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[Episode starts at Halloween. April and Casey are walking down the streets, admiring the kids getting candy.]

April: Feels like ages since I've been out on Halloween. After all the aliens, demons, and super-mutants, fake monsters are a nice change.

Casey: Ha! Gimme real monsters any time. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I go out every year! [knocks door] Yo, yo, yo! Trick or treat, dog!

[But the man only closed in his face]

Casey: [Upset] Why, you old stanky ol' creeper.

April: Come on, Casey. It's not worth it. Let's go meet the guys. They're always so excited for Halloween.

[Later, he pranked the man with an exploding pumpkin. As the two humans walked, the mist slowly started to form. April looked and saw candy littered on the ground. They hear a scream.]

Casey: You hear that, Red? Didn't sound like a fake scream to me.

April: Something strange is going on.

[They head over until wolves appear.]

Casey: Oh, snap. Nice doggies. Cool doggies. Don't eat us, doggies!

[They start to fight the wolves, a citizen running away.. Heading past the alley, they saw people being chased by wolves. April looks over and saw a man staggering in pain. ]

April: Hey, are you okay?

[She reached only to discover that the man is a vampire. She screams, backing away until a little girl leaped onto Casey’s shoulders and bit him.]

April: Casey!

[theme song]

Ryan: What's wrong with him, Mr. Gigabyte?

Gigibyte: Intriguing, Captain. Lieutenant LeTrois has been infected by a Xenowolf virus. Unless we can stop the infection within the next star hour, by my calculations, his transformation will be permanent.

Crankshaw Jr: Captain, what are we going to do? [gets slapped] Ow!

Ryan: There's only one humane way to stop this virus and prevent him from turning into a space wolf. Lieutenant LeTrois must be destroyed!

[Captian Ryan blasts his lieutenant.]

Leo: Yes! This is gonna be perfect!

Mikey: What's perfect?

[Mikey had a mask on, scaring Leo.]

Leo: Ahh!

Mikey: Haha, you should have seen your face!

Leo: Ahem, uh, my costume is minty vintage, featuring Captain Ryan's rare B-uniform Captain's Jacket from season 3.

Raph: Nerd!

Donnie: Hmm. I can't decide if I should go as a zombie wizard, Albert Einstein or, um Smooth Donatello.

Mikey: What about you, Raph?

Raph: I'm already in my costume. This is the one night we can go out and people won't look at us like we're freaks.

Mikey: You can always dress as a fairy princess.

Raph: That was one time!

[Donnie's phone rang.]

Donnie: Hey, April! We're just getting ready-

April: Donnie! Casey's turned into a vampire, and he's hunting me!

Mikey: Ha! Classic Casey!

April: I'm serious! There are monsters all over the city! You have to- Agh!

[Casey lunged at April.]

Donnie: [worried] April? April!

[April continued to run from Casey. She threw a nearby dumpster to stall time but she came face to face with him.]

April: Casey, this isn't you! Please! Snap out of it!

Vampire Casey: Your dope mind tricks won't work on me, April.

[She screams until Donnie stops him using his stick into Casey’s mouth.]

Donnie: Casey! What are you doing?

[Leo and Raph shove him but Casey pushed them away before Donnie attacks him]

Leo: He's much stronger [grunts.] than he looks.

Mikey: I got it! A vampire's worst enemy? Garlic anchovy pizza with extra garlic!

[He throws the garlic pizza at Casey.]

Vampire Casey: Gross, dude! [gags, retches.]

Leo: Get him!

[They charged and restrained Casey.]

Raph: I can't believe it! Casey really is a vampire?

April: It's not just Casey. The city's been overrun by monsters! Real monsters, vampires, werewolves, you name it!

[Donnie check's Casey's teeth to reveal fangs.]

Donnie: You aren't kidding. We gotta get him back to my lab.

Leo: Do you think you can find a cure, D?

Donnie: Well, if it's biological, maybe, but-

[a man bites April.]

Donnie: April, no!

[Acting fast, Raph punched the vampire, releasing April. The vampires and wolves surround them]

Donnie: I got you!

[Everyone begins to run,]

April: It feels like my blood is boiling!

Donnie: Stay with us, April! You have to fight it. Try to concentrate.

Leo: Come on. This way!

[They head to an alley.]

Raph: Where are all these freaks coming from?

[An explosion and they saw a monstrous being.]

Mikey: Frankenstein, too?

Raph: No good. Dead end!

[April groans in pain.]

Donnie: April?

[Once she's transformed, she uses her powers and blows them away. Casey breaks free.]

Donnie: April! You can't do this! This isn't you! You have to fight it!

Vampire April: [removing the wig] But why would I fight it? I feel so good. Come with me, Donnie. I can make all that fear go away. Just one bite.

[She was about to hypnotize Donnie but Raph smacked him out of it.]

Raph: Get it together, man!

[Suddenly, a portal opened and Renet appeared.]

Renet: Jinkies!

Leo: Renet?

Renet: Hang on!

[She lifts them up in the air.]

Mikey: Renet! My hero!

[She leads them to the rooftop safely.]

Renet: Turtle warriors! Yes! I was worried the Time Scepter wouldn't have enough power! Thank goodness you're all okay!

Donnie: All okay? But what about April?

Raph: Yeah, she and Casey got turned into bloodsuckers!

Leo: It's not just them. Look! I don't understand. How could this happen? What the heck is going on?

Renet: It's Savanti Romero. He's behind it!

Mikey: The evil time dude? I thought we got rid of that ugly jerkface.

Renet: He escaped. And It's kinda my fault. Let me give you the 7-11.

Raph: You mean the 4-1-1?

Renet: My boss, Lord Simultaneous, wanted me to check up on Savanti where we banished him to the Cretaceous period. He got the jump on me and stole my emergency back-up time jumper. All Time Masters have one in case we get stuck in the past. I was able to track him back here, but I was too late.

Leo: Uh, where did he get all these monsters?

Renet: He somehow recruited them on his trip back through time so he can rule the world.

Raph: You really are the worst time traveler ever. The worst!

Mikey: [defending Renet] Back off, bro! She needs our help! Don't worry, girl. I got your back. And front.

Leo: We have to find a way to stop this madness.

Donnie: What about April and Casey?

Renet: If my plan succeeds, your friends will return to normal as if this never happened. All we have to do-

[Savanti arrives.]

Savanti: Ah, Renet. You actually found me! But far too late! In only a matter of days, this entire city will be infected, becoming my monster slaves. Then the future will belong to monsters, monsters such as I, Savanti Romero!

Leo: That's not gonna happen, lemonhead!

[They charged but he used his barrier.]

Savanti: I must thank you for finding the Turtles. [pushes the turtles back.] Now I can destroy them and assure my future!

Renet: Not if I have anything to say about it!

[She used her powers and they got dragged into the portal.]

Turtles: Whoa!

Savanti: Renet, I'll get you!

[They end up in Egypt.]

Leo: Where are we?

Donnie: We're in... Ancient Egypt? Wow! The Egyptian pyramids! And the Sphinx! Look! It still has its nose.

Raph: Ooh, a nose! Big deal! What are we doing here, Renet?

Leo: Yeah, what does this have to do with Savanti Romero? And when are we, exactly?

Renet: The Nile Valley in the Dark Ages, the late 5th Century. This was the first time and place Savanti arrived to start building his monster army. Oh, grok! I should've known all that time travel would drain the scepter.

Raph: So now we're stuck here?

Renet: Don't worry. It still has enough power to get us back, but I'll have to conserve energy. There won't be a place to plug it in for almost two millennia. Very not cold.

[They began to approach the temple and pulled the blocks off.]

Leo: Put your shell into it, boys!

[They begin to crawl inside,]

Renet: Savanti called upon an ancient Egyptian curse to raise the Mummy of the Pharaoh. We have to get to the tomb before he does. I'll zap him, reverse the curse, and send Savanti back to his time prison.

Raph: You need to lay off the chocolate marshmallow pizza, Mikey.

Mikey: Whoa. What's with all that graffiti?

Donnie: They're hieroglyphics. Egyptian writing was based on pictorial symbols that represented words rather than individual letters. Now to use my custom nerd-approved translator app. .I knew this would come in handy one day. "If mortal flesh enters this tomb the living shall die while death shall rise. "

Mikey: Oh, snap! A freaky curse, yo!

Renet: Don't worry, Mikey. Most tombs were inscribed with warnings not to disturb the dead, but it's just superstition.

Raph: Um, cool. If it's all the same, can you go first? [chuckles.] Thanks.

[Renuet shined her scepter for light.]

Renet: So grokking cold!

[Raph gets startled when he sees an illiustration.]

Raph: Looked like Rahzar for a second.

Renet: Over here!

[They looked and found another illustration.]

Leo: What is it, some kind of riddle? Donnie?

Mikey: Wait, a riddle? Like a booby trap? [yelps.] This is a bad idea, dude.

Donnie: You watch too many horror movies. There are no booby traps in Egyptian pyramids.

[Donnie stepped on a stone.]

Mikey: I told you! What did I say?

[Spikes formed and the ceiling as the door shut closed. With that closed, the ceiling started to close down toward the group.]

Donnie: If I'm reading right, it says, "Only a worthy protector shall enter. " Th-th-th-that could mean anything!

Raph: We're about to be Swiss-cheesed!

Leo: Think fast, Donnie!

Donnie: Well, this is a tomb. It's gotta be Anubis! He's the god of the dead.

[He pressed only for the ceiling to close lower.]

Raph: Good instinct, Donnie. Nice!

Leo: Quickly, just pick one!

Renet: But don't pick wrong.[yelps.] We're running out of time!

[Mikey looked and pressed the one with the crocodile. The ceiling stopped and rises back up.]

Donnie: How did you know to pick the crocodile?

Mikey: He looks like Leatherhead, and he's the best protector a turtle could ever have!

Renet: Of course! That's Sobek. He was the protector of the king. Mikey, you're the bee's fleas!

[They enter the catacomb.]

Renet: Far out! It's very unusual to have so many mummies buried in one tomb.

Donnie: Well, not necessarily. Often, families would reuse the same coffins and move the old mummies out.

Mikey: Yeah, yeah, yeah, very interesting. They're not so scary, though. They're just wrinkly, smelly, and have terrible fashion sense.

Renet: Actually, the wrappings are part of the mummification process. They preserved their bodies for the afterlife by removing the organs and wrapping-

Raph: Okay, we get it! Enough history lessons already.

[Something tapped Mikey.]

Mikey: Very funny Raph. I know that's you behind me.

Raph: What are you talking about?

[Mikey looked and saw a undead mummy hand,]

Mikey:[screams.] Mummy hand!

[The living mummies begin to come to life.]

Renet: Quickly! Down the stairs!

[They head down the stairs until the steps disappear, causing them to fall. Leo used his grappling hook while Donnie used his staff, catching the others.]

Leo: Try reaching the other side!

[They carefully get to the other side, using the grappling hook as mummies tried to attack but Renet knocks them off.]

Renet: Guys, we're here. The Pharaoh's Chamber.

[They enter the chamber.]

Donnie: Amazing! A completely undisturbed burial chamber of a Pharaoh.

[A low rumble recreals the sarcophagus.]

Renet: Yes! And we made it here before Savanti! That is the cat's pajamas!

Raph: There's no way that chump is getting the mummy now!

Mikey: Booyakabunga!

Leo: Uh... What was that again about the living dying and the dead rising?

[The sarcophagus opened up to reveal the mummy king.]

Renet: We may have made a mistake entering the tomb.

[Savanti appears behind them, laughing.]

Savanti: I must thank you for doing all my hard work for me. You led me right into the tomb and even stumbled into the curse! Now the Mummy of the Pharaoh is mine to command! Great Pharaoh, Lord of the Nile, Ruler of Egypt, heed me! These mortal infidels have disturbed your sacred tomb. Join me and destroy them, and the world will be ours!

Renet: We're the ones that woke him up. Maybe we can reason with him. Oh, noble and groovy Pharaoh, accept my humble apologies. Please return to your resting place.

[The mummy king starts and slams his staff, knocking them back.]

Renet: I don't suppose you know ancient Sumerian?

[The mummy king began to attack them by using mirage golden birds. ]

Raph: Use your magic wand!

Renet: The scepter is too low on power.

[Raph begins to attack th emummy king but he whacked him awya. Leo and Donnie begins to attack the king but he knocked him, threw Donnie with his cane and knocked him at Leo. Mikey starts to fight Savant, who dodged the fire breath. Leo looked at Donnie and Raph and nod before they begin to use a smoke bomb and attack. Leo then sliced the mummy's head off. However, his body moved and kicked him. Then the head moved, making Leo kick it away. It bounced onto Donnie and Raph and then floated to his body.]

Leo: Oh, come on! Is there any way to reverse the mummy's curse?

Renet: Maybe the inscription on the sarcophagus!

Donnie: On it!

[Donnie heads to the sarcophagus.]

Leo: How's that translating going, Donnie?

Donnie: All I can figure out is something about "The Pharaoh must rest in this world to move on to the next."

Leo: Then let's get him back in his coffin!

[Leo and Raph held the king back as Donnie threw a vase at him. The mummy king starts to attack him as golden snakes wrapped Donnie up and lifted him in the air. Leo and Raph pushed a column as Savanti went after the staff.]

Savanti: The scepter is mine!

[Renet tosses the scepter as MIkey wrapped his nunchuck aroudn Savanti's leg]

Mikey: Cowabunga!

[Renet tosses it and Mikey pulls Savanti down with a kick. Renet then punches Savanti while Mikey pulls the statue along with Leo. The statue crashed onto the mummy king, sealing him.]

Renet: Now to send you back to your gross Prehistory Prison!

Savanti: I don't think so.

[An explosion burst and the mummy king was released.]

Savanti: See you in time!

[They leave the portal.]

Leo: No!

Donnie: We had him!

Renet: Oh, grok! This is all my fault!

Leo: We still have a chance to catch up to him, right?

Renet: But if I mess up again, I don't know how many charges the scepter will have left.

Leo: We won't give up, not now. Not when April, Casey, and the rest of our city is at stake.

Renet: Thanks, Leo. You really are a totally tubular leader. Okay, according to the scepter, Savanti is traveling to the Middle Ages. It should have enough power for two more time jumps I hope.

Mikey: Aww, yeah! Middle Ages, here we come! Yeah!

[Everyone leaps into the portal]

Raph: I hate time travel.

[Renet offers a hand to Mikey.]

Mikey: Cowabunga!

Renet: Excelsior!
