
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

The War to Come, part 2 is the primary story in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe issue 2.


The Turtles are trapped and surrounded by the government. With them? One of their least favorite people in the world, Baxter Stockman! Will the unlikely allies find a way to work together and live to fight another day?

Appearing in The War to Come, part 2[]



The Turtles quickly decide how to proceed in their current situation. Leonardo tells Raphael to keep watch over Donatello while he and Michelangelo try to find April so they can all leave together. Raph expresses anger that April didn’t take a comm device with her like he’d suggested, even though Leo reminds him that she didn’t want anything that could give her away to Stockman.

Outside the building, the EPF begin planting charges to try and blow their way in. Detective Lewis orders a cordon around the area to prevent any bystanders from getting too close. Several other police officers ask her what’s going on and she tells them it’s a chemical leak, although no one is fooled. The EPF launch several perimeter defense orbs to begin flying around the building, searching for any breach points. Detective Lewis orders the other police to ignore the unusual activities taking place around them, threatening them with reassignment.

Agent Bishop asks Lewis if she can handle keeping her officers in line. She states that there will be rumors, but Bishop says he’s not worried about those because no one will believe them. Colonel Knight asks Bishop if it’s wise to proceed to the next stage of their plan, capturing the mutants, when their mission has gone so far off course. Sergeant Alex Winter tells Bishop that they could have caught the one mutant they were tracking, but the addition of four others plus two unidentified humans has caused severe complications. Bishop asks if they can find a way to contact the humans inside the building. The two humans in question, April and Baxter Stockman, are arming themselves in Stockman’s armory.

The Dark Water mercenaries breach the doors and radio Sargeant Winter to inform him. As they proceed into the building, their squad leader reminds them all to keep their distance. Raph drops a smoke grenade to conceal himself and begins attacking the men, knocking them out in turn. One of the men cries out, covered in blood, and Raph is surprised by what he has apparently done. The scorpion mutant reveals herself, also using the smoke as cover to attack the mercenaries with the sword she picked up earlier. The mutant tells Raph that if they agree to temporarily work together, they can probably all escape from the EPF.

Stockman, now wearing a type of exo-suit body armor, leaves the armory and searches for April, who has apparently given him the slip. Suddenly his phone rings and he answers it, demanding to know what is happening. Agent Bishop, on the other end of the line, is surprised that Stockman knows who is calling. Stockman explains that it is only logical that whoever called him is also the one responsible for the assault on his building, as all other communications had been blocked. Bishop explains that they are only trying to capture the five mutants inside the building, and Stockman agrees to do what he can to help. Bishop thanks Stockman and immediately hangs up. Bishop explains to Detective Lewis that Stockman was too eager to help, and that it is in Stockman’s nature to act in his own self-interest and double-cross anyone who may pose a threat. Bishop states that once the war is over and the tribunal begins, Stockman will be one of the first to answer for the crime of collaboration with the enemy. After Bishop leaves to take stock of his forces’ progress, Lewis asks Knight what kind of lunatic Bishop is. Knight explains that Bishop might be insane, but he is right about humanity being at war, and with the mutants in the building surrounded, it should only be a matter of time before the current battle is over.

Inside, Raph struggles against the Dark Water mercenaries while Leo and Mikey keep looking for April and Donnie sleeps off the tranquilizer, hidden away in an air duct. Near the stairway to the roof, the scorpion mutant surprises April. April is unnerved to see someone else wielding one of Leo’s swords, and the scorpion mutant lies and tell her that she killed him and took it from him. Just then Leo and Mikey appear on the landing but the scorpion mutant uses April’s momentary distraction caused by their arrival to escape to the roof. While Leo pursues the scorpion mutant, April asks Mikey who that was, but Mikey tells her that they don’t know anything yet.

The scorpion mutant leaps off the roof, trying to reach the adjacent building, but the perimeter defense orbs launched by Dark Water shock her when she gets too close, causing her to plummet to the ground below where she is set upon by more Dark Water mercenaries. Leo, taking stock from above, states that their plan should be to prevent as many casualties as possible and then figure out who sent the mutant and why the mercenaries are after them. Mikey rappels down to the ground with his grappling hook and interrupts the mercenaries who are tying up the scorpion mutant. She begins fighting the mercenaries again, urging Mikey to cut her loose so she can kill them. Inside the building, Raph is on the ropes, severely beaten down by the Dark Water mercenaries when Baxter Stockman comes to his aid, blasting the remaining mercenaries with a laser. Stockman secures the immediate area by destroying the stairs and tells Raph to come with him to find the others.

April, Stockman, the Turtles (Raph still carrying the unconscious Donnie) and the still restrained scorpion mutant make their way to the main security control room. While Stockman and April bring the computer console online, Leo, Raph, and Mikey discuss their current situation. The scorpion mutant, having eavesdropped, begins antagonizing them by pointing out the mistakes they’d made that night. When she touches a nerve, commenting that the Turtles’ actions will one day lead to one of them being killed, Raph loses his kill and punches her in the face. The scorpion mutant commends Raph on the quality punch and Raph takes her out into the hallway, telling Mikey to look away.

See also[]


  • The Turtles fought Koya at the farmhouse in TMNT (IDW) #32.  They most recently defeated her in TMNT (IDW) #50 and she hasn’t been seen since.