Tokka is a boss in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. He is in all versions of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. In the original arcade version, he and Rahzar are the bosses of the pirate ship level, while in the Super NES version, they have been moved to the new Technodrome level.
They are paired together as a double-boss in Turtles in Time. They can team up in their attacks in the SNES version; one of their moves involves Tokka withdrawing into his shell and Rahzar hopping on top and riding around the screen chaotically like a skateboard. Their low intelligence from the second movie is also included in the game: they will often accidentally hit each other instead of the player, and will take damage for it. Just like in the movie, when the player defeats them in the game, they de-mutate to normal animals. Also, in the game, their names have the spelling of the movie, not the later spelling of the 1987 TV series. The Super NES version borrows a quote from the movie which Tokka and Rahzar said, right before the fight: "Master say have fun." "FUN!" In the movie, they say this when they're tearing up a backstreet to lure the Turtles into a confrontation. In The Manhattan Project Tokka appears as the boss of the rooftop level and carries a shield for blocking jump kicks. Plus, there is an electric billboard in the background and Tokka would be able to uppercut you into it. Tokka returns to the role in the 2009 Turtles in Time Re-Shelled remake for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. For some reason, Tokka is more blue than green in Turtles in Time and has the power of ice breath in the Super NES version, freezing any Turtle in their tracks.