Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
The Armageddon Game #1 is the first issue of IDW Publishing's The Armageddon Game mini-series, which runs concurrently with the ongoing series.
The Armageddon Game Has Begun! Under the leadership of the Shredder, the TMNT begin a dangerous quest to seek out allies against Rat King's trio of terror: LeatherKrang, Baxter Stockman, and Madame Null. It's a mission that will see the Turtles spread out across New York City... and across multiple dimensions! But they better hurry, because their enemies are already on the march, and things are not looking good for Mutant Town while most of our heroes are away. Desperate measures, false flag attacks, mysterious new villains, and unexpected alliances... It all starts here in the premiere issue of the biggest TMNT event of the year!
Appearing in The Armageddon Game issue 1[]
Major characters[]
Minor characters[]
- Aka
- Doctor Barlow
- Angel Bridge
- Commander Dask
- Queen Gizzla
- Herman the Hermit Crab
- Casey Jones
- General Krang
- Kitsune
- Krisa
- Harold Lilja
- Mona Lisa
- Libby Meitner
- Madame Null
- April O'Neil
- Sally Pride
- Baxter Stockman
- Princess Trib
- King Zenter
- Zodi
Prologue. The Thin Places. Kitsune is in a deep sleep, watched over by her older sister Aka. She is soon joined by her diabolical brother, the Rat King. He quickly makes it clear that he knows about Kitsune’s cosmic excursion with Oroku Saki. When Aka asks if he has come to gloat, the Rat King answers to the contrary, stating he simply wishes them good luck in the game to come.
The Rat King tells Aka that it is the spirit of competition that drives him. Aka questions whether luck will be enough since they are already at a disadvantage because he’s clearly been spying on their little sister. The Rat King swiftly denies anything more than being aware that opening moves have been made. He tells her that as she well knows, he is chaotic, but no cheater.
The players in the game are introduced; The Pantheon, The Rat King, Oroku Saki, Baxter Stockman, General Krang, Madame Null and of course – The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Cut to the TMNT Church Lair, in the present. Saki addresses those who have gathered – The Splinter Clan, represented by the Turtles, and the Foot Clan, represented by Karai. Though Saki calls the lair neutral ground, Karai protests that description, but is told that by allowing her into their home, the Splinter Clan is showing her an act of faith.
Saki says that the apocalypse is upon them, and if they have any chance of stopping it, they must act now. Karai is under the impression that she was there to discuss some sort of game, not the apocalypse. Leonardo tells her that there isn’t time for a lot of questions, and that what she needs to know is that the Rat King has joined up with Krang, Stockman, and Null. They are kicking off something they are calling “The Armageddon Game”. Saki explains that they believe that the Rat King is the only member of the Pantheon actively participating in this new game.
Leonardo adds that beyond that, they don’t have a lot of solid intel other than New York City is just the start. The Rat King and his group have their sights set on taking over the world. Karai asks how they propose to counter such a formidable group of opponents. Leo tells her that they stop them by playing the Rat King’s game, that they fight fire with fire and turn the tables on him and his team. Raphael adds that this is how they beat the Rat King the last time.
Saki explains that he has acquired knowledge of certain elements who posed grave danger in the past to Rat King’s pawns. He says that their mission is to seek out these individuals in the hopes of bringing them in as allies. Karai questions the wording of “our” mission and Michelangelo explains that Saki means the Turtles and it is what they were training for in Northampton. Donatello adds that’s why they’re in the lair right now.
Donatello explains that he will teleport Leo, Mikey and Saki to Dimension X from here. Saki says that the rest of them will maintain security while they are gone, that Karai’s focus will be the city and the others will oversee Mutant Town.
When Karai asks how Saki acquired all of his knowledge and says that she sense Kitsune’s involvement in this, Saki responds that none of that matters at this point. He adds that Kitsune is currently indisposed. Turning to the turtles remaining behind, he tells them to share the full mission parameters with Karai and the others after his group has departed. It is imperative that they all work together.
In an undertone, he adds that they remember that the arcane forms he taught them in Northampton are inherently dangerous. Jennika acknowledges that they will go easy with the Kuji-Kiri.
Donatello establishes communication with the Planet Neutrino and says that they are a go to initiate teleportation from the coordinates he provided. Leo, Mikey and Saki are immediately teleported out of the lair. Don then turns to the others to let them know he’s going to finish setting up the redundant comm array and then start reaching out to April and the others. He asks if Karai, Raph and Jennika are good to go. After a moment of awkward silence, they respond in the affirmative.