

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Casey Jones has had a tough life. Mom dead from cancer when he was just a teen; father an abusive, drunken wreck; his best friends a bunch of mutant ninja turtles embroiled in a centuries-old clan war. Yeah, it's been a rough ride, and along the way, Casey's learned one important lesson: monsters come in all shapes and sizes. And they must all be stopped. Now, when the maniacal Rat King's latest gambit, the Armageddon Game, threatens those closest to his heart in their own home, Casey Jones dons his hockey mask and prepares for his most dangerous battle yet. But that's okay... He's not afraid of monsters.

Appearing in #2[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



While scarfing some pizza on a rooftop water tower, Casey sees a corgi sniffing around on the same rooftop. He jumps down and offers the hungry dog a share of the last slice if he promises to listen to him. Casey unloads all of his feelings and trauma, as well as basically talking the dog through his history - losing his Mrs. Jones to cancer, his father's turn to alcoholism and abusiveness and eventual death, his growing slightly astray from the Ninja Turtles, especially after they lost their father - and even more especially since Raph had been spending more time with Alopex. Then, Raph saw his apartment full of empty beer cans and they came to blows after Raph assumed Casey was following his father's path. Casey laments that even though they laughed it off after, he and Raph never really resolved their issue and they haven't even really spoken since.

Just as Casey begins to surmise his love life - including how even though they remained good friends after breaking up, he and April haven't really even spoken since she became Baxter's campaign manager and Mutant Town went up, and then he started feeling weird after seeing Jennika recently... but then the dog takes off on him mid-sentence. Casey says that "strays" like them need to stick together, but then he finds the dog - Scout - diving into an open window to his owners.

Casey gets a sudden call from Don, checking in on him to report anything weird. Casey wants to help somewhere inside Mutant Town, but Don says that he's best used outside the walls. Casey tries to enquire how Don is holding up, but he says he doesn't have the time to chat. Casey begins to feel dejected a second time in mere moments.

He suddenly hears some commotion, and looks down to the streets to see the Punk Frogs in an alley diving through dumpsters for food. Genghis is disgusted to see just old pizza again, with his comrades telling him that it might be all they get and to not turn his nose up at it. Casey hops the rooftops to keep an eye on them as they move, and they Frogs discuss the "Turtles" blowing up the TCRI building. Casey expresses his disbelief out loud, which Clyde hears, but the other Frogs think that he was imagining it.

Half of the Frogs express their hatred for the Turtles, while Genghis and Clyde recount their more positive interactions with Michelangelo and Donatello, respectively. Suddenly, Casey's phone beeps - he's gotten some texts from April's dad - and all of the Frogs are alerted to his presence this time. After being called out, Casey leaps from the roof and makes himself known. Casey and the Frogs fight, with the former telling them that they need to get back to Mutant Town. He also sticks up for the Turtles, saying they were very much not behind the terrorist attacks.

Suddenly, the Purple Dragons show up. Link, Malo, and Chun have picked up as co-leaders since Casey left - which he did because they started becoming a gang of anti-mutant bigots since the mutagen bomb detonation. Casey proposes a truce - temporarily, at least - with the Frogs since the Dragons pose a threat to both of them. The Dragon leadership tries to call out Casey for abandoning them, but he declares he was never one of them, and he and the Frogs attack.

The fighting ensues, with Casey and the Frogs mutually looking after each other in the fight. Malo taunts Casey and the Frogs, calling the latter freaks of nature and also making a sexist remark about Jennika, which causes Casey to respond with a hockey mask headbutt. Casey maligns the Dragons for their ways and says that he was only leading them as a favor to Splinter, hoping that they could shape up into a force of good, as he takes out the leadership in a fit of rage.

With the Dragons defeated, the Frogs and Casey part on good terms. Casey heads to O'Neils', where they ask him to carry a box upstairs, since John hurt his back trying. They tell him to open the box, and it's a bunch of sports gear that had been John's brother's and was just rotting away in storage. Their request was a hidden offer for a room when he felt he needed an inviting place and home-cooked meals.

After accepting the O'Neils' offer, he returns to the alleys and delivers some fresh tacos to the Frogs. The Frogs, although not completely convinced that the Turtles are as great as Casey professes, but they are willing to give them a chance since they thought Casey was rotten and he showed them otherwise that night.

The next night, Karai suddenly tracks down Casey. Casey expects a fight, but she's asking for his help. She describes how her father only cared for money, wielding the Foot Clan as a financial weapon. Her grandfather used fear and power to intimidate his opposition into fear. Ironically, Splinter embodied the closest to her path for the Foot Clan, by choosing honor despite occasional violence. Karai says that there has not been proper balance to the Foot Clan in centuries, but she seeks it currently, and wants Casey as an outside advisor, someone outside of the clan to provide a unique perspective. Karai's speech wins him over and he accepts.

See also[]
