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[The three part episode starts at an apocalypse future and the finale of TMNT. Somewhere in the alternate future, Earth was hit by a mutagen bomb, which disrupted the ecosphere and completely changed the world as we know it. The humanity was completely extinguished, but the mutants were left and they are tough and adaptive to survive the wasteland, which is now a sand covered wasteland.]
Future Raph: [narrating] The world has changed. It's a never-ending wasteland now. Not a single human is left, only mutants. Something happened in my memory a few years back when the Mutagen Explosion went off. All I know is only me and Donnie made it out alive.
[We see Raph now an older turtle with a beard and battle armor.]
Raph: We need fuel, Don. We're down to two barrels. Never gonna make it to Merchant Town on two barrels.
Robo Donnie: Scanning now. Sorry, Raph, there's nothing for at least a hundred miles. Looks like we'll just have to..
Raph: Make do, like always. Make do.
Donnie: Now entering the Savage Desert. Keep one hand on the wheel and the other on your blaster.
Raph: Every second, Don, every second.
[Meanwhile, someone is watching him far far away. It belonged to a male badger with a robotic arm and eye.]
Verminator Rex: Well, well, what do we have here? Time to do a little fishing, my Ravagers. We got a big one to catch.
[Theme song.]
[Raph and Donnie made camp in the middle of the desert. Raph kept the fire going as a small roach climb onto Raph's stick where he's roasting a kabob.]
Donnie: Desert roaches, Raphael? And to think you used to be afraid of bugs.
Raph: I was? I don't remember that.
Donnie: Well, out here, bugs are one of the few sources of the nine essential proteins your body needs to survive. Those little critters, they contain histidine, isoleucine...
Raph: I do remember you used to annoy me with all the science talk.
Donnie: Don't worry, Raph. One day you'll get those memories back, [yawns] but my cyber cortex needs to go into rest mode. Powering down. Good night.
Raph: Good night, brother.
[Later, Raph hears something. He goes to investigate, his blaster in his hand but he gets grabbed, He stabs the mutant's foot and aims his blaster. He stood up and ended up punched to the ground.]
Rex: Nice to meet you. You can call me Verminator Rex. Maybe you can help us. We're looking for a girl and a map.
Raph: Oh, here, let me show you the map to my fist!
[He punched him and the badgers started to attack him. ]
Rex: Everything you have belongs to Honey Badger Ravages now, You old terrapin including your shell.
[He reached the phone and called Donnie.]
Raph: Donnie!
[Robot Donnie comes in and activates his electric bo, The badgers attacks but he fights back. Rex summons his chainsaw but Donnie dodged. Raph punched Rex in the head.]
Donnie: Robo-high three!
Raph: No time. Look!
Donnie: Aww, desert Wasteland apples.
[They retreat to the shellraiser as Rex gets up.]
Raph: You got to be kidding me.
[Raph hotwires the shellraiser while Donnie heads to the cannon.]
Donnie: Time to kick some badger butt!
[He starts to shoot lasers, destroying most the vehicles.]
Donnie: Zoinks! Really, really big rocket launcher.
[He fired a missle at them as they end down the cliff edge. Donnie continued on firing the rangers. Raph pulls up a doll made bomb.]
Raph: Well, I was saving this for a rainy day.
Donnie: Newsflash, Raph. It hasn't rained in 842 days, seven hours, and 32 minutes. Translation: use it!
[He throws the bomb at them and sends an explosion.]
Donnie: Whoo-hoo! Kiss the Honey Badger Ravagers good-bye.
[The team stomped as Rex roared in anger. The next day.]
Raph: Hey, Don, scan the area. Donnie?
[Donnie is still charging from his last battle.]
Raph: Ahhh, sometimes I really envy your sleep mode. Better check this place out for supplies.
[He looks inside some wreckage and finds a canister, but it was empty.]
Raph: Got to find more water around here.
[As he waited, he heard something. He looked and shot but the figure escaped. The figure grabbed his weapon and ended up electrocuted. The figure then went into the shellraiser and left him. Raph is all by himself now.]
Raph: Oh, what a day, what a lovely day.
[As the sun grew bright, Raph is forced to walk by himself.]
Raph: A turtle on its back. He bakes in the hot sun... trying to turn itself over. Needs water. I need water.
[He sighs, collapsing to the ground, coughing and breathed into his mask and sees something. A flare. He remembers the time the mutagen bomb went off and caused everyone to mutate and die and Leo separated him. He sees something approaching.]
Raph: Can't be. It's just a mirage.
[It turns out it was the shellraiser and Donnie has come to help Raph.]
Raph: Donnie? What took you so long?
[Donnie helps Raph up and puts him inside and gives him water.]
Donnie: I was in sleep mode doing self-repairs from our last little run-in, and when I reactivated, I saw you'd turned into a young girl.
Raph: Young girl? What?
[He looks over and of course it is the young girl. She is a female meerkat with brown eyes and is tied up who wore an orange bandana, a crop shirt and a belt.]
Raph: Little meerkat thief. I'm tired of these scavengers. Dump her by the side of the road and let's keep moving.
Donnie: But she doesn't have any water or shelter, Raph.
Raph: Neither did I. I'm the captain of this ship. She goes.
Donnie: I won't leave her out here. That's not how Master Splinter raised us.
Raph: I don't remember being raised or Master Splinter. You can drop her at the next bomb shelter we pass.
[He starts the shellraiser.]
Donnie: Monitoring scans indicate we're heading toward the Impossible Wasteland. The area is said to be riddled with quicksand and dangerous desert monsters.
Mira: That's where I was going.
Donnie: Through the wasteland?
Mira: I'm looking for someone.
Raph: So you got a name besides car thief?
Donnie: How did you end up in the Wasteland all alone?
Mira: It's a long story.
Donnie: Don't you have a village or a tribe or something?
Mira: My family was destroyed a long time ago. They're gone.
Raph: Us too. We had two brothers. They didn't make it through the M. bomb.
Mira: I am Mira of the Wild Meerkat Clan. How did you end up out here with that thing?
[Unknown to them, she gets herself free.]
Donnie: That thing? I'm a person-Well, a turtle. Okay, turtle mind and a robot body, but I....
Raph: He used to be like me, then the Mutagen Explosions went off.
Donnie: My body was destroyed, but I was cybernetically wired to Metalhead Mark 2, a robot I designed, so I transferred my consciousness into this machine.
Mira: Okay, okay. I have no idea what you're saying, but it's cool. Why are you on the road? Where are you two drongos going?
Raph: Nowhere. We hunt, look for food, fuel, weapons, and try to stay alive. That's about it.
Mira: There's more to life than scavenging. I'm a believer. Oasis is out there. I know the Green Paradise is real.
Raph: Ha! Oasis? Dream on, kid.
Mira: You're wrong. Oasis is real, and I'm gonna find it.
[They arrive at a gas station.]
Raph: Gonna look for some fuel. Maybe we'll get lucky. Don't go anywhere. [goes outside]
[Raph steps outside of the shellraiser and looked for some fuel. He moved aside some debris and pulled otu a hose and can see it was empty.]
Raph: Of course, I couldn't be that lucky.
[He returns and notice something.]
Raph: Oh, no! Donnie!
[Donnie was badly hurt until Mira attacked. She has escaped from her chains. He fired his blaster at the meerkat but she dodged.]
Mira: You're pretty fast, for an old turtle.
[He continued to dodge and grabbed her with his whip.]
Raph: Got a few surprises myself.
[He begins to leave.]
Mira: Wait, wait! Only I know how to get through the Impossible Wasteland. I know of another turtle out there.
Raph: My brothers are gone.
[He leaves Mira behind. ]
Badger: Boss, the stranger's getting close. Ten minutes out.
Raph: Don, you okay?
Donnie: I'm back online, finally.
[Suddenly, they were attacked.]
Rex: You got nowhere to go, turtle. Shut down your fancy robo, and hand over the keys to your war rig, and maybe I'll let you live and that's a big maybe.
Raph: Not gonna happen. Way I see it, you're outnumbered, creep.
Rex: Take a look around, old reptile.
Donnie: Maybe we can, um, negotiate?
Rex: Last chance. Surrender and hand over your wheels, or you're gonna be buzzard food.
Raph: You couldn't handle these wheels, Badger. No deal.
[Rex growls and starts his engine. Raph takes on his helmet for battle.]
Rex: Attack!
[He starts the engine and creates a dust cloud, then he drives past the badgers. The clan started to give chase and onto the road. Raph started to fire his blaster, destorying a few and went off to the desert off road.]
Donnie: We're going off road? Are you crazy?
Raph: Crazy wins the Wasteland.
[The chase continued on as Donnie got onto the launcher and fired at the badgers who threw blue bombs at them.]
Rex: Ha, your metal butt's mine now, robot.
[Then, something stopped him.]
Mira: Going somewhere?
[Mira attacks. Rex then noticed the map on her left arm.]
Rex: The sacred map! It's you, the girl marked with the map.
[Donnie takes noticed and fired at Rex's vechile. She tumbled off as the Shellraiser went ahead. Mira tumbled off and started to grab onto anotehr motorcycle and goes after them. Rex gets off his car.]
Rex: No, I want that map!
[Raph steered the shellraiser as the badgers catches up to them. A loud horn blared to reveal that a hueg monster truck shaped like a train. is coming their way. Donnie fired, but it had no effect. Rex fired. causing Donnie to fly off.]
Raph: Donnie!
[He steered the shellraiser to avoid the incoming car. as hooks strike the back of the shellraiser.]
Donnie: Raph, get me off of this crazy thing!
[Rex leaped and tried to cut through with his chainsaw.]
Raph: Nobody messes with my ride.
[Raph sets the machine to autopilot as Mira continues on stopping badgers. She drove through using the boomerang and knocking them down. Raph gets on top of the shellraiser and started attack Rex and punching him. A few more badgers attack but Raph pushed them off. Donnie gets to the back and pulled out the barrels.]
Donnie: I hope Raph forgives me for jettisoning some fuel.
[Raph almost went over the edge as Donnie continued on fighting. Mira knocked Rex off the shellraiser, saving Raph.]
Donnie: Hey, Honey Badgers, you know you're in the same family as the common skunk?
[He punched the canister out and caused an explosion on the death car, killing most of the badgers. Donnie finally managed to knock them off as Mira drove alongside They began to stop for a rest. Mira started fixing the Shellraiser.]
Donnie: Glad you were so persistent, Mira.
[Raph had his beard cut off while Mira fixed the shellraiser.]
Raph: Yeah, you're a survivor. I like that. Not bad with a blade either. Reminds me of old Leo.
Mira: There's a mystic out there somewhere in the Wasteland. He knows secrets. They say he's a turtle, like you. Some call him the Holy Chalupa.
[Robotic Donatello and Raphael are surprised by its name. They learn that the holy chalupa is their youngest brother, known as...]
Raph: Michelangelo?