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[It all started at the Branford dojo. The Turtles enter inside.]

Raph: I don't know. Looks empty, guys.

Leo: We're not alone here. I can feel it.

[Someone tackled Raph.]

Leo: Rahzar!

[Donnie dodged a punch from another familiar form.]

Dogpound: That makes two of us.

Donnie: Dogpound?

[Chris Bradford appears behind Raph.]

Chris: Chris Bradford Fact 48: Chris Bradford always carries around four weapons of mass destruction: his arms and his legs.

Mikey: Oh, snap! Chris Bradford!

Donnie: Wow. All three of them at the same time. This is so rad!

[They begin to attack the three Chris. Raph takes Dogpound]

Raph: Bring it, Dogpound!

MIkey: Booyakasha!

[Chris kicks MIkey.]

Leo: Don't hold back, guys.

[Leo threw his sword in the air and kicked it at Raph, making him fall. MIkey kicks Chris down.]

Mikey: Bradford's out!

[It turns out to be a training room.]

Raph: Not bad for holograms.

[Theme song]

[They begin to leave outside.]

April: Pretty cool, right? Three Bradfords for the price of one holo-trainer.

Donnie: It was incredible, April! Solid holograms. Ingenious!

Raph: Eh. It was a little soft. Maybe you could dial it up next time.

Fugitoid: I can program a rematch where you opponents actually break bones if you'd like, Raphael.

Raph: Eh, next time.

Casey: My mighty mental powers command a giant double meat all meat burger meal.

[The machine begins and creates a burger.]

Mikey: Dude, I love the think-a-food machine. It's, like, way less than 30 minutes or less.

[He thinks of something and then starts eating something that made Casey groan in disgust.]

Casey: Uh. What is wrong with you, Mikey?

Fugitoid: And were you satisfied with the holo-training session, Leonardo?

Leo: Yeah, Fugitoid, it was cool and all. It's just, we have six months to find the pieces of the black hole device before the Triceratons find them. Are we still tracking the mother ship?

Fugitoid. [pause] Okay. Okay. Big oops. I may have possibly lost the Triceratons.

Casey: [upset] What?! What kind of cyborg are you?

[Signal goes off]

Donnie: A distress signal!

[Everyone heads to the main console room.]

April: Is it the Triceratons?

Fugitoid: The distress call is coming from this ship.

Leo: Are there any survivors?

Donnie: Hard to tell, captain. Getting lots of strange interference.

Casey: Space rescue mission? That is so heavy metal.

[They begin to approach the damaged ship.]

Leo: Look at the size of this. Asteroid damage?

Donnie: I don't think so. The hole was blasted from the inside out. Strange.

Raph: Maybe they were attacked from inside. Or maybe the crew did it.

[He fell when he saw a lifeless body.]

Fugitoid: Sadly, there is no one left. My sensors detect nothing alive on board that ship.

April: So eerie. It's like a horror movie waiting to happen. I don't even have to be psychic to get a bad feeling about this place.

Casey: I have a bad feeling, too. Like this is totally boring. I wish something not boring would happen.

[As he said this a blue glow shines. He looks up and began to follow where the source is.]

Mikey: I got it! I bet they blew up the ship because of Squirrelanoids!

Raph: That idea's so stupid it makes my head blow up.

[Casey then finds a small cube floating in the air.]

Casey: What's this?

April: What are you afraid of there, scaredy cat? What do you got there, Casey?

Casey: It's mine. Huh?

[Lights began to flicker and they saw something.]

April: Hello?

[The head lifts up to reveal a space zombie. Everyone screemed at the sight of the monster and notice that most of them had come to life.]

Casey: Astro-zombies? Wicked!

Leo: Let's get out of here.

[They begin to fight the zombies]

Mikey: You're not getting my brain, zombie!

Raph: It would help if you had some. Aw, snap! Chalk two up for Raph.

Casey: Goongala!

[He throws the pronostic space punk at the dead and they escape.]

Fugitoid: How odd. There hasn't been an astro-zombie plague in six thousand years.

Donnie: That empty ship's been beaming a distress call for decades.

Casey: Well, somebody left behind this cool-looking souvenir.

Fugitoid: [shocked] Impossible. You found a hypercube?

Casey: A what now?

Fugitoid: Hypercubes are keys to a higher plane where fifth-dimensional beings dwell. I'll be keeping this for now and putting it someplace safe where it can't be opened.

[He pulled it so hard that he and Casey went flying]

Casey: It belongs to me!

TV: Chris Bradford stars as Chris Bradford in "Chris Bradford and His 2Ruff Krew," a Chris Bradford production. Li'l Rineo... Master C... And Sumo Glen. "Chris Bradford and His 2Ruff Krew."

Chris: Evil Ninja has enlisted Fake Master, a trickster and master of disguise, to destroy us. We've got to find him before he finds us. We've run out of enemies to destroy, and none of them were Fake Master. What should we do, Felicia?

[They both his as Glen shook his head and covered Rineo's eyes.]

Chris: You've got man breath.

Fake master: Oh, Chris. You're so tough. [shoves him] And kind of stupid. It was me all along. Fake Master!

[He laughs evilly]

Chris: Felicia? For three years I've loved a rubber suit? No!

Mikey: I can't believe Chris Bradford had his own show back in the '80s. It's so lame it's awesome.

Raph: I can't believe you used to worship that guy. What do you think, Casey? Casey?

Fugitoid: You'll be safe in here for now.

[Fugioid puts it in the vault and leaves.]

Casey: [angrily] Stupid robot. It's mine. I found it. I'm supposed to open it. Open. Must open.

[He tried opening but he couldn't. A weird laughter is heard. Casey banged on the box and it activated. a blue mist opened up to reveal a mysterious creature.]

Donnie: Casey! What are you doing with that thing? The Professor said it was extremely dangerous.

Fugitoid: It's all right, as long as he hasn't opened it. Oh... It is extremely open.

[Something tapped on the Fugitoid. When he looked up, he saw that there was a weird looking alien on the ceiling. It was a blue worm like an alien genie being.]

Wrym: Hello, hello, my friends. Good to see ya. Nice to meet ya. Let me greet you. You can call me Wyrm! Here to make pals happy, help you out. Give you some love. I'm the most powerful Wyrm in Ten Dimensions, and all I want to do is grant you three little wishes. Well, technically two, since Casey already made the first wish.

[He uses his eyes as a projector and mimics his hands when Casey talks about the wish he granted.]

Casey: Like, this is totally boring. I wish something not boring would happen.

[Then the clip shows the undead astronauts.]

April: It's why the space-zombies attacked.

Casey: Okay, so here are the rules. You got two more wishes, and you got to share them. We're living in hard economic times.

[Mikey raised his hand]

Mikey: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Wyrm: You can never make a wish to get more wishes. Against the rules. Last rule: you can never ever wish to hurt a Wyrm.

Donnie: So, otherwise, we can wish for anything at all? Wow.

Wyrm: That's right! So what's it gonna be?

[He flaots in the air, his arms across his head. They huddle up]

Mikey: So, obviously we'll wish for an endless supply of comic books. Or, oh, a space surfboard! Yes!

Donnie: Mikey. We got to think about this seriously.

Raph: The first wish has got to be "save earth," right? Stop the Triceratons.

Leo: Does that count as two wishes?

April: We could wish for universal peace throughout the galaxy. That would cover just about everything, right?

Casey: How about something important, like Casey Jones becomes the ultimate super hero in the universe.

Donnie: [upset] Casey! You already wasted a wish on those dumb astro-zombies. Oh, man, I wish you weren't such a big dummy! Oops!

Leo: Donnie!

[The wish was granted and Casey started to turn blue and his eyes white. He started to see things all over and suddenly started to grow smart.]

Casey: Whoa, I can see everything. Every molecule. Every electron. I've just counted the total amount of quadratic number fields with unique factorization. I am the dopest being in all of reality.

Donnie: [horrified] What have I done?

April: It's okay. We still have the third wish. We can fix everything.

Wyrm: Course you can! You just need to wish. So what's it gonna be? What's wrong? You scared of a teeny tiny wish?

Leo: Hold up. Before we make any more wishes, we're gonna discuss this carefully.

Wyrm: You can have all the power in the universe, but you want to discuss it?

[He disappears and then the ship crashes.]

Fugitoid: We've hit something.

Donnie: The stars! They're gone!

[Casey looked and saw a small spaceship in the cube.]

Casey: Our spaceship.

[As he leaned close, everyone yelled out when they saw a giant version of Casey looking at them.]

Mikey: Giant eyeball!

Casey: We're somehow trapped both inside and outside the hypercube simultaneously in a fifth-dimensional prison.

Wyrm: I find that being inside a fifth-dimensional prison really focuses the mind. Now make a wish!

Fugitoid: One moment, ple ase. Our friend Wyrm here is one of the three reality-bending Creators of Chaos. They were put into fifth-dimensional prisons millennia ago and scattered throughout the cosmos. Ahh!

[Fugitoid gets himself electrocuted by Wyrm's magic.]

All: Fugitoid!

Fugitoid: Granting all three wishes frees the Wyrm of his prison forever.

Leo: Forget it, Wyrm. You'll never get a third wish out of us.

[Wyrm laughs and electrodes the turtles and turns them into a very tight ball.]

Wyrm: Maybe this'll knock some sense into yez.

[He throws the turtle's ball around the ship and uses it as a baseball bat. He then blows his thub as a hammer emerged from his arm and used it. ]

Wyrm: Wyrm feels like causing a little chaos! [whacks Mikey flat] Know what I'm saying?

[Donnie tries too attack but Wyrm becomes a trampoline to bounce them back.]

April: Casey. You're super smart now. What do we do?

[She shoots her blaster but Wyrm sallowed them and farts it out. Raph tackles as Wyrm poofs up a pirate hat. Then Leo joined Raph.]

Wyrm: Arr, Cap'n Wyrm knows how to deal with a mutiny! Why even bother fighting me, you dweebs? I'm too tough for ya!

[Leo sliced his head off only for it to grab Leo while the upper half grabbed onto Mikey.]

Mikey: Get it off of me!

[Wyrm becomes a rocket and then rockets right onto Mikey with Leo wrapped in it.]

Raph: Wish I had an anti-Wyrm laser cannon.

[A cannon appears.]

Wyrm: Oh, no! Please! Don't blast me! I know I was a little rude. A little wacky. A little off the wall! I'm so sorry!

Raph: Not buying it, Wyrm. Get a faceful of this! What? That's not fair! I made a wish!

Wyrm: Of course it's fair. Remember? Last rule. [holds a puppet] You can never ever make a wish to hurt a Wyrm.

[He grabs the cube and Fugitoid.]

Fugitoid: [in his grasp] And now Wyrm is free to rule the cosmos.

Wyrm: Yeah, that's the fun part! Come on. I'll show you! Space is much too crowded. We're gonna do some space cleaning!

[He starts using a conducting stick which makes the planets explode. Everyone screamed and then tried to attack but got thrown away.]

Raph: Why did I make that last wish?

April: We got to do something, Casey.

Casey: There's nothing we can do, April. I've calculated 980,000 different scenarios, and they all end with Wyrm ruling the cosmos. Wyrm is the most powerful being in reality, so it makes perfect sense for me, the most intelligent being in the universe, to join him.

Raph: What are you doing, Casey?

Casey: The only smart thing, Raphael. Teaming up with Wyrm.

[Things went black. The turtles found themselves in a hockey rink.]

Casey: Time to play, fellas!

[They get knocked down by a bunch of Caseys while Wyrms waves. They found themselves in the alley being chased by a Giant Casey, those on the Shellraiser and three more.]

Wyrm: See? My wishes work great. Look what you could have had. I'll tell you what, smart guy. You and I will rule the universe together.

both: S-w-w-weet.

Donnie: Casey, you jerk!

Wyrm: First I need a little proof of your loyalty. Destroy the turtles!

Casey: I agree, Wyrmy. Let's squash 'em!

April: Casey. How could you?

Casey: But if I'm gonna take 'em out once and for all, I'm gonna need a wish.

Wyrm: Hmm. Fine. You get a wish bonus!

April: Casey, I can't believe it. Who are you?

[They begin to back away from Casey.]

Casey: I wish... We never found that stupid hypercube in the first place.

Wyrm: What? You… you can't wish that!

Raph: Oh, wow. Not so dumb after all.

Mikey: Casey, you're a genius!

Wyrm: But but but if you never found the cube, then none of this ever happened.

Casey: And... You granted me a wish, and now you got to make it.

Wyrm: No, no, no, no! Your... your wish is m-my command! No!

[And so time goes back until shortly before the moment, where Casey is in the wreck of the spaceship begins his wish for a little more excitement. ]

April: So eerie. It's like a horror movie waiting to happen. I don't even have to be psychic to get a bad feeling about this place.

Casey: I have a bad feeling too. Like this is totally boring. I wish some-

April: No! Don't wish anything. I don't know why, but just don't say a word.

Casey: Okay, Red. What's the big deal? Man.

Fugitoid: My sensors detect nothing left alive on that ship. You should all return immediately. I believe I have a lead on the Triceraton mothership.

Leo: Hey, did you guys hear a voice? Ah, never mind. I just had a weird sense of deja vu.

Wyrm: It's not fair! Come back and make a wish! You hear me? LET ME OUT OF HERE!!
