

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Oroku Karai is confronted by the leader of the mysterious Dog Star Clan. Left with more questions than answers, Karai takes a risk to gain an edge in her fight as a true successor to the Foot Clan’s destiny. With few options left, and needing both knowledge and power, the magic given to her by the Shredder may be her only hope.

Appearing in #3[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Karai confronts Yoshi Chen’s hologram projection, telling him that he is a coward for not facing her in person. He scoffs at her assurances that she would kill him, stating she was easily beaten by one of his ninja. Karai tells him she was caught off guard by the ninja’s bionic enhancements, an advantage they will not again enjoy. She then says that the Dog Star Clan is a pale imitation of the Foot Clan. Yoshi laughs and informs her that they are the Foot Clan. Karai begins laughing and Yoshi says that it wasn’t a joke, to which she replies that he is either mistaken or insane.

He explains that he is neither and doesn’t expect her to accept his word, so he will speak of a book he’s been enjoying lately, the Ashi No Himitsu. Karai calls him a liar, stating that the book was in the possession of her family until it was destroyed. Yoshi shushes her, saying that she’ll spoil the story.

Yoshi begins talking of the past, of the father of the Foot Clan, Takeshi Tatsuo. Flashback images accompany the tale. Takeshi led the Foot through decades of prosperity. Lord Takeshi’s reign lasted until his assassination by Oroku Maji, who assumed control of the clan. Then he too was assassinated years later by his own son, Oroku Saki, the reincarnation of Takeshi Tatsuo. Oroku Saki’s reign was cut short by his own hand. His lover, the God-witch Kitsune, told him that his guidance was required in the future and his faith in her was absolute.

Karai interrupts to say that this is her own family history and she already knows it all. Yoshi tells her that the story isn’t over yet. Oroku Saki had four sons, Randou, Tadami, Masaie, and Daigo. Following the death of Oroku Saki in feudal Japan, the goddess Kitsune returned to the mountains, leaving their four sons alone. The four sons had inherited their father's ambition and all believed they should take his place at the head of the Foot Clan. Tadami, as the first born, claimed that right as his own. He and Randou drew swords against one another to fight for leadership. Randou insisted that the men knew their father did not trust Tadami and that they would rather follow him. Tadami vowed to kill him, but Randou claimed that he hadn't the skills.

Trying to end the fight, Masaie stepped between them and said that they could work together towards their father's vision. Tadami quickly turned on him, slaying his brother with a slash of his sword and saying that his overture of peace was false because he would happily kill them all in their sleep like a coward. He then turned back to Randou, who kicked him to the ground, saying he was their father's true heir. Tadami pulled a tanto from behind his back and threw it into Randou's neck, killing him.

Before he could kill his final brother, Daigo, the latter pledged service to Tadami, reasoning that their mother served their father despite her great power. Tadami accepted him at his word and said he would allow Daigo to live, as long as he remembered his place.

Karai again interrupts, stating that Oroku Daigo murdered his brothers and then Tadami killed him. Yoshi tells her to have patience, as the story is almost over. For years, Daigo tried to steer Tadami toward the Fot Clan’s prophesied destiny, but Tadami rarely followed his advice. Their world view was incompatible. Daigo came to believe that the Foot Clan led by his brother would never fulfill the prophecy, but would not go back on his promise.

Instead, Daigo found another path. First, he made a copy of the Ashi No Himitsu, the piece of his family legacy that he coveted. Then he left it all behind and made his way to China, where he slowly built a clan of his own. Daigo’s clan practiced the art of invisibility so completely that no outsider knew the depth of their numbers. They were quite successful for quite some time, but the years broke down Daigo’s clan, until it was a shadow of its former self – a common business. The same fate shared by the Foot Clan, until Karai came along. She was a visionary who returned her clan to what it was meant to be and she inspired Yoshi. Following her example, he brought his ancestor’s clan back to life, doing so with an eye toward the future.

Karai insists that Oroku Daigo had no other clan and that he was cast out and killed, leaving the destiny of the Foot Clan to Tadami’s line. Yoshi tells her that ninja are thieves, so why wouldn’t Tadami steal a destiny that wasn’t his? He says that the future belongs to his sect and that if Tadami hadn’t lied, Karai would agree with him. Yoshi then says that they don’t have to fight because he is willing to build bridges. Her clan may reunite with his – under his leadership. Karai flatly says no. Yoshi says that he’s given her enough of his time and the hologram fades away. The holographic player on Karai’s coffee table announces that it will self-destruct and does no with a loud bang and flash of sparks. Karai is thrown back and knocked unconscious.

She comes to with Natsu and Casey Jones leaning over her. As Karai sits up, she tells them to leave her be, but Casey says she was out cold and they should get her head checked. Standing, Karai says she needs no medical attention, just answers that she won’t find in this world. She enters her office and opens a safe to remove a book, saying that she must go elsewhere. Casey says that he thought she wasn’t big on messing around with magic without a teacher. Seating herself cross-legged on the rug, Karai opens the book and tells him that there is no other way she can be sure of the truth, and that she must have it.

Karai closes her eyes and then they open, flashing white. She finds herself falling through dark skies with lightening flashing around her. Hitting the ground hard, Karai hears a voice coming from nearby. It tells her that she was not supposed to be there yet and that the realm of the dead does not suffer intruders. As she rises, Kara replies that the dead have visited her and she felt it appropriate to return the favor. She turns to face a demon filled with smoke and fire. It tells her to leave or be repelled. Karai responds that she will not leave until her business is complete and that she is there to speak to Mori Toshiro. The demon says that she will have to go through it to do so. Karai immediately attacks, kicking and slashing the demon, who catches and throws her to the ground. Karai looks up with an angry snarl.

Back in her office, Karai, surrounded by a red glow, grunts in pain. Casey starts to reach for her, but Natsu holds him back, saying he shouldn’t go closer. Casey argues that they need to get her out of the stupid trance, pointing out the bruises forming on her face and the blood coming from her nose. Natsu explains that it’s magic and asks if he knows what could happen if its interrupted. Casey says no, so Natsu tells him that he will stay back and let Karai see this through.

In the realm of the dead, the fight continues, with Karai stating that she won’t leave without her answers. The demon knocks her down again and begins to say that she cannot defeat it, but its words are silenced when its head is cleaved from its neck from behind. Eyes wide, Karai watches as Toshiro replaces his sword in its scabbard. He says that he’d been watching, hoping that the demon would convince her to leave, but she is too stubborn. Karai starts to say something, but he stops her. He explains that the magic she used to come to this realm, to summon his spirit has a cost. Toshiro explains that he can answer three questions and that with the perspective of the dead, he will know things he would not have known in life. However, this will consume his spirit. He will no longer exist, in the afterlife or otherwise. If she goes back without asking him anything, he will not be thus condemned.

Karai closes her eyes, clearly pained by this, but then tells him that she must know. After a moment, Toshiro acknowledges her wish and drops to his knees, bowing deeply to her. He says that he remains that the service of the Foot Clan. Karai quickly helps him to stand, telling him not to bow to her. Before she can say more, Toshiro tells her to mind her words. Any question will count, and she only has three. Karai states that she understands and then asks her first question, wanting to know if the Dog Star Clan is truly a splinter sect of the Foot founded by Oroku Daigo. Toshiro says yes.

Then Karai asks if the prophesized destiny of the Foot Clan, their rule from a city made of light, belongs to Chen’s clan or hers. Toshiro says that the future goes to the Jōnin with the strongest will. He tells her that he believes in her, but in truth, she and Chen are evenly matched. The struggle may be a long one, he says and adds that part of the clan’s destiny will remain untold. Toshiro then reminds her that she has one more question. Karai takes a moment to contemplate her final question. She then says that she believes magic will provide an advantage against her rivals – both the Dog Star Clan and the Splinter Clan. She states that she wishes to become adept as possible and if she’s correct that there is a shortcut to proficiency in magic, to tell her specifically what that shortcut is and how to exploit it.

Toshiro smiles and compliments her phrasing, saying that if she had asked if he could teach her, his final words would have been yes. However, since her request is a question in spirit, it allows him to tell her everything she wishes to know. He is pleased that the final answer will be worth oblivion.

In the office, Karai abruptly floats up into the air. Casey tells Natsu that it’s getting too weird, even for him and that they’ve got to do something. Suddenly, Karai’s eyes open and she comes back to herself. She drops back onto the floor with a hard thud. Natsu asks if she’s all right and Casey wants to know what was up with the floating. Karai tells them that she was looking for answers and that she’s found them.

Next: Back to the cave!

See also[]
