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[Episode started out with Karai on a billboard]

Rahzar: Karai, Shredder didn't authorize your little operation. I think we should-

Karai: Silence! I'm in charge while my father's in Japan! If we score an ambush on the turtles, it'll make us both look good. Now quiet. Here they come.

[They look over and see turtles running across the rooftops. Leo stops them.]

Leo: Hold up, ninjas! I have a feeling we're not alone here.

Mikey: You're right, Leo. We have a potential spy.

[He looks at a squirrel as it runs off.]

Donnie: Shh. I thought I heard-

Karai: Foot! Attack!

[The foot clan and Rahzar attacks. Rahzar lunges at Mikey.]

Raph: Serving one bot, hot!

Mikey: Get off of me, Rahzar!

[Donnie saves Mikey from Razher. Mikey gets up and fists bumps Donnie. The werewolf began to use his claws, summoning them out.]

Mikey: Look out!

[Mikey swats them away.]

Raph: Let's take her down once and for all.

[Leo begins to take on Karai and follows her.]

Leo: Karai, listen, There's something you should know. It's about your father. [leaps from below] Your real father! Your real name is Miwa!

Karai: I'm not interested in anything but you begging for your life.

[Suddenly, something started shaking the Earth.]

Mikey: Earthquake!

Rahzar: In New York?

[A second of a tower started to break.]

Leo: Karai, look out!

[Leo kicks Karai out to safety as something falls on top of Leo burying him alive.]

[Theme song.]

[The turtles dug the debris out of the way]

Mikey: Leo!

Raph: Keep digging!

Mikey: Leo?

Leo: Ugh! I think my shell got knocked loose. What was that?

Donnie: Some kind of localized quake. But what caused it?

Leo: Oh, no, she's gone! I could've changed everything. Now it's too late.

[The scene cuts to Carlos telling the news.]

Carlos: Scientists are calling them "microquakes," but they shake so hard, this reporter's hair was badly messed up! [fixes hair] No need for concern. I'm being treated by my stylist.

Mikey: Dude! His poor hair!

Raph: Earthquakes in Manhattan? Something is definitely up.

[In Donnie's lab,]

Donnie: I've been graphing the earthquake epicenters. They're happening in a pattern that's not at all random.

Mikey: Is that awesome or awesome bad?

Donnie: Awesome bad, Mikey. I got weird energy readings under the epicenter. I think some kind of tech is causing the quakes.

Raph: Huh. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Mikey, who has that kind of technology?

[Mikey begins to think it over but his thought was kittens. Leo went to the dojo.]

Leo: Master Splinter, I tried to tell Karai that you're her father. I thought if she knew she might come over to our side.

Splinter: Mm. There is a saying. "He who runs his mouth gets a face full of nunchaku."

Leo: They say that in Japan?

Splinter: They would if you were there. Still, your heart is in the right place. Perhaps it is time she knew the truth.

Leo: Maybe you should tell the other guys, sensei.

[Later, Splinter had gathered his sons and told them what happened to his daughter.]

Splinter: This is difficult, but it is time you all knew the truth. The child I thought I had lost in the fire, Miwa, is Karai, my daughter. Fury became flame, and flame darkened the world with smoke. And in that darkness, Shredder stole Miwa away. I thought she had perished, but she was raised by Shredder as his daughter and trained as a deadly foot assassin.

Donnie:[shocked]  Wait. T-this can't be.

Raph: It's some kind of joke, right, sensei?

Mikey: [stunned] Karai's our sister?

Raph: Sensei, she's still our enemy. She was raised by Shredder.

Donnie: Yeah. How can we ever trust her?

Splinter: There is good in her. I know this. The truth must be told, and it too will be an earthquake.

[At Shredder's lair.]

Karai: Father should've been back hours ago with his new little secret weapon.

Fishface: I've heard rumors it's a new mutant. Part woman, part tuna... All lover.

Stockman: I hope not. I'm allergic to fish. Nothing personal, Xever.

[Fishface glares at him.]

Rahzar: All I know is that he's a deadly assassin. The Kraang turned him into a mutant when he was a kid decades ago.

[The door opens as a squad of footbots walk in unisons before standing attention and lowering their heads and bowed. Shredder arrives stroding through the throne room as both Karai and Rahzar lowered their heads and bowed to their master.]

Karai: Father.

Rahzar: Master Shredder.

Shredder:[Looking at Rahzar unamused.] You look terrible, Bradford. [heads to his throne then sit on it.] I have returned, and I bring with me the most feared assassin in all of Asia.

[He brings out a new mutant. A tall and muscular tiger with his tail cut. He wore a sleeveless vest with a azure scarf around his neck along with pistols attached to his belt.]

Shredder: Tiger Claw.

Karai: This is your secret weapon, father? Another freak?

Takeshi/Tiger Claw: This is the Foot clan you promised me? I must say, Master Shredder, I am disappointed.

[Karai was about to take out her blade but Tiger Claw held up a gun.]

Fishface: I honor you, great Tiger Claw. Can I offer you some refreshments?

Tiger Claw: Milk, skim.

[Fishface leaves. Karai took a look at the cut off tail.]

Karai: Sensitive subject maybe... But shouldn't tigers have tails?

Tiger Claw: Don't mock me, child. It was a rival who sliced off my tail. One day I will find it, and he will pay the price!

[Fishface brings out a glass of milk for him.]

Karai: If you can't keep your own tail-

Shredder: Silence, Karai. You will treat Tiger Claw with utmost respect. He is my new second in command.

Karai: [outraged] What? I've earned that job, not some oversized cat in a scarf!

Shredder: Enough! Tiger Claw, take my daughter with you to capture Splinter and his turtles. Karai, do not disobey him.

[Meanwhile outside. April and Casey are on the rooftop.]

Casey: So, April, vigilante-ing is cool and all, but how about a real date?

April: What do you call this?

Casey: I was thinking, you know, maybe something a little cozier. You, me.

[Suddenly, there was a sound from the bottom.]

April: The Kraang!

Casey: Nah, aliens would just mess up my mix.

[April looks down and sees the krang walking in the portal.]

April: There's so many of them.

Casey: So these are the robots you told me about?

April: With the little brains inside, yeah. What are they doing?

[They begin to climb down the fire escape and watched behind the dumpster,]

April: That's a new trick.

Casey: I got this, Red. Stay here.

[Casey knocks the kraang away and April slices the droid down. Then Casey whacks the kraang alien away.]

Casey: When you play cricket, you got to have some crumpets.

[The alien runs away. After it's gone, April turns off the portal and picks up the device.]

April: Wow. Let's take this to Donnie, let him check it out.

Casey: Why not take it to a real laboratory?

April: Trust me, Donnie's way ahead of most scientists. Come on.

[And so., April and Casey head to the lab..]

April: And then you press this button [opens the portal] and portable portal.

Donnie: Wow. The Kraang are always one step ahead. I wonder if this is what's behind the earthquakes. We're gonna have to test it.

Leo: I don't know, Donnie. You think that's a good idea?

Casey: If you turtles are gonna be slow about it, I'm going.

Raph: You're crazy! Nuts! Out of your gourd! I'm going first.

[Raph enters the portal]

Leo: Raph!

Casey: Come on, Red! [drags April]

April: Aah!

Donnie: April, wait for me!

[Everyone entered.]

Mikey: Can't let them go alone, dude.

[Mikey dives in.]

Leo: Mikey! Ah.

[Leo joins in as another earthquake rumbles, causing the device to fall.]

[The teens and the turtles made it to the portal. Everything around them look like thunderstorms with multiple portals.]

Raph: Okay. This is weird.

[Everyone looked around through each portal.]

Donnie: Wow! It's like the grand central station of dimensional travel! The Kraang must use it as a gateway between realities.

[Mikey looked over and sees the portal closed]

Mikey: Guys, the door's gone! We're trapped!

Leo: There's thousands of doors. Everyone, start searching for a way home.

Donnie: Whoa! Look at this, April.

April: Amazing. It's so beautiful.

Casey: Check this out, Red.

[Another portal reveals the 1987 dimension and see their classic counterparts.]

Mikey: It's us! Why do we look like dorks?

Raph: Is that supposed to be April?

Donnie: [blushing] Nice jumpsuit.

Leo: Guys, look! I think it's Dimension X.

[The portal reveals a pink dimension of their homeland.]

Raph: Home of the Kraang.

Mikey: This place is making my brain melt!

April: Shh! I-I sense something coming.

[The Biotroids arrive and walk toward the portal.]

Raph: Oh, no. How do you close the door? Where's the knob? Where's the knob? They're onto us!

Leo: [pulls out his swords] Get ready, team.

[The aliens come out of the portal shooting lasers as everyone dodges.]

Kraang: Biotroids, destroy!

[Biotroids began to attack, knocking Mikey as Casey whacked it down. One of them was defeated and was about to land on April.]

Donnie: April!

[Donnie saves her just as the biotroid fell.]

April: Thanks, D.

Donnie: It was nothing. Look out!

[they dodged a laser. The biotroid fired its blazing saws from its chest. Raph jumps onto the biotroid but gets thrown off.]

Casey: Casey Jones shoots! He scores!

[April used her tessen to stun the biotroid. Coming to its senses, it roars while Leo sliced down the first one. The alien retreats.]

Mikey: Here it comes!

Raph: Look out!

[The Biotroid slammed Mikey, Donnie and Raph and they disappear through the portal.]

Donnie: Guys, let's follow 'em!

[The portal disappears.]

April: They're gone!

Casey: We got to get that remote.

[The Kraang tosses it through the portal and the biotroid shoots cannons.]

Donnie: Butt cannons! Run!

[The remaining turtles fell to their home in the dumpster.]

Mikey: Guys, what dimension are we in?

[Leo climbs out of the dumpster.]

Leo: The others are trapped over there.

Raph: Yeah, and the smart member of the team is trapped with them. [climbs out and angrily blames Leo] This is your fault, Leo. If you hadn't gotten us-

[Another earthquake made them stumble.]

Leo: We got to find the source of these quakes.

[They begin to leave.  On the rooftop, Tiger Claw and Karai are watching.]

Tiger Claw: Karai, you have your instructions.

[Tiger Claw leaps in front of the turtles.]

Raph: Who the heck is that?

Tiger Claw: You may call me Tiger Claw!

Mikey: I knew it! I was totally gonna name him Tiger Claw!

Tiger Claw: [Pulling out his powered up hand blaster and aiming at the turtles.] I ask only once. Summon your rat master.

Raph: Sorry, pal! I'm not a cat person.

[Tiger Claw started to shoot his gun.]

Leo: Raph!

[Leo charged at Tiger Claw tries to swing at him, Tiger Claw dodges Leo before jumping over with his jetpack to shoot at Leo causing the turtle to fall over. Tiger Claw summoned out his ice blaster then aiming both blasters at the down turtles and Mikey.]

Tiger Claw: You are nothing but cubs.

Mikey:[Nervous.] Nice kitty. Uh, let me see if I have some catnip on me.

[Tiger Claw roars and uses his ice blaster. Mikey dodged then jumping into the building's ladder.]

Mikey: Come on, bros, we got to get to high ground!

[They climb to the rooftop. Tiger Claw began to use his jet pack and started to follow them.]

[Donnie, April and Casey continue running.]

Casey: Out of my way, Don. I got this.

[Casey heads over and kicks the Bioitroids to the portal. They pushed and got rid of it.]

April: That was too close.

Casey: All right, Donnie. How do we get out of here? You're the expert, gap-tooth.

Donnie: [offended] Gap Tooth? Look in the mirror lately, cave-mouth?

April: Guys, stop! Check this out.

[The boys looked and saw another location.]

Donnie: Wow. It looks like another part of Dimension X.

[They looked over and saw a few krangs moving something that was squirming.]

Casey: Ugh. What is that?

Kraang: Kraang is aware of spies in that doorway where Kraang is not but soon will be.

April: I think we're in serious trouble.

[The Kraang surround them]

Casey: Don't tell me-

Donnie: Oh, great.

Kraang: Surrender is optimum.

Kraang 2: Non-surrender means disintegration,

Kraang 1: which is less optimum.

Donnie: For now. Play along.

[They lift their hands up.]

Casey: For the record, I don't count this as a surrender.

[The turtles continue battling Tiger Claw, dodging the laser and ice beams. In the process, Mikey got hit by the blast.]

Leo: Mikey!

[Tiger Claw with his jetpack knocks Leo down while Raph fights him. Tiger claw dodges Raph's swings, then gain distance with his jetpack and shoots a Bola at Raph ending the fight. Tiger Claw flew at Mikey and picked him up upside down ready to drop him on the furnace.]

Tiger Claw: You are defeated. Summon your master, or the little one goes into the furnace.

Mikey: Don't do it, Leo.

Raph: It's a trap for Splinter!

Leo: Of course it's a trap. Tell me the part where I have a choice.

[In the Lair, Splinter’s phone began to ring.]

Splinter: The cheese phone! Truly an emergency. Moshi moshi. Leonardo! What is the problem? Do not fear, my son. I am on my way.

[Later the three were tied up.]

Raph: I can't believe you called him. If anything happens to Splinter....

Leo: What else could I do, Raph?

Tiger Claw: The rat! Where is he? [they did not answer] One push and you all go into the furnace.

Raph: Just wait, Tiger Claw. Splinter's gonna kick that little stub of a tail so deep in your striped-

Tiger Claw: Silence! I am tired of waiting. Your lives end now.

[He slowly begins to push them]

Mikey: This is it! I love you guys. Raph, it was me who ate your last piece of chocolate pepperoni pizza. I'm sorry, man! I was so hungry.

Splinter: Release my sons! Now!

Tiger Claw:[Japanese] An ancient proverb says even a cornered rat will bite a cat. Is that so?

Splinter:[Japanese] Hmm. Come find out.

[Tiger Claw began to fire his Sniper rifle with ice rounds as Splinter attacks. He takes out his Machete, spinning it before getting into a battle stance.]

Tiger Claw: I prefer to slice you into bite-sized pieces.

[Tiger Claw and Splinter charge at each other.]

[Meanwhile, Donnie and the two humans are being sent to the sewer,]

Kraang: You will continue marching from the place you are to the place you are not yet.

Donnie: At least we're back in New York.

Casey: Didn't they mention feeding us something? I'm hungry.

April: No, they said they'd feed us to something, something called a-

Donnie: Kraathatrogon. Which is actually, I have no clue what it is.

Casey: We can wait around to be eaten or we can make a move!

[Casey electrodes one Kraang with his taser, April throws her fan while Donnie turns the vault to make steam.]

Donnie: Let's go!

[They begin to run.]

April: This way!

[They turn to close the door]

Casey: Go! Move!

[They continue to make their way down a large tunnel.]

Donnie: Wow! The old pneumatic subway! Built in the 1800s. Nobody uses 'em now.

April: What's gross slobbering sound?

Donnie: It sounds worse than Mikey eating pizza.

[They look over through the main vault and see Kraang milking the giant worms. They were hooked up by a large machine and pushing one of the space worms in into the portal.]

Donnie: Ooh, those must be the kraathatrogons.

Casey The kraathatr…. trogo.. The tro….. "Space worms" is easier to pronounce.

[The giant worm roars and slammed against the ground, causing the ground to shake.]

Donnie: It's the worms. That's what's causing the earthquakes!

Casey: Why? Why bring 'em here?

April: Look! They're milking them... for mutagen?

Donnie: By Darwin's beard! This is where the mutagen comes from! Fascinating and-

April: Disgusting! [she feels something] Stop that!

Casey: Stop what?

April: I'm serious, Casey. I said stop!

[April looked and saw a small space worm nuzzling her. They scream. Alarmed, Casey whacked it with his hockey stick and the creature screeches.]

Kraang: Kraang, we have been discovered in the place that was meant to be undiscovered. Unleash the Kraathatrogon!

[The space worm roars as it starts to come toward the three teens.]

Casey: I don't think I have a big enough hockey stick for that thing.

[Back at the rooftops, Splinter and Tiger Claw are still in combat. ]

Tiger Claw: You'll pay for that, rodent!

[He charges again swinign his sword and breaks Splinter's cane.]

Toger Claw: Now you are defenseless.

Splinter: A ninja is never defenseless.

[He used ninja stars and deactivated his jetpack.]

Mikey: You got him, sensei!

Raph: Slap the stripes off that cat!

[Tiger Claw continued to dodge as Splitner knocked him down and dodged the bola. Splinter disarmed Tiger Claw of his Machete then proceeds to strike him multiple points on the chest preasuring him towards the edge of the building.]

Splinter:[Pointing the machete at Tiger Claw.] You will not trip me up so easily. And now we shall see if a cat always lands on its feet.

Tiger Claw: Now!

[Karai fires a poisoned dart and poisons him. Splinter takes out the dart then staggers and collapses to the ground causing him to drop the machette.]

Tiger Claw:[Smirking while holding his injured arm.] You lose, rat.

[Karai began to approach smirking as Splinter looked at her.]

Splinter: Miwa!

[Karai left perplex at Splinter call her "Miwa,".]

Leo: Karai. Karai, don't do this. Splinter He's your father, your true father.

Karai:[Denying.] LIAR! You'd say anything to save him.

Leo: No, I swear it. He's your father Hamato Yoshi.

Karai: If you won't be silent, I'll silence you.

[Karai raises her blade then callously prepares to brutally and remorselessly slay Leonardo once and for all, having heard enough of his "lies", ending the episode on a cliffhanger.]
