The Time Scepter (sometimes referred to as the Sceptre of the Sands of Time) is an object that shows up in several Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continuities. It is normally associated with Lord Simultaneous and Renet, though this version of the staff is an exception.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III[]
Unlike the other incarnations of the item, in the third live-action movie the Scepter is not connected with Simultaneous, Renet, or any other associated characters.
Instead, it is bought by April as a gift to Splinter at a Japanese flea market. In feudal Japan, Kenshin also holds the scepter, causing him to switch places with April, landing him in the present while she travels to medieval Japan.
In order to activate it, at least one of the users must speak the inscription on it "Open Wide the Gates of Time". Also, the people who are switched must have the same weight, as Don calls it "It's equal mass displacement!". Also when both users switch place, they also switch clothes, which shown them to fit them well.
Text seen on Donatello's computer when he's scanning the scepter[]
Basic Quantities... Energy, matter, time, space, and gravity. The following equation shows that all are equivalent... E=MC^2 ...that is, that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light^2. When calculated, the following table shows the relative velocity changes over the speed of the microwave transmission involved in order to create the time-space continuum to warp in a congruous yet portable manner. 142................341189.98......42 255................445433.32......67 163................224544.81......88 711................188946.47......26 828................633267.92......66 When expanded over time, the following equation holds... MC^2=4.2x10E3>*<3.14159*(hypo(b)) Eq(32)*10E4=56/(10e6)*14(tan(bbl)) These equations show that though the speed of the atomic mass may change the overall structure of the atom stays intact. The need for speed regulation of the gas plasma cloud within the chamber is to prevent overheating the nucleus and thus preventing possible meltdown at the core level. Qe5 = .084*(etY^(45/12)*21) Along with the basic need to regulate the temperature, the following equations will shed light on the overall environmental control necessary for a successful reaction... Hdefine aa = 32; Hdefine ab = 44; Hdefine qd = 51e5; main: { int a, rtY, qqp; float b, rtX, qqa; midx = getmass() /2; midy = getmaxy() /2; /m user defined pattern*/ /m binary code generation*/ printf("Please press a key..."); scanf(a, int qt); for (i=0; i<rtY; i++) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, i); bar(0, rtY, xmax, y+ht); y+=ht; } getch(); return 0: int spawn(int mode, char*path, char*argu(), NULL, char) int spawnve(int mode, char*path, char*argu[], char*envp[])
The scepter later briefly appears in the memorial closet of Master Splinter during the ending scenes of the 2007 animated movie.