
Timmy is the "White Raider", the leader of the Mighty Mecha Power Raiders. While watching a commercial for the Power Raiders' live show, the Ninja Turtles realize that Timmy is wearing a piece of the Green Talisman as a belt buckle. The Turtles crash their show, and ask for the talisman to be handed over. Timmy refuses, and the two teams fight. Being only actors, the Power Raiders are no match for the Turtles. However, Timmy activates the talisman and proves to be a competent threat when powered up. Leonardo manages to snag Timmy's belt with his Katana and slip it off, but before the Turtles can retrieve it, T.K.O. steals the belt away with her telekinesis.


Timmy is an obvious parody of Tommy Oliver in his "White Ranger" incarnation.
