[Opening sequence and theme song.]

[Pan in to the Channel 6 news station along with the sounds of Irma sobbing.]

Irma "Ohh! Men are such beasts."

April O'Neil "Is it Eliot, that new fella you just met?"

Irma "Don't ever mention his name again. His idea of a double date was showing up with another girlfriend."

April "Irma, the problem is you're too eager. You'd never see me jump the moment a man calls."

Burne Thompson "April! Get in here."

April "Yes, Mr. Thompson. Coming right away."

Irma "Oh, brother."

April "What's up, sir?"

Mr. Thompson "The night watchman at Cybertech Laboratories spotted some weird character hanging around. Could he be a friend of those turtles of yours?"

April "I seriously doubt it."

Mr. Thompson "Well, why don't you go over and see if there's a story's in it?"

April "I'm practically there."

Irma "Where are you going? I'm not finished complaining about men yet."

April "Later, Irma. I'm onto something hot."

Irma "Find out if he wants to double date with the two of us."

[Cut to the turtle lair.]

Donatello "Well, guys, what do you think of my latest invention?"

Leonardo "It's, uh, swell, Donatello."

Michelangelo "Yeah. Tubuloso! But, like, what's it do?"

Donatello "It's a super-fast pizza maker. It cuts cooking time in half."

Splinter "It is most impressive, Donatello. How does it work?"

Donatello "I was hoping you'd ask that, Sensei. Watch. All you do is add the ingredients."

[He proceeds to dump pizza ingredients into the machine and almost immediately a fresh pizza slides out on a tray.]

Raphael "It works!"

Michelangelo "Now to take a test drive. Mmm."

Leonardo "This is delicious, Donatello."

Michelangelo "Yeah. Primo to the extremo. Hey, now throw it into high gear."

Donatello "You asked for it."

[The machine begins tossing out pizzas almost faster than the turtles can catch them. Then nuts and bolts start flying out as well.]

Michelangelo "Whoa. Weird topping, dude."

Donatello "Uh-oh."

Raphael "Looks like problems in pizza town."

Leonardo "Head for cover, turtles. Ouch!"

Donatello "Sorry about that, guys. I guess it still has a few loose screws."

Raphael "Yeah. Just like the guy who invented it."

Splinter "Were you injured, Leonardo?"

Leonardo "Just a bruise, Master. I'll be fine. The turtlecom."

April "Emergency, guys. I'm at Cybertech Labs."

Leonardo "What's wrong, April?"

April "I'm not sure yet, but Shredder and his goonies are part of it."

Leonardo "Hang tight, April. We're on our way. You heard her, turtles. Let's go!"

Splinter "I am coming with you."

Leonardo "But, Master Splinter—"

Splinter "You are injured. Perhaps I can be of some assistance if it comes to an unfriendly encounter."

[While waiting for the turtles, April begins filming Shredder.]

April "Okay, guys. Just act natural."

Shredder "Hurry, you dolt."

Rocksteady "Unh! Oh, this thing's heavy, boss."

Shredder "You-- Ow! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Bebop, you-- April O'Neil. Get her!"

April "Uh-oh. This is not working out the way I planned."

Shredder "Time to sign off, you nosy news hen. What? The turtles!"

Raphael "Oh, you're pretty bright, can-head."

Rocksteady "Hey!"

Shredder "You won't find me as easy to conquer."

Splinter "We shall soon see. Hyah!"

Leonardo "Quick, April."

Michelangelo "Jump! Don't sweat it. I'll catch you."

April "If you say so."

Michelangelo "Oh, I really dig going around with you."

Rocksteady "Let's blast those shell-backs."

Shredder "Watch where you're shooting, you mutant morons."

Bebop "Say bye-bye, ratso. Yahh!"

Shredder "Oh, now I have you. I'll take that."

Donatello "Wrong, tin-grin."

Shredder "Whoa!"

Rocksteady "You eat laser bolts, turtle."

[Leonardo deflects his laser shot and it hits a control console. The platforms that Splinter and Shredder landed on during the fight activate and both are zapped.]

Splinter and Shredder "Aah!"

Bebop "Uh-oh. The boss is hurt."

Rocksteady "We got to get him outta here."

Raphael "Shredder's getting away."

Leonardo "Never mind. We've gotta help Master Splinter. Easy now."

Bebop "Let's grab this catering truck."

Rocksteady "Yeah. That way, we can eat and run."

Bebop "Are you okay, boss?"

[Shredder responds in Splinter’s voice.]

Pseudo-Shredder "What--what happened? How did I arrive here?"

Rocksteady "Hey, relax, boss. We got away from the turtles and that rat."

Pseudo-Shredder "Boss?"

Rocksteady "Sure. You're Shredder. Ain't ya?"

Pseudo-Shredder "It would appear that I am."

[Outside, the turtles are helping 'Splinter' into the turtle van.]

Raphael "You coming with us, April?"

April "No. I want to get back and file this story. Ciao!"

Leonardo "Are you all right, Master Splinter?"

[Responds with Shredder’s voice.]

Pseudo-Splinter "Of course, you fools. I--wait. What did you call me?"

Leonardo "Uh, Master Splinter, of course. That's your name."

Pseudo-Splinter "
[Thinking to himself]

I'm in Splinter's body. The accident at the lab, some kind of neuron mind transfer.
[Speaks aloud by imitating Splinter.]

I'm fine, my turtles. I was a bit shaken up by the accident.

Michelangelo "Hey, no problemo. We'll get you back to the sewers at warp speed."

Pseudo-Splinter "That's what I would like, my pupils, exactly what I would like."

Bebop "Hey, boss, you want some jelly beans?"

Pseudo-Splinter "No, thank you."

Bebop "Huh? Did you hear that?"

Rocksteady "Hey, what's up? He's actually nice to you."

Pseudo-Shredder "
[Imitates Shredder]

Uh, I mean shut up, you scrofulous ignoramus.

Bebop "Yeah. That's more like it."

Pseudo-Shredder "
[to himself]

When Shredder and I were hit by that beam, it must somehow have switched our personalities, which means that Shredder must be in my body.

Rocksteady "All aboard for the Technodrome shuttle. We better hurry, boss. We're running late."

Pseudo-Shredder "
[to himself]

This is my opportunity to find out where the Technodrome is. I cannot pass it up.
[out loud]

I give the orders around here, hog breath.

Bebop "I love this part. Whee!"

Pseudo-Shredder "
[to himself]

I hope the turtles are able to recognize Shredder's mind in my body. I must find a way to help them.

[The turtles enter the lair. Leonardo is holding a cold compress over pseudo-Splinter’s eyes.]

Pseudo-Splinter "Leonardo, I'm feeling much better now. Cannot I remove this cold compress from my eyes?"

Leonardo "It's for your own good, Master. It'll make the swelling go down."

Raphael "Ahh. Sewer, sweet sewer."

Pseudo-Splinter "
[to himself]

So this is the turtles' lair. Too bad I wasn't able to keep track of the route through the sewers with this towel over my eyes. No matter. I won't leave here until they're all destroyed.

Michelangelo "How about we munch some lunch, compadres?"

Donatello "As you would say, mondo notion, dudes."

Raphael "Oh, I'm starved."

Leonardo "Give me a piece of that."

Pseudo-Splinter "Oh, most delicious. Well, what are you looking at?"

Leonardo "Well, sorry, Master Splinter, but we thought you hated pizza."

Pseudo-Splinter "Is this how you show respect for your mentor, by questioning his actions?"

Donatello "Gee. We're sorry, Master."

Pseudo-Splinter "Enough! I want you all to begin practicing your ninja exercises. You never know when Shredder will strike next."

Michelangelo "But--but—"

Pseudo-Splinter "To the exercise room. Now!"

Krang "Careful with that. It's the only electron inductoscope we have left. Well, did you bring me a thermocouple galvanometer as I told you?"

Pseudo-Shredder "There were unforeseen difficulties."

Bebop "Yeah, in other words, we ran into the turtles."

Krang "I don't want to hear this."

Rocksteady "Uh, we could've beat 'em, but they wouldn't fight dirty."

Krang "If I had hands, I'd cover my ears. If I had 'em."

Pseudo-Shredder "Not to worry, Krang. I'll return immediately and steal the mechanism you need."

Krang "You will?"

Pseudo-Shredder "Of course. I failed. It's my responsibility to correct the error."

Krang "Shredder, are you certain you feel all right?"

Pseudo-Shredder "Absolutely. In fact, I feel like a new person.
[to himself]

I must find a way to reverse the mind transfer. And Krang might know how, but how to get him to tell me without arousing his suspicions?

[Cut to the lair, where the turtles are practicing.]

Michelangelo "You know, dudes, Splinter's acting hyper-weird."

Donatello "I wonder if anything we did upset him."

Pseudo-Splinter "Enough of this child's play. I will show you how a true ninja fights. Attack me."

Leonardo "Are you sure, Master?"

Pseudo-Splinter "I said, "attack"!"

All "Hai!"

Pseudo-Splinter "Ha, ha, ha! Obviously you have not been practicing enough. You will do each exercise ten times.
[to himself]

I can destroy them whenever I wish, and afterwards, Krang can find a way to return me to my real body.

Raphael "Oh, man, he whipped our shells but good."

Leonardo "Oh, there's something strange. I know Sensei's fighting style, and that wasn't it."

Donatello "Yeah. You know who it reminded me of?"

All "Shredder?"

Leonardo "Hmm."

Pseudo-Shredder "Tell me, Krang, are you familiar with the theory of mind transference?"

Krang "Mm, quite difficult, but with the proper equipment, not impossible."

Pseudo-Shredder "And do we have the necessary equipment here in the Technodrome?"

Krang "Maybe, maybe not. Why do you ask?"

Pseudo-Shredder "Oh, uh, just scientific curiosity."

Krang "You're acting very strangely, Shredder."

Pseudo-Shredder "I'm just not myself today."

Bebop "Well, maybe it was getting zapped with that funny ray what did it, boss."

Krang "Ray, what ray?"

Pseudo-Shredder "Uh, nothing. Just a slight accident."

Krang "Slight accidents with funny rays can have serious consequences. Shredder, I think you should have a brain scan just to make certain you're all right."

Pseudo-Shredder "That's not necessary, Krang."

Krang "I'm afraid I'll have to insist."

Pseudo-Shredder "This really is a waste of time, Krang."

Krang "I'll be the judge of that. Now, will you hold still? This won't hurt-- much. This is Shredder's brain wave pattern. Now to see if yours matches it."

Pseudo-Shredder "
[to himself]

As soon as he sees a different brainwave pattern, he'll know I'm not Shredder. Then I fear the rat will be out of the bag.

Krang "This second brain wave pattern looks unfamiliar."

Pseudo-Shredder "
[to himself]

Only one chance. Must control my brain waves. Make them match Shredder's.

Krang "It appears that I spoke too soon. The patterns do match. You understand, Shredder, one can't be too careful."

Pseudo-Shredder "I understand. Perhaps now we could continue our talk about the mind transfer process."

Krang "I have no time for theoretical discussions when the Technodrome needs repairs so badly. I want that thermocouple galvanometer."

Pseudo-Shredder "As you wish."

Krang "Wait! Take Bebop and Rocksteady with you please."

Pseudo-Shredder "Come on, you two. We're going back to the surface. What a double cross to bear."

Donatello "This is the second time today Master Splinter's made us do this."

Leonardo "Do you turtles get the feeling that there's something, well, not right about Master Splinter?"

Raphael "I've always had that feeling."

April "Hi, guys. Wow. The place is really looking good."

Pseudo-Splinter "April O'Neil, what are you doing here?"

April "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

Pseudo-Splinter "Just fine. Now leave. The turtles have no time to chatter with the likes of you."

April "Sorry, guys. Looks like I'm not welcome here today. I'll leave."

Michelangelo "Wait up. We're coming with you."

Leonardo "There's something definitely wrong with Master Splinter."

Pseudo-Shredder "
[to himself]

I've set the coordinates to the location of our lair. I must convince the turtles of who I really am.

Leonardo "Master Splinter's been acting strangely since our last battle with Shredder."

Michelangelo "Yeah. Hey, like maybe that bizarro ray that zapped him has something to do with it."

Donatello "That could be, Michelangelo."

[The ground under the alley where they are standing begins to shake and then the transport module drills up through the pavement in front of them.]

All "Whoa! Look out!"

Michelangelo "Holy guacamole. What's that?"

Donatello "Some kind of subterranean transport device."

Bebop "Surprise, shells for brains."

Raphael "Yeah, you can't go anywhere in this town without running into riffraff."

Pseudo-Shredder "No. Wait! There's no need to fight."

Leonardo "Like heck there isn't, Shredder."

Rocksteady "Ha, ha, ha! We're gonna turn you into turtle stew."

April "What a story!"

Michelangelo "All right, pack it in, pork face. You're history. Aah--aah—aah! Whoa! Had enough?"

Leonardo "You want me, Bebop? Come and get me."

Bebop "Whoa!"

Pseudo-Shredder "Wait! You must listen to me."

Leonardo "Not a chance, Shredder."

Pseudo-Shredder "Please, try to understand. I'm not really Shredder. I'm Splinter."

Michelangelo "Heh, heh. You must think we're real airheads."

Pseudo-Shredder "Listen to me, turtles. I have always taught you to look beneath the surface for the inner truth. See with your hearts, not with your eyes. Then if you still do not believe me, do with me as you will."

Donatello "You know, call me crazy, but somehow I believe him."

Raphael "If you're crazy, then you're not the only one."

Michelangelo "Count me in, too, dudes."

Leonardo "It's good to have you back, Master Splinter."

Pseudo-Shredder "It is good to be back."

Leonardo "Somehow I never thought I'd be shaking hands with Shredder."

[Back at the lair, Pseudo-Splinter is pacing.]

Pseudo-Splinter "
[to himself]

Where could they have gone? What if they suspect me? How is that possible? This is the perfect disguise. Still, best not to take any more chances. When they return, I will destroy them.


Pseudo-Shredder "And that is how it happened, my turtles."

Donatello "If we can recreate the accident and reverse the polarity, we can put you both back in your correct bodies."

April "But how do we get Shredder-- I mean, Splinter-- I mean, how do we get whoever it is back to the lab?"

Leonardo "I've got an idea. Donatello ...."

[The turtles return to the lair, all of them laughing.]

Pseudo-Splinter "Turtles, how dare you leave your chores unfinished?"

Leonardo "Oh, we're sorry, Master. But this is important. We found Shredder."

Raphael "And this time we can nail him good."

Pseudo-Splinter "
[to himself]

Oh, this is too good to be true. If I can capture Splinter, it will be easy for Krang to return me to my own body.

Then, come, my turtles. There is no time to lose.

[Back at Cybertech Labs, Pseudo-Shredder breaks his way inside.]

Pseudo-Shredder "I dislike destroying property, but I have no choice. Aha! The mind transfer machine."

Rocksteady "Hey, boss!"

Pseudo-Shredder "What are you two doing here?"

Bebop "We followed you."

Rocksteady "Yeah. We was afraid the turtles might come after youse again."

Pseudo-Shredder "
[to himself]

I must get rid of those two before...

Leonardo "There he is!"

Rocksteady "Ooh, it's payback time, scale heads."

Donatello "Great. Those two creepazoids are gonna ruin everything."

Raphael "So what else is new?"

Pseudo-Splinter "Your turtles are doomed, my dear rodent. And so are you."

Pseudo-Shredder "The wise person knows the battle is undecided until the final sword thrust."

Pseudo-Splinter "Hyah! You've grown slow and soft, Yoshi."

Pseudo-Shredder "No, Shredder, merely more cunning."

Bebop "Hey! You can't treat my boss shredder like that."

Pseudo-Shredder "Ah, the fish has risen to the bait."

Pseudo-Splinter "No! Bebop, wait. I’m not –
[Bebop knocks him onto a mind transference platform.]

Bebop, you idiot.

Pseudo-Shredder "Now is the chance I've waited for."

Michelangelo "Prepare for ninja revenge, infidel dogs."

Donatello "I think he's been watching too many kung fu movies."

Rocksteady "Hey, give those back."

Leonardo "Shredder and Splinter are in position. We'll hold off Rocksteady and Bebop while you make the mind switch."

Donatello "Right."

Leonardo "Don't worry. We've got 'em outnumbered."

Pseudo-Shredder "Hurry, Donatello. Shredder is waking up."

Donatello "I'm trying, but this thing's still damaged from the last time."

Rocksteady "I got you now!"

Michelangelo "Unh! Aah! Happy trails, horn head. Oh, great. Not too swift, Michelangelo."

Rocksteady "Say your prayers, chump."

Leonardo "Look out, Donatello!"

[Rocksteady shoots a laser at Donatello, but misses and hits the control panel. The transference platforms activate, zapping Shredder and Splinter again.]

Pseudo-Splinter "No!"

Donatello "It's gonna blow!"

Bebop "Come on, boss. We're outta here."

Leonardo "Quick. Grab Splinter."

Raphael "Right! Which one is Splinter?"

Michelangelo "I bet on this one."

Raphael "Let's make turtle tracks."

Bebop "So, uh, let me get this straight, boss. You were Splinter?"

Rocksteady "Ooh-ooh, let me finish. And Splinter was you?"

Shredder "Exactly."

Rocksteady "Boy, good thing that brain swap thing didn't happen to Bebop and I."

Shredder "Don't worry, dunce. You can't swap something that's not there."

Bebop "Gee, that's a relief. I think."

[At the lair.]

April "He's finally coming to."

Raphael "Yeah. Only, which he is he?"

Splinter "Thank you, my turtles. I have reverted to my true form."

Donatello "The transfer worked."

April "What a relief."

Raphael "Way to go, Donatello."

Leonardo "Hold on, fellas. How can we be sure this is the real Splinter?"

Michelangelo "Only one way to find out, dudes. Care for some pizza, Master?"

Splinter "Oh, please, take it away."

Michelangelo "Ha, ha! With humongous pleasure."

Donatello "It's nice to have you home again, Sensei."

Splinter "It would be infinitely nicer for me if some effort would be made to see that the floors are swept, the dust removed from our humble furniture, and cleaning jobs done all around."

All "Huh? Huh?"

[End Credits]
