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[Meanwhile, Rex's team arrive the gateway to another clan, which are lizards ]
Lizard guard: Honey Badgers. Halt.
Rex: Imperius Reptilicus. Call off your men. I seek parlay.
[Reptilicus, a white scaled lizard with a black mohawlk and black armor appears.]
Reptilicus: What do you want with the Scale Tail Clan?
Rex: A bargain. ten thousand gallons of filtered, non-radioactive aqua, if you help me take revenge on a lone turtle warrior and capture a meerkat mutant.
Reptilicus: What if we just decide to take this aqua from you instead, yes?
[Everyone laughed but Rex held up a controller.]
Rex: I can blow the whole stash and the Scale Tail Clan gets nada. But if we succeed, there's another ten thousand gallons in it for you. Got ourselves a deal, Reptilicus?
Reptilicus: Hmm, you drive a hard bargain, Rex. Okay, boys, looks like we're going on a turtle hunt.
[Meanwhile, Raph, Donnie and Mira travel through the desert.]
Mira: Do you really think he could be your brother?
Donnie: A mad hermit living in the wild who calls himself the Holy Chalupa? Sounds like Mikey to me.
Raph: I want to believe it too, Don, but don't get your hopes up.
Mira: Before my clan was destroyed, they thought that the Holy Chalupa was the only one who could translate the map to Oasis.
Raph: Ahh, Oasis is just fairytales and campfire stories, kid.
Donnie: Mira, can I see this map you keep talking about?
Mira: We were all marked so we could find our way, but I'm the only one left.
Donnie: Hmm, doesn't resemble any language I've ever seen. It just looks like gibberish.
Mira: The Holy Chalupa will know what it means, and the only way to find him is by crossing the Impossible Wasteland.
Raph: Just another desert to me.
Donnie: I don't know, Raph. The Wasteland is miles of the harshest desert imaginable.
Mira: The Wasteland is said to drive men mad.
Raph: Ha. I'll show them who's mad.
[He stops the shellraiser and sense a death trap of quicksands,]
Donnie: Quicksand pits. Aah!
Raph: Hold on to your tattoo, kid.
[He starts the shellraiser slowly. Meanwhile, Rex smells something. Reptilicus stops by his side.]
Reptilicus: What's the holdup?
Rex: This is where they went off-road.
Reptilicus: If they went into the Impossible Wasteland, we'll never find them.
Rex: No, we will find them. I saw the map on the girl's arm. She knows where Oasis is, and I will bring her to my master. We keep riding!
[The shellraiser carefully climbs over the edge.]
Donnie: Watch it. Left, no, your other left!
Raph: I see it, I see it.
[They arrive to reveal a death trap. Donnie senses the ground tumble. He screams in horror. Raph starts as a sandstorm starts the shellrasier as fast as possible. They made it to the other end of a highway. As they drive, someone is watching them.]
Donnie: Got something approaching on radar fast.
[Mira looks until the shellraiser bumps and tildes over. Raph gets out of the shellraiser as the thing moves around them, circling them like a shark.]
Raph: Get to those boulders!
[He throws a barrel until it sinks into the sand, They begin to run.]
Donnie: Metal feet, don't fail me now.
Raph: Move your meerkat tail!
[He shoots his blaster until a head burst. He dodged.]
Donnie: By Darwin's beard!
[Raph continues to run and falls as the creature roars. He screams and then the one hooded old mutant squeals furiously at the monster, then we see that elderly mutant has three fingers. To their shock, the elder one opens his hood and reveals himself to be our youngest turtle.... Michelangelo, he is elderly and has green hair, and a flag with Hamato symbol on it. Mikey yells his catchphrase for the first time of his life in 50 years.]
Elderly Mikey: Booyakasha!
Donnie: Can it be?
Raph: Mikey?
Mira: The Holy Chalupa?
Mikey: Big bro! I thought I'd never see you again. Chompy, look who it is. It's your dadda, Raph!
[Memories came to Raph's mind where he had Chompy in his early life.]
Raph: [delighted] Chompy? Chompy, wow. You got so big.
Donnie: I can't believe it. After all this time, you made it, Mikey.
Mikey: And look at you, D. Awesome robot body. Heavy metal high three.
MIra: Are you truly the mystic called the Holy Chalupa?
Mikey: I am the Holy Chalupa or, just Mikey.
Mira: I am Mira of the Meerkat Clan. It was fate that brought me to you, Holy Chalupa.
Mikey: Ah, yes, the universe bringing us together as we were meant to be.
Raph: Yep, he's still Mikey.
Donnie: How did you make it out here on your own without going crazy?
[But Mikey is talking to a skull.]
Mikey: Huh? What's that? Hmmm. Oh, you're so right, Doctor Deepdish. Bros, we should go before those sneaky Hoojibs steal our brain goo.
Donnie:......I stand corrected.
[Later, with the badgers]
Badger: Move it, fools. Pull, pull!
Rex: Ah, they passed this way.
[Raph, Donnie and Mira are riding on Chompy until they come across a building.]
Mira: What?
Donnie: Wow, the odds of this being the last standing structure in a town like this must be astronomical.
Mikey: It's perfect, right? As long as sand storms, acid rain, and mushroom trolls don't bother you.
[They enter inside where they see a lone figure, pointing a gun at them.]
Mikey: I'm home, and I brought company.
[It turns out it was Ice Cream Kitty.]
Kitty: Meow!
Mikey: Welcome to Casa de Michelangelo. This is my main amigo, Senor Antonio. High three, my Bro.
Mira: Wow, the great stories of old.
Raph: Yeah, yeah. Anything to eat around here?
Mikey: It's always pizza time at Mikey's house.
[He opens up a box to reveal very expired moldy pizza.]
Donnie: [disgusted] I don't even have a stomach anymore, and I want to throw up.
Mikey: Dig in. Got plenty of water. Got to stay hydrated.
[Raph spits liquid when he drinked it.]
Raph: Ugh! What is wrong with that?
Mikey: Ah, the water's actually over there.
Donnie: Mikey, how did you survive out here all this time?
[MIkey turns as a light bathed him.]
Mikey: By the guidance of the Great Pepperoni. Have you heard the good news about the Great Pepperoni? It binds us all. It is you. It is me. It's this tiny sardine.
Raph: Mikey, what about Leo?
Mikey: [heartbroken] He was caught inside of that mutagen blast. There's no way he could have survived that.
[Melancholic music is played by Kitty as Robotic Donatello and Raphael look down, devastated.]
Raph: I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
Mikey: But the Mutant Apocalypse isn't so bad. The bros are back together, Ice Cream Kitty and Chompy are kicking it, and we'll have all the pizza and cartoons we'll ever need, which reminds me. I found this, the last episode of Space Heroes, the Next Generation.
Raph: Is that supposed to mean something?
Mikey: Let me refresh your brain mass, bromeo.
[He puts in the tape in, The tape shows Captian Ryan and Crankchaw Jr in the wasteland. ]
Crankshaw Jr: Captain Ryan, we've crash landed in a desert wasteland. Everyone is gone except for us and those two guys. We're doomed, Captain. Doomed.
Ryan: We're not doomed till I say so, and I'm not saying so just yet probably later.
Crankshaw Jr: It can't be.
Ryan: Doctor Mindstrong.
Mindstrong: Yes, captain, I have returned.
Ryan: We thought you were dead.
Mindstrong: So did I, but I'm feeling much better.
Ryan: The Cybergs. If you surrender now, I will go easy on you.
[Cyberg leader refuses and blasts them, killing them, leaving only skeletons as they fell off. Raph becomes shocked and surprised, because it's the way that happened to them when they encounter Rex, his army, Chompy and Mikey. But the others are amused by this show, as they laugh at it.]
Raph: [shocked] What?
Donnie: Totally worth the wait.
Raph: But don't you see? This is exactly what's happening to us.
Donnie: Don't get so excited. It's just a cartoon, Raph. Geez.
Reptilicus: This better be worth it, Verminator.
Rex: It will be, once we find Oasis, but first we got to take that compound.
Reptilicus: My boys are itching for a fight. We'll destroy everyone in there.
Rex: Don't get trigger happy. I need the meerkat girl alive ...for now.
Mira: Great and wise Chalupa. I do not mean to impose on your hospitality further, but-
Mikey: Say nothing. I can sense a greater purpose has brought you here. You seek the secret to the perfect calzone, the kind that's evenly baked, but doesn't burn the roof of your mouth.
Mira: No, Holy One. I'm seeking Oasis.
Mikey: That was my second guess.
Mira: I've had this since I was a child, but I can't understand it.
Mikey: By the Great Pepperoni in the sky, I created this map years ago, but I lost it, and now it's a cool tattoo.
Raph: So, Oasis is real.
[An explosion and the badgers and lizards enter the building]
Reptilicus: Time to say good night, Turtles.
Raph: See, what did I tell you? Just like that stupid cartoon.
Rex: We know your secret, girl. You've got the map to paradise.
[Kitty leaped onto Reptilicus.]
Reptilicus: Get it off!
Raph: Come on!
[They begin to charge at the lizards and badger.]
Mikey: Oh, this is my favorite tune.
[MIkey begins to dodge and kick the mods.]
Rex: Grab the girl. Destroy the rest.
[Kira gets the animatronic and starts to use her whip. She gets hit in the back of the head and takes her away.]
Raph: Mira!
[The badgers take her away and drive off. Raph gets onto a motorcycle.]
Raph: I'm coming, kid.
Rex: Destroy him!
[Raph gets onto a monster truck and steers it; he avoids a rocket while it went through the building.]
Raph: [horrified] No!
[The rocket hits the restaurant, presumably killing Donatello, Michelangelo, Chompy and Ice Cream Kitty.]
Raph: Don? Mikey? Chompy?
[Raphael's despair turns into rage as he roars furiously. One of the rockets hit Raph's vehicle.]
Reptilicus: Ha, that'll take care of him. Back to the compound, Scale Tails.
[Mira gets herself thrown in.]
Scale Member: You're gonna be in that cage for a long time. Have fun.
[A while later, Raph had survived and made his way to the clan.]
Scale Member: Aw, are you thirsty?
Mira: Ugh, stupid, jerk-face reptilians. Oh, great. These two horn-nobs again.
Reptilicus: You were right, Verminator. She has the map. Transcribe it.
Lizard: As you wish, Imperius Reptilicus.
Rex: This is a blessed day. My master, Maximus Kong, has been seeking the Green Place for many years now.
Lizard: I cannot translate it. The map is gibberish.
Rex: No! Tell us how to read it, child.
[Mira bites him.]
Mira: You taste like an old, dead rat, Verminator.
Reptilicus: Calm thyself, Verminator Rex. She will tell us everything when she's drying out from thirst.
[They begin to leave. Raph sneaked his way and took out the guards.]
Scale member: intruder!
[He stomps it and unlocks the door.]
Mira: Red Stripe, you're alive.
Raph: Well, couldn't leave my favorite meerkat behind, could I?
Mira: Where are the others?
[Raph lowered his head and Mira hugs her]
Mrai: Thank you, Raphael.
[The guard trigger the alarm,]
Raph: Of course that had to happen. Move Mira. Go, go, go, go.
[They begin to run through the caves until the lizards grab them.]
Rex: Turtle, I should have known you weren't dead yet.
Reptilicus: Take him to the pit.
[They knock Raph out and drag him to the pit.]