
The Book of Splinter is the fourth and final story in Black, White & Green #4.

Appearing in The Book of Splinter[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects & vehicles[]


Inside the Technodrome, an advanced robotic Foot Ninja, called Foot-Brain, kneels before Shredder. Foot-Brain holds a chain attached to a hover skiff, and seated on that device are April O'Neil and Splinter, both bound. Shredder chides the robot, telling it that it must not fail him and its hybrid brainalizer mind must lead the Foot to glory. Foot-Brain explains that its Turtle predictive program has stalled at 96%. It recommends uploading the data found in Splinter’s book. Shredder calls the book rat trash, but Foot-Brain says it may contain secret locations and it is curious as to what harm can be done.

Shredder shouts down the robot, telling Foot-Brain that he forbids failure. He orders Foot-Brain to destroy the book, upload the location for the portal when it is found and then execute the prisoners. Shredder says this is its final test. However, Foot-Brain institutes a command override and, holding up the book, begins rerunning predictive visualization.

Foot-Brain sees everything. The loss of the woman brings her friends grief. The loss of their master wounds them further, destabilizing their ranks. We see Leonardo and Raphael, facing off in battle against each other. Foot-Brain predicts that the Turtle clan dissolves and that individual Turtles scatter to become ronin. The visualization stalls at this point and Foot-Brain predicts its father’s attack will fail. It overrides the program and then trains its mind on the Book of Splinter. It begins uploading Splinter’s writings.

Cut to April O'Neil's Farm. Foot-Brain predicts the Turtles will reunite there and their training will resume under the sun. The ninja are brothers once more. The Turtles will use their weapons as tools for the original agricultural use and their true strength. The Turtles celebrate the firefly festival of Splinter’s youth and the Turtles’ spirits rise.

Flying back to Shredder on its hover skiff, Foot-Brain tells its master that he will not find the glory he seeks in this attack. Shredder asks if it has read from the book and Foot-Brain answers in the affirmative. Shredder then asks if it no longer wishes to seize glory for the Foot, but Foot-Brain says it wishes only to seek honor. Shredder muses that some students must fail their test to discover the true lesson. Foot-Brain stutters at the concept of failure. With another command override, Foot-Brain tosses aside the book and draws its sword. As it advances on April, it shouts that Shredder did not program it to fail. Before it can strike, Shredder slices off the robot’s head.

It is then revealed that “Shredder” is Splinter. He considers this a failure of the teacher and wonders if the book could fail his boys someday as well. April grabs the Foot-Brain’s head and plugs computer cords into it, though Splinter tells her not to because that will lead the Foot right to the boys and they aren’t ready. April tells him there’s no time. They have to brainalize that portal open now because Shredder is coming. She says that Splinter will have to believe that the Turtles are ready because they are his students, his sons.

The portal activates and locks on to open just as Shredder arrives with his Foot Ninja. Shredder shouts that death comes for the rat. Standing with Splinter, April says that Splinter’s sons are 100% going to kick the Foot Clan’s butt, because they are the - - A voice comes out of the portal screen to ask if someone ordered a stylish rescue.

All four Turtles leap into the Technodrome, their weapons at the ready. April finishes her sentence - - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

See also[]
