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Leo: It's… use....Nggg...Can't move.

Donnie: It's some type of protoplasmic prison.

Raph: Ugh, smells like sour cream. I hate sour cream.

Bebop: We best finish off the Turtles fast before they figure a way out.

Rocksteady: Da, I will commence with the squishings, Comrade Bebop!

80s Shredder: No, Rocksteady. A quick demise is much too good for the likes of our turtle foes.

Bebop: [confused] What the bacon?

[Shredder knocked Bebop and Rocksteady away.]

80s Shredder: These accursed shellbacks deserve something far worse.

Krang: For once, Shredder, we agree.

80s Shredder: Now is the time for gloating! We are the best, and you are not, you blasted Turtles!

Krang: Revolting reptiles!

80s Shredder: Overly aggressive amphibians!

Krang: Troublesome terrapins! [Mikey moans]

80s Shredder: Teenage Mutant Ninja Wimps!

[Both the classic villains laugh. Bebop and Rocksteady notice something strange.]

Bebop: Yo, dog, these two are even dumber than we are.

Rocksteady: Da, and that is saying the something.

Bebop: Enough of this wackness, y'all. I'm blasting these green foolios.

[He fires his gun, The laser ricochats around the cage.]

80s Leo: Look out!

[Classic Leo discharms the laser. The laser bounce in all directions.]

80s Mikey: Yow! My turtle butt!

[The laser hits the slime and melts, freeing Donnie's arm.]

Donnie: Whoa. The slime is sensitive to pure energy. Maybe if I can....Oh, this is gonna hurt.

[He takes a deep breath. Donnie touched the bar electrifying them and the slime melted, freeing them.]

Rocksteady: Time to get funky fresh!

Mikey: Aww, sewer pickles.

Bebop: Let's smoke these Turtles, Rock!

[They begin to dodge again, screaming.]

Rocksteady: Your shells, we will break!

Krang: These two are way more effective than those dim-witted mutant morons back in our dimension.

Leo: You guys! Gotta move!

Mikey: What about the other "us"? We can't just leave 'em here.

Donnie: Hey, I can free 'em if I can get to that control panel.

Raph: Let's do this.

[Raph threw his ninja stars at Bebop adn Rocksteady's guns.]

Leo: Keep moving. I'll draw his fire.

80s Shredder: You chelonian chuckleheads.

Krang: That's a new one. We know you dimensional dimwits are still drained from my trap.

[He knocks the turtles away as Donnie stood his ground. Mikey and Raph, knocked Krang right at Shredder.]

80s Shredder: You moron!

Raph: Make it quick, Donnie.

Donnie: You think I wanna make it slow?

[Leo gets easily defeated, getting shot from behind and then again.]

Raph: Leo!

Donnie: Voila!

[Donnie managed to free the classic turtles.]

Krang: No! The Turtles have escaped.

80s Leo: Turtle power!

80s Mikey: Cowabunga!

[The turtles started to attack Bebop and Rocksteady.]

80s Donnie: I'll kick your rhino butt. [bo ends up being snapped in half] Aww, that was my favorite bo staff.

[Classic Mikey tries to fight Bebop.]

Bebop: Slow as a turtle.

[He kicks Classic Mikey.]

Rocksteady: Get ready for me to horn you in face!

[He crashes into classic Leo and Raph.]

Raph: Back off, dino lips.

Mikey: A, B, "C" -ya!

[They disappear as Mikey throws a smoke bomb.]

Bebop: I hate it when they do that. That annoys me, Rock. Just gets all up in my snout.

Rocksteady: Da, word up. I hates the ninja tricks too, G.

80s Shredder: Bebop! Rocksteady! You let them get away, you dunderheaded dummies!

Bebop: [offended] Yo, what's up with all the insults, G? This isn't 1987. We got rights, Shredder. We're in the Villains Union, dog.

Rocksteady: Da, is no nice, the name-calling. What if I say you look like soft cheese grater? And you look like pregnant man with brain for belt buckle?

Krang: Enough with the name-calling! It's getting us nowhere. We've got to hunt down those miserable Turtles.

80s Shredder: Or bait them out with pizza. [Everyone stared at him] Pizza usually works.

[Back at their lair.]

80s Donnie: Guys, if Shredder and Kraang unleash the Technodrome in this dimension, it could be catastrophic.

Donnie: I can't believe I'm saying this, Bebop and Rocksteady got tough.

80s Mikey: We've gotta do something, dudes.

Mikey: Fo' reals though.

[April and Casey appear in the lair]

April: Guys, we've been trying to reach you...WHAT THE HECK?!

Casey: [surprised] Have I been hit in the face too many times? What am I seeing?

April: Don't you remember, Casey? The Turtles told us about these guys. They come from another dimension.

[The classic turtles are completely amazed and shocked by the 2012 versions of April and Casey.]

80s Raph: April? Casey Jones? No way!

80s Leo: They're like kids! This April is way too young to be wearing a jumpsuit. Are you even a reporter?

April: Why? Do reporters wear jumpsuits where you come from?

80s Donnie: Of course! What kind of backwards dimension is this?

Casey: This is straight-up crazy, yo.

Leo: We need your help. But your fighting is lame. You have to learn to fight like us and actually use your weapons for once.

80s Leo: [stunned] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Use our weapons? But if I swing my sword at them, I could actually cut someone. And that would hurt.

Raph: So what do you use that sword for? To slice pizza?

80s Mikey: Duh! Are you guys even real ninjas?

[Later, the 2012 turtles teach the classic turtles how to use their real weapons properly. Classic Raph tried to twirl his sais but end up getting stuck on the dummy. He tried to pull it out and then he falls. Classic Donnie tried to jab his stick but end up getting his foot stabbed. Classic Mikey gets himself hit by the balls while Mikey tried to teach him how to deflect it. However, Classic Mikey realized that he is doing well using one of them as a hackey sack. Mikey started to join in.]

Leo: [annoyed] Okay. This is gonna take some time.

[Meanwhile at the classic Technodrome.]

Bebop: Yo, Boss-Man! What is that funky, retro-looking thingamabob?

Krang: The transmat projection microchip! With it, we can project a portal to Dimension X and bring an army here to conquer this world.

Rocksteady: But where do we find such technology, Comrade Kraang?

Krang: At the Earth Protection Force's secret storage facility. Here.

80s Shredder: Great, you two booby-headed blunderers will be sure to screw this up.

[The warthog and rhino growl in anger, offended.]

Krang: It doesn't matter, Shredder, because they'll be leading an army of Foot Robots to destroy anyone who gets in their way including those half-shelled jerk-faces! Unleash the Foot!

80s Shredder: I wanted to shout that! Unleash the Foot!

Bebop: What the?

[They look to see the classic foot clan. Krang and Shredder laugh as the robots stand in front of the two mutants. In the lair..]

Leo: Okay, everybody, take five.

80s Mikey: Whew, I thought he'd never say that. Pizza break, dudes!

Leo: You guys did great! [to his brothers] These guys are terrible.

Mikey: No way. I think when the chips are down, they're gonna be great.

Raph: Do you know what that phrase even means, Mikey?

Mikey: Yeah, something about potato chips.

[Later in the kitchen, the classic turtles at pizza. Ice cream kitty gives Mikey ice cubes.]

Mikey: Aww, thanks, Ice Cream Kitty. And one for you.

80s Mikey: [surprised] Dude. What is that?

Casey: She's Mikey's ice-cream-mutated pet cat, yo.

80s Mikey: Whoa! This place is totally radical. Wowzers.

[Raph walks up with Chompy in his arms. He feed him a pepperoni and the small alien turtle breathed fire. Classic Leo yelped in surprised.]

80s Raph: Um, what exactly is that?

Raph: Say hello to Chompy. He's a baby alien turtle I'm raising.

80s Donnie: Wow, our parallel dimensions really are different.

April: So why would your Shredder and Krang enter this dimension?

80s Leo: Who knows? They're always trying to conquer the planet or destroy the planet or turn us into balloons. Whatever.

Leo: That's not very helpful.

80s Donnie: Look, Shredder may be a dummy, but Kraang's tech can be extremely dangerous.

Donnie: No kidding. Last time, he nearly blew up three alternate realities. We need a plan to send these creeps back to their dimension.

[Meanwhile with Karai, she and Shini are patrolling the city.]

Shini: Karai, no sign of the Purple Dragons. The streets are quiet.

Karai: Good. I think we should probably call it a night, Shinigami. Let's- Wait. What are those two morons up to?

[Rocksteady accidently knocked a trash can down.]

Rocksteady: Oops…that was my's bad.

Bebop: Whoo! This is nice. I finally feel needed for once. Know what I'm saying?

Rocksteady: Da, G. I am pleased we get to lead robot team on mission. We're not treated like lackeys anymore.

Bebop: Yeah, Rock, this is kind of all right. And I dig this new Shredder.

Rocksteady: Eh, except for insults. Kind of mean.

Karai: No way you two dummies put together a crew without some help. Hmm, there's something more to this. I can feel it.

Shini: Let's take those silly freaks down.

Karai: No. I want you to gather the rest of the Foot. I'll follow Bebop and Rocksteady and find out what they're up to.

Shini: Of course, Karai.

[She disappears.]

Leo: Okay, team, here's the plan. We head below and cover the Technodrome. We'll wait for Bebop and Rocksteady to leave-

80s Leo: On whatever mission Shredder and Krang send them on.

80s Mikey: Then we stop off at Antonio's for more pizza, hit the arcade, and party on, dudes! Yeah!

Mikey: Dude! That's, like, the greatest idea ever, bro. Gimme some love.

80s Donnie: Krang and Shredder will need some kind of transmat chip to open up a portal to Dimension X.

80s Raph: Then we stop 'em before they get a chance.

[Leo's phone rang.]

Leo: Hold up. Karai?

Karai: Leo. You're not gonna believe this. I'm at the waterfront. I followed Bebop and Rocksteady. They've got a bunch of weird Foot Robots with them. They're targeting a secret military warehouse, and I'm pretty sure it belongs to the Earth Protection Force.

Leo: Don't make a move yet. We'll be there soon.

[Rocksteady knocked down the guards while Bebop took care of the others.]

Bebop: Yes, yes, y'all! Easy-peasy, dog. That's what I'm talkin' about.

[They open up the doors and enter inside the lab. They get on the ramp and Bebop pressed the button, making the ramp go down.]

Bebop: All aboard! Going down. Menswear, ladies' lingerie, level 20! Don't be wandering off, Rock. Stick to the plan. We grab the chip and hightail it outta there before they even know…

Rocksteady: Oh, no.

[The guards appear.]

Bebop: Get 'em, robots!

[The ninjas begin to attack the guards. Once they are defeated, they enter the simple corridor.]

Bebop: Ah! Yo, dog. A'ight, robot dude. You take point.

[The robot stepped in but he ends up falling to his death when the chute opens up.]

Bebop: These EPF'ers are sick puppies!

[One ninja goes on ahead but was lifted in the air gets electrified, Only one ninja is left.]

Rocksteady: Snapping-dizzle!

[The laser beam activates making them run. The last ninja gets lifted up fired up.]

Bebop: Cha'mone! Cha'mone! Cha'mone!

[Bebop tries to hack into the machine.]

Bebop: No-no-no-no-no-no-no!

[The door opens and the two escape.]

Rocksteady: Ha! Like piece of delicious Kiev cake!

[Bebop scans around the room and finds the chip.]

Bebop: [squeals with excitement] We did it, dog! For once! The transmat microchip thingie!

Rocksteady: Raise the ceiling, home skillet! Can I get the "what-what"?

[Meanwhile outside..]

Karai: Bebop and Rocksteady are still inside. We've got to... What the?

[The classic turtles arrive, much to Karai's shock.]

Karai: Who are those goofy bug-eyed Turtles?

80s Raph: Nice to meet you too. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

[Rocksteady and Bebop come out of the warehouse with the chip. The turtles and ninjas emerge from the manhole cover.]

Rocksteady: We busted, Bebop.

Leo: All right, you two. give up that chip. We've got you surrounded!

Bebop: We ain't goin out like that, dog.

Raph: I was hoping you'd say that.

Turtles: Go, Green Machine!

Casey: Green Machine?

[Casey laughs until the classic ninjas arrive.]

Karai: Shredder?

Mikey: Holy chalupa!

80s Shredder: Foot Soldiers, attack!

Leo: Let's do this, team.

80s Leo: Turtle power!

[They begin to attack, easily defeating them.]

80s Leo: Hand over the chip, Bebop!

Bebop: You gotta catch me first, sucker!

[He used his plasma, knocking classic Leo down.]

80s Raph: Time to take out the trash!

[Raph throws the trash lids at them but they catch them.]

80s Raph: Or not.

80s Donnie: Cowabunga!

[Rocksteady punches him.]

Rocksteady: Hah. How you say "weak sauce"?

80s Leo: These guys have serious upgrades.

Donnie: Where do these guys keep coming from?

80s Mikey: I know! Totally bogus!

[Some arrows strike the robots and the red ninjas arrive.]

Shini: Anyone need a little backup?

Karai: Nice timing, Shini.

[They continue on fighting.]

80s Leo: Remember your training! Turtles fight with honor!

[They begin to attack the ninjas. The classic turtles started getting really used to for their weapons.]

80s Leo: Wow, that was violent!

Karai: Shredder! You're not getting away from me this time.

80s Shredder: What are you talking about, girl? I don't even know..

[Karai starts kicking him.]

Karai: Stand and fight, Shredder!

80s Shredder: I will not fight a girl. Foot, get rid of her! She's a bit too tough.

[The fight continues as Rocksteady charges at Casey, breaking his ribs.]

April: Casey!

[April catches him as Rocksteady lifted his horn out of the fuel truck. Bebop laughed and used his plasma.]

80s Leo: Clear out!

[They ran as an explosion occurred. They get onto the tank Shredder had stolen.]

Bebop: We got the chip. Let's bounce, yo!

Raph: Come on, we can still catch 'em!

[They run after it but the tank started to fly off.]

80s Mikey: Aw, man, they're getting away!

80s Shredder: Ta-ta, terrapin twits!

April: Easy, Casey. You okay?

Casey: Just a few broken ribs. I'll be fine, Red.

Donnie: He'll be alright. He just needs time to recover.

80s Donnie: All that, and they got the chip.

80s Mikey: Yeah, totally lame. So now what, dudes?

Leo: We're gonna stop those four morons, once and for all.

80s Leo: We're with you all the way, Leo!

Raph: You four stepped up big-time. I'm proud of you guys. But you could still use a little more training.

Karai: How are we gonna get that chip?

Mikey: We already know where the Technodrome is, dudes. We got this!

[In the Technodrome.]

Krang: Yes! Now, we need only one last element to power up the ship Kraang crystals. They will enable us to power up the Technodrome to 100% capacity. And then I will unleash my ultimate plan!

Rocksteady: The Turtles will come for our zhopas! That means "butts. "

Bebop: Yeah, Boss-Man. They know where we are.

80s Shredder: Not anymore. Unleash the drill!

[The drill started to go underground. Bebop and Rocksteady cling to each other.]

Krang: There's no way those stupid, filthy Turtles will find us now!

Rocksteady: Um, what are we laughing about again?

80s Shredder: Who cares?

[They had discovered that they’re now in underground of the sewer…ending the episode.]
