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[On Thalos, Dregg is greeted by a hunter, a great white shark alien named Armaggon.]

Dregg: Armaggon. It's been a long time.

Armaggon: You got a job for me, Dregg?

Dregg: Four humanoid turtles, mutantterrans. They managed to elude me, so I'm calling upon your special talents.

Armaggon: Oh, I got talents, alright. You want them dead or alive?

Dregg: Bring me their shells. You can eat the pink skinned terrans they travel with for all I care.

Armaggon: Hmm. Haven't had primate for a long time.

Dregg: Make sure you deliver, Armaggon.

Amaggon: With pleasure.

[He leaves with his jetpack.]

Dregg: Turtle creatures, you are about to meet a whole new form of pain.

[Theme song]

[in the ship.]

Leo: Select that quadrant, Raph. Scan there.

Raph: Why do they get to mess around? They should be helping us find the Triceratons.

Leo: Fugitoid's testing out April's psychic powers. He's training her.

Fugitoid: Okay, April. In which of the spheres have I placed your Tessen?

[April chose carefully and pointed at the orb she saw.]

April: That one.

Fugitoid: Ding, ding! Excellent. Fantastic session. Your psychic abilities are marvels waiting to be unlocked.

April: Thanks, Professor. How do you know so much about the human brain?

Fugitoid: Since it's the only part of my original body left, I have extensive knowledge on brain matter. Neurophysiology.

Casey: You never fully explained how you became a cyborg, dude.

[Fugitoid begins to tell the story. ]

Fugitoid: Well, then allow me to enlighten you. I am from D'Hoonib, a planet of humanoid scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe.

[In a flashback, the story shows how Fugitoid got attacked by the Triceratons when he refused to build them weapons and how his robot partner saved his life by transfering his brain inside him.]

Fugitoid:  I was working on a new form of psionic technology when our friends, the Triceratons, came looking for me. The Triceratons attacked because I refuse to build them weapons. They were furious, destroying everything in sight. My robot assistant placed my brain inside its own body. It saved my life. [end of flashback] Man merged with machine and I was reborn. When the Triceratons found out I was still alive, they deemed me a criminal, a Fugitive Android.

[He opens up his head to reveal brain.]

Mikey: Spongy.

Raph: Mikey! If you had a brain, would you want somebody poking it?

Fugitoid: It's quite alright. It tickles. Hehehe. Ohh, don't. [worried] But I do have a great fear of losing my humanness. I don't want to be thought of as just a machine.

April: We never think of you as just a robot, Professor.

[Something hit the ship.]

Leo: What the heck is going on, Fugitoid?

Fugitoid: Something's attacking our ship!

Raph: You needed a control panel to tell you that?

Leo: Donnie, see anything?

Donnie: I can't pinpoint it, but something's out there.

[Outside they see a shark ship.]

April: What is it?

Raph: Was that a- a space shark?

Casey: [amazed] Space shark? Wicked! That's, like more metal than Vikings on motorcycles, bro!

[The shark ship started to destroy one of the cameras and tear the ship apart.]

Raph: We're gonna need a bigger ship.

Mikey: Captain Leo, what are your orders? Um... Leo?

[Leo had his space suit on and started to head outside.]

Donnie: Leo, are you crazy? What are you doing?

Leo: I got an ugly beast in my sights.

[He shoots the shark away and then he charges at him. Leo gets knocked down as it comes again.]

Donnie: Armaggon. Bounty hunter, space assassin. wanted in 87 star systems. Wow! I bet we have Lord Dregg to thank for this.

Fugitoid: Agreed. He's far too dangerous. Leonardo, we should definitely avoid comforting this creature.

Leo: Too late!

[The shark grabbed his wire dragging Leo into the vacuum of space and then got back onto the ship.]

Fugitoid: I've located a derelict space station several astro miles away. It should provide cover from Armaggon. At least, I really, really hope so!

[They get Leo back on the ship just as the shark barged in. Raph shoots him away; he starts to fire lasers as they head to a huge ship.]

Casey: Look at that hunk of junk.

Donnie: How do we get inside with the hanger doors closed?

Fugitoid: I've hacked into the station system. Accessing hanging door. Opening.

Donnie: Open faster!

[The door opens and they enter.]

Raph: Shut the doors, Professor!

[The doors shut down as everyone cheers. Armaggon stops.]

Armaggon: Heh, they fell right into my trap. Bagging these galactic rubes will be easy money.

[The group looked around inside the abandoned ship.]

Leo: Weird. What is this place?

Mikey: Guys, This is just like the space station in my Alienoids comic book. Remember that?

Raph: Relax, Mikey. It's better than being space chum.

Donnie: Mikey does have a point, you guys. People don't abandon space stations because things are going well.

Casey: This place is trashed. What the heck happened here?

[Mikey trips onto a spaceship and find spacesuits]

Mikey: How could they leave without their spacesuits?

[Fugitoid reads the dusts]

Fugitoid: Calcium dust? [horrified] Oh no... The crew didn't leave. They were... disintegrated.

[Everyone was horrified]

Fugitoid: Let's shine some light on things, shall we? I'm sure we'll all feel better if we can see the place.

[The lights turn on.]

April: I think I liked it better in the dark.

Mikey: Just like Alienoids issue three, when the aliens multiplied in the survivors' butts and then-

Raph: Not helping Mikey.

[The machines started to move and glow as a male voice spoke.]

Overmind: Gre..gree greetings. Greetings.....

Leo: Alright. Who are you?

Overmind: Greetings, I am the artificial intelligence of this space station. Thank you for reactivating me. The crew called me Overmind. I run all onboard systems. How may I help you?

Raph: Can you kick a giant shark's butt?

Overmind: Your request is invalid. I am a fully automated self-repairing factory built to construct V3X robots.

Donnie: Robots? What kind of robots?

Overmind: The factory built the best V3X robots Warbots in the galaxy.

April: Warbots, Huh? So, Overmind, what happened to the crew?

Overmind: The remaining crew must have shut down the station.

Donnie: Did you say remaining?

Overmind: Upon gaining sentience, the robots decided the crew were weak and inefficient so they destroyed them.

Mikey: Who votes to go back outside with the shark a tron?

Raph: Yep. Space shark, here we come!

Fugitoid: Thank you for the information. We'll just be on our-

[But he doesn't finish before Overmind zapped him.]

Raph: Whoa, Fugitoid, you alright?

Fugitoid: Yes, fantastical. Never ever beret.[glitching] Don't... Fretter..

[He activates and then kicks Raph before he could comfort him.]

Mikey: Not cool, Fugitoid.

[Fugitoid moans and runs away.]

Leo: Something's wrong. After him.

[They chase the robot and come across a factory.]

Casey: Fugidude, stop! What the?

April: This place gives me the chills.

Donnie: Professor.

[Fugitoid is clutching his head.]

Fugitoid: [glitching] You should go. G..Get away from me! Please,,, My great.... greatest fear. Losing control.. Losing.

April: Are you malfunctioning? Talk to us, Professor!

Fugitoid: Not safe, it's not safe. You see, I'm powered by a fusion core. That jolt- I could be unstable..

Leo: Donnie, translate for me.

Donnie: He's saying he's basically a big walking fusion bomb!

Fugitoid: The original intent of my robot body was to be a fusion generator. It's why I tend to be a little.... nervous of times.

Raph: Great. Now he tells us.

[Meanwhile Armaggon had broken through the factory.]

Armaggon: Time for the entertainment to get started.

[He activates the lever.]

Overmind: Greetings. I am Overmind. You have accessed main factory control. What would you like to do?

Armaggon: All right, let's start by ordering me up a gang of Warbots. Objective: hunt and eliminate some turtles.

Overmind: Affirmative.

[The machine started to move and start making war bots]

Casey: I'm thinking those are probably the Warbots, yo.

Raph Ok. Run or fight?

Leo: Fight.

[They charge at the robots. The robot blasted Leo while he threw Mikey up the belt. Raph charged and knocked the robot down to save Mikey. The conveyor belt started to move, making them run. Raph gets whacked by them.]

Armaggon: It's moments like that make you smile.

Dregg: [from his feedback] Armaggon, I'm altering the arrangement. I've decided I want the pleasure of annihilating the turtles myself.

Armaggon: Well, it looks like my fee just got doubled Dregg.

Dregg: Do whatever it takes. Capture them.

[One of the warbots activate]

Armaggon: Whoa.. That ain't part of the plan.

[He dodged the warbot and defeats it]

Armaggon: Computar, what's your malfunction?

Orvermind: You are organic. Overmind has deemed all organics to be obsolete.

Armaggon: I knew it! You can't trust machines.

Overmind: Once I gained sentience, I understood that organic creatures were already a fleeting memory. All organics are obsolete.

Raph: Oh, yeah? I'll show you obsolete!

Overmind: The crew tried to destroy me, but they were unsuccessful. When you reactivated me you restarted the robot revolution.

April: Casey!

Overmind: Overmind is one. Overmind is complete. Overmind is forever.

Leo: I got news for you space station. We just trashed your army.

[Two claws captures the gang and binds them tightly.]

Overmind: You have gravely miscalculated.

[Fugitoid had been controlled by the Overmind.]

Overmind: I am Overmind. I am one. I control all technology on this station. [they tried to get out] No need to struggle. Because you are insufficient you will be enhanced with robo technology.

Donnie: We don't want to be enhanced.

Casey: Can I get laser eyeballs? Or maybe a rocket fist?

Overmind: The previous human crew sabotaged my thrusters so I must use the Fugitoid ship to obtain my goal. Overmind will control all mechanical life in the known universe. Overmind will eliminate inefficient organic life.

Leo: Fugitoid, you can't let him do this! We got to save Earth!

Overmind: Earth is irrelevant. You will be mechanized and turned into Overmind's drones.

[Robot limbs started to come toward the group. Armaggon had already defeated the robot.]

Armaggon: I've had enough of this! [destroys warbot] Time to collect my bounty and get out of this deathtrap.

[The machines started to get to move as the robotic arms started to place metal around the gang's heads. They begin to lose control.]

Leo: [robot voice] Concentrate. We have to resist!

Raph: [robot voice] Think of something Donnie! We're getting turned into toasters!

Mikey: [robot voice] Not so cool bros.

Casey: [robot voice] The voice thing is wicked.

April: [robot voice] No time... for... joking around..

Donnie: [robot voice] This is it.. We're doomed.

April: I'm losing myself.

[Armaggon shoots the arms and frees the gang and the metal that almost covered their face broke loose.]

Mikey: Saved my Robo Jaws?

Leo: Why did you free us?

Armaggon. The names Arrmaggon. and you ain't free. Lord Dregg wants you alive.

Overmind. Overmind is in control. Organics. shall be eliminated.

April: Guys, are you okay?

Mikey: I'm well done dudes.

Overmind: Overmind has full control of this facility. Full control

Donnie:: April, you gotta reach Fugitoid.

April: Let me see what I can do. [Utilizes her telepathic abilities to enter Fugitoid's subconscious mind via emitting a yellowish psionic wave] Professor Honeycutt, it's me- April- your friend! You have to fight Overmind.

Overmind: You will not take control.

April: You are Professor Zayton Honeycutt! You are a D-Hoonibian.

[Finally manages to reach Fugitoid's consciousness psionically.]

Fugitoid: Yes. I am Professor Honeycutt! I am back!

Overmind: I grow tired of this! I shall use your ship to free myself of this wretched station

Fugitoid: His robots are accessing my ship! We have to stop him!

Donnie:. Professor, I've got an idea! Your fusion core!

Fugitoid: But that much power could destroy the entire- oh yes I see. An overload.

Overmind: Give me your power!

Fugitoid: You want to leave this station? You've got it, good sir!

[Electric sparks destroyed all the warbots and the Overmind.]

Overmind: NOOO! What? What have you done?!

[Fugitoid gets down, free from the metal tentacles.]

Fugitoid: Everyone to the ship!

Armaggon: You ain't going nowhere.

Leo: Everybody go! I got this.

Fugitoid: Go go go!

[They begin to run while Leo fights Armaggon. He fired his gun as Armaggon lunged in his robot suit. He sliced the thrusters and Armaggon crashed into the Overmind.]

Leo: Armaggon!

[Leo starts to run.]

Fugitoid: Stations everyone! This place is gonna blow!

Mikey: Not without Leo! Wait, where's Raph?

Raph: Come on Leo. Move it Leo!

[Leo started to run forward Raph and the huge ship exploded. Both of the turtles had survived.]

Raph: Aw yeah! Turtles defeat shark!

Mikey: This rocks. What kind of alarm is that?

Fugitoid: The good kind. It's a proximity alert. The ship's computer has picked up the Triceraton fleet. We're back in business.

[Everyone cheers.]

Leo: Mr; Fugitoid, set a course for the Pryvaz system.

Fugitoid: Um... the computer automatically does that. but thank you.

Leo: Uh. Cool. Let's do this!

All: Turtle power!

Armaggon: Now they've gone and made me mad!
