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[The episode starts at Shredder's mansion]

Shredder: It's taking too long, Stockman. I grow severely impatient.

Stockfly:[tapping buttons and switches.] Sir, normal mutagen is unstable, and can warp your mind. With this new mutagen serum, I can control the outcome. But it will take time.

Shredder:[Closing his eyes.] Time is what I do not have.[Opening his eyes.] Every moment that passes, I lose more control of this city. My henchmen have grown… [Clenching with his paralyzed left hand.]  useless. Heh, it is ironic that my most loyal servant is a lowly housefly. After everything, I must completely rely on you, Stockman.

Stockfly: Thank you, Master Shredder. I will not let you down.

[Later in his lab.]

Stockfly: I must be diligent.[Splay out blue prints.] These old designs will be most awesome. [laughs.] Now is the time for Stockman-Fly to rise! For the glory of Shredder!

[Theme song]

[In the lair, Casey is playing a video game with Donnie, currently losing.]

Casey: Ha ha, yeah. Take this! And this! Oh, and how about three of these? Huh! Huh! And the winner is: Casey Jones! Cha-ching!

Donnie: Ah, old school games are stupid. I'm more into a modern, fully-immersive 3-D experience.

Mikey: I'll give you a fully-immersive P-D experience. "P" as in "Pizza," and "D" as in "Delicious. " Yeah, boy! [tosses some pizza boxes to the teens.]

Raph: What, this is all we get, Mikey? And you keep the rest?

Mikey: You're right, brah. I'm being greedy.

[Mikey tosses a pizza on Raph.]

Raph: Remind me to smack you later.

April: Raph?

[Raph flicked a roach away.]

Casey: [confused] You're not freaking out?

Raph: Eh, after you've been to a planet full of bugs, nothing bothers you anymore.

Donnie: Even after Mona Lisa betrayed you, and you were almost eaten by a giant scorpion monster?

Raph: Can we drop the Mona Lisa thing already? Seriously!

April: Well, it's awesome you got over your bug phobia, Raph. That's really hard to do.

Leo: All right, ninjas, finish fueling up fast, 'cause we're heading out on patrol. Shredder's out there somewhere. Who knows what he's cooking up? Robots? Mutants? Maybe something even worse.

[In his lab, Stockfly is working on mutating and he stole a mean business man so he can mutate an army of bugs.]

Businessman: Listen, you disgusting vagrant. You don't realize how valuable my time is. Let me go! I have a meeting with the shareholders at 9:00 a. m. sharp! If I miss that...

Stockfly:[laughing.] What you won't be missing is your appointment with mutation. You will soon become a half-beetle, half spider, super mutant! [laughing.] Drop him!

[A pair of jaws snapped the rope.]

Businessman: You'll be hearing from my lawy-ahh!

[The man falls on the mutagen. Once Stockfly flies back to his desk, the man transforms into a disgusting spider freak. Stockfly followed the trail of ooze and found Scumbug, half roach, half spider on the ground.]

Stockfly: Finally, now I get to be the boss. I can order you to be my friends. We will watch sci-fi movies. Eat candy, play Mazes and Mutants. And cause total chaos and destruction! But first, we must replenish the Master's money vaults. And there's no better way than the old-fashioned way. If you need money, steal it! [laughs]

[Later on the street, April and Donnie are in the Party wagon]

April: So what's the plan, D?

Donnie: We each take a borough, looking for any signs of Shredder activity.

April: Um, Brooklyn is huge, Donnie. Needle? Haystack?

Donnie: We should be able to turn up something as long as the whole team stays focused.

[On the rooftop, Mikey is arguing with Leo which show is better.]

Mikey: No way, dude! Crognard is like the greatest cartoon ever!

Leo: Hello, are you serious? Space Heroes! Captain Ryan! I mean, come on! Didn't you see the episode where they fought the Cortexicons?

Donnie: I hate to break up this vastly important conversation, but any signs of the Foot?

Mikey: Nada, Bromeo.

Casey: This is pointless. Shredder's out of commission.

Raph: We don't know that! He could be out there right around the corner.

Both: Huh?

[They hear an alarm.]

Raph: Um, I say we patrol in that direction.

Casey: Yes!

[In a bank, two cops held out their guns.]

Jim: Come out with your hands up.

[Scumbug emerged from the shadows.]

Scumbug: [growling.] Which ones?

[Stockfly and another ant like mutant arrive.]

Bill: What the heck are they, Jim?

Jim: Dirty, filthy hippies. Let's take 'em down for the good ol' U. S. of A.

Scumbug: StupId cops.

[He grabs them by the leg and tosses them aside.]

Stockfly: Get the cash!

[The ant looked at nim.]

Stockfly: I am your boss! You listen to me! Or no candy.

[He lifts up a candy bar. The ant begins to lay eggs and another ant comes out of its abdomen. Once there are three ants, they enter the bank and started stealing money bags.]

Stockfly: [cheerfully] Yes, yes! They're listening. They like me. They really like me!

Casey: Okay, so not Shredder, but got to say, these insect dudes look pretty cool. But just 'cause you have a sweet thorax doesn't make you too cool to squash. Right, Raph?

[Raph seemed very scared]

Casey: Uh, hello? Earth to Raph? Goongala!

[He starts to attack, whacking the bugs until the ant grabbed the hockey stick with its mouth.]

Casey: Whoa, look at this one, Raph. Those dripping mandibles are so cool and deadly-looking.

Raph: Yeah. Mandibles. Great.

Casey: Call me the Exterminator, 'cause I'm here to swat some bugs.

[Raph screams in horror and starts to hallucinate.]

Raph: Bugs! Too many bugs! Ah! Dregg? It can't be! Ah! Mona Lisa? Ah! No! Not you! Anybody but you!

[He screams.]

Casey: Snap out of it! Kind of need a little help, dude.

[Raph runs away, leaving Casey alone]

Casey: Ah, totally not cool.

[The bugs pinned him.]

Stockfly: Excellent. This human ally is part of our haul now. Bind him!

Scumbug: With pleasure, Dexter.

Stockfly: [irritated] It's Baxter. Baxter. Baxter!

[The monster spits slime at him.]

Casey: Ah, sick! It's like, seeping into my undies, brah!


April: They have to be near here.

Donnie: Yeah, their T-phones pinged off a nearby cell tower not long before we lost contact.

[Mikey leaped down into the alley, folllowed by Leo.]

Mikey: What up?

Leo: Knowing Casey, they probably got into a pickup street hockey game in the Bronx.

Raph: Get away, get away, get away, get away, get away!

Mikey: I hear a voice, but no way it's Raph. It's way too high and whiny.

[Raph screams. They looked and found Raph in the dumpster.]

April: Raph? Oh, my gosh. Are you okay?

Raph: No, get off of me! Get away! I don't want to be eaten.

[They carry him out.]

Mikey: I got this. You just have to be sweet, sensitive, and caring.

[He slaps Raph back to his senses]

Raph: Ow! Mikey! Why you ..You ...You snapped me out of it. Thanks, little bro.

Mikey: No problemo. That's my role in the group: to bring sanity.

Raph: [sighs.] So where are they? They got away, didn't they?

Leo: Define "They. "

Raph: Stockman's got two new mutants. An ant that splits itself into copies, and a big buggy spider freak. They got away with millions of dollars and Casey because of me.

Donnie: Um, are you sure it wasn't part of your hallucination? I mean, why would bugs need money?

Mikey: Because they want to buy jetpacks. It's lame having to use your wings all the time, dude. Trust me.

Leo: We have to get Casey back. Raph, show us where all this went down.

[Raph lead them the way where they attacked and find Casey's hockey stick.]

Leo: Casey's goalie stick. Donnie, you have anything?

Donnie: Well, looks like we're not gonna be able to track him by GPS.

April: There's another way to track them.

Donnie: A telepathic scan?

April: Tracking mutants is way easier than tracking humans. I've been practicing with my Aeon crystal.

[She used her crystal. Meanwhile, Scumbug had hanged Casey upside down.]

Scumbug: Oh, yeah. I am a true artist.

Casey: Really funny. Keep it classy, Scumbug.

Scumbug: That's slander, you vile monkey.

Casey: You really have bug-sized brains, don't you? This hideout is weak sauce.

Scumbug: How about one right there?

[He vomits him.]

Stockfly: Get him! [laughing.]

Scumbug: No, the filthy human is right. When the Turtles realize their pet monkey is missing...

Stockfly: This is going to be the first place they look! We need a new hideout.

Scumbug: Someplace fortified. Hard to reach.

Stockfly: But first, we solve a bigger problem. One that is destroying Shredder's empire. Karai!

[At the lair, Karai's ninjas report her from their search.]

Karai: Well?

Ninja: No sign of the Shredder. He must no longer be in the city.

Karai: Go! Keep looking. Take your search to New Jersey, upstate look everywhere. Now, leave me.

[They leave and see that ants are crawling all over.]

Karai: What the...

[Glass breaks threw, allowing the ants to get in as Stockfly and Scumbug enter.]

Karai: Stockman?

Stockman: Karai. No ninjas to help you?

[Scumbug throws down the knocked down ninjas]

Karai: Of all the freaks Shredder would send to take me down, he sends his lowly bug.

Stockfly: I am his indispensable ally!

Karai: I can't wait to dispense with you.

[She charges until Scumbug restrained her]

Karai: Okay, that's just gross!

[The ants attack her as she kicked them until Scumbug spits webbing, knocking her up to the ceiling.]

Stockfly: First we will end you, then we'll get those stupid Turtles.

Mikey: Who you calling stupid, stupid?

[Mikey knocked Stockfly down. Karai looked and saw tha that the turtles arrive. ]

Leo: You just can't seem to keep away from us mutants, can you?

Karai: Just get me out!

[Leo sliced her free before he is attacked by Scumbug.]

Mikey: Back off, Antrax! Wow, see how fast I came up with that?

[ants landed on MIkey. Scumbug grabs Leo]

Leo: Little help?

[Leo is being flown forward by Scumbug.]

April: We need some wings. These guys are too- whoa!

[Stockfly grabs April.]

Raph: Ah! Mandibles!

[Raph starts to hallucinate again.]

Raph: Mona.

[He screams as bugs surround him]

Raph: I'm coming! Hold on, Mona Lisa!

[Donnie and MIkey groan in disgust seeing that Raph is kissing an ant. He screams.]

Raph: Was I... I was gone again! What happened?

Donnie: The bugs not only got Karai, they got April and Leo, too!

Raph: Oh, no.

[Back home, Raph had his arm bandaged]

Raph: I'm fine, Master Splinter. We need to find the others. Those buggy freaks have 'em.

Splinter: If you do not allow yourself to heal, you will be of no help to anyone. This wound runs deep.

Raph: It's just a bug bite.

Splinter: I speak not of the wound here, but of the wound here.

Raph: [sighs.] I thought I was past my bug phobia. But clearly I'm not, and the team's suffering because of it.

Splinter: It takes time, my son. Damage to the mind and spirit are no less grave than injuries to the body.

Raph: But Sensei, I was on an entire planet of bugs. That should have cured me just by exposure, right?

Splinter: Not necessarily. It is clear that you are still shell-shocked.Pardon the pun.

Raph: What do I do to get un-shell-shocked?

Splinter: Find your center. Meditation will enlighten your path.

Raph: No offense, Master, but I don't think daydreaming will help.

Splinter: Not daydreaming. Meditation. I will teach you a personal mantra to chant. It will focus you. Kore wa nanimo imi shinai. Kore wa nanimo imi shinai. Repeat.

Raph: Kore wa nanimo imi shinai.

Splinter: Yes. Continue.

Raph: Kore wa nanimo imi shinai.

[In the lab]

Mikey: Wow, dude! Is that a girdle? Looks comfy.

Donnie: It's not a girdle! It's something I started before we took off for space. With these air-launched grappling hooks, we can travel vertically up a building, or at any angle we want, like Stockman-Fly and his bugs! You know, in theory.

Mikey: Then let's put that theory into practice, yo!

[He tested out the machine.]

Donnie: No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.

[He yells as he crashed into the walls Mikey dodged before he caught Donnie.]

Donnie: [cheerfully] It worked!

Mikey: We rule! Booyakabunga!

[Above, Stockfly flies up above the construction.]

Stockfly: This is the perfect new lair. High up in the clouds, where an insect belongs. We'll fill the place with money and riches for Master Shredder.

Scumbug: He's right. We don't need anyone now, Baxter. That money belongs to us!

Stockfly: [annoyed] No! It is about loyalty! Friendship!

[April, Leo and Karai are sustained together on the web along with Casey.]

April: Um, Tyler? Hello? What about us?

Stockfly: Why, you will make a wonderful organic food supply.

Karai: Food supply? You're going to eat us? He's going to eat us?

Scumbug: Boss! They're coming.

Stockfly: The trap is set! Ready your webs.

Raph: You just had to be Turflytle, didn't you?

[Mikey is in his costume,]

Mikey: Are you ready, buzz buzz? Ninja harness away!

[He flies off and the others follow.]

Stockfly: They'll never get past us, my insect brothers.

[The turtles knock them down.]

Stockfly: Wha? After them!

April: Guys!

Casey: All right!

Donnie: Picnic time's over, you pathetic drone.

[He uses his grappling hook and kicks the ant away.]

Casey: What are those harness things? Why don't I have a harness thing?

[Mikey flies around laughing. trying to invade scumbug. Scumbug grabs Mikey and throws him right at the column.]

Scumbug: What? A fellow bug?

[He gets smoked by a smoke bomb.]

Mikey: It worked! I'm in your head, fool!

[Scumbug snarls. Raph tackles Stockfly all the way down and leaps over to the steel path. Raph looked at the bugs as his fear started to get to him.]

Raph: Master Splinter said to focus. Kore wa nanimo imi shinai. Kore wa nanimo imi shinai.

[He begins to attack the ants and gets to the top and frees Leo, slicing the webbing.]

Leo: Finally!

[He frees Karai and April.]

April: You ready? Today?

Karai: You better believe it.

[The girls begin to fight.]

Casey: Get me out! I'm missing the fight! [gets free] Yes!

Scumbug: I'm gonna tear you apart, reptile!

Raph: Come get some.

[He kicks the bug and then kicks him to its death.]

Mikey: Buzz buzz!

[Mikey knocks an ant down.]

Raph: Thanks, Turflytle.

Mikey: Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. That means, "No problemo, my brother. " Look out!

[They dodged a crane.]

Stockfly: You're in my house now, homiezz.

[He spins the crane around, damaging it. The teens dodged as Karai kncoked Stockfly out. The fly landed in the web.]

Leo: We did it! Great job, team.

Casey: You got to be kidding me. These jokers are still kicking?

[Scumbug and Antrax are coming right at the teens. Leo sliced it down, crashing the bugs. Stockfly gets himself free from the webs.]

Stockfly: Good-bye, my friends. [leaves]

Scumbug: No! Boss! Wait! Oh. What about us?

Leo: Well, at least we got the money. And Stockman's bug-thugs.

Raph: Abandoned, huh? Some friend he was to you guys.

[Back home]

Raph: Master, thank you. Whatever that mantra was, it worked.

Splinter: You are quite welcome, my son.

Raph: So, um, what did it mean, anyway?

Splinter: It is Japanese for, "This means nothing."

Raph: it isn't some magical chant?

Splinter: No. The mantra meant nothing. Just as fear means nothing. Neither of them has any power, except the power you give them in your mind.

Raph: Whoa. That's deep. I think I get it, Sensei.

Splinter: Good. Now, do not tell your brothers. I might use that trick on them one day.

[At Shredder's mansion.]

Stockfly:[Kneeling towards his master.] Master Shredder, I have to report that my mission was a failure.

Shredder: Stockman [Stockman looks up. Shredder lift up his paralized left hand.] Your mutagen drip.

Stockfly: Y-yes master?

Shredder:[Mutagen veins began to sprout over Shreddder's arm.] It's working. It's finally working. [Shredder laugh evily as his entire left arm began to sprout bladed spikes.]

[Shredder clenched his hand deploying claws from his knuckle, ending the episode]
