
The Time Scepter (sometimes referred to as Sceptre of the Sands of Time) is an object that shows up in several TMNT continuities. An object that facilitates time travel, it is normally associated with Lord Simultaneous and Renet.


Apprentice Timestress Renet Tilley arrives on the scene of a battle between the forces of good and evil on Planet Eternia after it has begun. She laments her tardiness, especially after the mutated He-Man is unleashed by Skeletor and begins to kill indiscriminately. This clash between the inhabitants of Eternia and the Ninja Turtles causes a knot in the universe. Renet says that knots in the universe cause all kinds of trouble, but mostly pain and death. And, if it weren’t for the fact that someone stole her Time Scepter and she had to use Lord Simultaneous’s ancient prototype, she would have stopped the knots from forming.

Renet hovers above He-Man and the killing field, watching as He-Man suffers. Late again, Renet says she does not want to be there when Splinter finds out, so she tells the Scepter to take her away. Scepter responds that it needs a place and she tells it before all of this began, not wherever the knots got knotted. Scepter responds that “not knot” is a nonspecific place and it is guessing. Renet begins to fall, shouting at the fact that it's ‘guessing’. Renet lands with a hard thud, flips over and loses her headdress. She stands up as Scepter announces their arrival and is stunned to find herself in a jail cell. She fusses that she didn’t give a specific place so it dropped her in prison. To her dismay, Renet discovers that they are all now in a Time Loop.
