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[Episode starts with Bebop and Rocksteady searching for something on their list in a kraang hideout.]

Rocksteady: Careful, Comrade Bebop. When Kraang abandon lab, they may have left the boobish trap.

Bebop: That's "booby trap," G.

[A laser shoots Bebop but Trocksteady protects him and throws his weapon at the turret destroying it.]

Bebop: Man! We should be runnin' the Foot, and instead Shredder stuck us with Stockman's grocery list.

Rocksteady: Is not grocery list. Is chemicals to make ultimate mind control serum for snake girl Karai. [looks at the list] Hmm, Reagent-X, ten gallons maple syrup, five hundred of white sugar. [realizing] Wait, it is grocery list! Da, you are right. We should be one to gives order, not take.

[Meanwhile, Garson is taking a job as a garbage man.]

Garson: It's a thankless job, I'll tell ya that. I like keeping my city clean. Beats working in the sewers, though. Too many freaky mutants down there. Huh? Whoa, speak of the devil.

[Meanwhile, they find a purple canister along with mutagen.]

Bebop: Boom! Reagent-X, Steranko. Oh, snap. Mutagen, son.

[He takes the canister]

Rocksteady: Quiet. Something in alley. [looks outside only to see the garmage man] Oh, is only garbage man-

[Suddenly, Leo kicked him. The others follow behind him.]

Bebop: What the what? How'd you find us? Hoo, hoo!

[Bebop shoots lasers but Donnie deflect them.]

Donnie: By staking out Shredder's lair for fifteen hours straight without so much as a bathroom break!

Mikey: That, and you're driving a van with a Bebop and Rocksteady sign on it.

Garson: What in the?

[The turtles continue to fight]

Bebop: Eat mutagen!

[Bebop threw the mutagen at him.]

Mikey: Not the face!

[Mikey ducks by hiding his head in his shell. The mutagen falls and lands on Garson who falls and starts to mutate into a monstrous being. ]

[Theme song]

[The others continue on fighting. MIkey ran to a table, leaping and attacking Rocksteady.]

Donnie: We're getting our shells waxed.

Raph: What brings you two morons here anyway? Dexter Flyface's grocery list?

Rocksteady: Is not grocery list! Run. We cannot return to Shredder with the empty hand.

Bebop: That's my cue to bounce. I'm outie 5000.

[Bebop disappears and exits through the window.]

Donnie: Look out!

[Rocksteady leaves, knocking the turtles down,]

Mikey: Oh, Raph, never mock 1,000 pound rhino man 'Kay? Thanks.

[Meanwhile, a green hand emerged from the dumpster, breathing heavily.]

Garson/Muckman: Turtle men?

[He let out a roar. In the lair]

Donnie: According to the lab's records, two things are missing: Mutagen..

Mikey: Which they threw at my head.

Donnie: Which they threw at Mikey's head, and Reagent-X, an ingredient needed to make a mind control serum.

Raph: So what's the game plan?

Donnie: Reagent-X still needs an additional chemical solvent in order to work.

Leo: Let's just hope Bebop and Rocksteady haven't found all the components yet.

[The figure stomped in the alley and trips. He looks at himself in the mirror and sees that he is a garbage zombie. He roars in anger, sending trash floating.]

Muckman: I'm.. I'm out here trying to make an honest living, and those turtle men turn me into a freak.

[The red eye slowly came to life and popped out of his socket.]

Joe: Look at what you did. Hey, you're not a freak. You've got superpowers.

Muckman: Ah, what do you know? You're just an eyeball.

Joe: I'm not just any eyeball. I'm your eyeball. You can call me Joe. Think of me as your higher self.

Muckman: Higher self? I got enough people looking down on me. I don't need Joe Eyeball looking down too.

Man: Help! Help!

Joe: You want respect? Get out there and earn it. Be a hero.

Muckman: Lookin' like this? Forget about it.

Man: Aah! Help me!

[A man is being cornered by the Purple Dragons.]

Fong: That's right. And the cell phone too.

[The man looks scared as the Purple Dragons laugh at him. Just then, The Muckman tossed Fong aside.]

Sid: [shocked] What the heck are you? A mutant?

Joe: He's a hero!

Muckman: Don't get too excited, Eyeball.

[He grabs Sid and throws him in the trash can. Then he started punching them.. Tsoi tried to attack but Muckman stomped his foot and punched him down. Now all three thugs are defeated as he threw them in the dumpster.]

Muckman: Yeah. Dumping trash is a force of habit.

[A woman screams at the sight of the Muckman monster.]

Woman: [terrified] Aah! Monster!

Man: No! This monster just saved my life. He's a monster hero!

[The news come in]

Joan: The Kraang's disappearance was as mysterious as their arrival, leaving some to wonder just who we have to thank for- Keep rolling. [she walks over to Muckman] Sir, sir. I hear people calling you a hero. Care to comment? What kind of creature are you? A mutant? A sewer monster? What's your name?

[Words Muckman appears.]

April: Muckman? Joan Grody should have left you in charge of names, Mikey.

Mikey: I would have gone with The Noxious Avenger.

Donnie: Hmm, I bet he's one of Stockman-Fly's experiments gone awry.

Raph: I say we find this guy and, assuming we can tell his butt from his face, kick it.

Leo: He might be on our side. They said he stopped a mugging.

Donnie: What if Shredder wants the Reagent-X to control Muckman?

Raph: Like I said: Find butt, then kick it.

[Meanwhile. Muckman sits alone in the alley, looking forlorn. Joe wonders what he was thinking about.]

Joe: What're you sulking about, pal? You did a good thing, and people love you for it. You should be happy.

[Muckman holds up a newspaper that blew into his face.]

Muckman: See that?

Joe: "Muckman.  City's freaky new hero." [impressed] Wow, that's great.

Muckman: I wanted to be in the paper as Garson Grunge, garbage man, not Muckman the Freak.

[A crowd surrounded them.]

Man: Hey, it's Muckman!

Female: There he is! Muckman!

Joe: You got a bona fide fan club.

People: Muckman! Over here!

Muckman: Leave me alone! [he runs off]

[Up on the rooftop, April and the turtles watch as the crowd chase Muckman.]

Raph: You see that? Only a guilty man runs.

April: Or a scared one. He might want to stay out of sight, just like you.

[Muckman slithers down and goes near a tight edge.]

Muckman: [to Joe] They don't care about me. I'm just a joke, a sideshow they can point and laugh at.

[The turtles arrive]

Mikey: Dude, are you talking to your eyeball?

Muckman: Turtle men?

Donnie: Well, technically, we're turtle teens.

[Muckman puts Joe back in his socket and glares furiously at the Turtles.]

Muckman: [Enraged.] It was you! You did this to me!

[He throws trash at the turtles.]

Muckman: You made me into a freak!

[He vomits trash at them, weakening and disorienting them.]

April: [angrily] Don't hurt them. I'm warning you.

Muckman: [to April] I don't want to hurt you, little girl.

[He backs away and leaves just as Grody and her cameraman is around the corner]

April: Get up. They're gonna see you!

Mikey: Oh, no, they're not.

[They used a smoke bomb. Joan and her cameraman caught up only to catch their shadows.]

Joan: Gotcha.

[While Joan smirks, her cameraman looks shocked. We cut to the lair, where we see Splinter's enraged expression as we cut to TV about the turtles shadows, Splinter is furious with his sons being on the TV.]

Mikey: They saw something, but they don't know what.

Joan: And that "something" seemed to be four human-sized mutant turtles.

April: At least she doesn't know they're ninjas.

Joan: And they appeared to be carrying ninja weapons.

April: Or that they're named after artists?

Joan: Furthermore, they may also be …

[Now exasperated, April turns off the TV.]

April: [annoyed] Oh, doesn't she ever shut up?

Splinter: [incredibly furious] How could you all be so careless? Secrecy is the most important rule of the ninja, and you have broken it. You four are forbidden from leaving the lair.

Raph: [shocked] What? You can't hold that sloppy escape against us. We got slimed with toxic puke!

Splinter: Silence!

Donnie: But sensei, if that pile of muck took us down, you know he's dangerous.

Leo: Which means we need to be out there looking for him.

Splinter: [angrily] No. Until I decide I can trust you to watch yourselves, you will remain here, grounded!

Turtles: [disappointed] Aww...

Mikey: Aw, yeah. Crognard marathon.

[Splinter struck the TV’s screen with his cane. Mikey is aghast.]

Splinter: And no TV!

[Meanwhile at Stockfly's lab. Stockfly is working on mind control.]

Bebop: [holding some coffee and a cup] Look at that chump. Baxter Bughead. I want to swat him so bad.

[Rocksteady looks at the chemical list while his partner drinks up the coffee.]

Rocksteady: More chemicals. Says lab is defended by Kraang traps. Why we should risk our lives for snake girl?

Bebop: 'Cause they treat us like suckers. What we need is a sucker who is more of a sucker than us.

[Rocksteady turns on the TV to see what was on.]

News Breaking news.

Joan: What other powers does the mysterious Muckman have? Let's hope this monster hero can show us.

Rocksteady: Da, and we just find him.

Bebop: [disagrees] Naw, dog. Lady said "hero. " That fool's not gonna play with us.

Rocksteady: That look in his eyes not the look of the hero. Is look of the fear. We find him and make him get chemical.

[Meanwhile… The turtles are in Mikey’s room.]

Donnie: Muckman's running on more than mutagen. Whatever garbage he's made up of directly affects our mutated DNA.

Mikey: Ugh, there's only one cure for Muckman fever. Crognard.

[Splinter overhears it and, still mad at them, he confiscates the VCRs. Mikey kneels and groans in distraught. Donnie takes out his phone and the others watch as Joan reports the news.]

Joan: We all hope Muckman keeps us safe from the evil, child-eating mutant turtles we brought you an exclusive clip of earlier tonight.

Mikey: [offended] We can't let Grody mosh our reps so hard.

Leo: Forget our reps. What about Bebop and Rocksteady?

April: They're more important. I'm telling you something about Muckman. I think he's a good guy.

Leo: Hmm, Bebop and Rocksteady it is then. And let's show Splinter we've still got our ninja stealth by sneaking out.

[The turtles sneak out of the lair when Splinter comes out of his dojo.]

Splinter: [Angrily.] Did you not hear what I sa -

[Splinter sees that his sons are in the living room, doing their activities. Splinter leaves. The turtles try to leave, but were shocked when Splinter blocked their exit with an angry look on his face. April decides to help out by making a distraction.]

April: Oh, oh, whoa! Uh, help!

[April falls and Splinter catches her.]

Splinter: April! What happened? Did you-

[Splinter sees that his sons are already gone.]

Splinter[unhappy] April.

April: [nervously smiling]  Um, thanks for the save?

[The turtles are now outside. Bebop and Rocksteady look for Muckman.]

Bebop: Must be close.

Rocksteady: Paper say Muck Person seen in this neighborhood. Even police fear to walk these alley. We find him here. [finds an eyeball] Look at this. Who would throw away perfectly good eyeball? [gets punched by Muckman]

Muckman: You looking' for payback 'cause I messed up your turtle pals? Well, nuts to that.

[He used his powers and knocked the goons down.]

Rocksteady: You think turtles are our comrades? [laughs] Nyet, we are on your side.

Bebop: Yeah, dog, we hate 'em more than moldy cheese. Unless that's your thing, being' a trash dude or whatever. I'm just sayin'.

Muckman: Did they mutate you too?

[Bebop and Rocksteady glare at each other, smirking, then turn around with lies for Muckman.]

Bebop: No doubt, G.

Rocksteady: Da, is true.

Muckman: Isn't there some kind of cure? Or are we stuck like this forever?

Bebop: Well, as a matter of fact, we do know a certain chemical.

[And so, Bebop, Rocksteady and Muckman arrive at the kraang hideout. Meanwhile, The wagon started to follow the goons.]

Mikey: I can't believe they keep driving that uber conspicuous van.

Raph: Not everybody can be as ninja as us.

[They head out while Bebop cracked the code and opened the Krang hideout. Joe came out of Muckman's eye.]

Muckman: What do you want, Joe? I'm busy.

Joe: [concerned] I don't know about these weirdos. This whole thing seems fishy to me.

Muckman: [gruffly] I don't have a choice, Joe.

Rocksteady: [holding the list] You ready to be human again? We do not have all the day.

Bebop: [holding the list] This list has got all the chemicals that'll turn you into a man again, my man.

Joe: Don't do it! You know this is wrong.

Muckman: Quiet, Joe. I'm ready.

[He takes the list.]

Raph: Busting into Kraang Labs? Not very heroic, Mucky. What will your girl Grody say?

Leo: We don't want to hurt you, but we can't let you rob the lab.

Muckman: [furiously]  I'm not some dumb kid who don't know good from bad. I know who turned me into a monster. You!

[He began to vomit slime at them but they dodged.]

Raph: I knew he was just another freaky puke monster. Get him!

Bebop: You get the chemical. We'll handle them.

[Rocksteady and Bebop attack the turtles.]

Mikey: What're you doing, Muck Dude? You're supposed to be a hero.

Muckman: No. You made me a monster. Now you're gonna see what a monster can do.

[He used his powers and started to throw trash at them.]

Leo: I don't know what these two morons told you, but believe me, we did not do this to you.

Mikey: Trash-nado! Whoa!

[Mikey gets dragged into the air.]

Leo: Look, we're taking it easy on you. This is a big misunderstanding. We don't... we don't want have to- [gets punched by the trash] Hurt you.

[Mikey , who had been attached to the eletric wire falls and landed in the stomach.]

Mikey: Oh! Wait! Are you gonna eat that?

[Mikey gets thrown aside next to Leo along with Donnie and Raph. Muckman began to approach them as they backed away.]

Donnie: Muckman, stop. They're using you-

Rocksteady: Mucking Man. Do not listen to turtle lies. We crush them, you go in lab.

Joe: Come on, Mucky. You think it's hard looking in the mirror now? What about after you're a criminal?

Muckman: At least I'll be human. People won't call me a freak.

Leo: So what if they do? As long as you're doing the right thing.

Bebop: Watchin' you get all sappy makes me want to spew toxic puke.

[He throws a blinding grenade and causes a loud high pitch ring echoed. Everyone covered their ears in pain as Rocksteady grabbed Muckman.]

Rocksteady: Now get in lab.

[Muckman gets thrown in and being shoot by Kraang lasers]

Rocksteady: So polite of you to check for trap first. Muckman is hero after all!

[Muckman slowly gets up and sees the chemical.]

Bebop: That's it, G. The chemical. Now don't you want to be human again?

Rocksteady: Grabs it now!

[He takes it as more lasers shoot him.]

Donnie: Muckman!

Mikey: We got you, dude!

[Donnie and Mikey went to Muckman's side.]

Donnie: Oh, no. Are you okay? How many fingers am I holding up?

Muckman: Nine.

Mikey: It's all good, Mucky. Now just chill here for a sec. We got these guys.

Muckman: No. This one's on me.

[The goons leave with the chemicals. Ninja stars stuck Bebop's butt as the turtles carry Muckman.]

Leo: Slime him!

[Muckman then vomits the trash right at them.]

Bebop: Aw, weak, son! [shakes off the slimy ooze]

Rocksteady: Nyet, the chemical!

[The chemical breaks The Turtles and Muckman surround Bebop and Rocksteady, who cowardly decide to escape.]

Rocksteady: You have keys for van, da? Is time we put the pedal into metal.

Bebop: Run!

[They leave.]

Muckman: What are we waiting for? Let's finish 'em off!

Joe: That problem's done with, pal. If you really want to finish this, you know what to do.

Muckman: Look, uh, turtle men, I know you were only trying to, uh..

Mikey: It's cool, Muckman.

Raph: Stuff happens. It's all good.

Donnie: Yeah, we've been accused of way worse things. Trust us.

Leo: Like being child-eating mutant monsters?

Muckman: Scatter, fellas. I got this.

[The turtles jump into the rooftops and see Muckman being interviewed by Joan. Back home. In the dojo, Splinter scolds his sons for their disobedience.]

Splinter: [Upset.] So, you disobey me and leave the lair.

MIkey: [Innocently.] No one saw us, sensei. We swear.

Leo: Look, we fixed everything.

Muckman: Turtle mutants? Naw, no such thing. Maybe you're thinkin' of those kids who dress up in costumes, like The Pulverizer.Take it from me, Muckman, New York's monster hero.

Joan: And there you have it, folks, straight from Muckman himself. The turtle mutants do not exist.

[Splinter looks at the news while stroking his goatee. The turtles sigh in relief, knowing that they won’t have to worry about the reporters.]

Raph: See, sensei? We're all cool.

Donnie: Everything's back to normal. Nothing to worry about.

Mikey: So that means we can watch Crognard again, right?

Splinter: (offscreen, throws a dagger and breaks Mikey's T-Phone) No, you are still grounded.

[Splinter knocks each turtle with a hit. The turtles groan in pain, because this is not the reaction they've been looking for. April slowly tried to get away, but she was caught by him, realizing that she was next.]
