

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

The Mighty Mutanimals is an issue of The Mighty Mutanimals, published in April 1992 by Archie Comics.

Appearing in The Mighty Mutanimals (Archie comic)[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



An Eagle watches from the skies as Death, astride his red-eyed stallion Beelzy, rides through a desert. Death stops the horse in order to use his scythe to pick up a piece of Jaguar fur. Death examines the fur and then tosses it aside before riding on. As the fur floats into the sky, the Eagle catches it and then continues following Death.

At the Mighty Mutanimals Headquarters on Mutani-isle, Mondo Gecko practices his skateboarding skills against the side of the shipwrecked Dorian Grey. Wingnut and Screwloose arrive to converse with him. They trade teasing barbs, none of them realizing they are being spied upon. Out in the ocean, Kid Terra is watching them through binoculars from his spot in a small power boat. He is contemplating his life and how he’s trying to walk the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, he finds he can’t just forget his crooked past and now must set things right, no matter how much it might hurt. Sharks circle his boat as he sits thinking about the Mutanimals and how they are misfits. He wonders where this will fit in a world increasingly touched by man.

On the ocean floor below, Man Ray welcomes the Glublubs to their new home. It is called the Valle de La Ninfa Marina, an area set aside for miles around as a marine nature preserve. Suddenly one of the Glublubs shouts an alarm and points upwards. When Man Ray looks up he sees several sharks coming towards him. Though Man Ray tries to reason with them, the only thing in the sharks’ minds is “eat”, and they attack.

Man Ray dodges the attack and realizes he needs help, which his signals for. His friends the Manta Rays arrive and the sharks, who are afraid of mantas, quickly leave. Man Ray wonders why, since he’s part manta, they didn’t fear him. He sets those thoughts aside and tells the Glublubs that they’ll be safe once they start inhabiting the coral reef. He also tells them to stay friends with the mantas. He then bids them good-bye because he has some unfinished business.

That business involves Kid Terra, who Man Ray startles when he leaps up from the water. Man Ray tells him he’s trying to figure out what to do about the man, about what he’s done. Kid Terra says he needn’t do anything, that he’s leaving and he knows he doesn’t belong here. He also says that the bullet he fired was never meant to kill Bubbla the Glublub, it was meant for Man Ray. Kid Terra says that he going straight and he’s going to start by telling the authorities about Null’s illegal nuclear waste sea dumping operation, the one that poisoned the home waters of the Glublubs. Kid Terra says he’s even going to help with the cleanup. Before he goes, Man Ray shakes his hand and thanks him for helping to save Earth from Maligna’s invasion. The pair then separate.

Up in the air, Wingnut is telling his little buddy about how weird he thinks the Mutanimals are. Screwloose agrees, but says they are the only real friends they’ve got. He also says that other than all the daylight, their planet isn’t a bad place to hang out. Wingnut says he misses Huanu and Screwloose agrees, but that their home planet is gone for good. He then asks if it isn’t time to meet up with the gang and Wingnut says that it is and he sees them. In the distance they see a colony of bats rising into the air. The duo join them to enjoy the cooling night air.

In a rainforest, an ancient temple built by a civilization that live hundreds of years before the Aztecs and Mayans is the meeting place for the rest of the Mutanimals. They have been brought there at the behest of Jagwar. They join him in sitting around a campfire at the top of the temple and he hands each a piece of fruit of the Jangala Tree. Jagwar explains that by eating the fruit one may see visions and by eating the fruit together, they will share the same vision.

The vision he shares is of his mother, Juntarra, who has been missing for six years. He explains that his mother was an unusual person, a restless person, uninterested in everyday life. She wanted to become a person of knowledge so she set out upon the Path of the Four Winds, a quest usually undertaken only by Shamans.

Her first path was to the South, known as the Path of the Serpent, where she shed her previous life like a snake sheds its skin. The second path was to the West, to the Jaguar, where one goes to lose fear and to face death. Juntarra sought out the Jaguar-Spirit, who was so impressed with the strength of the human’s spirit, that they fell in love. Through that love came Jagwar. His mother taught him many skills but motherhood was not her strong point and in his twelfth year, she left to continue along the Path of the Four Winds.

This time her footsteps took her to the North, toward the Dragon and the Wisdom of the Ancients. From there she headed to the East, to the Eagle and the Sun. That was six years ago and Jagwar doesn’t know if she completed her quest or even if she’s still alive. Suddenly, a voice sounds behind him and he turns to see his father, Yaguaro.

The power of the Jangala vision is very strong, especially to creatures such as Yaguaro. He sensed Jagwar’s mind being cast upon the visionary waters and came to tell him that Juntarra succeeded along the path of the Dragon. She now heads toward the East in order to complete the Circle of the Four Winds. Yaguaro says he sensed Jagwar’s concern for Juntarra and tells his son that there is great danger awaiting his mother. Danger that he, as a spirit, is powerless to stop. Only Jagwar can save his mother.

Yaguaro vanishes and a new vision replaces him. The Mutanimals see a desert, which at first appears empty, but then Juntarra appears. The Eagle swoops down towards her, flies around in front of her and drops the piece of Jaguar fur, which she catches. Then the Eagle flaps its wings as it remains near her, squawking. She wonders what it wants and then sees Death riding swiftly towards her. Death greets her by name, but rather than fleeing, she leaps at him with her dagger. Juntarra knocks him from his horse and then grapples with him, but he kicks her away. He laughs but then she charges and slashes at his neck, chopping off Death’s skull. Death counters but striking her with the blunt end of the scythe and knocking Juntarra out. He then places his skull back on before tossing the unconscious Juntarra across the horse and rides off with her.

The Mutanimals snap out of the vision with the Eagle’s skreee sounding in their ears. Jagwar shouts that they must save his mother and the other Mutanimals say that they are with him.

See also[]
