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[Episode starts at the Shredder's lair, where the Shredder closes his eyes, laments about Karai's mutation as he has every moment with her.]

Shredder:[scene in flashbacks] You have done well, my daughter. You have made me proud. [then there was the scene where Karai mutated] Karai!

Tiger Claw: Master Shredder, [Shredder open his eyes to face Tiger Claw, who’s kneeling before him.] the hour grows late. Have you made your decision?

Shredder:They are dangerous allies. But they have provided us with much technology, asking little in return.

Tiger Claw: They will betray you. You know this. They care nothing for the human race.

Shredder:[Leaning in while scowling.] Nor do I. Leave me, Tiger Claw.

[As Tiger Claw leaves, Shredder looks down with sadness until a Kraang droid head pops outs and projects a hologram screen of the Kraang's leader, Kraang Prime.]

Shredder: Kraang Prime.

Kraang Prime: One called Shredder. Kraang must have your decision.

Shredder: If I help you, will you uphold your end of the bargain?

Kraang Prime: Kraang will deliver the ones called Splinter and the Turtles.

Shredder: And once I find Karai, you will mutate her back to normal?

Kraang Prime: Kraang agrees to this. But in return, Shredder must then help Kraang conquer the city known as New York City. And then the world!

[In New York, April and Irma are walking down the street as snowflakes fall.]

Irma: It's just that, why can't you introduce me to your secret friends, April? I don't get it.

April: One of these days, Irma. uhm. maybe. They're really good, uhm, people. Anyway, what I wanna know is, how can you go out in this weather without a coat?

Irma: Eh, I hardly ever notice the cold. But seriously, if we're friends, friends should introduce friends to friends and-

[The Footbots arrive, causing Irma to stop talking.]

April: [alarmed] Footbots!!

Irma: These aren't the types of friends I meant!

April: Move, Irma! Run!

[They begin to run as the footbots chase them. April tries to call Donnie but a ninja star struck it.]

April: No!

Irma: Who are these freaks, April?

April: Doesn't matter! Run!

[Meanwhile. Raph is on the rooftop, scanning with a periscope.]

Raph: Where are you? You gotta be out there somewhere.

[Casey is in the alley, taking pictures. Raph jumps down.]

Raph: Casey! We're supposed to be looking for Karai! What are you doing, man?

Casey: [offended] Hey, I'm just taking a break, peeping some awesome art. Check it out! That is so metal!

Raph: Yeah, great. Come on, Casey. Let's move.

Casey: So hold up, Raph. Uh, got a question for ya. So, uhm, April ever talk about me? Like ever?

Raph: It doesn't matter. You know how Donnie feels about her.

Casey: Yeah, yeah, it's cool. When you've got that man/woman thing going on in a team, it just screws everything up. I'm not that into her anyway.

Raph: [looks at the graffiti drawing] Right.

[Meanwhile in the lab. Leo is pacing around while Donnie didn't even eat his pizza.]

Donnie: Ah! I'm so worried, I can't even eat.

[He tosses away a pizza which Mikey catches.]

Mikey:[mouthful] Me too, totally.

Splinter: You have a right to be concerned. The Kraang invasion is imminent. What plans have you devised to stop it?

Donnie: I give you my latest invention, [pulls out his blueprint] the Turtle Mech! It's fully armed with rockets, flame throwers, and an electro harpoon. Guaranteed to stop a massive Kraang invasion army, or your money back.

[While Mikey is content with this idea, Leo looks displeased.]

Mikey: [Excitedly.] Giant robots are awesome! I vote Turtle Mech!

Leo: [Displeased.] But that thing's not even ready. It could damage New York more than help it.

Donnie: It's ready..... enough.

Leo: There's gotta be another way. We need to establish a second base outside the city.

Donnie: [Stubbornly.] There is no time for that, Leo. The Turtle Mech is solid. If I were leader, I'd -

[Leo leans to Donnie.]

Leo: [A bit selfishly.] But you're not leader, Donnie! I am.

[Leo and Donnie glare at each other angrily, fractured by their sharing disagreement over how to stop the invasion.]

Mikey: Oh, snap.

Splinter: [Sternly.] Enough! Your egos fight one another when we should be preparing to fight the Kraang.

[Meanwhile, April and Irma continue running from the bots.]

April: Faster, Irma! Move those little legs!

Irma: I'm moving! I'm moving!

April: This way!

[They turn around a corner and stop in an alley.]

Irma: A dead end! It's the end and we're dead.

April: Not yet.

[The footbots look around as Irma and April hide. They sneak past as April lead Irma to the man hole cover.]

April: Quick. Down here.

[She opens the manhole cover and climbs down the ladder.]

Irma: You're not serious. Oh, you are serious. [becoming disgusted] Ugh, the smell is making my sinuses melt.

[They both enter the sewers. Meanwhile, Raph sees Karai slithering by in a distance.]

Casey: Aw, sweet. This is so cool.

Raph: Casey, I see her! Karai! She's slithering across the stree-

[They see a police car coming.]

Casey: Great. Eh, can I help you, officers?

Police officer: [Strictly.] You're loitering, kid. You know what that means?

Casey: [Smiles.] Loitering? Seriously? Don't you got real criminals to bust? Or a donut shop to go to?

Police officer / Jim: We'll figure out a charge later, Casey Jones.

Casey: How do you know my name? [officers grab him and drag him away to their car, causing Casey to protest.] Hey, get off of me! I got rights! Let me go!

[Cut back to the lair. Donnie tries in vain to convince Leo to allow his Turtle Mech plan.]

Donnie: Leo, the Turtle Mech is our only answer! Be reasonable!

Leo: I am being reasonable! We need a second base, Donnie. Period.

[April arrives at the lair. Irma trips and loses her glasses.]

April: Guys! I'm sorry about this. But... but... but... Footbots were after us, and Irma here is really good at keeping secrets, and, um...

Splinter: [Furious.] April, you have brought a stranger? here?

April: [while getting Irma's glasses and putting them on Irma's face] Don't worry, Master Splinter. She's cool. Right, Irma?

[Irma looks up after dusting herself and became shocked.]

April: Irma?

Irma: [shocked] T-t-t- Turtles?

Mikey: What up, dog?

Irma:[twitching.] Turtles... Derp...

[Irma was not acting like herself now...]

Leo: Miss, I know we look kind of different and all, but I promise, we're not gonna hurt you.

[April stepped away as Irma twitched. Something strange started to happen. Irma's head started to rise up, revealing a metal neck.]

Mikey: Holy chalupa!

[Mikey throws a pizza, while freaking at Irma’s head which causes it to spin around and shout out the turtles.]

Irma-bot: Turtles, Turtles, Turtles.

[Everyone screams as they see that Irma was not human, but a droid all along. The Irma-bot changes into its true form where a small kraang wearing a telescophic eye patch laughs.]

Irma-bot: Turtles. Turtles.

Mikey: April, you gotta, like, pick your friends more carefully!

[The small krang laughs again while having his Irma-bot crack its knuckles.]

April: [horrified] Oh, my gosh! Irma was a..

[Kraang Subprime extends the fingers on his Irma-bot and grabs the Space Hero Arcade game...]

Kraang Knight Subprime: Kraang!

[...and throws it at the turtles while revealing his true identity.]

Kraang Knight Subprime: Lowly insects! Kneel before the genius of Kraang Subprime! Greatest Kraang spy in all of Dimension X! The discovery of the lair was the final component needed to launch full-scale invasion!

[Kraang portals start opening around the lair in all directions.]

Donnie: [horrified] Oh, no!

Mikey: This can't be good!

[Meanwhile, Casey is trying to fight back the officers.]

Casey: Back off of me, man!

Police officer: Get in that car now, punk!

Raph: [Lamenting.] Casey, what have you done?

[He looks and sees a portal opening up in the park. He gasped in horror as an army of Kraang emerged from the portal.]

Raph: Kraang!

Police officer: Give me that stick!

[Casey kicked the man back. The image flickered, revealing to be another Kraang.]

Casey: Whoa! They're already infiltrating! They're here!

[Raph jumps down and helps, knocking the droids down and stabs them.]

Casey: Raph, what the heck is going on?

Raph: The invasion's started! Back to the lair!

[They retreat.]

Kraang: The signal was correct. Kraang has discovered the place of turtle hiding.

[They start to fire their weapons as Subprime throws the pinball game at the turtles.]

April: This is so messed up! My best friend for the past year was a Kraang?

Subprime: Fooled you! Fooled you all!

[Mikey hides under the table and throws pots at them. and knocking them down with the fridge. Ice Cream Kitty mouws and high fives Mikey. Subprime grabbed Mikey and was about to slice Mikey with his chainsaw. He grabbed a knife and stabbed the robot's neck.]

Mikey: Bagel slicer slicing time robot!

[He dodges as Irmas head falls. It moves again and screeches. Completely freaked out, Mikey runs away from the spider robot screaming as it starts to fire lasers.]

Subprime: Destroy the Turtles! Wipe out the lair! But the rat comes with us.

[During the fight, Mikey kicks the robot away. Donnie takes out his leg higher and delivers a powerful kick that sends Kraang away. While holding his leg, the Irma bot bit his leg, much to Don’s pain.]

Donnie: Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Mikey: Sorry, D! Aah!

[He rolls right into his bedroom where he finds his nunchucks. Splinter is in the dojo as Subprime followed.]

Subprime: Take that, you filthy rat!

[Splinter dodged as he activated the saws. Outside, Casey and Raph are still running.]

Raph: Look out!

Casey: Whoa! Crosstown traffic!

[They hop onto the car and ride on.]

Raph: What the heck?

Casey: Oh, snap.

Raph: Move it! Run!

[They run away from the walker.]

Casey: There's too many of them, Raph!

Raph: Just keep going!

[Mikey comes out of his bedroom with his nunchucks as Leo arrives. Before the Irma bot is about to attack him, a katana sliced its head. Splinter tosses Leo's katana and Donnie's bo to his sons.]

Splinter: Go! Escape! I will hold them off.

[Subprime breaks out of the Dojo.]

Leo: We're not leaving you!

Splinter: I have a plan! Go now!

Donnie: Come on! Head for the Shellraiser!

[The rest flee to the garage.]

Subprime: You'll go nowhere!

[Subprime fired and caused the Shellraiser to explode and collapse on his side. Donnie has bug eyes, horrified and devastated by what happened to his creation.]

Donnie: [shrieking in horror.] MY BABY!!!

Leo: Everyone, follow me!

[They ran deep into the sewers.]

Leo: This way.

April: This is all my fault! I led them straight to the lair.

Mikey: Don't blame yourself, April. You were just trying to help a friend. Uh oh.

[They are surrounded by a fork in the sewer.]

April: Which way?

Donnie: Left! That'll lead us to the Turtle Mech.

Leo: [Objects.] No! We gotta find Raph and Casey first.

Donnie: We can find them in the Mech!

Leo: [Angrily.] It's too slow!

Donnie: [His patience wearing thin.] You're the one who's too slow. You're leading us into disaster.

Leo: [Defensively.] I'm doing what Splinter would want us to do.

[A portal opens up, seperating Leo and Donnie.]

Kraang: It is the one called the Turtles.

[The kraang emerge and start to attack.]

Mikey: Booyakasha!

Leo: Run! Take April and Donnie to safety. I'll lead them away.

Mikey: Dude, we can't leave you too!

Leo: Just do it! Come on, Kraang! This way. Woo! Yeah! Follow me! Come on! Over here!

[The Kraangdroids chase Leo.]

Mikey: I don't like this.

[April and the two leave Leo behind.]

Mikey: Coast is clear. Okay, now the coast is clear.

[April, Mikey and Donnie come out of the sewer. Donnie is clutching his right arm.]

Donnie: Ow, ow, it hurts so bad.

April: You'll be alright, Donnie. I'll get you fixed up.

Mikey: Leo, you there? Come on, bro. Poke your head out of your shell and pick up! He's not answering.

Donnie: [Guilt-ridden.] It's my fault. Man, I shouldn't have argued with Leo. Now he's gone.

[The kraang arrive at the portal. They begin to hide behind a taxi.]

April: I don't think they saw us.

Donnie: Leo was right. We should've gotten out of the city while we had a chance.

April: Not without my dad and the others. Come on, guys.

[They begin to follow April. Meanwhile, Casey and Raph climb to the rooftop where they witness the scout ship emerge from the portal.]

Casey: Dude, this is worse than that giant Technodrome thing last year! It's totally crazy!

[Raph answers his phone.]

Raph: Mikey, where are you?

Mikey: On the way to April's apartment. Meet us there, dude!

Raph: Roger that.

Casey: Raph, look out! Aah!

[As the two fall screaming, the Kraang scout ship flies to the sky. Meanwhile in the sewers, Norman Kraangs are searching for the fugitive turtles while looking at the kraangs broken android bodies.]

Norman Kraang: Kraang, still no sign of Turtles.

[Unbeknownst to them, Leo is on the top of the ceiling, overheard their conversation.]

Norman Kraang #2: Hurry, Kraang. We must obtain the Turtles for the one called "Shredder".

[Norman Kraangs leaves as Leo jumps and realizes it was all the Shredder!]

Leo: Shredder?

[Leo runs to the surface. Meanwhile at April's apartment, Kirby is pacing and fretting over the events that are happening right outside, while April bandages Donnie's arm.]

Kirby: [panicked] The city's overrun. What are we... What is anyone going to do?

Donnie: Ow. No, I'm okay. April, now that it's the end of the world and all, again, I figured I'd better just tell you, kind of, how I feel- OW!

April: Oh, sorry, Donnie! You should stop talking. It just makes things hurt more.

[Kirby kneels and starts crying in despair over their impending death.]

Kirby: [Crying, traumatized.] We're doomed! Doomed! Oh, my poor sweet April.

Mikey: Don't worry, Mr. O'Neil. This whole alien invasion thing is really no big deal. Look.

[Mikey foolishly opens the window for Kirby to witness the chaos. Mikey quickly closes the windows, but the damage was done.]

Mikey: Oh. never mind.

[Kirby faints in shock. Mikey looks at the window again to see the city is in chaos, to his horror.]

Mikey: Oh, boy.

[In New York City, everything is in chous. A dlievery boy quickly rescues a cying girl until he saw Shredder, looming over. He runs away. He stood on the debris as Tiger Claw walks toward his master.]

Tiger Claw: The city is ours, Master Shredder.

Shredder: Since I was a boy, I have seen this very vision. The world in chaos.

[Rahzar is standing on the roof of the water tower, howling on the grey sun, and then he jumps off to report to his master.]

Rahzar: Master Shredder, the Kraang have sent word. Leonardo is not far from here. They're leading him straight to us.

Shredder: Excellent. Then it is the beginning of the end.

[The lair is on fire as Splinter faced Subprime.]

Subprime: Now I've got you cornered, you monstrous rat!

Splinter: Corner a rat and see what happens!

[Subprime roars. He begin to dodge as Splinter kicks Subprime. Using his knife, he stabbed the chainsaw and kicked Subprime back. He falls right off his droid.]

Subprime: Kraang shall dominate the Earth! You and your kin will be destroyed! Kraang will be back! Ow!

[Kraang Subprime is crushed by the debris as he coughs, then his tentacle goes limp as he groans and presumably "dies". With his enemy’s presumed "death", Splinter watches at the destruction of his house as he collapse to his knees and picks up the broken picture of his beloved sons. Looking at it with distraught and heartbroken expression on his face, Splinter closes his eyes, not wanting to lose his sons, just as it happened to her daughter. Splinter decides on a desperate hunt for saving his beloved children and to stop the invasion of kraang for good.]

Splinter: [Closes his eyes, distraught] Don't stand here like a fool, Yoshi. [Opens his eyes.] Find your family.

[Splinter goes on the search for the turtles. Meanwhile, Leo emerges from the outside and starts fighting the foot clan along the way. He entered the construction site to rest. He looked at his phone but no text and so many missing calls. Couple of footbots began to sprint toward the where Leo is hiding, but did not find the turtle. Leo sneaks past and destroys the foot bots along the way. The villains look at Leo fighting with them expressing respect towards the young turtle for his selfless bravery.]

Tiger Claw: He fights bravely.

Shredder: [Arrogantly.] He is young, overconfident, foolish.

[Leo continues on fighting.]

Rahzar: Do not take chances with him, Master. We should destroy him quickly!

Shredder: Archers.

[Archers prepare to fire at Leo by pulling the strings of their bows. Leo decapitating the last footbot.]

Shredder: Fire!

[The archers launched their arrows. Leo turns around as incoming volly of arrows are about to rain down on Leo.]

Leo: [Horrified.] Oh, no.

[Back with Raph and Casey.]

Casey: Just a little further to April's place!

[Suddenly, another portal opens, revealing Kraang Prime!]

Kraang Prime: Yes! Kraang Prime returns to Earth!

Casey: You got some kind of plan to fight that?

Raph: Uh, not really, no.

[They step away.]

Kraang Prime: People of Earth, the Kraang forming of your world is about to begin!

[He starts shooting mutagen at the innocent people. Raph and Casey are completely horrified and distraught by what they saw.]

Raph: [distraught] No!

[Coming out of the perfected mutagen, humans became nasty looking kraanganoids.]

Casey:[horrified] Now that is really messed up.

[Realizing that the beginning of the end is inevitable, Raph and Casey watch helplessly in horror at the chaos as the first part ends.]
