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[Next episode started in Transylvania. Renet and the turtles arrive at the swamp.]

Raph: Dumped in a swamp in the middle of nowhere? Thanks a lot, Renet.

Renet: Sorry, Turtle Warriors. I should've set the Time Scepter for drier ground.

Donnie: Um, has anyone seen Mikey?

Mikey: Whoo! [laughs.] I'm kinda into the swampiness, dudes. We're turtles! Kinda feels like home.

Leo: Where and when the heck are we, Renet?

Renet: We're in Transylvania! In the year 1300! Isn't this super cold?

Donnie: You mean "cool. " And, no, it is not cool. Transylvania at this time is a dangerous place to be.

Mikey: Transylvania? Isn't that next to New York?

Raph: That's Pennsylvania, dummy!

[They heard a howl, making Mikey scared.]

Renet: Okay, before we go anywhere and hunt down Savanti, we better try and blend in a little.

[She takes off her helmet to reveal golden hair. Mikey is totally amazed and faints.]

Raph: Mikey!

Renet: You guys better blend in too. And look the part as wicked grokkin' monster slayers! Whoo!

[She changes them into their trench coats.]

Leo:[gasps.] Awesome! Aw, this is so rad. I feel like Van Helsing, but way cooler than him, actually way more rad than Van Helsing. Haha!

Mikey: Whoa, check it out!

[He fires a dart at Raph]

Raph: Ow! Mikey!

Donnie: Ooh, likin' the hats.

Renet: And, Donatello, your staff has a mystical seal of protection. You'll need these weapons, Turtle Warriors, because we have to find the next monster before Savanti Romero does. And that monster is none other than Dracula!

both: Huh?

Renet: Lord of the Vampires.

[Theme song]

[In the fog, a group of knights are running.]

Knight: Flee this accursed place!

Knight: There's no way out!

[Werewolves begin to surround the knight. panicked be backed away from the wolves.]

Knight: No, no, no! Help me!

[The turtles rush him and past the wolf, defeating the wolves.]

Knight: It is werewolves!

[The knight runs away.]

Leo: Renet, can't you use the Scepter to levitate us or something?

Renet: It's running low on power. I have to conserve!

[They run as Leo kicks a wolf. Donnie tries to whack it while Mikey is trying to get the wolf off of him.]

Mikey: Off of me, Fluffy!

[He pulled it with his crossbow, shoots it and then brought the tree down on the wolf. Raph leaped onto the roof and came face to face with a humanoid wolf. The pack started to chase Raph until he trips. He realized the wolves were gone. He gets up until something lurks behind and attacks him. The wolves started to surround the teens,]

Leo: A werewolf? Holy creature double feature! I thought we were supposed to be taking on Dracula.

Mikey: We gotta use silver! That's what they used in The Growling!

[A light forms and the wolves begin to run away.]

Donnie: Look! Light's as good as silver!

Leo: Oh, no. Where's Raph? Raphael!

[The group finds Raph lying on the ground.]

All: Raph!

Donnie: What happened to you, bro?

Raph: [opening his eyes] I don't know. I feel woozy.

[Donnie and Leo began to cary Raph.]

Leo: Come on, team. We gotta find Dracula before Savanti does. And stake him through the heart.

[Later, the turtles and Renet arrive at the village.]

Donnie: What happened here? The whole village is abandoned.

[A carriage arrives. startling MIkey. Inside appears to be a man but his clothes are hard to see.]

Dracula: My friends, do not remain here. This town was consumed by the plague. I recommend going east.

Raph: That voice...

Renet: Thank you, sir, but we're going west, to Dracula's castle.

Dracula: Do not be foolish, child. That way lies death.

Raph: Yes. Yes, we should go east.

[The carriage leaves.]

Raph: Not... Not feeling so-[Vomit]

[He collapses, much to everyone's concern..]

Renet: Raphael? He's sick.

Raph: Ya think?

[Renet checked his illness but it glowed white.]

Renet: Hmm. That's weird. The Scepter can't diagnose it, but it says someone's nearby. Someone who emanates kindness and compassion. Maybe they can help.

[They leave. Later, they meet a man and a woman cooking potatoes.]

Renet: Um, excuse us?

[The man and woman stood up, startled to see the turtles.]

Vulko: Wha... What monsters are these?

Leo: Great disguises, Renet. We blend right in.

Renet: Please, sir, put away your blade. These are friendly goblins from the far realms. They are my guardians.

[Mikey sets Raph down, Vulko's daughter begins to approach him.]

Vulko: Esmeralda!

Esmeralda: Poor, adorable creature! Father, this one is not well.

Vulko: We must take care of ourselves first, Esmeralda.

Renet: Will this help you, kind sir?

[Renet holds up four coins.]

Vulko: So much gold! I thank you, strangers. My name is Vulko, and this is my daughter, Esmeralda. We are travelers, looking for work.

Renet: I am Renet, and these are the Ninja Tur… err, goblins. They're goblins.

Vulko: Come, my new friends. Let us hurry. We must reach our village before nightfall.

Donnie: Wow. What is that gadget, Renet?

Renet: It's a Chronus Wallet. It can produce money from any time period.

Donnie: Whoa! Future tech is so rad!

[Later, they took a ride on the carriage.]

Vulko: We must all be wary. Transylvania has become very dangerous over the years. A great evil has come upon this land.

[Esmerelda is checking Raph's condition on his eyes and then the bite mark on his neck.]

Esmeralda: His paleness, his eyes, the marks on his neck! He's been bitten by the evil one!

Vulko: What? He turns into a vampire? And the sun is soon to set!

Leo: Is there anything we can do, Vulko?

Vulko: Perhaps, but first and foremost, he must not bite anyone, or he will become a full vampire!

Mikey: Oh, snap!

[Meanwhile at Dracula's castle, Sanvanti enters along with the mummy king.]

Savanti: Count Dracula!

Dracula: So after all these years, diavol has come for me?

Savanti: Yes, Drac, that's exactly who I am. And if you do not obey me, I will take you back to the Netherworld, now and forever.

Dracula: Never! No one commands Vlad Dracula, not even you. [hisses.]

[Savanti shines his light at Dracula's face]

Savanti: Ultraviolet light should be especially painful for you, vampire.

Dracula: Stop! Release me from your power, demon!

Savanti: Then you will obey me, Dracula. I am your master now.

Leo: All right, we roll in and stake Dracula. Let's just hope Savanti hasn't made it there yet.

Donnie: We're gonna lose Raph if this keeps up. Can't you take us back in time to before he was bitten?

Renet: There's only one time-travel charge left on the Scepter. We need it to get us all home to the future.

[Donnie notices the necklace aroudn Vulko's neck.]

Vulko: My necklace of wolfsbane keeps both vampires and werewolves away from me.

Mikey: You got another one of those for me?

Vulko: No.

[Mikey moans. Raph slowly wakes up as his teeth start to form into fangs. He slowly gets up and suddenly, the carriage stops when they hear Mikey scream. Esmeralda puts a garlic necklace on Raph and he passes out.]

Esmeralda: The neophyte vampire is not fully a vampire yet!

Mikey: He's like a vampirette?

Esmeralda: The garlic will keep him docile, for now.

[They were being followed by a monster carriage, being rode by a pumpkin monster]

Vulko: Hang on!

[They start to go faster as they avoid the edge of the cliff. The headless man throws his pumpkin head at the carriage, making them fall at the edge of the cliff. They get out.]

Renet: Is everyone okay?

Donnie: My bruises have bruises.

Esmeralda: Where is my father?

Mikey: Hey, he's gone.

Leo: Look! His wolfsbane.

Donnie: Look! The wolves must have carried him off.

Esmeralda: Oh, no. Father.

Dracula: What is that magic?

[Meanwhile in Dracula's castle]

Savanti: This "magic" tracks my enemies, Count Dracula. They are too close. But if I can recruit a werewolf to my cause....

[Outside, the turtles, Renet and Emeralda head to the castle.]

Leo: The tracks curve back to another part of the castle.

[Mikey screams as the bats fly at him. They look inside the carrier but no one is here. Suddenly a massive wolf appeared on the carrage.]

Renet: Oh, no. Not him again!

[Renet started to run away from the wolf as the turtles restrained the werebeast. Mikey prepares to shoot it with the crossbow.]

Esmeralda: Don't hurt him! That werewolf, it's....

Leo: It's Vulko! Your father!

Both: Huh?

Leo: Why didn't you tell us?

Mikey: I need a silver coin from your future wallet, Renet. Quick!

Renet: No problemo, daddy-o! [pulls out the coin]

Mikey: Take your silver chill pill!

[She throws the coin into his mouth. The wolf growls and transforms back into a human.]

Esmeralda: Papa, Papa, you're back!

Vulko: Where... where am I?

Esmeralda: Oh, thank you, my friends. You are very wise, Michelangelo. Silver can harm a werewolf or cure one.

Mikey: That's right! According to ancient lore and the movie I saw. Booyakasha-na-na-na-nah!

[Bats burst through and Dracula held the girl around the neck.]

Dracula: Good evening, my dear.

Donnie: Man, I hope this symbol of protection thing is good for something!

Dracula: You have to have faith for that to work on me, goblin!

[He opens his mouth and prepares to suck her blood until Vulko stabs him with a wooden stick. Leo takes the shot until Raph grabs it with his mouth. He is transformed into a vampire. They both retreat to the castle;]

Leo: Raphael!

[Leo and the others enter inside the castle.]

Donnie: He must be downstairs in the crypt!

Mikey: Um , crypt?

[They enter inside the crypt, candles lit up as Savanti towers above them.]

Savanti: So glad you could join us.

Renet: Savanti. Give it up. Your plan is never gonna work! It's over. Finished!

Savanti: Finished, am I? Indeed, almost finished with my preparations to destroy the future as you know it! Meet my allies!

[The monsters begin to attack while the others end up in the basement. Renet begins to use her powers to attack. Below, the turtles get up as Dracula and Vampire Raph comfort them.]

Vampire Raph: Give me Michelangelo! I "vant" to suck his blood!

Mikey: AAH! No one's suckin' me, no way, no how!

Dracula: You tried to destroy me, green demons! Now you will suffer!

[He attacks Leo and Mikey shoots the vampire prince but the vampire dodged and knocked Mikey. Donnie attacks.]

Dracula: Too slow.

[Donnie gets thrown aside.]

Vampire Raph: Join us, Michelangelo! Join us and drink deep!

[Mikey ends up at another dungeon filled with skeletons. He freaks out as Raph appears. Mist begin to form in the crypt. ]

Donnie:: I gotta try this "faith" thing. I gotta believe in this! The way I believe in my brothers!

[Dracula pins him down and Donnie begins to use the staff to back the vampire away.]

Vampire Raph: Now you will be enslaved to the master!

[Donnie backs Raph away using the staff.]

Donnie: Alright!

[Meanwhile, the two humans are hiding from the mummy. Suddenly, Vulko was lifted.]

Esmeralda: Father!

[She tries to save him but the mummbt king blast her away.]

Vulko: Esmeralda, no! No! No, no!

[The mummy began to grab him inside and took out the coin. Vulko turns into a werewolf once more.]

Esmeralda: Father!

[The werebeast started to attack the turtles.]

Savanti: Fools! I have who I came for, and more. Let us go, my monsters!

[The turtles went back up. Meanwhile, Renet started to fire at Savanti but he pushed her aside.]

Leo: No!

[They tried to get them but they disappeared.]

Mikey: Don't... He... he took Raph!

Esmeralda: And my father. What will become of him?

Leo: We gotta follow!

Renet: This'll completely depower my staff, but we've gotta stop Savanti, for good!

[She opens the portal.]

Mikey: Don't worry, Esmeralda. We'll save your dad.

Donnie: Yeah, no matter what.

Esmeralda: Oh, thank you, strange goblins. Please, please hurry. Bring him back to me.

[Later they arrived in the year 1818.]

Leo: All right, Renet. Where are we now?

Renet: We're in Germany, in the year 1818, and that, turtle companions, is Frankenstein's castle.
