Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
WILD CARDS! As the unexpected events in Dimension X and Dimension Z play out for Michelangelo, Leonardo, and the Shredder, the Armageddon Game on Earth continues to spiral out of control for Donatello, Jennika, and Raphael! For both heroes and villains alike, the rules continue to change as new players are introduced to the Rat King's nefarious game for control of the world. And now the remainder of the Pantheon siblings are paying attention to the cataclysm their trickster brother has wrought. Will the immortal demigods remain on the sidelines, or will they be the next wild cards added to an already chaotic deck?! Writer Tom Waltz (TMNT: The Last Ronin) and artist Vincenzo Federici (Red Sonja) are your game masters as we kick off the second bombastic half of... TMNT: The Armageddon Game!
Appearing in #5[]
Major characters[]
- Baxter Stockman
- Cherubae
- Ch'rell
- Darkwater
- Leonardo
- Man Ray
- MetalKrang
- Noi Tai Dar
- Old Hob
- Oroku Saki
- Raphael
- Sally Pride
Minor characters[]
- Braunze (debut)
- Burne Thompson
- Cudley
- Four Winds
- Herman
- Impostor Turtles
- "Donatello"
- "Leonardo"
- "Michelangelo"
- "Raphael"
- Kara Lewis
- Kleve
- Krisa
- Luna Azul
- Michelangelo
- Montuoro
- Null
- Vernon Fenwick (debut) (death)
- Zodi
- Burnow Island
- Dimension Z
- New York City
Objects and vehicles[]
Burnow Island. General Krang, in his new Metalhead host, grapples with Colonel Ch'rell, who is inside his new Triceraton corpse power suit. Ch’rell tells Krang that he has never been a true leader of their people and never will be. Krang orders Ch’rell to cease his idiocy because he is risking their people’s rise to power on Earth.
Ch’rell throws Krang against a rocky cliffside and says that his fight is with the Triceraton whelp and her mutant allies. Ch’rell stomps on Krang, who responds with a laser blast that bowls Ch’rell over. Watching the fight, Corporal Montuoro asks what they should do, but Lieutenant Kleve says they should do exactly what they are doing... letting them fight.
As they continue to battle, Krang says that Ch’rell is shortsighted in that he would drag their people into military conflict over a single Triceraton brat when everything they need to rid the world of their enemies is on this island. He informs Ch’rell that he was sent to restore the Technodrome to power; to retrofit it for the purposes of mutating and enslaving the entirety of the human race. Krang then shouts out that he lied to his so-called allies in New York and that he did not bring their people the Earth to share this world, he brought them to create a new home, like the one destroyed in Dimension X.
As he prepares to fire, Krang says that he constructed the Technodrome to terraform this planet so that he can have a new Utrominon. He states that there is nothing the Rat King, Baxter Stockman, Null, nor the mutants can do to stop him. Ch’rell closes his eyes, ready to be blasted out of existence, and is surprised when he hears a shot but isn’t hit.
Ch’rell opens his eyes to see that Krang is the one who has been shot – by Kleve. Krang is shocked and calls them all fools after Kleve explains that when Krang didn’t come back, Ch’rell showed them a new way, a better way… a warrior’s way. Krang’s final words are to predict that Ch’rell’s way only leads to doom.
Ch’rell praises Kleve’s loyalty and spits on the fallen Krang. Ch’rell then tells his soldiers that they will continue their mission to destroy the Regenta and her friends and get on with their invasion.
Planet Hirobyl. Dimension Z. The bridge leading to Noi Tai Dar’s stronghold. Noi Tai Dar holds Cherubae by the throat as he faces Oroku Saki, Leonardo, and the Four Winds. Noi Tai Dar threatens to squeeze Cherubae’s throat tighter to prove they haven’t beaten him as he stands between the group and freedom. Leonardo throws several shuriken, which hit Noi Tai Dar’s arm, forcing him to drop Cherubae. She runs to the Four Winds, elated that they are free. Saki tells Cherubae to remain behind with the Four Winds while he and Leonardo clear their path.
On Earth, outside the Earth Protection Force Command Facility, the E.P.F. is gearing up for a fight. Darkwater’s Colonel Knight and Sergeant Winter look on, and Winter comments that it seems to him things are going from bad to worse. He questions Baxter Stockman’s call for martial law, but Knight says that it’s just in Mutant Town and that the Mayor thinks it’s the best way to quell the riots and smoke out the Turtle terrorists. Winter wants to know if the Colonel agrees with him and Knight says they aren’t getting a crapload of money to agree or disagree, but to protect Stockman.
On the other side of the yard, Director Braunze tells Stockman that his troops are ready and just waiting on his green light. Stockman says consider it lit and then enters his limo, telling Colonel Knight that they are leaving the fieldwork in Braunze’s hands and that it’s time for him to return to City Hall.
Back on Hirobyl, Noi Tai Dar says that he knows who they are and that his cousin has kept him apprised of the men and mutants who dare oppose her. Leonardo tells him he’s wrong, that she has never met him, and that it’s high time he introduces himself. He slashes Noi Tai Dar across the chest with his katana, but the demon hits and knocks him down. Noi Tai Dar asks if they actually think they can defeat him in his own dominion, but Saki attacks and says they aren’t there to defeat him, they intend to destroy him.
Cherubae and the Four Winds watch the fight. Azrael asks if they should help but Cherubae says it doesn’t look as though help is required. Leonardo dodges the demon’s fist and the kicks him in the back before punching his face. Saki then leaps and drives Noi Tai Dar to the ground, slamming him so hard he is unable to get back up. Saki then tells Leonardo to finish him.
Leonardo lifts his sword, but Noi Tai Dar begs for mercy. Leonardo hesitates, and then sheathes his sword, saying that Noi Tai Dar is already finished. Saki demands to know what know what he is doing, that mercy is not an option. That to become a true Master, Leonardo must be willing to make life-and-death decisions for himself and others, just as Saki always has and just as Leonardo’s father before.
Leonardo responds that he is not Saki. He then revokes the spell of Kuji-kiri and returns to his usual self. He then says that he is also not his father. Taking the defeated Noi Tai Dar in hand to march him back to the stronghold, Leonardo asks Cherubae to contact Cudley to let him know they’ll be ready to go.
Saki and Leonardo lock Noi Tai Dar into one of the cells where he had been holding the Four Winds. Since the feedings systems are all automated, he’ll stay locked up but won’t starve. Leonardo leaves the room, saying it’s time to head home. Noi Tai Dar notes that Saki doesn’t seem too happy and says he doesn’t blame him. He asks how Saki expects to master his enemies when he can’t even master his soldier? Saki tells him he is mistaken… Leonardo is not his soldier and he is not his Master – that Leonardo is his own and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool… himself included. The entire group then heads towards Cudley, who has arrived.
Outside of City Hall, Burne Thompson reports that the Mayor has returned under heightened security. Thompson says that are awaiting official word from the Mayor about his next steps, but with reports of the EPF mass-staging its troop and vehicles, it appears that Stockman is preparing to take the fight to the mutant terrorists.
Arriving at City Hall, Knight says that he’ll escort Stockman inside while Sergeant Winter secures the vehicle. Winter spots Detective Lewis, holding two cups of coffee, coming his direction and says that he’ll run a security check on the perimeter first before heading to the garage. Knight says that’s a good idea and that they’ll be in the Command Center when he’s finished. Winter then joins Lewis, where she hands him a coffee and suggests they talk.
In Mutant Town City Hall, Raphael is pacing as he tries to reach Donatello on the phone, but gets no answer. Behind him, Herman is asking Man Ray if the fake mutants were the ones they tangled with during Operation: Jersey Devil. Man Ray answers in the affirmative, and Sally says that at that time they were disguised as mutant wolves and had a lot more gear. Man Ray says their voices are how he recognized who they really are and suspected that their mutation devices were hidden under their bandanas, so he wasn’t shooting barbs at them to kill them, but to test his theory.
Man Ray then expresses a desire to rejoin the fight against the humans, but a period of self-reflection has made him realize his was wrong. As such, he will respect Sally’s wishes regarding his next step – whether it be back into the war or into his cage. Sally fires back that it was never her wish for him to be in that cage or that he would try to have her killed either. As upset as she is, she explains that she has to think of the rest of Mutant Town and not herself. Her wish is to stop the violence and Man Ray says that is fair and he’ll do his best. Old Hob says they are all a happy family again and ready to take on the nasty humans, but Sally tells him it’s not a fight against humans, but a fight for mutants – big difference.
Raph rejoins the group and tells them he can’t get through to Donnie or any of the others. He tells Hob he can’t help him right now, that he has to get to the lair.
At City Hall, Lewis and Winter are still talking. Winter agrees with her that a lot of the current situation isn’t passing his smell test and she asks about his boss. Winter says that he thinks Knight also has doubts, but he’s too hyperfocused on the big paycheck they’re getting and the chance for payback for what Hob did to his wife. He doubts that Knight will deviate from the job they were hired to do. Lewis then says that she saw Stockman schmoozing it up with Madame Null and Winter asks what about it – rich people hanging out with rich people isn’t weird. Lewis tells him maybe that’s not, but when two mad scientist with a history of mutant experimentation are hanging out, that’s not coincidental, especially when you toss mutant frauds into the mix. Winter says there’s definitely something off about the mutant terrorists and that they saw one turn human, but that inside sources said it was the smart one – Donatello - using some kind of holographic tech. Lewis guesses the inside sources supplying the info are anonymous and that its false flag 101 to plant that sort of info. She’s worried they’re about to set off a real war.
In a helicopter above the city, Channel 6’s Vernon Fenwick reports on the crazy traffic and the E.P.F. moving toward Mutant Town in full force, apparently loaded for bear. Meanwhile, Director Braunze orders his men to get the doors open and clear the entrance corridor of civilians because they don’t need unnecessary roadkill when they breach. He says to get Stockman on the phone to see if they can’t work things out peacefully before they have to get rough.
Vernon reports that whatever is happening can’t be good for Mutant Town and from his experience in the Middle East he can tell the military means business. His pilot tries to get his attention and a moment later their helicopter is blown to bits.
A Triceraton fighter passes through the falling debris of the helicopter and its pilot reports to Ch’rell that they have drawn first blood. Ch’rell orders that they continue to do so until the mutant slum is razed to the ground. Ch’rell’s own fighter hovers over the Turtle’s church lair and Raphael arrives just in time to see it. Braunze asks his ground command if the mutants are firing on civilians and they report that it’s aliens. The occupants in Mutant Town City Hall are shaken by the blasts from a number of fighters as the Utroms destroy Mutant Town. Hob tells Sally that she’d better do her mayor thing while the rest of them get to work. Braunze shouts for his troops to get the gate open – to forget about the mutants, they’ve got aliens to fight.
Stockman is watching the events unfold on his television and when Knight begins to tell him what’s happening from reports he’s receiving, Stockman says he can see it for himself. He tells his assistant to get Madame Null on the phone. Null herself is watching from her office and curses Krang, thinking he is the one not following their plan.
Raphael races towards the church, but Ch’rell fires and the church explodes. Just then, the Nova Posse spacecraft passes through a space portal to approach Earth and Commander Luna Azul tells Michelangelo that he must be excited to almost be home. He says he is, that it feels as though he’s been gone forever. They reach Mutant Town on Earth and Mikey sees what’s left of the church in flames and exclaims that they’re too late. Near the burning church, Raphael kneels on the grass and pounds the ground with his fists.
See also[]
- Colonel Wesley Knight incorrectly addresses Sergeant Alex Winter as "Sergeant Knight" as they are arriving at City Hall.