

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.


The Rat King has been plotting behind the scenes of NYC and Mutant Town with his newly recruited trio of terror—LeatherKrang, Madame Null, and Baxter Stockman. As a result, his witch sister, Kitsune, and the Shredder have undertaken a desperate metaphysical journey seeking past weaknesses in order to counter the trickster god's latest deadly gambit. Now, with Krang out of the way, Shredder and Kitsune turn their attention to Madame Null and Baxter Stockman. But will the answers they seek be even more dangerous than the arcane quest to find them? As it was in the shocking first issue, enemies become allies and exciting new characters are debuted as longtime TMNT scribe Tom Waltz returns to the pages of IDW's ongoing series, alongside brilliant artist Fero Peniche, in this official prequel to the massive TMNT event of 2022…the Armageddon Game!

Appearing in Opening Moves #2[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Kitsune and Shredder visit Baxter Stockman's mayoral office in astral form, as he calls for his assistant, Zara. He asks her to track down the name of the paramilitary company that the Earth Protection Force had contracted. As Stockman pours himself a drink, Kitsune and Shredder enter his mind to find what he fears most.

A few months prior, Stockman had been at T.C.R.I., instructing Zara on operations for the facility during his mayoral duties. She reminds him that she had requested the holidays off and wouldn't be back until the first of the year, and Baxter grumbles about people taking off holidays while the "rest" continue to work. At that point, Old Hob waltzes in and mocks his response. Hob pulls a knife and makes his intentions to kill Stockman clear. Stockman brandishes a gun, asking how he even got in, and Hob tells him he used to sneak in and out of the facility all the time. Hob dodges Stockman's fire and pins him to the wall, ready to strike. Baxter taunts the mutant with his fall from grace back in Mutant Town, and Hob, even more angry than before, throws him into a vat, shattering it. Hob decides that since he's lost everything, so should Baxter. Having liberated Stockman's gun, he shoots the remaining vats, vowing to bring down Baxter's entire career and campaign, to the point where he only wishes he were dead.

Shredder and Kitsune leave Stockman and head to Null Industries, where Null herself has just dismissed Zodi and Krisa and is ready for bed. They enter her mind to flash back to several years ago on planet Hirobyl in Dimension Z. Null and her cousin, Noi Tai Dar, search for Cherubae and the Turnstone she carries. Cherubae meditates in a cave, attempting to telepathically reach out for help, but she is discovered by Noi Tai Dar's hunting beast, Verminator Z. The Verminator chases her, but as she's already injured, escape is difficult, and although she is able to level the beast with a blast, Noi Tai Dar's minion is able to catch her in an energy net. Fortunately, Cherubae's calls for help were answered, and she uses her savior's arrival as a distraction to free herself from the net, then jumps into his mouth to escape the dimension.

Shredder and Kitsune return home, but Kitsune says that between the Dragon summoning ritual and this undertaking, she needs to rest and recharge, and returns to her thin place. Saki wonders if he is worthy of redemption, but suddenly seeing Seri's escape pod crash down in Mutant Town, he takes it as a sign and proceeds.

Meanwhile, Rat King finds the starving and weak LeatherKrang in the alley where Shredder and Kitsune left them. He smells that Kitsune had been there, and is even more intrigued now that he thinks she is playing his "game". He then force-feeds Leatherhead a rat to boost their strength, and eats one, himself.

See also[]
