

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

As Shredder and Leonardo team up with Cudley the Trans-Dimensional Cowlick in order to seek out the help of the enigmatic Cherubae in Dimension Z, Michelangelo joins Commander Dask and his Neutrino warriors on a quest to locate the rebellious Nova Posse in Dimension X. Meanwhile, Raphael is forced to swallow his pride-and his hatred-as he hunts down the missing Old Hob in New York City. But even if they find them, will the TMNT's quarries be willing to join the battle against Rat King's latest deadly pawns-Baxter Stockman, General Krang, and Madame Null-who are already taking the fight to Donatello and Jennika in Mutant Town?

Appearing in #2[]

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One month ago at New York City Hall, Stockman gives Darkwater a heads-up about a rogue band of "Mutant turtles" that he insists have intent on assassinating him as well as are general terrorists. Knight is skeptical, saying that those methods don't fit the modus operandi of the Turtles they've encountered before, but Stockman insists that this intelligence is sound and tells them that the "interview" is actually a job interview. As the E.P.F., now under the command of Director Braunze, now have a more observe-and-contain directive, Stockman wants to hire them as his personal security detail, both from these Turtles and from Old Hob.

In present day, the white-masked Turtles have shown up and threatened Stockman's life in front of City Hall. The NYPD and Darkwater confront the Turtles, with Knight addressing the one holding a sai to Stockman's throat as Raphael. The Turtle, however, proclaims that he's Leonardo, confusing both Knight and Detective Lewis. Channel 6 reporters show up and Baxter says if they let him go they'll be free to return to Mutant Town; "Leonardo" strikes him in the back and says that he had better not be bluffing, then throws a smoke bomb and the Turtles vanish.

Knight begins to order the troopers to track the Turtles down, but Baxter calls them off, telling them he gave their word. Winter criticizes his choice, but Stockman says he didn't need them - or him- to be martyred on live TV. Lewis approaches Winter and relays her skepticism that the events that just unfolded were to be taken at face value. Although Winter obviously shares some of her deduction, he plays it off as her having likely taken too severe of an injury to the head.

In Dimension X, Leo, Mikey, Saki, Zak, and Kala arrive at the Blastorama Pleasuredome, a cantina that is a playground to most of the scourge in the dimension. The group goes to split up into two so that one can locate the Nova Posse and the other can find passage to Dimension Z. Suddenly, Princess Trib shows up, insisting on joining one of the parties.

Back on Earth, at Foot Headquarters, Koya and Natsu argue about the Turtles that attacked City Hall. Koya is convinced that wasn't the Splinter Clan, as half of them are off-world and that's not their fashion style. Natsu fires back that there's more than four now, and that was to "hide their identities". Karai shuts them both up because she is tired of their bickering, and also because she wanted to hear Thompson's report on the event.

North Brother Island. Hob and Lindsey are scouting for a new base/home with the weasels. Raph and Herman rise up out of the water, and Raph asks what they'd do once the humans find them, since they were able to do so, themselves.

Back at the Blastorama, Zak berates Princess Trib as their mission was supposed to remain unofficial, completely without royal involvement to avoid risking political damage. The Princess insists on staying, as the Neutrinos as an entire species owe thanks to the Turtles for their help before. Zak relents, as long as Trib will wear a cloak to disguise her identity.

They all head to the Smasharino Arena located within the Pleasuredome, where Kala pays for a tip to find someone to help them get to Dimension Z. They locate him, and Kala (once again) pays for their safe passage. He tells them that he has arranged for someone to come pick them up and that he can use the credits to repair his ship, but suddenly he catches sight of someone and thrusts the furry creature he was holding into Kala's arms and runs. He is chased by Commander Azul and Rave of the Nova Posse.

Azul radios the rest of the team and their quarry heads straight for Grotto and Exeen, waiting in the Freedom One. Azul fires, and the bullets pass right through him. Exeen throws her spear, which also does not hit and almost hits Rave. They were chasing a hologram, and by the time they realize it, the real guy was on a vessel and on his way out.

The Neutrino/Earthling party catches up with the Posse, and Azul and Zak greet one another. Azul tells them that the mark they were chasing was no "fellow traveler", but a wanted smuggler named Torbin Zixx, and among his contraband was the creature he gave to Kala. Zak then tells Azul that they were actually looking for the Posse, and as Krang and Ch'rell were causing trouble on Earth, and they were hoping the Posse could help. Azul recognizes the Turtles as the heroes of the "Krang War", but regretfully must decline to help since they still have a job to do there. Trib, however, offers to help catch Zixx so that they can be free to aid against the villainous Utroms. Trib removes the hood of the cloak, revealing her identity to the Posse and shocking them.

Just as if there wasn't enough to shock the groups present, Saki looks overhead and witnesses something massive and bizarre heading toward them. He tells Mike to remain with the Posse and Neutrinos while he and Leo left, as it seems their ride to Dimension Z has arrived...

...A massive floating cattle head who introduces himself as "Cudley the Trans-Dimensional Cowlick".

See also[]
