The Purple Jacket
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Episode 11A.mp4 snapshot 00.39 -2018.12.08 20.30.10-
Season Code: 021
Episode: 11A
Original airdate January 26, 2019 (television)
December 8, 2018 (online)
Written by Russ Carney & Ron Corcillo
Directed by Abe Audish
Voice Direction Rob Paulsen
Supervising Director  Alan Wan
Storyboard Artist: Christopher Luc
Episode chronology
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"Al Be Back" "Pizza Pit"

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 1
September 17, 2018 - November 16, 2019
List of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. Mystic Mayhem
  2. Origami Tsunami
  3. Donnie's Gifts
  4. War and Pizza
  5. Newsworthy
  6. Repo Mantis
  7. Down with the Sickness
  8. The Fast and the Furriest
  9. Mascot Melee
  10. Shell in a Cell
  11. Minotaur Maze
  12. Bug Busters
  13. The Longest Fight
  14. Hypno! Part Deux
  15. The Gumbus
  16. Mrs. Cuddles
  17. Stuck on You
  18. Al Be Back
  19. The Purple Jacket
  20. Pizza Pit
  21. Smart Lair
  22. Hot Soup: The Game
  23. The Evil League of Mutants
  24. Late Fee
  25. Bullhop
  26. Mind Meld
  27. Nothing But Truffle
  28. Shadow of Evil
  29. Portal Jacked!
  30. Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree
  31. Operation: Normal
  32. Sparring Partner
  33. You Got Served
  34. How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will
  35. Mystic Library
  36. The Purple Game
  37. Man VS. Sewer
  38. The Mutant Menace
  39. Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man
  40. The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek
  41. One Man's Junk
  42. Snow Day
  43. Cloak and Swaggart
  44. Jupiter Jim Ahoy!
  45. Insane in the Mama Train
  46. End Game

Season 1Season 2

"The Purple Jacket" is the nineteenth episode (Episode 11A) of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It first aired on January 26th, 2019.


An evil tech club lures Donnie with the promise of a gorgeous purple jacket.

Appearing in The Purple Jacket[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Donatello has crept into Washington Irving High School at the request of his friend April disguised by a hoodie in order to help her with the last review of her school science project. Donatello, however, first focused his enthusiasm on the school itself, which for him represents a new ground of unlimited possibilities for his intellectual maturity. His enthusiasm also does not stop in front a group of students who run an exclusive technology club at the school under the name "Purple Dragons"; even when April tries to make it clear to him that this trio are extremely cocky guys that they'd rather keep away from.

Believing that it has something to do with intellectual equality, Donatello boldly presents himself to the Dragons in defiance of all the objections of April, and to show them his worth, he proudly presents his home-made combat gear. Impressed by the candidate's technical abilities, Kendra, the club's leader, accepts Donatello as a new member of the Dragons. Donatello proudly displays his new Purple Dragons club jacket in front of his brothers at home; but after he finally goes to bed, a transmitter hidden in the jacket activates itself, hacking into Donatello's drones and hijacking them.

A little while later, Donatello is awakened from a bad dream before he gets a call from April and made aware of a flash message on TV about a series of high-tech burglaries that have just been committed. On the surveillance videos of the stolen electronics stores, the terrified Donatello realizes his own equipment is at work, and so overwhelmed by the now-revealed true nature of the Dragons, he and April track down the trail of the Dragons by bike. They quickly come to the conclusion that the Dragons are planning a break-in at Nakamura, the largest computer chip producer in the world, and are heading straight for it.

When the two arrive there, the Dragons have already entered the building and made their way to the company's main computer, which they hack into to gain its source code and free access to all computers in the world. They arrive too late to prevent the Dragons from downloading the code, but as the Dragons try to escape, Jase and Jeremy are stopped by Donatello and April, relieved of their stolen equipment. Then the two hurry after Kendra, who wants to get away with the code, which leads to a wild flight-pack chase in the air above New York.

Due to April's lack of flight experience, the persecution ends up as a crash landing in a back alley; but before Donatello can fix the device, Kendra hacks into his gear with the stolen code and uses it against her pursuers, before she wants to get away for the next raid. To stop them, Donatello has no choice but to sacrifice his precious club jacket to sabotage their rotor flight pack, and after successful work, the two friends forgave themselves just before the police arrive to take Kendra into custody.


  • Donnie: It smells like learning... and puberty.
  • Leonardo: The nerve of that guy!


  • The episode, along with "Pizza Pit", was leaked early on iTunes on December 7th, 2018, and was also posted on one day later.
  • This is the first episode to air in 2019.
  • Donnie is seen without any of his gear on for the first time in the series.
    • Leo is also seen unmasked in this episode.
  • When Donnie is attacked by his Battle Shell, he shouts out, "Alpha Bootyyyshaker9000! Three Y's!" in reference to his password in "Stuck on You".
  • April references April O'Neil from the 1987 TV series right after she steps on Kendra's laptop by saying, "Bam! I should write for the news".
  • When April rides her bike with Donnie in its basket, it is likely a reference/parody of the 1982 science fiction film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
  • The kanji on the Nakamura Corporation building's signage (計算 業界, "keisan gyōkai") translates to "computing business".
  • The tools Donnie refers to as "jazz hands" and fails to use to scale the Nakamura Corporation building are tegaki.
  • The gesture Donnie does during his line, "Superior minds, glorious jackets—" is jñāna mudrā ("knowledge seal"), used in Buddhism and Hinduism. An Indian alternative medicine system called Āyurveda explains the body as being comprised of five elements; fire, air, ether, earth, and water. The thumb represents fire, the index finger represents air, the middle finger represents ether, the ring finger represents earth, and the pinky finger represents water. Jñāna mudrā is used to connect the air element (index finger) to the fire element (thumb).




