
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

The War to Come, part 1 is the primary story in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe issue 1


Introducing a new era in TMNT! This series will explore characters and story-lines that are pivotal to the IDW TMNT universe! When a mysterious new mutant targets Baxter Stockman, it will be up to the TMNT to reluctantly save him. Little does everyone know that a larger trap is being laid by a new arch-foe! Plus a back-up story from TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and comics legend Bill Sienkiewicz!

Appearing in The War to Come, part 1[]



A military transport vehicle speeds through an industrial part of Queens. Surveillance drones fly out of the top of the vehicle as they begin tracking a mysterious new mutant. Inside the vehicle, Agent John Bishop of the Earth Protection Force speaks to Detective Kara Lewis of the NYPD, telling her of his belief that the arrival of aliens and mutants on earth constitutes the start of a war against humanity, and he has made it his duty to put a stop to them. Colonel Knight informs Bishop that the drones have a lock on the mutant, several blocks away. Bishop orders his men to begin closing in but to maintain a safe distance until they have determined where the mutant is headed. The scorpion mutant climbs onto the roof of a T.C.R.I. laboratory building.

Atop a nearby building, Donnie and Mikey compare the advantages of their respective weapons. Leo tells Raph that it feels good to be back out on patrol, the four of them together. Donnie states that the weapon itself is less important than the mind of the one who wields it, then he accidentally hits himself in the face with Mikey’s nunchucks. Raph tells the two of them to quit fooling around. While the Turtles remind themselves of the purpose of their mission (to provide back-up for their friend April O’Neil while she attempts to meet with Baxter Stockman and negotiate a truce), the scorpion mutant covertly makes her way into the T.C.R.I. building through a ventilation shaft. Mikey manages to notice the EPF drone that follows the mutant into the building and points it out to his brothers.

Inside the T.C.R.I. building, the scorpion mutant calls her boss to inform her that she’s made it inside and is accessing the information. On the other end of the line back, Madam Null tells the mutant that she’s done good work. As the information finishes downloading, a guard appears in the doorway and orders the mutant to stand down. The mutant lashes out with her scorpion tail, impaling the guard in the chest.

In another room, April speaks with Dr. Stockman, telling him that while he may have scraped by in his encounters against the Foot Clan and General Krang, there are new threats rising that he has no knowledge of. Unaware that April had known about his dealings with Shredder, the Foot, and Krang, Stockman demands to know how April knows these things, brandishing a stapler at her. Stockman tells her that he doesn’t need flyborgs or M.O.U.S.E.R.s to prevent her from leaving the building. Just then, the security alarm goes off and the two look around in shock.

Somewhere upstairs, the Turtles fight the EPF surveillance drone, dodging its laser blasts. Through its live camera, Colonel Knight and Agent Bishop see that they’ve stumbled upon the Turtles. Detective Lewis states that she’s surprised there is more than one, as she’d previously encountered Mikey (see the Michelangelo one-shot). Bishop is surprised that someone else is familiar with the mutant epidemic and Lewis tells him that this is the reason she was made the NYPD liaison to the EPF. The Turtles manage to destroy the drone and head down the hallway, where they walk right into the room where the scorpion mutant has killed several more security guards.

Stunned by the sight of all the dead bodies, the Turtles quickly try to see if April or Stockman are among them. Mikey asks the scorpion mutant why she killed them all when she could’ve just incapacitated them and she tells him that she wanted to ensure her own survival. The scorpion mutant quickly spies the other Turtles trying to surround her and evades them, running out of the room. The scorpion mutant dodges several shuriken but Mikey is able to tackle her, allowing his brothers to catch up and attempt to help him subdue her. The scorpion mutant is able to throw off all their attacks and manages to grab Donnie in a chokehold. Raph, seeing this, barrels into the mutant and the two crash through a window and fall to the ground outside the building, now surrounded by Agent Bishop and the EPF. The remaining Turtles leap out after their brother.

Colonel Knight orders his men to form a perimeter but not to attack, and Bishop states that the mutants are not to be allowed to escape. The EPF forces quickly hit the mutants with a sonic cannon, disorienting them, and then begin trying to take them all down with tranquilizer darts. Donnie urges his brothers to be careful and keep their shells towards the incoming fire. Raph tries to pursue the escaping scorpion mutant up the side of the building but she throws him off. As Donnie rushes to check on Raph, he’s hit in the neck by a tranquilizer. Leo orders them all to retreat back into the building. The Turtles enter through a door while the scorpion mutant climbs in through an upper-story window, right before the building’s security system locks the building down, metal shields sliding down over every way in or out. Bishop orders Knight to call for all of the remaining men to come in as reinforcements.

The three Turtles keep an eye on Donnie as the tranquilizer begins working and he falls unconscious. Upstairs, the scorpion mutant surveys the tools and supplies she brought with her, taking stock of what she can use to escape. April and Stockman, having activated the lockdown sequence, sit in a security control room. All three parties hear Agent Bishop issue an ultimatum over a PA system: surrender as prisoners of war, or be killed. The scorpion mutant picks up one of Leo’s fallen swords and begins searching the building for a way out. Stockman shows April his stockpile of various weapons and gadgets. Mikey asks Raph what they should do, and Raph says that he doesn’t know, because they have so many friends they need to protect but their enemies keep growing more powerful and numerous.

See also[]
