair of Splinter and his four turtle sons—Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michaelangelo—is located underground, beneath New York City.

The sewer lair is comprised of several rooms, one of which is a primary living space. Other rooms include separate bedrooms for each of the Turtles and Splinter, as well as a bathroom and kitchen. Donatello's room has a desk and computer. It is near enough to Leonardo's room so that when Donatello is typing on his keyboard, the clacking sound annoys the elder Turtle. A large wooden door is the entry into the lair from the sewer tunnels. A key is necessary to enter, and there is a sign reading "Keep Out" posted on the door. There is also a sign posted on Raphael's door which reads "Knock or Die".

One of the couches in the lair is large enough to hold Splinter, all four Turtles and April. Often, there are empty pizza boxes strewn around and Splinter frequently instructs his sons to start cleaning up.

