The Green Dogū is the third story in Black, White & Green #2.
Appearing in The Green Dogū[]
Major characters[]
Minor characters[]
- Crooked businessman
- Mr. O'Connell (debut)
- Foot Clan
- Bebop (debut)
- Foot Ninja
- Rocksteady (debut)
- Shredder
- Human
- Mutant rhinocerous
- Mutant turtles
- Mutant warthog
Objects & vehicles[]
Down in the lair, the Turtles, Splinter and April O'Neil discuss the unusual amount of shop, store and apartment complex closures across the city. Family-owned businesses have become large chain establishments and apartments have been converted into expensive tourist accommodations. April decides this is something to investigate for Channel 6. Splinter believes his family should look into this as well.
Closeup on an oddly glowing, small statue and a crooked businessman holding a sales agreement. The businessman is coercing Mr. O’Connell, the owner of a barbershop, into signing the agreement. Mr. O’Connell, under some kind of spell, signs the paper. The businessman and his two henchmen turn to leave while on a rooftop above them, Michelangelo watches. Walking away from Mr. O’Connell, the businessman gloats that he has now acquired the entire block, all thanks to the hypnotic powers of his little statue. He plants a kiss on the statue's head, glad that he found it on a funny website. Just then, he is hit in the head by nunchaku and knocked out cold. The henchmen draw their guns, but Mikey makes short work of them before they can fire. Statue in hand, Mikey contacts his brothers and tells them to come quick.
The other Turtles and April join him in the alley, where they tie up the trio of crooks. Leonardo calls Splinter to tell him they intercepted some sort of old statue and he’s sending pictures. Splinter looks at the picture and then tells Leo to bring the statue to the lair immediately. The statue is a Green Dogū, a legendary Japanese mystic relic. The object can place any person under the will of the person carrying the statue. Splinter says that April can help them find a way to invalidate all of the contracts that were signed under its hypnotic magic.
Leo assures his father that they are on their way, but before they can move, Shredder appears atop one of the buildings. He is accompanied by his Foot Ninja and tells the Turtles that they will give him the relic. Leo disagrees and Shredder orders his Foot Clan to attack.
Shredder and his ninja leap down and Rocksteady and Bebop burst through the walls of the building. The Green Dogū goes flying as a raging battle ensues. The little statue bounces from hand to hand as everyone struggles to possess it, until it finally lands right in April’s hands. For a moment she looks stunned, and then she holds the statue up and orders the Foot Clan to freeze. The statue glows and the entire clan, including Shredder, stop in their tracks. With a broad smile, April then orders the Foot Clan to dance. To the Turtles great amusement, the Foot Clan complies. April then orders them to dance to the police station.
Back at the lair, the Turtles joke about the “Footloose Clan” while munching on pizza. April is glad they could help their neighbors and Mikey wonders how the crooked businessman got the Dogū in the first place. Splinter says the statue must be kept under lock and key because in the wrong hands, its effects can be disastrous. Chowing down on pizza, Mikey says that it’s a good thing their high ninja training makes it impossible for them to fall under absolutely any temptation in the world. Just then, Donatello, at his computers, calls out that he’s found delicious shuriken chocolate cookies for up to fifty percent off. All of the Turtles crowd around the computer and shout for him to order ten boxes. In the background, April smiles.