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[We began at the lab, Stockfly had made the serum to 'cure' Karai with brain worm.]
Stockfly: Karai. I'm going to help you. Just like I finally turned you human again.
Karai: Stockman, if you don't let me go, I'll tear your wings off and stuff them down both your mouths.
[Stockfly puts the brain worm into Karai's ear and she lets out a painful scream. Shredder arrives.]
Shredder: Did it work? I demand proof.
Stockfly: Yes, Master. The parasite has bent her mind to be totally obedient to you and you alone.
[He releases Karai, now completely brainwashed.]
Shredder: Karai, attack Ivan Steranko.
Rocksteady: Ha! Snake lady no troubles for Rocksteady. Let us do this like the Brutus, eh?
[Karai attacks, kicking Rocksteady.]
Rocksteady: Big mistake. Now Rocksteady dropping the hammer.
[He tried to use his hammer but he gets defeated easily by Karai.]
Shredder: Stop. You have done well, Stockman. But the true test remains. Karai. Destroy Splinter, the Turtles, and their pathetic human allies. Eliminate them.
Karai: Yes, father.
[Theme song]
[At the lair, Leo and Splinter are training.]
Splinter: You had me at a disadvantage, but did not attack. Why?
Leo: No reason, sensei.
Splinter: Then stop holding back and attack.
[Leo begins to train while the turtles watch from outside]
Mikey: 'Sup my ninjas? Any of you guys seen my stuffed iguana?
both: Shh!
Mikey: The one with the top hat.
Both: Shh!
[Mikey takes off his monster mask]
Mikey: Hmm. My ninja senses are saying you want me to be quiet.
Donnie: Man, they're really going at it. Sensei still hasn't fully recovered.
Raph: Slash messed him up pretty bad. It's gonna take a while before he gets all his strength back.
Mikey: Found him! Go ninja go ninja go!
both: Shh!
[Leo managed to defeat Splinter since he is still recovering.]
Splinter: You succeeded.
Leo: Only because you're still recovering, Sensei.
Splinter: Very true. Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen.
[Leo is amazed that Splinter is glowing.]
Leo: Master Splinter? What did you just do? And how did you do that?
Splinter: It is an ancient technique known as the healing hands.
Leo: Would you like to know its secrets? Together with me. Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha.
(both) Rin. Pyo. Toh.
[Leo begins to practice.]
[Outside of the movie theater]
April:[sighs.] I thought a night out would be good for me. But I still can't shake everything that's happened. At least Dad's back. I just want a little normalcy in my life.
[Casey appears and scares her.]
April: [shrieks.] Casey!
Casey: The Six Deadly Poisons was cool, but I would have smashed that scorpion dude in one hit. [efforts.]
April: And then yesterday, my head fell off my neck. And now I can't find my head, so I have to walk around with no head. [sighs.] Not listening to a single word.
[As she walks off, Kirby watches through a window.]
Casey: You wanna know what my favorite part of the movie was?
April: [annoyed] I don't know, Casey. The non-stop violence?
Casey: It was the way the hero never gave up. Even against all odds. Good luck finding your missing head. I'm sure it'll turn up.
[Casey leaves and April giggles, then smiles at Casey, knowing that Casey has all ears on her. Meanwhile, April has a nightmare.]
April: Hello? Where am I? Who's there? Show yourself! Aah! It was just a nightmare. What?
[April pulled her covers and saw white snakes. Kirby is seen in the living room, reading the newspaper peacefully. Just then, April shrieks, startling Kirby, who rushed over and saw what happened.]
Kirby: April!
[He bursts into her room and saw his daughter on the ground. The turtles are seen in the lair, when Kirby came with April.]
Kirby: Help! Turtles!
Leo: Kirby?
Kirby: Snake bite. Please. Help me.
Donnie: Guys, quick. Give her some space.
Mikey: She's gonna be okay, right, Donnie?
[Donnie looks at April’s arm, which is covered with snakebite. Donnie is horrified.]
Donnie: Oh no.
[In the alley, Casey is seen riding on his bicycle, beat-boxing.]
Casey:[beat boxing.] And forever Casey Jones [beat boxing.] Whoa! What the what? Footbots!
[Casey pedaled away from them]
Casey: Better warn the guys.
[He puts on his helmet and fired a few balls ar the robots.]
Casey: Goongalaaaaa!
[He fires a rocket launcher and caused an explosion at the robots]
Casey: Aw, yeah, you better robo-check yourselves before you wreck yourselves, sons!
[He pedals off. Karai attacks, knocking Casey from his bike. He gets up and sees the brainashed teen approach.]
Casey: Ugh. Karai right? We never really met. I like what I'm seeing though. You got a sweet style.
Karai: Oh? Do you like this?
[Casey dodged her kicks]
Casey: I thought you were one of the good guys. I don't wanna hurt you.
Karai: But I want to hurt you. Slowly. Painfully.
[Casey grabbed his hockey stick and went into combat. He to sweep her off her feet and managed to catch her in time.]
Casey: I'm not sure if I want to fight you or ask you out.
Karai: Not bad, Jones.
Casey: I got more surprises for ya, sweetheart.
Karai: So do I.
[She backflips and then summoned out her snake arms. Casey blocked her attacks and grabbed her..]
Casey: It's over, Karai.
Karai: It's not over until I say it is.
[She stomps his foot and grabs Casey's waist. She hisses and then kisses him, unknown that she injected the poison in him.]
Casey: Whoa, that was crazy. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was nice and all. But why are my lips numb?
[He coughs and collapses.]
Karai: The numbness is one of the effects of my venom. Some go faster than others. First: weakness. Then, paralysis. Then, blackout. You're the second. Now I'm going to poison the Turtles. One by one.
[Casey slowly blacks out, his heart pounding.]
[In the lair, April is brought to the lab.]
Donnie: Her condition's getting worse. The poison's not showing any signs of stopping.
Leo: Bitten by a poisonous snake in her bedroom? Doesn't make any sense.
Raph: Guys, we got an S.O.S. from Casey's bike. I'm gonna check it out.
Leo: Take Mikey with you.
Raph: Why?
Leo: Because you might need backup, and I'm busy helping Donnie.
Raph: Fine. But no Turflytle.
Mikey: Mikey and Raph, the new A-Team. Let's do this, boy!
[Raph groans wearily. They begin to leave.]
Kirby: Maybe I should have taken her to a hospital.
Donnie: No, no, you did the right thing, Kirby.
[He checks his microscope and gasps.]
Leo: What is it, Donnie?
Donnie: None of the anti-venoms are working. If I can't come up with an antidote soon.
[Leo looks shocked, fearing the worst. Raph and Mikey arrive at the spot.]
Raph: This is the place Casey's bike was sending out the signal. Maybe we should split up.
Mikey: Dude, listen. You hear that?
[They find Casey in the dumpster.]
Raph: Casey! What happened?
Casey: [weakly] A....an attack... Foot.... kiss...
Raph: He's not making any sense.
Mikey: I think he's asking you to kiss his foot. You better do what he says.
Raph: Make yourself useful and grab his legs.
[They get Casey in the van]
Raph: Hopefully Donnie will know what to do.
Mikey: Oh, no. Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. I think he's been bit. You're gonna have to suck the poison out, brah.
Raph: I'm not sucking the poison out! I'm driving. You suck it!
Mikey: But I think the bite's on his butt. That's gross, dude. You do it.
Raph: Just do it already!
[Snakes appear making Mikey gasp.]
Raph: ! Now what?
Mikey: AAHH!
[The snakes bite Mikey and Raph lost control of the wagon and crashed. The Footbots then arrive.]
Kirby: Any luck, Donatello? Anything?
[Donnie shook his head.]
Leo: Sensei, what are you doing? You should still be resting.
Splinter: Not when April is in danger. Not when I have this. An ancient poison-draining mantra.
[Leo answers his phone]
Leo: Raph? Where are you guys? Raph?
Karai: Hello, Leonardo. Your brothers are right here with me.
Leo: Karai? Is that you?
Karai: Though they don't appear to be in the best of health. I'm afraid that if you and Donatello don't come soon, then Raphael, Michelangelo, and Casey Jones will all expire. Come to the old abandoned Greenwich street station. And bring Donatello with you. I'll be waiting.
Leo: Karai? Karai!
[Leo sees Kirby lambasting Donnie in rage for his slow progress in saving April.]
Kirby: [Furious.] She's not getting any better! I brought her here because I thought you could save her.
Leo: Calm down, you two. We have another problem.
Kirby: [Stubbornly.] There is no other problem. April is the only thing you two should be worried about.
Donnie: [Scared.] I'm doing my best, Mr. O'Neil.
Splinter: Silence! All of you. If I can focus, I may be able to get the poison out of her system.
Leo: Kirby, stay here. Help Master Splinter with whatever he needs. Come on, Donnie. You're with me.
[April is brought to the dojo as Splinter begins to perform the healing hands on April. April began to moan. Kirby watched the monotors as April moaned in pain.]
Kirby: April!
[Splinter continued on.]
Kirby: The poison. Is it still?
Splinter: I've stopped it from getting worse. But she is not out of danger yet.
[Leo and Donnie go deeper into the sewers.]
Donnie: Ugh, ew, this water smells extra nasty.
Leo: Come on. This is the way.
Donnie:[feeling very sick] Ugh. I-I don't feel so good.
[Even though Donnie felt sick, Leo felt his vision being blurry.]
Leo:[same thing happening too] Me neither.
[They climb to the top of the train station.]
Karai: Leonardo and Donatello. Sneaky, coming from the sewers. How are you feeling, Turtles? Nauseous? Dizzy?
[Donnie clutched his head.]
Donnie: My brain is melting.
Leo: Dude... Why do you have a pineapple for a head?
Donnie: We've been poisoned.
Leo: Oh, we have to act fast.
[They head to where Karai is. Casey and the two turtles are hanged in the air]
Karai: My venom is highly toxic in any form. Even in water. It seeps through the skin in seconds.[Donnie clutches his heart and faints from the poison] It's over, Leo. [Leo's vision becomes blurry and faints] You and your friends are finished. Finally, after all this time. Put them with the others. I wanted to admire my trophies.
[The foot pick up their bodies. Leo started chanting]
Karai: The poison is slow. Within the hour you will all perish. I don't care about any of you. [the foot chain Donnie up] You're nothing more than a means to get to Splinter.
[Leo continues to chant]
Karai: The rat will eventually come for you and then...I will have my revenge.
[Leo finally healed himself.]
Karai: Beating the poison. Impressive.
Leo: Shredder...used some kind of brain worm on you.
Karai: Lies won't help you Leo I'll just have to finish you myself.
[She starts to attack]
Leo: Karai, you have to fight it.
Splinter: April, the poison is still inside you. I can slow it down, but only you can defeat it.
Kirby: What was I thinking? I'm calling the hospital.
Splinter: No. The venom has no cure. Only the mantras can save her now.
[The snakes bite Leo and crashes]
Karai: Still feeling the effects? You're weak Leo. and you're done for.
[Leo continues to chant]
Karai: What are you doing? What is this?
[Leo finally healed himself. Karai hisses in rage and charges at Leo, but Leo, every time Karai attempts to strike him with her snake arms, smacks them away with one of the words of the chant. When Leo has his fist on her stomach, Karai can only wince in shock as Leo, with white eyes, shrieks in rage as he delivers a punch that sends Karai to the wall, finishing Karai off. At the Dojo, April was healed.]
Kirby:[amazed] April! You did it Splinter. oh, thank you. Oh, my sweet baby girl.
[Kirby and April hug as Splinter watches them with a fond smile. Leo released his brothers and Casey. His brother moans as Leo carries Casey to his poisoned brethren.]
Leo: You're coming with us, Karai. [realizes Karai is gone] Oh, Karai....
[Back at the lair, Splinter and Leo chant the Healing Mantra as they healed Donnie, Mikey, Raph and Casey. With the poison gone, they open their eyes.]
Casey: Man. Snake bites is worst than the worst.
Mikey: Snake bites not that bad. I've been bitten by giant wasps, mutant dogs, dream beavers, squirrels, squirrelanoids.
Raph: Are you still talking?
April: It wasn't really snakes that almost took us out. It was Karai.
Donnie: She's back under Shredder's control. He's the one responsible. Not Karai.
Splinter: You should be enjoying your victory. You did a great thing today, Leonardo. You saved everyone.
Leo: Not everyone. I tried to get Karai out of Shredder's control. I failed, sensei.
Splinter: We saved her once, Leonardo. Perhaps we can save her again. And now you show great gifts as a healer. Being at the edge of your life, led you to unleash a power that few martial artists can tap. I am proud of you, my son.
Donnie: Um, Leo. We just wanted to thank you for saving us.
Raph: Yeah, You kicked footbot butt, stopped the poison got us out of there. And you did it solo. None of us could have done that.
Leo: Maybe you're right. Maybe tonight was a win.
[Leo and Splinter smile at each other as the episode ends.]