[Opening sequence and theme song.]
[Episode opens in front of the Research Development Plant building. A transport module drills up through the ground and Bebop and Rocksteady get out.]
Rocksteady "This must be the place."
Bebop "What does the sign say?"
Rocksteady "How should I know? Let's go bust in and find out."
[Bebop is on his comlink communicating with Shredder.]
Bebop "Okay, boss, we're inside the plant. Now what?"
[Shift to the Technodrome. It is teetering on the edge of a cliff that juts out over a lake of lava.]
Shredder "Get those energy modules, you bug-brained baboon. And hurry! We're almost out of power."
Rocksteady "Come on! This'll be a piece of cake. Whoa!"
[His foot is caught in a rope trap set by Raphael, who pulls him up and suspends Rocksteady from an overhead beam.]
Raphael "Right, upside down cake."
Bebop "The turtles."
Michelangelo "Correctamundo, pork puss."
Bebop "Hey, how'd you know we was gonna hit this place?"
Leonardo "Simple. It's the only power plant in town that you haven't hit yet."
[April pops out from a hiding spot overlooking the scene. She has her portable camera.]
April O'Neil "There's nothing like exclusive footage to brighten a reporter's day."
Donatello "Pack it in, chump. You haven't got a prayer."
Bebop "Aw, you wouldn't hurt a guy, would you?"
Rocksteady "Maybe he wouldn't, but I would."
[Rocksteady frees his foot and jumps down to kick Donatello. Bebop shoves Leonardo.]
Bebop "Out of my way, shell backs!"
Rocksteady "Yo, Bebop! Wait for me."
Michelangelo "Are you okay, dude?"
Donatello "Oh, never mind me. Let's get those muscle-bound mutants."
Leonardo "Turtles fight with honor!"
Raphael "What if I just fight with this stuff?"
[He opens an overhead spigot and dumps gunk on the floor. The mutant pair run onto it and their feet get stuck.]
Bebop "Ugh!"
Rocksteady "Hey! I can't move!"
Bebop "This stuff's like chewing gum."
[Back at the Technodrome...]
Krang "Shredder, get the boys on the comlink."
Shredder "I'm trying! But I'm losing the signal. Blast! We're out of power."
Krang "Really? And I thought you'd just forgotten to pay the electric bill."
[The turtles surround the pair of mutants.]
Leonardo "Okay, what are you two up to this time?"
Rocksteady "Cram it in your shell, wimp."
[He throws a knife at Leonardo, who ducks. The knife flies straight for a control panel.]
Leonardo "Smart answer, but dumb move."
[The knife hits a lever and turns on an overhead winch, which has a rope and hook attached to it. It rolls towards Bebop and Rocksteady.]
Turtles "Whoa! Look out! Oh!"
Rocksteady "Grab on, Bebop."
Bebop "I got it!"
Michelangelo "Whoa, stretch city."
Donatello "Quick. Grab them before—"
[The rope snaps. The two mutants hit an exterior wall and break through it.]
Raphael "You were saying?"
[Bebop and Rocksteady hit the transport module and bounce off onto the ground.]
Bebop "Come on. Let's blow this joint."
Leonardo "They're getting away!"
Donatello "Uh, wrong tense-- they got away."
Michelangelo "Hey, amigos, at least we stopped them from consummating whatever nefarious scheme they were attempting."
Raphael "Well, this was bound to happen ever since we hooked up to that educational TV station."
April "I'd love to stay and chat, guys, but I've got to do a story on the security program at Fort Charles."
Donatello "Fort Charles? That's the new military supercomputer installation."
April "Uh-huh. They're storing some top-secret energy source there."
Donatello "Call me crazy, but I think there's a pattern here. Every plant those bozos have tried to break into has been doing energy research."
Michelangelo "No duh. They're after power for the Technodrome in every episode."
Donatello "Right, but I think their situation is getting worse."
Leonardo "You're right. This time they didn't even have their stun lasers."
Donatello "I bet they don't have enough energy left to power them."
Raphael "So what does all this mean?"
Donatello "It means that Fort Charles could be a target."
Leonardo "And April is on her way there."
[It is dark inside the Technodrome. Bebop and Rocksteady are pounding on a door.]
Rocksteady "Come on, somebody open this thing!"
Bebop "Hey, why are the lights out?"
Rocksteady "Maybe it's a surprise party."
[Shredder steps out of a room. He is carrying a candelabrum.]
Rocksteady "Yeow, it's Frankula!"
Bebop "No way. It's Dracenstein."
Shredder "It's me, you idiots."
Rocksteady "Oh, hi, boss."
Bebop "Uh, boss, how come it's so dark in here?"
Shredder "Because we're out of power, remember? That's why I sent you to get those energy modules. Did you get them?"
Bebop "Well, uh, more or less."
Shredder "More or less?"
Rocksteady "Um, actually less."
Bebop "Actually, a lot less."
Shredder "Oh, you blithering blisterbrains! I ought to-- whoa!"
[All three shout as the Technodrome shakes. It is starting to slide off the ledge.]
Rocksteady "We're falling!"
Krang "Shredder, the ledge we're on is starting to crumble."
Shredder "Really. You don't say."
Krang "We have no power for the refrigeration units. If we fall into the lava, our goose will be cooked."
Shredder "We've got to find an energy source immediately!"
[Cut to April, delivering her news report from Fort Charles.]
April "This is April O'Neil, live from Fort Charles-- the army's newest high-tech storage center. This is probably the most heavily fortified place on the face of the Earth,
guarded by laser cannons, force fields, and robotic soldier drones, and all of it controlled by a single piece of equipment—CY-CLOMPS, the most sophisticated computer ever built."
[The turtles and Splinter are in the lair, watching her report.]
guarded by laser cannons, force fields, and robotic soldier drones, and all of it controlled by a single piece of equipment—CY-CLOMPS, the most sophisticated computer ever built."
Michelangelo "Whoa, looks like mondo maximo security to me."
Donatello "Let's hope it's enough to keep Shredder and his creeps from trying to get that energy source."
April "All this security is to protect what's inside this airtight vault-- the only trilithium crystal in existence and the most powerful energy source known to man."
[The occupants of the Technodrome are also watching her broadcast.]
Shredder "Trilithium. That's what we need."
Krang "Are you out of your skull?"
Shredder "Ha ha! Look who's talking."
Krang "Oh, very funny. Even if we could get past those defenses, the crystal is highly unstable. It could blow us all to atoms."
Shredder "Very true. But I want the turtles to think we're stealing the crystal while we get the energy to repower the Technodrome elsewhere."
Krang "You're using up what little power we have left."
Shredder "It will be worth it. Trust me."
Krang "Trust me. I've heard that before."
CY-CLOMPS "External signal detected. Password override accepted. New programming input acknowledged."
Krang "What are you doing?"
Shredder "Reprogramming CY-CLOMPS by remote control."
Rocksteady "Hey, boss, what's going on? Whoa! Oof!"
[The lights all go out. Bebop enters the room, carrying a camp lantern.]
Bebop "Hey, Rocksteady, where did you-- oh, there you are."
Shredder "Get off me, you horn-headed klutz!"
Rocksteady "Sorry, boss."
Krang "Well, I hope you're satisfied, Shredder. Now we're completely out of power."
Shredder "Yes, but not for long."
CY-CLOMPS "Attention, combat drones. Prepare to input new programming immediately."
[The drones stop their work and begin following new instructions. One of them grabs a scientist and stuffs him into a cart.]
Scientist "Hey, where are you taking me? Stop! Where are you taking me? Hey! Hey!"
[A soldier walking through a corridor suddenly encounters a security field.]
Soldier "What in the heck? Aah!"
April "This is very unusual, ladies and gentlemen. It appears as if the robot drones are clearing the fort of every living person.
Oh! This is April O'Neil being signed off."
[A drone picks her up while another opens the vault. The drone tosses her inside and they close the vault door.]
Oh! This is April O'Neil being signed off."
[A drone shuts off the news camera.]
Donatello "I knew it. Shredder has reprogrammed that army computer."
Leonardo "And April's trapped in that airtight vault!"
Donatello "If it isn't opened soon, she'll suffocate."
[The turtles race through the sewers on their cheapskates.]
Leonardo "Pour it on, guys. We've got to rescue April before her air runs out."
Raphael "How come we can't ever have a nice leisurely emergency?"
[A battle wages outside of the Fort. Standing next to the Channel 6 news van, Vernon reports on the scene.]
Vernon "This is Vernon Fenwick for Channel 6 news, reporting from Fort Charles live. The situation here appears hopeless. The army's own weapons have turned against them. Despite the personal danger, Channel 6's coverage of this crisis will continue.
Aah! After these messages."
[A laser blast hits the ground near him.]
Aah! After these messages."
[It is all being watched from inside the Technodrome. Bebop and Rocksteady are pedaling bikes which are hooked up to a power module.]
Shredder "Pedal faster. The screen's going dark."
Rocksteady "This is the story of my life; pedaling like crazy and not going nowhere."
Shredder "My plan is working perfectly. The turtles should be there soon. All right, you can stop pedaling now."
Bebop "I'm glad they ain't watching some miniseries."
Shredder "Now do you appreciate the brilliance of my plan?"
Krang "Oh, it's not bad for a pea-brained human, but where do you intend to get the power supply?"
Shredder "From the Malyk missile plant."
Krang "With those pesky turtles busy at the fort, even your idiotic mutants should have no trouble stealing the power packs."
Shredder "Why is it whenever they make a mistake, they're my idiotic mutants?
Get to that missile plant."
[He signals to his mutants.]
Get to that missile plant."
[The Technodrome shifts again.]
All "Whoa! Ah!"
Shredder "Oh, get off me, you klutzes. And get to the surface before it's too late."
[The turtles climb up into the Fort.]
Leonardo "I can't believe they left the sewer line to this place unguarded."
Raphael "Hey, that's military intelligence for you."
Donatello "This won't be so hard after all.
Well, maybe a little hard."
[Laser guns shoot at them.]
Well, maybe a little hard."
Leonardo "That camera is targeting us for those lasers! We've got to shut it down!"
Michelangelo "Leave it to yours truly, bud."
[He tosses a line onto an overhead pipe and pulls it down. The room fills with smoke.]
Raphael "Swell. Another dozen death-dealing traps like this and we'll be done for the day."
Leonardo "Then we’d better get going."
[Outside, Vernon continues to report.]
Vernon "Still no word on the condition of April O'Neil, who's imprisoned inside the vault. Officials warn us the air won't last more than another hour. But never fear, if Miss O'Neil should expire I shall carry on in her place,
and at a raise in salary."
[he covers the mic]
and at a raise in salary."
[At the nearby missile plant, a transport module drills up into a fountain.]
Rocksteady "We're at the missile plant."
Bebop "No, we ain't. We're in front of the fountain in front of the missile plant."
Rocksteady "Ah, close enough.
Yeah, boss?"
[His comlink beeps.]
Yeah, boss?"
Shredder "Hurry up and get those power packs."
Rocksteady "We're on our way."
[Workers run and scream as the pair enter a control room.]
Rocksteady "Don't you just love this part?"
[Inside the Fort, the turtles follow April’s turtlecom signal.]
April "Turtles, please hurry."
Leonardo "This way, guys."
[Donatello opens a door and immediately slams it when he sees a drone.]
Donatello "Maybe we should try another room, huh, guys?
Now I know how a highway feels."
[The drone breaks down the door, which lands on Donatello, and then the drone rolls over him.]
Now I know how a highway feels."
Drone "Prepare to be terminated."
Michelangelo "The digital dude means business, amigos."
Raphael "My horoscope said I should settle all unfinished business."
Donatello "Try interfacing with this, chrome dome.
I think that was a bad idea."
[He hits it with his bō, but that only shakes up the turtle. The drone turns its lasers on him.]
I think that was a bad idea."
Leonardo "Quick, into the ventilation shafts!"
Michelangelo "Bodacious notion, dude, before we get ventilated."
Leonardo "Hurry, let's move it!"
Donatello "Whew, that was close."
Michelangelo "Primo idea, Leonardo. We won't run in to any drones here."
[Something starts firing lasers at them from inside the shaft.]
All "Yiii! Unh!"
Donatello "Some kind of robot raft."
Leonardo "Oh, there's only one. Let's keep moving."
Michelangelo "Hurry up, Raphael."
Raphael "Hey, I'm a tortoise, not a hare, okay?"
Leonardo "Uh-oh. There's another one."
April "Come in, turtles. Please hurry. Not much air left."
Donatello "Look out!"
Leonardo "We'll get out this way.
Follow me."
[He cuts an opening in the air shaft.]
Follow me."
[They jump down on top of an elevator.]
Donatello "Now, don't you kids at home try this. We're trained professionals."
Leonardo "The signal is stronger.
We must be on the right floor."
[They hop down into the car.]
We must be on the right floor."
[He pries open the doors.]
April "Please, hurry."
Raphael "Fifth floor, killer robots and trilithium crystals."
[Shift to the missile plant. The two mutants load power packs onto a hand cart. Nearby, the workers are all tied up.]
Bebop "Ha ha ha! This is working like a charm."
Rocksteady "Yeah. It's nice to be able to commit a crime without them turtles around."
Vernon "You folks out there just think of me as the kind of reporter who's willing to get a story no matter what the danger.
Nooo! This is Vernon Fenwick Signing off."
[A laser hits the van.]
Nooo! This is Vernon Fenwick Signing off."
Leonardo "We're not far now."
Raphael "Hang on, April, we're coming!
That'll clear your sinuses."
[He runs into a force shield and is shocked.]
That'll clear your sinuses."
Donatello "Are you all right, Raphael?"
Raphael "Yeah, but I'm afraid that's only temporary. Look!"
[Drones flood into the corridors all around them.]
Donatello "More killer drones."
Raphael "And I don't think they're here to sell us vacuum cleaners."
Michelangelo "Total bummer, dudes."
Leonardo "I've got a plan. When I say duck—"
Michelangelo "We quack?"
Leonardo "We duck!"
[They all hit the floor just as the drones fire. The laser blasts destroy the drones.]
Michelangelo "Primo idea, Leonardo."
Donatello "More drones! I've got an idea. Follow me."
Michelangelo "So, like, where are we headed?"
Donatello "To the restroom!"
Raphael "You really should have taken care of that before we left home, Donatello."
Michelangelo "You notice how they're never around when you really need one."
Donatello "At last, we found one. No time to explain. Just grab a mirror."
Leonardo "Mirrors. I get it!"
Michelangelo "Mondo brainstorm, Donatello."
Donatello "Here they come. Get ready."
[The drones’ laser blasts hit the mirrors and bounce off, destroying the drones.]
Michelangelo "Turtles, four. Robots, zippo."
Leonardo "There'll be more. We've got to shut down the computer that's controlling them."
Michelangelo "How are we going to do that without getting wasted by these drones?"
Donatello "I always say if you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em."
[He pulls on some of the drone armor. At the plant, Rocksteady’s comlink beeps.]
Rocksteady "Rocksteady here. Is that you, boss?"
Shredder "No, it's the tooth fairy."
Bebop "Hey, let me talk to that crook. I left my little baby tusk under my pillow and didn't get nothing."
Shredder "Hurry and get those power packs back here. When the turtles realize we're not after the trilithium crystal, they'll come for you."
Rocksteady "We can handle them, boss."
Shredder "You never have before.
Oh, I can't stand just sitting here in the dark, not knowing what's happening!"
[Shredder shouts as the Technodrome rocks on the ledge.]
Oh, I can't stand just sitting here in the dark, not knowing what's happening!"
Krang "That's because you're usually sitting in the light, not knowing what's happening."
Shredder "If only there were some way to get enough power to run the monitor screens. Oh, Krang, how would you feel about a little exercise?"
[All of the turtles are dressing in drone armor.]
Michelangelo "This is like high-tech Halloween."
Donatello "This just might work. I'm hoping we can fool that supercomputer."
Raphael "Personally, I don't think we could fool a sundial."
Leonardo "Still, it's our only chance. Come on, April's time is running out."
Raphael "Just in case, how do you say "I surrender" in computerese?"
[Krang’s android body is on one of the bikes, powering up the monitor screen.]
Krang "This better work, Shredder! Never let them see you sweat."
Shredder "Faster, Krang. Feel the burn. Wait a minute-- I'm getting something. There.
Oh, no, it can't be!"
[He sees the turtles walking through the Fort’s corridors.]
Oh, no, it can't be!"
Krang "Great. The turtles are still alive."
Shredder "Not for long. They're headed for the CY-CLOMPS's chamber. The computer will recognize them instantly."
[Part of Michelangelo’s disguise starts to fall off. He grabs and replaces it.]
Michelangelo "Oops. I wonder if they make robot suspenders."
[Raphael bumps into something and his helmet falls off.]
Raphael "What a time to lose face."
Leonardo "Can you get close enough to CY-CLOMPS to pull the plug?"
Donatello "I'll try.
Ow, that smarts!
Uh-oh. Bad move."
[A tiny laser hits him.]
Ow, that smarts!
[He takes off his helmet to rub his head.]
Uh-oh. Bad move."
CY-CLOMPS "Intruder alert. Intruder alert."
Leonardo "Shut it down, Donatello. We'll buy you the time."
Raphael "Have you two ever met face-to-face?"
[He slams two drones’ heads together. Donatello works on the CY-CLOMPS control panel.]
Donatello "If Shredder could get into this computer, how tough can it be?"
Michelangelo "Looks like they're canceling our time slot, dudes."
Donatello "Got it!"
Michelangelo "All right! Way to go, Donatello!"
Leonardo "CY-CLOMPS's deactivated, and that means-- April!"
[He opens the vault door.]
April "W-who is it?"
Michelangelo "The cavalry has arrived, ma'am."
April "The turtles. What took you guys so long?"
Raphael "Let that be a lesson, guys. Never keep a woman waiting."
Shredder "
I don't believe it. They shut down CY-CLOMPS."
[watching on the monitor]
I don't believe it. They shut down CY-CLOMPS."
Krang "Excellent. That means Fort Charles is defenseless, and the trilithium crystal is up for grabs."
Shredder "The trilithium is too unstable."
Krang "But we can't beat the price. Besides, your mutants are sure to fail."
Shredder "Oh, all right, all right. I'll go."
Krang "And don't come back without it!"
April "I'm all right now. Boy, does it feel good to breathe again."
Donatello "We better get out of here so the army can get that vault closed."
Michelangelo "Yeah, but I'm surprised Shredder hasn't come looking for the crystal."
[The ground shakes and a transport module drills up next to them.]
All "Oh, look out! Whoa! Ah!"
Raphael "You and your big mouth."
Shredder "Out of my way, turtles. I want that crystal."
[Michelangelo darts into the vault and grabs the crystal.]
Michelangelo "One more step, Shredder, and ka-boom goes the crystal."
Shredder "You're bluffing, turtle. You wouldn't destroy yourself and your friends just to stop me."
Michelangelo "Oh, yeah? Turtles don't know how to bluff. Windup, and the pitch!"
Shredder "No!"
Leonardo "
Right over the plate. Strike one!"
[catches it]
Right over the plate. Strike one!"
Shredder "Give me that crystal."
Leonardo "Strike two!"
[Throws the crystal to Donatello, who then tosses it to Raphael.]
Shredder "Stop, you fools. All this tossing is destabilizing the crystal's atomic structure."
Leonardo "
Really? Well, in that case, you can have it."
[catches it.]
Really? Well, in that case, you can have it."
[He throws it to Shredder.]
Shredder "Yiii!"
Leonardo "Strike three! You're out."
[Shredder throws the glowing crystal and dives into the module.]
Donatello "I just remembered; you only get three strikes."
[He bats the crystal back at the transport module. It lands in the power drive compartment.]
Leonardo "Come on! Let's get out of here before the crystal blows!"
Shredder "At least I got away. Let those turtles deal with the crystal.
[The crystal explodes.]
[The turtles and April run from the Fort, which is shaking from the explosion.]
All "Aah! Ohh! Whoa!"
April "Gosh, I wonder what that explosion did do to Shredder?"
Donatello "Nothing good, I hope."
[The transport module barrels into the Technodrome, drilling holes through walls until it comes to a stop.]
Krang "I see you came back with the trilithium crystal."
Shredder "The power is back on. But how?"
Rocksteady "Hi, boss. I told you to get them brakes fixed."
Krang "For once my mutants did something right."
Bebop "Yeah, boss. We brought back them power packs."
Rocksteady "Yeah, we got full power now."
Krang "And not a moment too soon. Prepare to start main thrusters."
[The Technodrome backs off the ledge and away from the lava. Inside the lair, the turtles and Splinter watch April’s newscast.]
Raphael "Well, it looks like Krang and Shredder lost another chance to power up the Technodrome."
Michelangelo "Yeah, if those zip heads ever get that thing running again, I'll eat this comic book."
April "We interrupt this program for a special bulletin. Two mutants have stolen missile power units from the Malyk missile plant."
Raphael "Oh, no."
Donatello "They did it again."
Raphael "Michelangelo, stay right there.
Bon appetit."
[He hands his brother a bottle of ketchup.]
Bon appetit."
[Michelangelo splashes some on his comic and takes a bite. Everyone laughs.]
[End Credits]