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[The next part continues with Coney Island, where a grumbling Fishface freezes, then he swims to the bottom of the ocean, where he found Rahzar's corpse, indicating that he died after Leatherhead killed him in Requiem, Fishface grabs Rahzar's corpse and takes him to the lair. There, Tiger Claw orders Kavaxas to revive Rahzar.]

Tiger Claw: Kavaxas, with this, the Seal of the Ancients, I command you! Raise Chris Bradford, our fallen comrade.

Kavaxas: Very well, master.

[He used his powers and Rahzar opens his eyes and gasps for the first time in months, revived. Rahzar roars.]

Zombie Rahzar: I live!

Tiger Claw: Behold the power of life! The power to bring back our leader.

Kavaxas: I do not have all I need to raise your precious Shredder yet. Two things remain; his heart, through which new life can flow, and his lost helmet, the Kuro Kabuto, which holds his mental energy.

[Scene cuts to Shredder's undead body, but his head is gone along with the heart.]

Tiger Claw: Then it is essential we recover them. Bradford, Xever, find the Kuro Kabuto and bring it to me.

[Zombie Rahzar and Fishface leave on their mission to get Kuro Kabuto.]

[Theme song.]

[In the lair, at the lab, where Donnie is working, Casey gets ready as April reads the book, then Leo enters the lab.]

Leo: How's it going, guys?

Casey: Casey Jones is armed and ready!

April: [holding the book] Check it out. I found this at Ray's Occult Book Shop. It's got some weird stuff on Demodragons.

Donnie: Which is great, because my Internet sources are spotty at best.

Leo: Well, we need to be ready soon.

Mikey: [offscreen] Raph! Chompy's distracting me from my game!

[Raph is seen punching his bag, while Mikey is playing video games. Leo is obviously none too pleased.]

Leo: [annoyed] That's it. Meeting in the dojo.

Leo: [sternly] Not one minute. Remember what Splinter said about being diligent?

Mikey: [stupidly] Yeah. A rolling stone with moss on it [grunts.] Needs to play video games?

Leo: [frustrated] Tiger Claw's out there with a dragon, and all you can think of is "Super Commando 3"?

Mikey: [lazily] Chillax, Leo. Hot Head isn't going anywhere

Leo: [smirking] Well, then you have time to clean up all your comics and empty pizza boxes. In fact, clean up now, or no TV for a week.

[Mikey is shocked by this.]

Mikey: [upset] A week? Raph, back me up, bro.

Raph: Better listen to him, Mikey. Leo is the sensei now!

[Leo glares at Raph in anger. Donnie, Casey and April come out of the lair.]

Donnie: Guys, the motion sensors picked up a couple of mutants. They look to be heading toward Shredder's old lair.

Leo: Better check it out. Raph, Mikey, since you two have nothing better to do, go track the signal.

[Mikey and Raph are upset.]

Raph: [angrily] Why do I have to be on patrol duty?

Leo: [annoyed] Just do it, Raph!

Raph: [furiously] Hey, why don't you get off my-

[Not wanting to waste his time by arguing with Raph any longer, Leo used his pinch attack on Raph, causing him to fall to the ground.]

Casey: Whoa, Sensei Leo is kind of strict.

[Raph gets back up]

Raph: [Groaning, disoriented.] Fine. Ugh. Patrol it is. C'mon, Mikey.

Leo: Remember, stealth and recon only.

[Cut to the rooftops, we can see Karai. She has finally recovered from her injuries and along with Shini on patrol.]

Karai: I should never have been down that long. I'm not gonna have some upstart mercenary undo my work rebuilding the Foot.

Shini: I'm sorry, Karai. I should have kept those traitors in line.

Karai: They need a strong leader. They're waiting to see how this plays out.

Shini: There!

[They see a foot ninja jumping into his car, then drives away. Karai and Shini follow the car. Meanwhile, Raph and Mikey are seen patrolling with Raph using the tracking device.]

Mikey: I don't know, Raph. Leo seemed really mad.

Raph: [calmly] I know. He just misses Master Splinter. Being sensei's hard on him. I just wish we knew-

Mikey: Check it! What's Fishface doing at Shredder's old lair?

[Rahzar is also seen. Mikey is shocked.]

Mikey: Whoa, Rahzar. I thought he was-

[Raph shuts his mouth.]

Raph: Quiet down! Let's find out what they're after.

Z. Rahzar: Nothing. No sign of the Kabuto.

Fishface: I cannot believe we've been demoted to errand boys. I knew I should have taken my vacation time. The Caribbean is warm this time of year. As are the ladies.

Z. Rahzar: You never did understand the honor of the Foot Clan. The Kuro Kabuto's no mere helmet. It's much more powerful than you realize.

Fishface: Ay, si, si. I get it. Look, I'm just saying, a lot has changed. You look good, though. Did you, erm, put on weight?

Z. Rahzar: No, but I developed a taste for sushi.

[He leaps away as Fishface follows.]

Raph: They're after Shredder's helmet for some reason. We gotta find out why.

[Karai and Shini are still looking.]

Shini: No guards?

Karai: Be extra careful.

[They leap down and find the red soldiers. Inside the warehouse.]

Karai: So this is where you traitors are hiding!

Ninja: We serve the Foot Clan. You are not worthy to be its master.

[Karai charged while Shini used her weapon and knocked them down. Karai then kicked two more ninjas, before kicking one ninja unconscious.]

Karai: Pathetic.

[Suddenly, the strange shadow appears from a distance, Karai witnesses it, then it hits Karai, which infuriates her.]

Karai: What?

Shini: [laughing at something or someone]  Think you can play tricks with me?

[Something hits Shini, causing Karai to catch her.]

Shini: Who is this akuma?

[Karai and Shinigami get their weapons out, prepare to fight the shadow. But suddenly, a shadow leaps from behind the crates.]

Karai: Something familiar about-

[For a moment, Karai becomes stunned, and knows where the shadow is now, or even… she knows about the shadow.]

Karai: No!

[Shini watches Karai in confusion, then becomes knocked out cold by a shadow.]

Karai: Shinigami!

[Karai runs to her.]

Karai: Only one man can fight that well.

[Karai watches at the shadow, it reveals himself and it is revealed that we learn that the shadow is Hattori Tatsu, the greatest ninja in Japan and Shredder's former Ninja.]

Tatsu: Hisashiburidana, my old pupil.

[Rahzar and Fishface arrive at the lair and came across the two turtles.]

Mikey: Dude, where did they go?

[Rahzar and Fishface leap on Raph and Mikey]

Mikey: Get off of me, zombie wolf!

Z. Rahzar: I'm gonna enjoy feasting on your shell, Michelangelo!

[MIkey knocked him away with his nunchuck.]

Mikey: We're onto you looking for Shredder's helmet.

[Raph fights Fishface.]

Raph: What does Hot Head want with it anyway? A little small for him.

[The two get knocked down.]

Fishface: Ah, that is the best part, tartaruga! Our new friend is going to help Shredder just like he did Wolfman- I-I mean, Bradford here.

Z. Rahzar: With the Kuro Kabuto, the Shredder will walk the Earth again!

[Raph and Mikey gasp in shock.]

Mikey: That's messed up! You want to raise Shredder?

Z.Rahzar: Well, you won't be around to see it.

[The werewolf and snakehead attack but they disappear.]

Fishface: I hate when they do that.

Z.Rahzar: [growls , then calms down.] Come on. We have to find the Kabuto anyway.

[He sniffs and they leave. Meanwhile, Karai prepares to fight Tatsu.]

Karai: Hattori Tatsu! You stole my Foot Soldiers.

[She charges at her mentor and backflips. Tatsu is much stronger and very difficult to fight or defeat and Tatsu easily beats Karai. She transforms into her viper form and tries to bite him.]

Tatsu: It's true! You have become one of them.. A freak! Bakemono ga!

[He grabs her hand and punched her.]

Tatsu: You should not have come out of hiding.

[Shini released bats and the two girls disappeared.]

Ninja: They're gone, Master Hattori.

Tatsu: [punches ninja in fury] Useless fools! You have all gotten soft. We focus on the Kabuto for now, but do not fail me again.

[Tatsu walks away. Meanwhile, Karai carried Shini to the alley.]

Karai: If Tatsu has the Kabuto, we need it back. That's the key to controlling the Foot Clan.

Shini: He is a cunning one, Karai. We will need help to defeat him.

Karai: You're right. We better go visit some old friends.

[In the lair.]

Casey: I'm telling you, we go in all pucks blazing.

Donnie: And I'm telling you, Hot Head is too powerful for that!

Leo: All right, enough! We wait till Raph and Mikey get back for our next move.

Karai: You always did like bossing people around.

[Leo turned and notice that Karai and Shini had arrived.]

Leo: Karai!

Karai: I wish I could say this was a social visit. Someone new is trying to take over the Foot Clan. He's after the Kuro Kabuto.

Casey: So what? Let the bad guys squabble over Shredder's stupid hat.

[Raph and Mikey had also arrived]

Raph:. We might not have a choice. Guess who else is going after that Kabuto? And you're not gonna believe why.

[Later in the kitchen]

Karai: What!? They're going to use the Kabuto to bring Shredder back from the dead!? Is that possible?

MIkey: Totally possible! Didn't you see Evil Ninja 4: Ninja Resurrection?

Donnie: Well, we are dealing with a dragon spirit from the Underworld.

Leo: Do you think Tatsu is working with Tiger Claw?

Karai: Doubtful. Tatsu seems to think he's the new Shredder.

Shini: But if we keep him from getting the Kabuto, the Foot will side with its deserved leader.

April: After all Shredder put you through, why not just give up on the Foot?

Karai: It's not that simple, O'Neil. Tatsu will be coming after all of us. We have no choice but to take him down.

[Meanwhile, Rahzar and Fishface watch as Tatsu and his ninja walk down the street.]

Z. Rahzar:[sniffs.] Wait. I smell someone familiar.

[They leap down but Tatsu knocked Fishface. Rahzar gasped, recognizing who the masked figure is]

Z. Rahzar: [startled] Hattori Tatsu? I thought you never left Japan.

Tatsu: Chris Bradford. The Kuro Kabuto is in my possession.

Z. Rahzar: You have it? The Kuro Kabuto is worthy only of Shredder!

Tatsu: And your loyalty is the only reason I shall spare you. I intend to carry on Shredder's legacy, make the Foot great once more. You could have a place at my side. [grabs the wolf's ear] You swore an oath to the Foot, Bradford. Consider my offer. It will not last long.

[Tatsu and ninja leave. Rahzar watches in concern and fear. Fishface returns to consciousness as he is visibly seen not getting along with Tatsu since he knocked him out with ease.]

Fishface: I'm gonna get that tolo!

Z. Rahzar: I don't know, Xever. Maybe Tatsu's deal is worth considering.

[The patty wagon arrives at the warehouse.]

Karai: You guys need a less conspicuous ride.

Leo: You sure this is it?

Karai: There are only a few Foot safe houses where he can be.

Leo: Okay, if Tatsu has the Kabuto, we get in and grab it quickly. Mikey, you're with me, Karai, and Shini.

Mikey: Aw, yeah, Team Shini-angelo! This girl gets me, don't you?

Shini: You do make me laugh.

Karai: Go after the Kabuto. I'll take care of Tatsu.

Leo: No, stealth only. The rest of you hang here on lookout. Rahzar and Fishface are still out there.

[They enter inside. Inside the warehouse, Tatsu opened up the box to reveal the mutated helmet.]

Tatsu: At last, the Kuro Kabuto. Now I claim my rightful place as true leader of the Foot Clan.

[Shini and Mikey sneak past and defeat the guards and begin to turn the power off. Leo takes charge with Karai by his side, knocking the ninjas down. They watch Tatsu put the helmet back. They leap toward him but Tatsu knocks them with his sword. He heard the slightest creaking sound and sees Mikey and Shini caressing the box. Mikey and Shini, knowing that Tatsu sees them, takes out their weapons. Tatsu was surrounded by the two girls and turtle boys, but was unfazed. Meanwhile, Raph and Casey enjoy their playful elbowing. April senses that the Foot Ninja are coming.]

April: Guys, we have company.

[The teens started to fight Tatsu, but Tatsu brutally mutilates Shini and grabs Mikey’s head and forcefully punches him to the ground. When Leo attempts to strike him down, Tatsu punches him three times, then kicks him away. Karai managed to knock the mask off of Tastu. He laughs evilly to reveal white eyes, showing that he’s completely blind.]

Tatsu: Foolish gambit!

Leo: [utterly shocked] Tatsu is... blind?

Tatsu: Don't you know I can hear you coming a mile away?

[He charges as Leo and Karai attack.]

Tatsu: You couldn't defeat me yourself, so you employed your freaks to fight me, yes?

Leo: [confused] What's he talking about, Karai?

Tatsu: Did my old student not tell you the story of poor Hattori Tatsu?

[Karai attacks and uses ninja stars. While fighting, Tatsu nonchalantly tells his life story, the origins.]

Tatsu: I was born blind, but with an acute sense of hearing. They say it gave me a sixth sense.

Mikey: Plan Blackout was definitely not the way to go, dudes.

Tatsu: Shredder recognized this as a skill when all others mocked me. I used that prejudice in my favor until I became Shredder's right hand. The Blind Swordsman. When this brat recruited Foot soldiers of her own, they attempted to eliminate me.

Leo: [angry at Karai] You did what?!

Karai: [remorseful] Tatsu, I was arrogant, but they have nothing to do with that.

Tatsu: [fiercely] Do not insult me with your platitudes, girl! Your friends will share your fate.

[The turtles, April and Casey are still fighting. Donnie looks up to see Raph, slamming down a ninja while Casey hits the ninja with a trash can, causing the wagon to get dirty.]

Donnie: Hey! I just washed this baby.

[Kunai struck the van.]

Raph: We don't have time for this.

[The others continue fighting Tatsu. Leo attacks Tatsu.]

Tatsu: I expected more from the students of the great Splinter.

[Leo gets knocked down. Both Mikey and Shini attack but Tatsu grabs their chains and sends them being punched and falls into the water, where they were knocked out cold.]

Karai: Shini, no!

[Enraged, she shapeshifts into a snake mutant and tries to attack, but Tatsu punches and kicks her away.]

Tatsu: Korede owarida!

[Bombs explode, causing him to groan, disoriented.]

Casey: Aw, yeah! The cavalry has arrived. Goongala!

[The ninjas attack the turtles.]

Raph: Watch it, Jones.

[Casey tries to attack but Tatsu grabs him and the teen ends up electrocuted by his own taser.]

April: Casey!

[Tatsu attempts to attack April, but is stopped by Donnie. When Raph attempts to stab Tatsu with his sai, Tatsu unexpectedly backs away and allows Raph to leap after Donnie. Donnie and Raph are amazed and shocked, but Tatsu appears and manages to knock them down.]

Raph: It's like fighting Shredder.

Leo: But he's still blind.

[Leo and Karai nod at each other, realizing that they can male louder sounds to disorient their adversary. Leo grabbed a few pucks and threw them between the man’s ears. Karai begins to head over and then attacks Tatsu. Leo backflipped and then pinched Tatsu in his nerve points, causing him to groan in pain. Karai bit him multiple times. She turned to her ninjas.]

Karai: Tatsu was using you, just like the Shredder, tarnishing the name of the Foot Clan for his own glory. The Foot deserves a noble destiny... One with honor.

Tatsu: You truly think you deserve to wield the Kuro Kabuto?

Karai: [menacingly] Deserve's got nothing to do with it. Go back to Japan and rot.

[Karai kicks Tatsu to the ground, then Rahzar appears.]

Z. Rahzar: Tatsu!

Tatsu: Bradford, join me!

Z, Rahzar: The Kuro Kabuto is worthy only of-

Kavaxas: The Shredder!

[Tatsu watches in horror at Kavaxas, who grabs him by the face, then drains his soul. Tatsu screams in agony and pain as the turtles, Aprill, Karai and Foot Clan watch in horror at the death of Hattori Tatsu. Kavaxas lets go of Tatsu and smiles evilly at the corpse of a ninja. Kavaxas opens the box revealing the helmet of Shredder.]

Karai: No! The Kabuto!

Tiger Claw: The power to resurrect Shredder is ours! Destroy the Turtles. Leave no one alive!

Kavaxas: As you command.

[He breathes green fire and escapes along with Tiger Claw. April had used a barrier to protect the others.]

Raph: Thanks, April. I thought we were toast.

[Donnie and Mikey are seen tending to Shini and Casey, who are brutally mutilated and injured. Donnie holds Shini’s arm.]

Donnie: We gotta get them to a hospital.

Casey: [weakly] Casey Jones isn't out of it yet. [faints]

[in the dungeons, Kavaxas lifted the helmet and the Foot demons bowed. He puts the helmet on his body.]

Kavaxas: Now only his heart remains.

Tiger Claw: My men are on it. Remember who your master is, Kavaxas.

Kavaxas: Indeed.

[The teens put Casey and Shini at a hospital entrance as people saw them.]

April: Shini and Casey will be alright. They just need to rest.

Karai: Guys, I'm so sorry. I was ashamed by what I did, going after Tatsu. I didn't think it would come back to hurt us.

Leo: Splinter once taught me, "Underestimating your enemy is a deadly weakness, but trusting in your allies is a great strength. " We're gonna need your help against Hot Head.

Donnie: Whoa. I can't think of anything more frightening than Shredder coming back to life.

Raph: We can't let that happen! We have to stop Tiger Claw and Kavaxas once and for all.

[Everyone put their hands on, knowing that they have to prepare for the worst. The episode ends.]
