
The Shredder Strikes Back,
Part 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) episode
The Shredder Strikes Back Part One
Season Code: S01E17
Episode: 17
Original airdate June 7, 2003
Written by Eric Luke
Supervising Producer Lloyd Goldfine
Producers: Gary Richardson
Frederick U. Fierst
Al Kahn
Norman Grossfeld
Thomas Kenney
Supervising Director  Chuck Patton
Story Editor: Lloyd Goldfine
Episode chronology
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"The King" "The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 2"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 1
February 8, 2003 - November 1, 2003
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. Things Change
  2. A Better Mousetrap
  3. Attack of the Mousers
  4. Meet Casey Jones
  5. Nano
  6. Darkness on the Edge of Town
  7. The Way of Invisibility
  8. Fallen Angel
  9. Garbageman
  10. The Shredder Strikes, Part 1
  11. The Shredder Strikes, Part 2
  12. The Unconvincing Turtle Titan
  13. Notes from the Underground, Part 1
  14. Notes from the Underground, Part 2
  15. Notes from the Underground, Part 3
  16. The King
  17. The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 1
  18. The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 2
  19. Tales of Leo
  20. The Monster Hunter
  21. Return to New York, Part 1
  22. Return to New York, Part 2
  23. Return to New York, Part 3
  24. Lone Raph and Cub
  25. The Search for Splinter, Part 1
  26. The Search for Splinter, Part 2

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Ninja TribunalFast Forward - Back to the Sewer

"The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 1 is the seventeenth episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and is also part 1 of 2 of the Shredder Strikes Back story arc. It first aired on June 7th, 2003. It had 2.56 million views on the 4kids website as of 2007.

Appearing in The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 1[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Voice-Over Introduction[]

Leonardo: There are times in your life when you draw on everything you have. Times when you reach down into the deepest part of yourself. When you know you’ve gotta give it your all, because anything less won't get the job done. It's in times like these that you find out who you really are. That is, if you live long enough.


It is early morning, and Leonardo prepares to leave for his daily training exercises. Master Splinter rises to have a few words with his son, while the rest of the Turtles are spread out all over April’s apartment sleeping. Splinter tells Leo to be very careful, due to the Foot Clan activity, and he cautions his student against doing any investigating in the sewers on his own. Leonardo reluctantly agrees not to take any unnecessary chances, and he disappears through a window that leads outside.

Shortly after Leo leaves, the rest of the Turtles and April wake up and start going through their newly established morning ritual---going to the bathroom, making breakfast, picking pillows and blankets up off the floor, etc... As this scene of domestic life is unfolding at April’s place, Leonardo is starting to deal with an entirely different reality - He’s being pursued by a horde of Foot Ninja that spotted him from an alleyway. To make matters worse, after several tiring skirmishes between the ninjas and Leo, the clouds in the sky part and a violent thunderstorm erupts.

Leo runs across the rooftops, occasionally stopping to fight off a few of his pursuers. But for every group of Foot ninja he defeats, another one appears. Also, as he heads for home, his adversaries become more skilled and fierce. Ordinary Foot ninja soon give way to the Foot Tech Ninja.

Back at April’s place, the rest of the crew has finished eating breakfast and Raphael and Donatello are doing the dishes. The Turtles are starting to get a little perturbed about what’s keeping Leo, as his morning training exercises don’t usually last this long. Donny says that, out of all of the brothers, Leo is the only one they needn't worry about being late. Little does he know what Leo has gotten himself into...

Leonardo’s constant battles are starting to majorly wear him out. Just after he manages to defeat the Foot Tech Ninja (which he actually is able to defeat without looking), he turns a corner and comes face to face with many more more Foot ninja, who make way for the giant Hun. Leo signals for Hun to come and fight, man to turtle. Hun smiles wickedly and instructs his troops to stay back, indicating that he’ll handle the Turtle himself. The fight is ferocious, and for a time, it looks like the superior size and strength of Hun will win out. However, just when the giant is able to gain the upper hand and when defeat looks certain, Leo uses his speed, agility and ninja skills to send the big man head-on into a chimney that collapses onto the villain. Seeing their leader down and out, the rest of the Foot back up, but end up falling off of the building. With a sigh of relief, the battered mutant once again turns and heads for home.

At April’s place, the guys are watching football, when Michelangelo illustrates his prowess at power burping. April is disgusted, but Don and Raph humorously applaud the effort. Raphael then says he's going stir crazy, and says that he's going to go out to see what’s keeping Leo. Splinter doesn’t want another Turtle out getting into trouble, so he orders Raph to stay put.

Meanwhile, Leonardo’s trip home takes yet another turn for the worse...After Leo manages to outmatch Hun and all of the ordinary Foot Ninja, Hun strangely stops, smiles and mutters an evil laugh as he steps back, and all of the Foot ninjas proceed to bow... Confused by this, Leo looks behind himself and to his horror, spots four mysterious ninjas - the Foot Elite - standing on a nearby rooftop staring down at him coldly, brandishing their weapons, all looking eager to fight. Hun, the Foot Ninja and Foot Tech Ninja come up behind Leo, blocking any attempt to retreat on his part. Running out of options, Leo takes a deep breath, summons up all of his strength and courageously jumps up to attack the Elite Guard. But just when he reaches the rooftop, the ninjas vanish in a surge of smoke and reappear right where Leo was standing before. Suddenly, the Foot Elite, Hun, and all of the other Foot ninjas turn in a different direction and bow. Once again, confused, Leo looks to where they're bowing towards, and to his astonishment, he sees what appears to be the Shredder silhouetted against the stormy sky in the near distance. But how is this possible? Leo and the others saw Shredder fall off of a building and get crushed by a water tower!!

Suddenly, the Foot Elite vanish again and, in only a matter of seconds, appear right around Leo. The following battle is the fiercest the Turtle has been involved in that night. The Elite Guard attack him with their weapons from every angle, passing Leo back and forth, inflicting more and more damage. Just when defeat looks certain, the Elite Guard stop the fight, leaving Leo panting on the ground. After a moment of silence, Leo gathers another boost of energy and starts to fight again, but this time, the Elite defeat him and send him flying off of the building, knocking the katanas from his hands...

Back at April’s apartment, Master Splinter has finally deduced that Leonardo must be in trouble. The worried Sensei instructs Raph, Don and Mikey to go look for him. The three gather up their weapons and prepare to leave, when, suddenly, Leo comes crashing through one of the windows. The other Turtles, Splinter and April rush to Leonardo’s broken and battered body, not knowing whether he’s dead or alive. Raphael growls that he's going to find who did this to his brother, but before he can exit, Leo calls out for him to stop.

“He’s back. The Shredder”, the injured turtle feebly utters.

Everyone is shocked by this news.

Back on the rooftop, the Foot Elite bow before their master, before one hands him Leonardo's katanas. The Shredder raises the blades over his head and with superhuman strength, breaks them in half. The evil mastermind then laughs maniacally, as the thunderstorm rages on.

See also[]


Michelangelo: (cooking breakfast when the yolks in the pan broke; he begins to stir up the eggs) Scrambled's okay with everybody, right?
Everyone (Donatello, Raphael, Splinter, and April): Again?!

Raphael: (He and Donatello are watching football on TV) Panthers! Rams! Bears! Eh, they even got Dolphins! You'd think they'd have room for something a little more... reptilian!
Donatello: "The Turtles"? My friend, unfortunately the lowly turtle has been saddled by society with the stereotype of being velocity challenged.
Raphael: ...Say what?
(Michelangelo then steps in front of the TV)
Michelangelo: May I have your attention please.
(long pause as everyone looks at him, Michelangelo then lets out an extremely long and hearty belch)
Donatello and Raphael: Cool. (start clapping as Michelangelo bows)
April: (disgusted) Ewww!
Splinter: (To April) This is what I live with all the time.
Michelangelo: Please, please, you're too kind!
Donatello: ...I can't believe I just clapped for that.

Leonardo: He's back...The..Shredder. (He then faints)


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