
The Triceratons appear in a series of games based on the comics, 1987 series, movies and RPG mostly as, opponents or level bosses:

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters: A individual Triceraton appears as a ruthless and unplayable boss in the SEGA Megadrive–Genesis version. Despite being unplayable in the game, Triceraton is fully playable with cheat devices; having a full working moveset, second player palette and complete compatability in all scenarios. The enhanced port, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection, allows an option to set Triceraton to be playable. This triceratron resides on a planet with a brontosaurus and fights by spitting poison, rolling into a ball and using its teeth and claws.


  • In the Genesis version of Tournament Fighters, Triceraton is the only boss to have a desperation move. The desperation consists of the triceraton leaping at the opponent and repeatedly bouncing off their chest followed by a final stomp.

See also[]
