
Tora is an alien bounty hunter who appears as a boss in the NES game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game. This "ten foot, half ton blizzard beast who, in 2000 years, has never known defeat" is from an ice planet called Traglodoon. Tora is hired alongside Shogun by the Shredder to take out the Turtles. He fights with his claws and throws colossal pieces of hail.[1][2] He is aided by his mysterious weather changing / glacier making, Dimension X satellite—the source for the huge chunks of ice he tries to topple the Turtles with.

Notes and trivia[]

  • Tora appears briefly in a CGI spot in a television commercial for the TMNT II NES game as he jumps down and throws a large slab of ice at and into the game cabinet. His partner Shogun also appears, as does a quick flurry of Foot Soldiers as they all cram into a "mutating" TMNT arcade game cabinet. As the narrator touts about Ultra's improvements and added levels to the game, the arcade machine eventually transforms and shrinks into a box for the TMNT II video game cartridge.
  • In the Japanese version of the game, he is simply called "Polar Bear Fighter" (ポーラーベア・ファイター) and is described as a mutant.




  1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (English). Hardcore Gaming. Retrieved on February 11, 2022.
  2. Storyline (English). Console Classix. Retrieved on February 11, 2022.

External Links[]
