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[This part was left off of its sister episode. Karai prepares to slay Leo.]

Karai: If you won't be silent, I'll silence you.

[Karai callously prepares to brutally and remorselessly slay Leo. Leo screams in horror, but Karai’s attack is then blocked by Tiger Claw.]

Karai: [Shocked.] What?

Tiger Claw: Master Shredder desires them alive. He wants the pleasure of finishing the turtles himself.

Karai: Fine. Let's deal with the rat first.

[The turtles struggle to get free.]

Raph: Leave him alone, Karai! Or you're gonna answer to me!

Splinter: My sons, go. Now! [he uses his blade and frees the turtles] Run!

[Tiger Claw kicks him]

Leo: Splinter!

Raph: We got to come back for him, Leo. Move!

[They run off.]

Karai: Don't let them escape!

[But Mikey threw a smoke bomb down, allowing them to escape.]

Karai: At least we still have the rat.

[Meanwhile, Donnie, April and Casey continue running from the space worm.]

Donnie: Run! Faster!

[They fell down and the worm went past them. They look up, coming face to face with its second head. They scream and run back.]

April :We got to slow it down.

Casey: I'm on it!

[Casey gets onto his rollar blades and runs right at the space worm.]

April: Casey, no!

Casey: Eat this!

[He throws a grenade at the worm. The creature gorls and collapses.]

Casey: Yes!

[The worm gets up and starts chasing him, clearly enraged.]

Casey: No!

April: Casey, hurry!

[Donnie grabs onto the ladder and reaches out his bo.]

Donnie: April! Grab on!

[April grabs on the bo staff and Donnie pulls her up. Donnie then reaches out his bo to Casey, instructing him to jump.]

Donnie: Jones! The staff!

[Casey attempts to grab on, however, the worm eats Casey alive, much to the horror of Donnie and April.]

April: [Distraught.] No!!

Donnie: [Horrified.] Casey!

[The worm is gone.]

April: [Devastated.] He's gone. He's gone.

[April starts crying as Donnie comforts her.]

Donnie: I'm so sorry, April. I truly am.

[Back at the Lair, Leo was bandaging Mikey's arm which hurt him. Raph throws the ice pack in anger and lunges at Leo, blaming him for Splinter’s capture.]

Raph: This is your fault, Leo. If you hadn't called Splinter, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Leo: I didn't have a choice, Raph. It was him or Mikey. I thought I thought sensei would take care of him.

Raph: Well, you thought wrong!

Mikey: [stands up] We know where they took him. Shredder's lair. We do this for Splinter! There comes a time, brothers, when history is forged like Melted cheese. It sticks together as one! But is still soft and squishy in the middle. Mm. Are you with me?

Raph: Lamest speech ever. But I'm with you.

Leo: Let's do this!

[The boys prepare for battle. Outside, Donnie and April come out of the manhole.]

Donnie: Okay. Coast is clear.

April: [sadly] This is so terrible. Poor Casey. We have to find a way to stop those Kraang worms once and for-

[The earthquake started to shake, causing the duo to fall down.]

Donnie: You're right about that. And we know one man who knows more about the Kraang than anyone.

[They soon arrive at Jack's apartment. They look inside and a flashlight shines on them.]

Kurtzman: Great Caesar's ghost. Quick! Get in before you're spotted.

[They are now inside his apartment.]

Kurtzman: This is about the earthquake situation, isn't it?

April: You're never gonna guess what's causing it, Mr. Kurtzman.

Kurtzman: Call me Jack. I named the Kraang's little scheme The Manhattan project.

[In Shredder’s lair, Splinter slowly wakes up as he finds himself glared at by Tiger Claw, Rahzar and Fishface. Tiger Claw holds the bucket of water and dumps the water at Splinter to wake him up.]

Tiger Claw: Wake up, little rat.

Fishface: Nice work, Tiger Claw. You finally captured the great Splinter.

Rahzar: So is the poison going to finish him or what?

Tiger Claw: Most men would have expired by now, but it's only weakened him. He may be small, but he's tough as iron.

[Shredder arrives with Karai.]

Shredder: Bradford, Xever, leave us.

[Xever and Bradford obey and do as ordered. Shredder walks over to his mortal nemesis to mock him for his current situation.]

Shredder: [Smugly.] Hamato Yoshi, so you have come to this. A wretched rat man waiting to be put out of his misery.

Splinter: At least I do not wear a mask, hiding what little humanity I have left.

Shredder: [Angrily.] It is because of YOU that I wear this mask.

Splinter: All these years, you continue to deceive yourself and everyone around you.

[This shook karai and enrages Shredder so much that he deployed his claws and lifted them up, preparing to wrathfully take Splinter’s life.]

Shredder: [Full of Rage.] You dare. Now it ends!

[Shredder screams in rage as he is about to slay him, but Karai stops him just as the blade reaches the neck mid-air.]

Karai: No, father!

Shredder: [Angry at Karai.] You would stop me?

Karai: You'd kill your greatest enemy while he's poisoned and chained? What about honor? Everything you've taught me.

Tiger Claw: [Agreeing.] The girl is right, Master Shredder.

[Shredder grunts but realizes that Karai is right. After a brief moment, Shredder retracts his blade back into his gauntlet letting Splinter live for now.]

Shredder: Hmm. Very well. Gather the foot. I will offer Hamato Yoshi one last fight.

[Everyone leaves. Karai stays with Splinter.]

Splinter: Why did you help me?

Karai: I don't know. Maybe because you look so pathetic.

Splinter: You have your mother's spirit ..So fierce, and yet so scared.

Karai: Never speak of my mother again! You ruined my family. You ruined all of our lives.

Splinter: No, it was Oroku Saki.

[Splinter faints again as Karai leaves him. Meanwhile, Kurtzman explains further details of mutant worms to Donnie and April.]

Donnie: So these worms are only children? How big are the adults?

Kurtzman: Huge! Some are hundreds of feet long. [unrols scroll] The Kraang had been importing the worms from Dimension X to suck out their mutagen. It's kind of like milking a giant cow.

April: Okay, okay. We get it. Thanks. So how do we stop them?

Kurtzman: No clue how to stop 'em. But I know the Kraang ride these puppies. [points to a small drawing of Kraathatrogon and a nearby salt jar.] You see these antennae on its head? They pull 'em like the reins on a horse.

April: Gross!

[Donnie thinks about ii and looked at the salt covering the drawing.]

Donnie: Why didn't I think of it before? Salt!

April: Salt? What do you- Hold on a sec. [answers phone] It's Casey! Casey?

Casey: Uh, hey, April. Uh, so I'm kind of, uh, trapped inside this giant worm thing. It's cool. I'm alive and stuff.

April: You're inside the worm? You get a signal in there?

Casey: Yeah, it's, uh, trying to digest me, I-I think. Could use, uh, a little help. Aghh!

April: Sit tight, Casey! I mean, um, don't go anywhere. He's alive! He's alive!

[Meanwhile, Leo arrives at Shredder’s lair. Leo used his stars and katanas to take down the robots. He looked inside and found Splinter's body.]

Leo: Sensei. Sensei!

[Splinter awakens to see his son trying to free him.]

Splinter: Leonardo, go..... Now!

[Fire burst to life around Leo. Shredder approaches. Leo is about to reach for his sword but his arm was grabbed by Tiger Claw.]

Tiger Claw: Hello, again, my friend.

[Leo attempts to slash Tiger Claw. but the tiger mutant restrained Leo.]

Leo: Let me go!

Karai: I knew you'd come to us, Leo.

[Shredder walks over and sternly interrogates Leo.]

Shredder:[Sternly.] Where are the other turtles?

Tiger Claw: [sniffs air] It's just him, Master Shredder. He's alone. I sense no one else.

[Shredder walks to Splinter and he cut the chains binding Splinter.]

Shredder:[To Leo.] Watch, turtle, for it will be the last fight you ever see. The destruction of your master, Hamato Yoshi.[Removes his cape.]

[Splinter gets up weakly, even if he is poisoned. Shredder started to attack, but Splinter dodges his attack.]

Leo: You can do it, sensei.

[Splinter dodged but fell when Shredder hits him.]

Leo: Sensei!

[Leo attempts to free himself, but Tiger Claw laughs evilly at Splinter’s impending death, while holding Leo. Shredder pins Splinter down.]

Shredder: Fight me!

[Splinter gets up but falls when Shredder kicks him. Shredder walks toward the beaten Splinter, retract his blades back in to his gauntlet and picked the beaten rat from the collar.]

Shredder:[Slowly preparing to kill Splinter.] Pathetic. I will put you out of your misery.

[Another earthquake appeared causing Shredder to drop Splinter and lose his balance. The others felt the same tremor as the glass started to spread. Splinter skillfully stroke his fingers at the glass and Shredder falls into the water. Karai is shocked. Fireworks burst out and Leo kicks Tiger Claw and gets free.]

Tiger Claw: No!

[Mikey and Raph jump into action.]

Mikey: Oh, yeah! Rescue time!

[Stockman runs off. Mikey kicks Fishface away and he and Raph dodge Tiger Claw and Rahzar and rescue Splinter and Leo.]

Raph: Come on, Master Splinter!

Tiger Claw: Get them!

[Tiger Claw sees them gone.]

Tiger Claw: Rahhh! NO!

Fishface: Master Shredder.

[Fishface runs toward the recovering Shredder as he angerily shoves FishFace away from him.]

Shredder: Do not let them escape, fools! GO!

[Meanwhile, Raph, Leo and Mikey hold Splinter as the three turtle brothers take their father some place, where is safe.]

Mikey: Faster, guys!

Splinter: You were foolish to come for me.

Raph: We'd never leave you, sensei.

[April and Donnie are in the sewers.]

Donnie: This is it. This is the tunnel!

April: Great. Now what?

[Donnie begins to whack his stick on the rails]

Donnie: I'm creating a vibration that'll attract the worm.

April: You really think a stick is gonna attract - aahh!

[The worm started to come this way.]

Donnie: The satchel!

April: Salt?

Donnie: Salt's ionic strength can burn through a worm's neurosecretory cells. It's like acid.

April: Yeah, but salt?

[They threw salt at the creature but it was to no avail.]

April: Uh, Donnie? We're out!

Donnie: No, wait!

[He throws the salt jar to the ground and April fans it to make a dust cloud. The worm stops and then vomits on them, also freeing Casey.]

Donnie: [disgusted] Anybody have any hand sanitizer?

Casey: April!

April: Casey!

Donnie: I hate to break up the reunion, but we have big, huge, giant problems!

[They look to see another worm, much bigger than the others.]

Casey: Now, that's a big worm.

[The enemies continue searching for the turtles.]

Tiger Claw: I smell the reptiles.

Karai: If they escape, Shredder will have all your hides.

Rahzar: And what about yours, Karai?

[The turtles set Splinter to a safe place.]

Splinter: I need to rest. Must get the poison out of my system.

Mikey: Just drink some water, sensei.

Splinter: Must meditate.

Raph: Let him rest. We'll keep a lookout for those goons.

[Raph looks aghast when he saw the villains standing there already.]

Mikey: Found 'em.

Tiger Claw: Attack!

[They charge at the villains. Leo kicks Karai away and faces Tiger Claw. Raph faces and fights Fishface.]

Raph: Fancy new weapon, Fishface. Let's see you use it.

Fishface: I'm going to chop you into tiny chunks and feed you to my piranha.

[Fishface charges at Raph as Mikey is seen dodging Rahzar’s attacks.]

Mikey: Too slow, Rahzar!

[Leo kicks Karai away and faces Tiger Claw.]

Tiger Claw: Your skills are nothing compared to mine. You are still just a cub.

[Leo's sword breaks, but Leo managed to slash his enemy’s cheek with a miniature knife. Tiger Claw looks at Leo stoic while putting his claws at the wound Leo inflicted on him. Back in the sewers, April, Donnie and Casey sneak past while the Krang droids try to pull the space worm.]

Donnie: Okay, here's the plan. I reverse the polarity of the portal and keep that thing from getting in. You guys create a diversion.

April: What kind of diversion?

Casey: Leave that to Casey Jones.

[Donnie sighs annoyed.]

Casey: Yo! Alien freak-job!

Kraang: It is humans known as humans.

[They started to fire as April and Casey took cover.]

April: I hope you have a plan other than getting shot at, Jones!

[Meanwhile, Donnie is making way to the top.]

[Everyone continued on fighting as Tiger Claw is about to hurt Leo. Splinter discharms him and threw him over.]

Splinter: Now it is time to end this.

Mikey: Sensei!

Splinter: Are you ready, my sons?

[The Turtles and Splinter charge at their enemies.]

Casey: Eat it, alien scum! This is so cool! Whoo!

Kraang: Kraang detects inferior weaponry.

[The bomb explodes along with the other droids. Donnie gets to the machine and pulls out the panel.]

Donnie: What the?

[The panel looks a lot differen thatn he thought as Casey continued fighting.]

Casey: Oh, yeah! You like that, son?

Kraang: Kraang, unleash another kraathatrogon.

[The Kraang with the legless bdoy releases another space worm. Everyone is fighting at the rooftop.]

Leo: Karai, I don't want to fight you anymore. I'm not your enemy.

[Suddenly, another earthquake begins. Karai loses her balance and falls off of the rooftop. Leo frantically runs to save her.]

Leo: Karai!

[Leo trips and sees Karai falling. Leo and Splinter watch in horror. Karai screams. Splinter sees his daughter falling and rushed to save her.]

Splinter: No!

[Splinter tries to go after her, but Tiger Claw trips the master by stepping on his tail, which causes Splinter to fall.]

Tiger Claw: You're not going anywhere.

Casey: Look out!

[Casey and April dodged the worm, slamming down.]

April: I've got an idea, something that Kurtzman said.

[Casey was about to get hit by the laser but April climbed onto the space worm and knocked the droid away.]

April: Come on, Jones!

[She pulls Casey up onto the worm.]

April: Move it, girl! Go, worm, go!

[She guides the worm around and started to defeat a few Kraang Droids.]

Casey: We'll distract the Kraang!

April: Do your thing, Donnie!

Donnie: I don't believe it. Whoa!

April: To the surface, wormie!

[Tiger Claw pins Splinter down, preparing to finish him off.]

Tiger Claw: You are mine now, Yoshi-San.

[Something hits him on the back of the head.]

Tiger Claw: Aah! Who dares?

[Leo charged and knocked Tiger Claw out. Leo heads to his dad.]

Splinter: Not too shabby.

[From the ground, the space worm emerged.]

April: Whoo-hoo!

Casey: Yes!

[Tiger Claw started to attack but Splinter knocked him and the tiger was mostly being eaten by the worm.]

Donnie: I got to reverse the polarity. Work! Why won't you work? Ha! I did it! I rule!

[All the droids and space worms get sucked into the portal. Donnie wrapped a cord around his waist and hung on. He managed to save April and Casey once the portal closed.]

April: You did it, Donnie! You saved the city.

Casey: I'm gonna take back everything I said about you, Donnie. You rule.

[Later, everyone reunited.]

Raph: So the earthquakes were caused by giant worms that lived under the sewers? That sounds worse than giant cockroaches!

Mikey: Well, I'm stoked you guys are back. Come here!

[Mikey grabs Donnie, April and Casey in a big hug. Everyone laughs.]

Donnie: We're glad to be back, trust me.

Leo: You did it, sensei.

Splinter: With the help of my brave sons, yes, we all did it.

Raph: But what about Karai?

[As they talk, Karai is seen hearing this from behind a water tower. She finally understands now.]

April: [Speechlessly.] I still can't believe that evil witch is your daughter. Um, sorry to be so honest.

Splinter: Perhaps one day she will believe the truth. But that is her decision. For now, we celebrate.

Mikey: Yeah! Time for some Antonio's! So where do you think that Kraang worm went anyway?

[The scene then switches to the world of the 1987 series, where the Turtles are up on a rooftop, each having a slice of Pizza. Just then, a portal appears and the very Kraathatrogon emerges in the middle of the street, causing the people to panic as the worm tries to go after every single one of them.]

80s Leo: Hey, do you guys see that?

80s Mikey: Whoa, dudes! A giant freaky worm! Totally mondo bizarro!

80s Donnie: I bet that pesky Shredder and Kraang are behind this.

[80s Raph nudges 80s Leo lightly.]

80s Raph: You know what that means, right, Leonardo?

80s Leo: We take down the creepy crawler and then we order pizza!

80s Donnie: Yes! Turtle power!

[The 80s Turtles jump into action.]

80s Mikey: Cowabunga!

[The episode ends.]
