[It started out as a rainy night, in the Turtles' lair, Donnie is preparing to examine April in regards to her recent increase in her psychic powers as Leo watches.]
Leo Are you sure this is a good idea, Donnie?
April Um, yeah. Last time you hooked me up to this thing, it made me blind and mentally connected to a giant fish-bird-worm thing.
Donnie Don't worry. I've upgraded it since then. It's perfectly safe I promise. Your psychic powers have been expanding rapidly since you were given that Aeon crystal. It's imperative I test its limits. For your own sake.
April I have it under control. Besides, if it weren't for my powers, we never would have gotten away from Shredder. You saw what I did to that mutated freak.
Leo That's what worries us.
Donnie I just need to examine your crystal.
April No! I'm not taking it off. Don't even ask again, Donnie. It's safe, as long as I have it.
Donnie Hmm. If I can replicate how this crystal increases your powers, that could provide a frame of reference.
Leo [Shocked.] Increase her powers?
Donnie Don't worry. Only slightly. By maybe .3%?
[Donnie activates his machine and the machine whirring a bit. April closes her eyes, then reopens to give an exasperated look.]
Donnie April, let me know if you feel anything. Okay? Tingling, headache.
April [annoyed] I told you, I'm fine. Just leave the crystal- Ahh!
[She yells crazily as her powers start lifting things up to the air. Leo and Donnie are aghast and yelp as they cover.]
Leo [Aghast] I knew this was a bad idea.
[As Leo attempts to walk over to April to grt her to stop, April turns around with a ferocious growl, then the lab explodes. Leo and Donnie are blown away by the energy in aftermath.]
[theme song]
[Raph and Mikey enter the lab and are shocked by the mess.]
Raph What are you guys- Huh? Oh, no. April!
Mikey Whoa! Are you guys having another super-smash dance party without me?
Leo [Putting April’s head on his lap.] She's out, but she seems okay.
[Donnie takes the crystal off.]
Donnie We've got to get this away from her. Huh? Oh! The crystal!
[The crystal started to move. Mikey and Raph are shocked. The crystal attempts to fly towards April’s direction, but Raph catches it by clamping his hands together.]
Raph I got it.
[Then he pinned it with a nail. Using the hammer, he nailed it to the table. The crystal attempts to move, but is unable to.]
Donnie That should hold it, for now.
Splinter What happened in here? April?
Leo It's that alien crystal. It's been messing with her head.
Splinter [worried] That crystal has a strong hold on both her mind and spirit. It has become too dangerous.
Donnie Sensei's right. I need to break its connection with her. Somehow.
Splinter I will tend to her in the dojo. Perhaps the mantras will help.
Leo I got her, Sensei.
[Leo carries April as he and Splinter go to the dojo. Meanwhile, Casey is seen on the rooftops. He is bored as he crushes the soda cans. He later threw them at the rats.]
Casey I can't believe Raph left me on Foot patrol alone. Eh, nothing really happening. Wait, what's this?
[He looks down and sees Tiger Claw. Shocked, he takes out his binoculars and saw.]
Tiger Claw Careful with that shipment. There isn't much left and Shredder needs every last drop to maintain his mutation.
Casey Man, Super Shredder must have got really messed up... I gotta call Raph!
[Later, Raph answered his T Phone.]
Raph Mutagen? Okay, sit tight. We're on our way. And don't do anything stupid like try to take them on all by yourself again.
Casey Casey Jones makes no such promises.
Raph We gotta move. Casey spotted Shredder's goons wrestling up some mutagen from an old Kraang lab.
Leo Let's go. Donnie?
Donnie I need to keep an eye on this crystal. It's too dangerous to leave unattended. And I have to find a way to sever its connection to April.
[Later, Casey waits for the others.]
Rahzar Let's get a move on.
Casey What's taking the guys so long?
[The van starts to take off.]
Casey Once again, it's up to Casey Jones to save the day.
[He heads over there and jumps onto the van. Fishface sees Casey through the mirrors.]
Fishface Eh? What? That vigilante idiot!
[Fishface tries to get rid of Casey by turning the van, but to no avail. Suddenly, Tiger Claw's sword, Footbots sword and Rahzar's claws come out. Casey opens the door, revealing Footbots and Rahzar.]
Casey Ah, nuts.
[Footbots trying to stab Casey, but it fails. During the skirmish, Casey enters the van and fights Rahzar.]
Casey If Shredder wants that mutagen, you're gonna have to go through me first!
[Casey throws Rahzar out of the van.]
Tiger Claw I want to finish this one. Personally.
[Casey knocks him out by opening the back van. Tiger Claw roars while shooting lasers at Casey.]
Casey Glad I saved this baby.
[Casey smacks the photon puck at Tiger Claw in slow motion. Shocked, Tiger Claw uses his sword to slice it, but two pieces fly into Footbots, who explode. Casey electrocutes Fishface with his taser, throws him off of the van and goes to the driving seat.]
Casey Say "what's up" to Shredder for me!
Tiger Claw No! After him!
[Engulfed in flames, Footbots and Tiger Claw ran after him. Back in the lair.]
Donnie This is strange. But I think I'm beginning to get it now.
[In the dojo, Splinter is meditating with the sleeping April. In his vision, he sees a white Aeon Spirirt who suddenlt transformed into a demonic demon. as the vision ends. April wakes up.]
April My... my crystal! Where's my crystal?
Splinter April, calm down. Donatello is examining it while you rest.
April No! No, it's mine! I need it!!
Splinter April. You are addicted to that alien stone. You do not need its power. You must break its hold on you now!
[April levitated Splinter and then broke his bones, her eyes glowing white and her hair flowing. The crystal started to move. Donnie tries to hold onto but he gets dragged into the dojo.]
Donnie April. What are you doing?
[April starts to choke him. Donnie’s face starts to turn pale as grabs his neck and chokes.]
Splinter April, you must hear me. This being wants to control you. Fight it!
April Master Splinter, I...I can't fight her. She's too strong.
[They were let go as The two watched April float in the air.]
Donnie April, stop! You have to control it. NO!!
[April broke free and rose high into the air and then a female voice came from April's mind.]
Za-Naron I'm free! I can feel the power of this city. So many lives. Look at them. Like insects.
April Wha? How did I get up here? I was in the lair, but I-
Za-Naron Now you are where you were meant to be, among the stars.
April These people so many. I can hear them mentally crying out, begging for help.
Za=Naron There are so many more who need to be punished. They are causing endless pain and suffering. Get rid of the pain, and this world will flourish.
April Yes. I understand. I have to save them. I-I can save all of them. Casey!
[Casey is driving the van and he came across the elite bots, he managed to serve them away.]
Casey Eat it, Footbots! Ahh!
[He crashes into a dumpster, loses control and gets out of the van. He tries to run but he becomes surrounded.]
Tiger Claw I tire of you, boy.
[Enraged at Casey for what he put them through, Tiger Claw and Fishface beat him up and knocked him down. April arrives, possessed by the unknown spirit.]
Fishface This menina will be no problem.
[April / Za-Naron used her powers to break Fishface’s legs. Rahzar was then crushed by a dumpster when he attempted to attack.]
Tiger Claw Your parlor tricks won't stop me, girl.
[The power grabbed his throat and then was sent crashing to the wall. Casey dodges and sees Tiger Claw slams into the wall, knocking him out cold. Casey looks at April.]
Casey [shocked] April?
[The turtles arrive]
Raph What happened here?
[The demon releases her mind]
April Where am I? Why am I here?
Mikey That's what I was gonna ask you.
[Za Naron possessed her again and leaves]
Leo April! Where are you going?
[The turtles and Casey ran after April, leaving the mutants knocked out and defeated. In the lair, Donnie recovered and found Splinter in the debris.]
Donnie Sensei!
Splinter I will be fine. April?
Donnie I should never have tried testing that crystal.
Splinter She possesses a power I have never seen before, but it is not your doing. I fear she can no longer control it.
Donnie I have to get that necklace away from her and destroy it. Somehow.
Splinter Please, be careful, my son. That being was not April.
Donnie I can get through to her, Sensei. I know I can.
[Meanwhile, Casey and turtles head to the building of Channel 6. The turtles get to the building, while Casey is the last one to make it.]
Casey [annoyed] Aw, nuts! Still beat me.
[April regains her senses as she floats down.]
Leo What's happening to you?
Mikey I thought Donnie and Splinter were looking after you.
April I guess. I don't remember! Ahh!
Mikey It's that crystal! It has some seriously bad juju, dudes!
Leo It's changing you, April.
[The spirit again opened her white eyes.]
Za-Naron There is no April. Only Za-Naron.
[Donnie looks and finds that April is on the Channel 6 building.]
Leo What do you mean, you're not April? Who is Za-Naron?
Za-Naron I am the Soul of an Elder Aeon, one of the First Seven. After a hundred millennia our physical forms had disintegrated, so our spirits were each placed into the Soul Star, to exist forever. I have been transplanting my mind into her consciousness [end of flashback] slowly. But the Aeons did not know how corrupt this planet could be. I intend to save it.
[They get blown off the building, but they escape to the bottom safely. As they recover, Leo, Mikey, Raph and Casey see Donnie is climbing the building.]
Mikey Donnie!
[He reaches the top.]
Donnie April!
Za-Naron Foolish mortal. Stay out of my way.
Donnie April, it's me, Donatello!
April Donnie? Ahh!
Donnie Listen to me. Give me the crystal. Just give me the crystal and everything will be okay.
Za-Naron No!
[She lifts Donnie up high in the air]
Donnie Ah!
Leo Donnie!
Mikey, Raph and Casey Donnie!
[The turtles climb to the top with their grappling hooks.]
Donnie This isn't you, April! That crystal is changing you! You need to break free!
April Ah. It's too much power. I-I can't control it anymore. [groans.]
Donnie You can do it! I know you can!
April I'm not strong enough. Donnie, I'm sorry.
Donnie April? Please.
[April tries, but Za-Naron is stronger. Finally having enough with Donnie for interfering her plans, Za-Naron clenches her fist as Donnie's body begins to reduce. ]
[But it was too late. Za Naron reduces Donnie and he explodes into atoms, killing him, much to the shock and horror of his brothers and Casey.]
Leo and Raph DONNIE!
Casey [horrified] Oh, my gosh!
[Donnie disappears and all what is left of him is his bandana mask. Casey looks completely horrified as rain started to fall. Za-Naron yells triumphantly as powers electrify the tower which turtles and Casey were climbing, and they all fall. Everyone stands up as Raph growls angrily. By the time they recover, they notice she's vanished.]
Raph She's gone. What do we do, Leo? What just happened? Is Donnie gone?
[Leo grabs his dead brother's purple mask and growls, then drops to his knees and sighs heartbrokenly, with the rest of his brothers and Casey looking devastated.]
Casey [devastated] Poor Donnie.
[April comes back ad falls into exhaustion.]
April [horrified and tearful] No! Donnie. I can't believe it. How could I?
Za-Naron You made your choice, and you chose the crystal. Let go of your connection to these sub-life forms who pollute this planet. I must cleanse it, starting with this city.
[The purple dragons corner an old woman and attempt to mug her.]
Hun This is Dragon Territory, grandma. If you wish our protection. ...
[April arrives, cackling maniacally. The old lady runs away screaming. Hun is unfazed.]
Hun Come to play, girl?
[Naron used her powers and knocked them down. Za-Naron passes by Tsoi and Fong, ignoring their pained groans.]
Hun Impressive tricks. Ever think of joining the Purple Dragons?
Za-Naron No...
[She pushed him back.]
Leo You can't do this, April! Or Za-Naron, or whoever you are!
Za-Naron Do not stand in my way, or you will be cleansed just as Donatello was.
Leo We have to stop her.
Casey Well, what if April is still in there?
Raph Are you kidding? I don't like it, but April O'Neil is gone. We have no choice. We take her down!
[Casey is devastated. Raph restrains her.]
Raph Do it! Hurry!
Mikey I can't hurt her, dude.
[She lets go of Raph's grip and is about to cleanse Raph as well as she did to Donnie, but Leo and Mikey use kusarigama to strain her as Raph falls on the car, groans in pain and is injured. Casey comes to Raph's aid as Raph groans in pain.]
Casey We know you're in there, Red.
Mikey We're your friends! Your family!
Leo Remember who you are! You are April O'Neil. Remember everything we've been through together.
Casey Yeah, like the time we fought a giant mutagen man? And our dope missions in space.
Mikey And Master Splinter. And pizza parties. And Ice Cream Kitty.
[She yells and breaks free, sending Leo and Mikey to the asphalt Angrily, Za-Naron throws Casey away so she can cleanse Raph.]
Raph [near death] Remember Donnie.
[She closes her eyes, remembers every moment with Donnie, gets weak.]
Leo We don't have the power to destroy the crystal. Only you do, April.
[April tears the Aeon crystal from her neck, and with a final, furious yell, throws the crystal to the pavement, shattering it. However, this results in Za-Naron being exorcized from April's body now that her link to April was destroyed, and reassuming a physical form as the Aeons' corrupted form seen on Xaava-Dal.]
Za- Naron [enraged] Foolish creature. You could have had all the power of the universe.
[April draws her tanto blade, charges Za-Naron back, and when the two collide, April slays Za-Naron once and for all, ripping her physical form to shreds, and leaving Za-Naron's energy to disperse as Za-Naron lets off one, final anguished scream of defeat before being silenced for good.]
Casey Red, is that really you?
April I think so. But… but Donnie. What have I done? [crying]
Leo It's not your fault, April.
April But it is! It was all me in a way. If only [gasps.] Donnie's not gone! He wasn't really destroyed, just molecularly scattered.
[She slowly began concentrating as hard as she could with the broken pieces, she's able to retrieve all of Donnie's molecules and restore him to his full, corporeal, physical form..]
Raph Yeah!
Mikey Bro!
April Donnie! [hugs him] Thank goodness.
[She slowly collapses.]
Splinter April? April? April.
[April slowly awakens in the lair.]
April I'm so sorry. I guess I should have listened to you about the crystal. Especially you, Donnie. I'm sorry.
Donnie For what? Reducing me to a quantum smear? Yeah, I still feel kind of whacked out of my head, but I'll be fine.
Splinter I am impressed, April. You literally destroyed your demons.
Raph She almost destroyed all of us.
[Raph and Casey glare at April in disappointment for almost killing them. The camera pans to Leo (who looks bruised) asking April about her powers, but Mikey (who is also bruised) is enjoying a slice of pizza while lying on the couch.]
Leo What about your powers?
April They were always part of me. I can't harness the power of the Aeons anymore, but I think I know how to control my powers better.
[She uses her powers, as turtles and Casey watch in shock, startled as they fear that she’ll use her powers against them, but suddenly she uses her telepathic powers to lift her tanto, watches at it.]
April So at least some good came out of this.
[April watches in pride and satisfaction as the episode ends.]