

Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.

The Last Ronin is the fifth and final issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin.

Appearing in The Last Ronin[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Pestered by the hallucinations his brothers, Michelangelo finally is able to quell them and focus on his task at hand - readying himself to take on Oroku Hiroto and finally take him out. He leaves the lair, neglecting to take Splinter's journal with him. Casey finds the journal and can't find Mike anywhere; believing something is wrong, she goes to April, who is trying to restore the water pumps in the sewer since they failed following the destruction of Baxter Stockman's power grid. April tells Casey that Mike had left, and Casey gets angry that she didn't try to stop him. April says he didn't even tell her he was leaving. Casey then reveals that she's known for a while that she's a mutant and prods an answer for when April was going to tell her.

Mike slinks into Hiroto's compound and sets off a few thermite grenades to clear his way. However, they have more impact than he expected, and it causes structural damage to the tower, alerting Hiroto early. Mike battles his way through some Foot Ninja and Foot Elite, noting that the human ninja had become soft while the synja ran most operations. He gets to a large, armored foe at the door, killing them with Leo's katana, then fends off some synthetic crows with an EMP and then encounters a large, winged robot, which he trashes with the armored guard's sword.

Finally, he makes his way to Hiroto, who is suited in nano-carbide mockery of his grandfather's armor. Mike declares he's going to end the Oroku bloodline by taking out Hiroto and his mother, but Hiroto reveals that he always hated Karai and kills her. Hiroto and Mike fight as they are blasted out of the tower by subsequent explosions triggered by Mike's initial assault with the thermite grenades.

Worried about Mike, Casey rushes to help him, but after one of the rebels tells her there's been no word from her mother even though the communicators are back online, she begins to fear that her mother is trapped in the rising water in the sewer. She dives back into the sewer and finds her mother with an oxygen mask, still attempting to get the pumps back online. Meanwhile, Mike and Hiroto continue to battle, and the former takes advantage of the distraction that the crumbling tower provides to throw him off of the roof. Mike follows and they land on Bleeker and Sullivan Streets. Mike presses Hiroto further, taking advantages of brief gaps in the armor that are left from his attacks before the nanobots repair it. Mike heads into the sewer and lures Hiroto there. Hiroto mistakes this as a retreat, but Mike intends to finish the fight on his own turf.

April gives Casey some air, but the tower's structural integrity and the rising waters make it dangerous for the women to stay where they are. Casey vows to protect April from the falling rocks while she works, and April finally gets the pumps working. The water suction blasts Mike and Hiroto out of the drain and into the mud outside. April tells Casey that she installed a tracker in Mike while mending him and Casey runs off to find him.

Hiroto is on the losing end of the fight, but declares himself god and sets off a last-ditch explosion on his armor, mortally wounding them both. Casey finds the dying Mike and tells him he left the journal behind. Mike says he left it for her and flips to the last page, showing her a lesson of his own scrawled there, which he calls the "most important of all".


April arrives just in time to watch her last friend die.

As Mike flatlines, he "wakes" up in the sewer, young again, and challenged by his bothersome brothers to a race to the rooftop. Raph likens the air to Mike's fart, much to the latter's protest. the elder Casey Jones, back in his hockey mask-wearing prime, arrives and taunts Raph with "whoever smelt it, dealt it". Splinter suddenly also shows up, saying that he can't speak for Raphael's flatulence, but that New York City does have its own unique odor. Mike just says it smells like... home.


Casey Marie finishes a training session and wishes her sensei could see her, but promises to keep improving for him. She checks in on her mother, asking how the tests are going, then asks what they're eating. April says she's not hungry, but Casey she wasn't talking to her, but to four baby turtles. She tells them to hurry up and grow so they can start training.

Notes and trivia[]

  • Casey's shirt design in the final pages, with its yellow and white design and "5" on the front, is similar to the shirt April wore most often in the 2012 animated series.

See also[]
