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[When we last left off, Anton Zeck and Ivan Steranko were mutated into mutants. They are enraged at Shredder for turning them into mutants.]
Bebop: Look at me! You.. you.. you turned me into a dang pig! I don't want to be a pig! The ladies don't love pigs! Can't you turn me into something cool, like a mongoose?
Rocksteady: [enraged] Oh, you mutate me into giant, talking rhino?! You will pay for me, Shredder!
[Bebop and Rocksteady roar and squeal in rage. Tiger Claw and the other henchmen were about to attack but Shredder stopped them.]
Shredder: [raises his hand, ordering them to stop] No. I will deal with them myself.
[Bebop activates his suit.]
Bebop: Eat this!
[Bebop starts shooting lasers at Shredder but he dodges and punches him in the stomach. Rocksteady charges but Shredder kicks back to Bebop.]
Shredder: Ivan Steranko, Anton Zeck, you will either serve me or fall by my hand.
Bebop: Ugh... Being a pig does have limited employment options. The bacon's in.
Rocksteady: Da. We serve you, Shredder. For now. What is you want us to do?
Shredder: You found my daughter once. You will find her again. Fail me, and I will introduce you to new forms of pain.
[Theme song]
[Crognard and his team are facing a two headed orge.]
Grom: I'm gonna crush you, Crognard.
Grum: Let's smash him in the head, brother.
Wizardess: Oh, no. Crognard. Look out.
Crognard: Evil Grom and Grum, no more will you trouble the village of Magooloorooroo! By the power of Lobnarr, I have the energy!
[He and his team charged at the orge.]
Leo: Let's get this meeting started.
Raph: All right, I got things to do and bad guys to mess up.
Leo: Karai's still out there. The last thing she said to me was the word "comet.”
Casey: [lying on the couch] So, what's that supposed to mean? A giant comet's coming? The earth's doomed?
April: It feels like it could be a location. Maybe where she's hiding out.
Leo: Donnie's found three locations with the word "comet" in them. D?
Donnie: We've got Comet Cleaners on Bleecker Street here. "Earth vs. the Comet Creeps" is playing at the Argosy Theater here. And then we've got the Coney Comet roller coaster on Coney Island here. So one of these places could be her lair. Theoretically-
Mikey: Ooh, ooh, ooh! Can I check out the Comet roller coaster? Please? Come on, Leo, hook a turtle up.
Leo: Donnie and April, you take Comet Cleaners. Raph and Casey, you take the movie theater. Me and Mikey will check out Coney Island.
Mikey: Oh, yeah, boy! Thanks, Leo.
[Donnie gives them retro guns.]
Donnie: I have just enough retro-mutagen brewed for three doses. Each team gets one. It'll be weeks before I finish more.
Raph: So in other words, don't waste it. Gotcha.
Donnie: Karai's condition is unique. There's no guarantee this will even work on her.
April: All we can do is try, Donnie.
[Meanwhile with Bebop and Rocksteady.]
Bebop: [upset] Man, Steranko, you are one ugly, horn-headed, Jurassic-looking fool!
Rocksteady: [pulls the door off his nose] I am rhinoceros. [throws the door off into the distance] Listen, Comrade Zeck. Forget Karai. We must destroy turtles instead for what they did to me. I mean, us.
Bebop: You're right, Big S. If they hadn't interfered at the docks, none of this would have happened. I say we comb those turtles' wigs back, flip it and comb the wig back again!
Rocksteady: I say we splits up, track them down and squish them where they stands.
Bebop: Shoot, my piggy nose is better than a bloodhound's.
[He starts to glide in the air.]
Bebop: Whoo-hoo! I just need to catch a whiff.
[Gets to the other rooftop and sniffs.]
Bebop: Oh, snap! I distinctly smell aroma de turtle. Whoo-hoo!
[On the street, Donnie and April are looking for Karai.]
Donnie: No sign of Karai. The place is completely abandoned.
April: All right, one location down. I'll call Leo. Maybe they had better luck.
[Suddenly, she groans in pain.]
Donnie: April?
April: Someone…Someone is watching us.
[Donnie and April draw their weapons and assume battle stances.]
Donnie: Hmm, I don't see any-
[Donnie gets punched by Bebop.]
Bebop: [laughter] Old, what's-his-name? The fly guy? Baxter Bughead! He fixed my invisibility tech. Wow to the wow to the wow to the wee-
[April strikes Bebop, causing his invisible cloak to fade.]
Bebop: Oh, man. How'd you find me?
April: 'Cause you don't shut up. Who is this guy, Donnie?
Donnie: He was a thief named Zeck. Looks like he got a little mutated.
[They begin to charge but April gets caught by glue webbing and slammed against the wall.]
April: Is this glue?
Bebop: You think you can take me, huh? I will drop you like your ex-girlfriend!
Donnie: Your skills are weak, pig-head!
[Donnie gets knocked out by the lasers.]
April: Donnie!
Bebop: No worries. My hip lasers were set to "stun." We need you guys alive to bait your turtle bros. Hmm, what's this? [looks at the retro mutagen and phone] Ha! I got some sweet news, baby Ivan. Not only did I catch a turtle, I know exactly where the other freaks are going. Check out the Argosy Theater on Houston. Me and my new homies are going to Coney Island.
[He tosses April and Donnie in the truck.]
April: Hey! Who do you think you are? Let us out! Help!
[Meanwhile, Raph and Casey are at the movie theater.]
Man: I don't know, sarge. I'm scared down to my Skivvies.
Scientist: I wonder if these comet creeps can be communicated with. Reasoned with. Perhaps a universal understanding of peace can be-
Raph: Eh, these ooze specs aren't working right. Maybe I should call Donnie.
Casey: It's not your specs, dude. We searched every inch of the place. Karai's definitely not here.
Raph: Let's check one last time. Maybe there's a basement-
[Rocksteady arrives.]
Rocksteady: Well, well, well. Comrade Zeck made good on info. Turtle here, and strange human friend.
Casey: [amazed] Whoa. Another mutant? Dude, he's kind of rad.
Rocksteady: Rad and strong!
[Rocksteady grabs a car and throws it at them. They dodge it in time. Raph charges but Rocksteady punches Raph. Casey kicks grenades with his hockey stick, but Rocksteady is unfazed.]
Rocksteady: The July of Fourth. Fireworks do you nothing.
Casey: Well, let's see what this does. Goongala!
[He tries to attack but his hockey stick breaks off of Rocksteady's horn.]
Casey: Okay, that didn't work [Crashed into the ticket booth.]
[He gets punched.]
Raph: No, Casey!
[Raph gets slammed by and thrown. Casey heads to his side.]
Casey: Raph! Wake up, Raph! Wake up!
[Rocksteady began to approach Casey.]
[At the park, Leo and Mikey look for Karai.]
Mikey: Dude, Leo, this is so cool. Can we go on the Whirlwind? What about the Wheel of Fun? Ooh, can we play Robot Ringtoss? Please?
Leo: You promised you wouldn't goof around, Mikey. Seriously. We don't want to scare Karai off.
Mikey: Oh. She's got to know we're here by now, right? Why doesn't she just come out?
Leo: Maybe she's not in her right mind. Or maybe she's worried she'll lose control and attack us. I feel so bad for her.
[Karai peeks from her hiding place, watching the turtles.]
Leo: Hmm, no sign of her. I hope the guys are having better luck.
[The objects clatter, gaining the turtles' attention.]
Mikey: Whoa! Dude, I think I just saw her!
[They follow Karai into a park ride.]
Mikey: She went into the ghost house.
[They carefully entered inside.]
MIkey: Uh, this place isn't so bad.
[A cardboard of Frankensein appeared, causing Leo and Mikey to scream. Leo checked it out.]
Leo: It's just a painted board.
[A spooky goblin mask appeared, causing Leo to scream and sliced off the string holding it where it falls down.]
Mikey: That didn't scare me at all.
[A spooky photo of a monster scares Mikey and leaps onto Leo.]
Mikey: Have you been working out?
[They look in the mirror room and see Karai's form. He fired but it was a reflection. He looks and Karai escapes.]
Leo: Mikey, don't let her escape!
Mikey: Whoa. I got her.
[They tried to catch her but ended up hitting the mirror.]
Leo: She's right here. Karai!
[They chase Karai until Mikey stops her with his nunchuck.]
Leo: Karai, we want to help you. Don't you remember us?
[Karai jumped onto Mikey.]
Mikey: Aah! Get her off, get her off! She's trying to eat me!
Leo: Karai, it's us. It's me, Leo. Try and remember. Focus.
[Karai looks at Leo and removes herself off of Mikey.]
Karai: Leo...
Leo: We want to help you, Karai. Can you transform back?
[Karai looks at them until she escapes when something arrives.]
Leo: Karai!
[They look over and see Bebop come out of the van.]
Bebop: Are you here yet, Steranko? What's the deal, yo?
Rocksteady: Da, comrade. Look behind you.
[Bebop turns around. Rocksteady is carrying an unconscious Casey and Raph.]
Rocksteady: Whoo! Rhino legs very fast. Good workout. Better than the Pilates.
April: You can't do this! We have friends that are gonna kick your butts!
[He tosses Casey and Raph inside.]
Rocksteady: So, other turtles are here? Da?
Bebop: [teasing] Turtles! Come out and play! Gotcha. If you surrender, the humans go free.
Rocksteady: Pinkie promise.
Mikey: Forget it. We don't trust you dudes.
Rocksteady: You has no choice. In five second, I pop humans' head like the blueberries.
Bebop: A-four, a-three, a-two, a-one!
[Leo gave them a sharp hand signal and started around the stand as Mikey faced Bebop and Rocksteady.]
Mikey: Okay! Don't hurt them! Let's talk this over. Um, what do we call you guys now, anyway? You need mutant names. Um, and it just so happens, I am awesome at naming stuff. How about Pork Rind and Chili Cheese Fry?
[The rhino and warthog shake their heads.]
Rocksteady: Nyet, nyet. Not so good names.
Mikey: How about Sprinkles and Hot Sauce?
Rocksteady: Nyet.
Mikey: The Royal Weenies?
Rocksteady: [angered] Nyet!
Mikey: Then how about, um... [looks over at the car Leo is trying to release his friends] Bebop and Rocksteady?
Bebop: [offended by the name] Is that what you do? Randomly name enemies based on stuff you see around you?
Rocksteady:[agreeing with his new name] Hey, it's not so bad. Kind of like the Rocksteady.
[Bebop facepalms and finds Leo hiding.]
Bebop: You think you can get past my goggles, son? I saw you a mile away!
Mikey: Hyah!
[Mikey knocks Bebop away.]
Rocksteady: No one can face the Bebop and Rocksteady!
Bebop: I am not going to be called Bebop, got me?! That is the dumbest name ever!
Mikey: He's got the retro-mutagen!
Bebop: Retro-mutagen, huh? I'm wondering what it'll do to mutant turtles.
Mikey: Don't do it, Bebop.
Bebop: [angrily] STOP CALLING ME THAT NAME, FOOL! I HATE THAT NAME! I HATE THAT NAME! [groans then laughs] Time for the next mutation, turtle.
[Bebop points the gun at Mikey.]
Leo: Mikey!
[Leo lunges but gets hit by Rocksteady.]
Rocksteady: Nyet! [knocks Leo aside] Bebop, wait. Think with the brain for once. Retro-mutagen can turn us human again.
Bebop: Wow, I didn't even think of that! Let's do the dizzle! And stop calling me Bebop, yo!
Rocksteady: Nyet. Why do you get to be using it?
Bebop: You did not just-
Rocksteady: Give it back.
Bebop: I had it first!
Rocksteady: Nyet, nyet, nyet!
[They start to fight over the mutagen.]
Leo: We need a better distraction.
[Karai shows up and spits acid at Rocksteady and breaks the mutagen. Then she tackles Bebop.]
Bebop: Get back here, snakey snake!
[As Bebop chases Karai in the funhouse, Leo opened up the van.]
April: Leo!
Leo: Sorry it took so long, April. I'll have you free in no time.
[He uses a knife to free April while the others woke up.]
Donnie: Thanks, Leo.
Raph: Oh, my aching brain. What hit me?
Casey: It was that huge rhino dude. Right there!
[Rocksteady clutches his head.]
Rocksteady: Turtles free?
[Rocksteady roars and charges, but everyone dodges.]
Donnie: What do we do, Leo?
Leo: You three go after Karai. Me, Raph, and Mikey will take Rocksteady.
Raph: Hey, rhino man! You want some retro-mutagen?
[Rocksteady chases them.]
Casey: Whoa, wicked. This was my favorite fun house as a kid.
[They enter the funhouse.]
April: Careful. He's close. Invisible. He's-
[A board scares them.]
Donnie: Oh, I hate that! I hate it when stuff jumps out at you!
[Donnie mysteriously gets hit.]
Bebop: I know exactly what you mean.
[Casey also gets knocked out.]
Bebop: Don't worry, I would never hit a lady.
[April trips.]
Bebop: But I'll trip her.
Rocksteady: Come out, lowly cowards!
Mikey: Come and get us, Rocksteady!
Raph: Hey, Rocksteady. Looking for some retro-mutagen?
[Rocksteady started to climb on top of the roller coaster. Raph then throws the mutagen to Leo.]
Mikey: All aboard the turtle coaster!
[Mikey activates the ride with a ninja star and gets onto the ride. Rocksteady goes after them down the rails.]
Leo: Here he comes. Doesn't this thing move any faster?
[Mikey almost falls but is saved by Raph. Rocksteady leaps onto teh ride but Leo kncoked him off, sending him falling. Then the rhino stops the ride by using the bar. The turtles fall but they managed to use grappling hooks.]
Raph: Eat it, rhino!
[Mikey gets grabbed.]
Both: Mikey!
Rocksteady: You will give me retro-mutagen NOW!
Casey: Come out, pig! Show yourself!
Donnie: His name's Bebop. [gets tripped]
Bebop: My name is not Bebop!
[Donnie throws a smoke bomb at Bebop.]
Bebop: [coughs] Oh, dang.
[They knock Bebop out of the funhouse. Rocksteady holds Mikey by his shell over the edge, threatening to drop him as Mikey flailed his arms and legs.]
Rocksteady: Turtles, give retro-mutagen.
Leo: Put him down first. I don't trust you!
Rocksteady: I has your word you give?
Leo: You has my word.
[Rocksteady throws Mikey away.]
Mikey: Thanks, bro.
Rocksteady: Retro-mutagen, now!
Leo: You want it? Take it!
[He threw it and was caught by Raph.]
Rocksteady: No! You gave word!
Raph: But I didn't! Hyah!
[He tosses the mutagen to Leo as they run down the tracks. Rocksteady followed after them, throwing his weapon.]
Leo: Oh, no. Aah!
[The sope snapped adn Leo fall onto the cart.]
Raph: Hey, hornhead!
Mikey: Booyakasha!
[Raph and Mikey swing at Rocksteady to kick him. The ropes of the hooks snap and causes the two turtles to hit each other.]
Rocksteady: There is.
Leo: Rocksteady! Eat it!
[Donnie colappses to the groudn before Bebop can finish him off. April knocks him throwing her ninja stars.]
Bebop: You picked the wrong night to mess with me, girl.
[Rocksteady crashes onto Bebop and crash into the van, tilting it over.]
Donnie: Everyone okay?
Casey: [weakly] I think I only sprained a leg or two.
Leo: Karai. I know you're here. Come out. You don't have to be afraid anymore.
[Karai appears from her hiding place.]
Leo: We can help you. With this.
[He sprays the retro mutagen at Karai...but nothing happens.]
Leo: It doesn't work. Donnie?
Donnie: I told you, Leo. Karai is special. She's not a normal mutant.
Raph: It was all for nothing?
Leo: It doesn't matter. You can come home with us, Karai. We'll take care of you, I promise.
Karai: No. Too dangerous. My mind is going.
[Saddened, Leo raises his hand to her. Karai slowly turned away.]
Leo: Then then why did you want us to find you?
Karai. Wanted... to say good-bye... to all of you.
[Everyone was heartbroken as Karai leaves.]
Leo: No! Karai!
[Leo tries to go after her, but she escapes in the ocean, much to his despair. The teens are saddened to see Karai leave them forever, Mikey is seen crying of losing his adopted sister.]
Leo: [still hopeful] We'll figure out a way to help you, Karai. I promise.
[While they're despairing, they realize two mutants are gone.]
April: Guys, Bebop and Rocksteady are gone.
Raph: Ah, let them go. The next time I see them, they won't walk away.
Mikey: Come on, team. Let's go home.
[The gang sadly left. Karai is revealed to be in the city, she was about to eat the rat, but she was captured by a booby trap. The scene cuts to the Shredder's lair, where it is revealed that Bebop and Rocksteady put the cage.]
Shredder: What is this?
Rocksteady: We has Karai, Shredder. Just like you ask.
Shredder: My daughter, do not fear. I will soon cure you of this terrible affliction. And then we will have our revenge.
[Karai hisses at him in anger, ending the episode.]